Bosco Wong to Invest $4 Million in Oyster Bar

Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) may have finally found the space to start his new business venture. After gaining valuable experience from his previous business attempts in Malaysia, Bosco is ready to try out the Hong Kong market. On July 10, Bosco was seen in Kowloon City inspecting a vacant property. Dressed casually with no intention to hide his identity, Bosco toured the space briefly and left with a stack of documents in hand. When reporters caught up with him afterwards, Bosco confirmed rumors that he has secured a retail space, and hopes to hold a grand opening in October at the latest.

Always wanting to become a chef, Bosco first entered the restaurant business in 2011 when he spent 7 figures opening a branch of the OverTime restaurant in Ipoh, Malaysia. Last year, Bosco and his investment partners suddenly decided to overhaul the restaurant, prompting speculations that the business was failing. Bosco later clarified the rumors, saying that OverTime did indeed break even and that he and his partners simply wanted to steer their business towards a new direction. Bosco later invested another $3 million and turned OverTime into a thriving new bar called The House.

Due to his success with The House, Bosco is now eyeing the Hong Kong market. A big fan of oysters, Bosco is rumored to eat oysters weekly, and has frequently expressed interest in opening an oyster bar. In April, Bosco was spotted scouting for retail space in Central, touring several shops with his manager and real estate agents. Last Wednesday, Bosco and his manager once again continued their mission. Driving a $1.25 million HKD Audi RS5 sports car, Bosco, his manager, and his assistant arrived at Kowloon City’s Nam Kok Road in the afternoon. Two female real estate agents greeted them and led them to a gated storefront. Bosco carefully examined the space, stepping outside several times to observe the exterior and surroundings. An hour later, Bosco left the store with a large stack of paperwork that resembled rental contracts.

According to close sources, the store space is roughly 2,000 square feet with a monthly rent of $60,000 HKD. Despite Hong Kong’s rising property costs, Bosco was luckily able to rent the space at below market price. “Bosco was referred [to the real estate agency] by mutual friends. He already toured various vacant spaces three or four times. He finally chose a place a few days ago and signed the contract. He is very good with words and repeatedly bargained with the property owner, saying that he will build an upscale oyster bar that will attract business to the entire street. The owner gave in at the end and agreed to give him a discount!”

When asked about his new business plans, Bosco confirmed that he has found a retail space and hopes to open the bar this year. “Kowloon district is great! The store is around 2,000 square feet. My bar in Malaysia already broke even, so I am investing around $4 million HKD this time! Construction will take around two months. I hope to open the bar at the end of September or early October!” Bosco added that he is confident in his new venture, and that he will turn the store over to his mother, who will help Bosco manage the day-to-day details.

Source: Face Magazine #321 via

This article is written by Katrine for

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  1. SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME MARRY BOSCO WONG D: he likes to cook, hes rich, hes good looking, hes funny asdjldfhjskl and hes smart. omfg <3

    1. why don’t you ask his ex why she broke up with him in the first place? surely something must be wrong with him!

      1. I see that you really worship your idol, Myolie, or are you related to Myolie? Only someone related to her can have such strong hatred towards Bosco. You might need to seek professional help for your problem (maybe related to being cheated on in a relationship). I am usually a silent reader on this site but you never surprise the readers with your stabs at Bosco.

      2. one to their own opinions. was just reminding the crazed girl up there that’s more than appearance or what we see of a star who basically can be acting for all we care. we don’t know his real personality i bet many of these naive girls just fell for his roles in series!

      3. I agree with 4everFan. What the heck is up with Sel fi wu hating Bosco so much??? It’s not like she is related to Myolie. But I honestly even wonder if people who are close to Bosco even hate him at all. As far as I am concerned, I have a feeling the break up is not entirely Bosco’s fault. Afterall, it does take 2 to tango.

      4. Meant to say people who are close to Myolie…

      5. there is absolutely NO mention of myolie here in this article so stop going to these bosco articles. get over it

    2. Meme..SORRY!!
      He is MINE xD hahahas!!
      But I’m too glad that his business in Malaysia is okay since “OverTime” is a scam! Lots of ppls fell into it! But I guess it doesn’t affect Bosco since he is loaded!

    3. Well, Myolie couldn’t keep Bosco honest… good luck to those that desire to try.

      1. give me five tvbfanatic. finally a great guy tvbfanatic here understand myolie’s ordeal for these 8 years and those naive girls above are just seeing his appearance and persona in tv screen. good luck for you naive people.

      2. I don’t think we should blame the whole break up on Bosco because seriously, NONE of us know for sure what truly happened. Myolie could have done something as well that we do not know about. Sorry Sel fi wu, but you are the one that needs to wake up and stop being so blind in your support for Myolie because it is getting scary and creepy.

      3. @Sel_fi_wu

        Wow. So your saying that fans of Bosco only see/like his appearance and persona while you have an intimate relationship with Myolie where you know her personally and know her thoughts and feelings?

        Jeez their relationship and what happened to it is none of your business. Stop acting like your an expert. You probably have a thick textbook on myolie – whole autobiography (not to mention her everyday routine, phone number, text messages, how she sleeps, whole inventory of her belongings, number of hairs on her head, underwear colour…….)

  2. I am now craving oysters.

    His celebrity status will definitely help bring the customers in.

    1. Hard to say so since his pub in Malaysia just doing okay okay!

      1. @Yen,
        Do you live in Malaysia?? Just curious..

      2. @HTS
        Yaya! I’m from Malaysia 😉
        When OVERTIME first started here in Malaysia, many do think its another those restaurant scam!
        U paid so much to buy the name but then suddenly the big boss took the $$ and ran away!
        Happened so many times here! But like I said, luckily it doesn’t affect much on Bosco.
        But actually that pub that Bosco is running now is a little too wild! Hahas

      3. @Yen,
        Thanks for letting me know. I never knew you were from Malaysia.

  3. after watched ACOH I like Bosco more now, I find him a bit similar like Michael Miu, they are good in business. wish him luck.

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