Kate Tsui’s Confession

Kate Tsui (徐子珊) used to believe that she would never be able to relate to the word “sexy,” but after joining the Hong Kong television industry, being sexy and confident were the only words that people ever described her to be. It was a pleasant surprise for the 33-year-old actress. For as long as she could remember, Kate dressed androgynously and enjoyed watching sports; even old friends described Kate as a tomboy. She is straightforward, honest, and open with others.
“What is sexy? Maybe it is because every woman has a fragile side,” said Kate. “In my eyes, Charlize Theron is the epitome of a sexy goddess. I like how she has her own lifestyle and attitude.” Charlize Theron inspired Kate to stick to her own style and disregard the old fashions of Hong Kong entertainment life. It was Kate’s unique personality and image that captured the interests of many film and television producers.
“I am very lucky,” Kate said as she recalled her journey from winning the Miss Hong Kong crown in 2004 to winning the My Favorite Female Character trophy at 2012’s TVB Anniversary Awards. “I am the type who is passive aggressive. I really didn’t understand what acting was when I first debuted, yet I was given so many opportunities. I learned on the way, and I am still learning. I try my best to not disappoint everyone.”
Twenty-four television dramas and twelve films later, the opportunities are still coming for Kate. The award-winning actress is currently filming My Prime Lady <My盛Lady>, starring alongside popular comedian actor Dayo Wong (黃子華). Many of Dayo’s past “Wah Girls”, including Carol Cheng ()鄭裕玲 and Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), achieved popularity peaks after cooperating with the star, and Kate definitely feels the pressure.
“I’ve been in this industry for eight years, yet I have never filmed a television comedy. I really don’t know if I’m up for the challenge, but I cannot let an opportunity like this pass away.”
Romance was what Kate had to sacrifice for her career. Even after being called a sexy goddess, Kate still retains a boyish personality, but love is something that she always believed in.
“I do believe in true love and that I will find him one day. However, I really do not want to date anyone in the [entertainment] circle. It’s just like how people are against office romance – I don’t want things to get more complicated than it should.”
So what kind of man is Kate interested in? “Someone who is intelligent, humorous, and has a bit of an artistic talent. I want to be able to learn from him, to be enlightened by him, and to be able to discover new meanings in being together.” To live a life of satisfaction and happiness with her loved ones is her ultimate goal. As a Gemini, her significant other would have to be someone she idolizes too!
“I never thought about marriage and don’t have expectations, but what I do know is that I if I were to get married and have kids, I will leave the entertainment circle to take care of my family.”
Source: Jessica Code June 2013 via kuangaitvb.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Haha now I know why I like her, two points on this interview:
1. Tomboy
2. Humble
Sexy.? sometime
May I add “cute” as well 😉
The art do smart is to act tomboyish, where we know tvb siu sang are all perverted wolf and womaniser.this is the best way to distance the bite from those hungry wolf
I never thought something like that, but as you point out, I must say “good point, Looooooooooo”
I like an artist that values family and raising kids. She’s not someone with too many scandals and I appreciate her efforts on screen.
one word. I JUST LOVE HER. <3
that’s FOUR words, lol
just having a little fun, don’t mind me 😉
I love the way she answers all the questions, it’s smart and honest.
I always think of Kate as an unique woman, attractive appearance with a tomboyish personality, I like it
I remember her as the tomboy in Academy 2. Memorable role.
you mean “On the first beat” – I remember that role too, she actually looked like a guy, quite funny I must say
Yea it was, that was the first time I actually noticed her, lol.
retiring means nothing these days. how many celebs/athletes have “retired” only to come back again years later?
Oh yea that is true and many come back because they are financially stressed and need the money.
I wonder what she will do if she does retire after marriage? I hope that she does not just become a housewife. Unless she marries someone really rich, she will struggle financially and adjust to the life of a struggling citizen.
is life in Hongkong really that hard? In my country a lot of wivies don’t work, only the husbands take the responsibility of making money – of course they can’t have a luxury life but acceptable
I’m not Kate so I can’t tell if she want to be a housewife after getting married, but I doubt she will though, as long as remember she never said she would become one after marriage, she just said quit the entertainment circle, take care of her family not necessary means full-time. she’s a gemini after all, can’t be stuck at home forever 😀
Where are you from, Gabby?
Yea, where are you from Gabby?? Life in HK is hard. I thought the standard of living in Northern Cal where I live was bad until I heard about HK. Life in many parts of the world is hard if only the husband works. It is not the old days anymore and in most cases, both the husband and wife have to work in order to live decently, unless they are well off or rich. Otherwise, in most cases a family cannot live well with just one income.
