Nancy Wu Remains in Kenneth Ma’s Heart?

Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), JJ Jia (賈曉晨), and other cast members of Season of Love <戀愛季節> appeared in Tuen Mun to promote for the currently broadcast TVB drama. Although ex-lovers Kenneth and Nancy collaborated in the same drama, they did not portray a couple. Kenneth is paired with Myolie, while Nancy is paired with Oscar. However, is Nancy still the woman in Kenneth’s heart?

Earlier, Nancy implied in an interview that dating ex-boyfriend, Kenneth, negatively affected her image. She made remarks including “Kenneth has a good image, so I must be a bad woman?” Such comments led to a group of Kenneth’s fans verbally attacking Nancy. However, Nancy did not intend to destroy Kenneth’s image with her words. She just felt that she had to say these things she had in mind for a period of time.

During the event, the cast members each introduced their characters within the drama. Kenneth appears in many scenes, but he portrays a detective with a mysterious identity. While he made his introduction, Kenneth accidentally reported the wrong name. In one sentence, he had meant to indicate Myolie, but slipped out his ex-girlfriend’s name, Nancy, instead. Upon hearing his own mistake, Kenneth quickly corrected himself. His face was full of embarrassment. Even Myolie, who was standing right beside him, appeared stunned.

Kenneth Ma Responds to Rumors

The press asked Kenneth about recent rumors with Natalie Tong (唐詩詠). He replied, “It’s a gift from the magazines. Their writing makes me feel like I have three women waiting for me to choose from.” Who would he choose? “It’s not about who I choose, but rather if they will choose me. They’re all pretty, they’re all great! The rumors made my mom think it’s so easy to find a girlfriend within this industry.” Who does Kenneth’s mother prefer? “She didn’t tell me. My mom does not care about my love life as much as the media does.”


This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. I wouldn’t mind to learn that Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu are still a couple. Both of them are my favourite artistes.

    1. it seems kenneth ma has a lot of admirers lately.even carat cheung confess her love on stage for kenneth ma.

      1. who wouldn’t admire a diamond bachelor such as kenneth? agree. lately he has many admirers. natalie tong rumoured to hook with him, rebecca sounds jealous at him, eliza spends her time with him and carat confess her love at him.

      2. Better question, why would people want to admire a diamond bachelor like Kenneth? Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure he is a great person.

        But I don’t feel he has proven enough in terms of being an actor. Acting wise, he wasn’t as excellent as people made him ought to be in THC. He still hasn’t fixed his overly done expressions. Now why was he so well received in THC? It was his role. His character. 3 Kingdoms got mixed reviews. Half thought he was GREAT (Probably those who thought he was great in THC) and the other half ???!?!?! (Why is there so much hype about this guy?). Tiger Cubs was something fresh from him, still not an EXCELLENT performance to call him an EXCELLENT actor. Something about his facial expressions, it’s either overly done or blank. Then we have SSSS, I can’t even think of a word to describe his performance. Mediocre is already too much of a compliment. I haven’t watched Season of Love, maybe he improved even some more? Anyone?

        But one must admit, TVB has the magic to make ANYONE a lead in a series. I used to see Kenneth in extras and even small pitiful roles, never thought he had that lead aura, still don’t. Somehow, he’s managed to come this far after so many years. Is it his luck? Is it his acting ‘skills’? Or is it downright TVB has no one left in their company?

  2. Kenneth is so sweet. he must be slipping nancy’s name because he still cares for her although many pretty girls are competing for his love. too bad nancy hooked with the richer patt already. i wouldn’t mind if nancy come running back to kenneth if she failed with patt

  3. Are these really fans who attack Nancy or are they some delusional, sadistic, hallucinated people? Her comment was pretty logical sounding. If the media paints Kenneth for having a good image obviously there needs to be a bad to portray a good? I don’t blame her for asking herself, …so am I bad? You do need a good to have a bad and vice versa.

  4. It was an honest mistake and it’s not the first time Kenneth called Myolie something else. He once called her yeung yi instead of hang yee.

    1. I remember that show, it’s was pretty hilarious. MaMing can easily say ‘I love you’ to these ladies.

  5. Only thing that excites me is Myolie and Nancy are standing together~~

  6. Kenneth was probably thinking about Nancy at the event so her name slipped out of his mouth.

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