I also don’t believe in the horoscope stuff and sadly some believe in it too much and take it too far.
@Galaxy and HetieShou
I’m from Vietnam, the living standard is not high. well, I know life is hard, I was just saying that in my country a lot of wives didn’t work, not all of Vietnamese women. most of those families just live an average lives though. I guess some of people in my contry still think the traditional way which the man makes money,the woman takes care of children
I agree with you two that nowaday, both husband and wife must work, it’s not the old days any more.
I personally can’t sit at home all day long, I love my jobs, I always need something to work on, otherwise I’ll become crazy
Gabby world best Fans of Kate Tsui
Hope the Kate or the member of the Kate fan club take note
By the way Gabby are you working or still studying ?
I am shocked that you are from Vietnam. Life in Vietnam is really hard for most of the population. I am guessing you are from a well off family then. I heard that there is hardly a middle class in Vietnam. You are either really rich or really poor. It is true that many in Vietnam are really traditional and still think that it is the guy’s responsibility to make money while the mom is just a housewife. One of my aunt’s visited my family and she is from Vietnam and was shocked how guys were doing dishes… But we told her that life here is more modernized where men also do housework and women also work. It is not the old days anymore.
I also wanted to add that it is the rent and mortgage is what takes up the biggest chunk of anyone’s income. I once heard my mom read an article about Anita and Chilam pay just rent for their apartment in HK and it was $20,000 US dollars a month!! I just could not believe it but then again, the housing prices in HK are just beyond just expensive. I heard the food and other things aren’t much, but it is the rent/mortgage is what takes up most of your income. Even the houses in the US aren’t that bad but people are still whining. I wonder how anyone who only makes a low or average income live decently in HK???
I can’t deny that I’m a fan of Kate
And to answer your question I’m working as a teacher and studying to get my master degree (hopefully the end of this year)
well, a lot of people say I’m too childish to be a teacher though (not mature enough). Do you think so through the way I writing in this site?
@ Gabby,
No, you are NOT childish,you have amazing good manners.
You will be a good teacher, all the best to you
Why was you shocked that I’m from Vietnam?
I’m not from a rich or poor family, I could say my family is a modern one,my parents and me are working so we’re doing ok. My dad usually do the dish too, my mom and I cook, I love it.
And the house price in HK is like crazy, people must be really rich to own one in HK.
In Vietnam, I live in the captital, so the price of real estate is pretty high too. And I find it’s funny that most of people buy the house in one time payment (not just pay the downpayment and pay the rest for many years – like most of people in HK or US)
well, thank you
I hope my students think of me as a good teacher too.
I’m sometimes a bit shy when teaching because some of my student are even older than me
I don’t know why it is so exaggerated about the standard living of being this way or that way. People are living, that’s the story. On paper ofc 20k per month sounds crazy but a lot of other things go into consideration. More so, often times, the exaggeration comes from those who are struggling. It’s like asking a homeless person on the street what’s their opinion on the standard of living? Or the other way around, you ask a rich person how’s the standard of living? Depending if they’re a greedy or frugal rich person, heck yeah, they’re going to say something along the lines of “IT’S REALLY ROUGH”
I mean if it’s really that hard, you wouldn’t be seeing only a portion homeless. Everyone would be on the streets stealing each other’s beggar bowls. That isn’t so, right?
“My dad usually do the dish too, my mom and I cook.”
Many households “rotate” the list of chores around even more (where the man does the cooking every other week). That’s what I call really modern 🙂
“I want to be able to learn from him, to be enlightened by him, and to be able to discover new meanings in being together”
I like her criteria for a life partner and the reason behind it. Finding someone you can learn from, grow with and discover new things together is wonderful. 🙂
“if I were to get married and have kids, I will leave the entertainment circle to take care of my family.””
She is very consistent in her reply in this matter. I see the same reply in every interview that has this question. So, it must be true.
Him I never liked her because I find her annoying, but after watching i love hk this year with bosco and Michael tse, man…Kate’s acting impressed me so much!! She did such a good job in that movie and it was a comedy too so I doubt it when she said she’s not sure if she’ll do good in a comedic role. So after that movie, I kinda like watching her act now.
She did a good job in another earlier comedy too. The film is called ‘Short of Love’ starring Wong Cho Lam. Kate played one of the 4 women he has romantic encounter with. Kate was very convincing as the tomboy San.