Moses Chan Has No Time to Celebrate Holiday With Aimee Chan

The Mid-Autumn festival will be this week, and for Moses Chan (陳豪), this will be the first time celebrating the holiday as a married man. Unfortunately, he will not have time to meet up with his wife, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), who is currently pregnant and taken care of by her parents in Toronto, Canada.

Moses noted that Aimee would not be back in Hong Kong in a while. Does he want to visit Aimee and bring her back? “I want to, but I can’t leave at the moment since I have to film a movie.” Asked if the couple’s separation would make Aimee unhappy, Moses replied, “It wouldn’t. I hope she can take care of her belly in a comfortable environment.” He praised his wife for being the most beautiful mother.

In terms of when Aimee will return to Hong Kong and give birth to their child, Moses preferred to keep it a secret. “You guys will find out when the time comes. We’ll announce it later,” he said. Since the baby is expected to arrive sometime near the end of the year, the couple has already been receiving baby supplies as gifts from friends. When asked whether the gifts are in pink or blue, Moses laughed and said, “Neutral [colors].” He further expressed it does not matter whether the baby is a boy or girl, and that health is the most important. Not wanting his child to grow up in pressure, Moses claimed he would not be a very harsh father.

Aimee has reportedly passed the nausea phase of her pregnancy and maintains a fine appetite recently. She was active on Weibo today, posting a photograph of a cat. She wrote, “The garden behind my father’s house is the home of more than ten stray cats! Sometimes, we would feed them food. This cat is one of the ones who would wait outside our window for food. Isn’t it really cute? I love them so much!”

Source: Apple Daily 

This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. It’s better if he finishes filming quickly as possible. Usually, a woman is never the same after she becomes pregnant. She may be able to take care of herself but ideally, her partner should be there to support her. It does take two to make a child, after all.

    1. It is not good, but Moses has no other choice if he wants to be a good and well-off bread earner.

      1. Yea, it does but people need to work for a living because not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth or are married into a rich family… Moses needs to work or else people will think that he is eating soft rice due to Aimee’s family being well off and all.

      2. lol, I understand that Moses gotta make money. My point is does he not plan to join her at all? Perhaps he can take a break a month or two before she gives birth. Aimee left to avoid the press, so I don’t think she’ll come back any time soon. Or maybe she will have the baby in HK just like what Fiona Yuen did.

      3. I am sure Moses will visit Aimee in Toronto way before she gives birth to their baby, just not sure when. Moses is a very loyal and devoted husband, so Aimee doesn’t mind it at all.

      4. If there is no money then there will be no honey. I think Moses will join her, especially during the final stages of her pregnancy. Unless she goes to HK to give birth then he will of course be there. But even if she stayed in Canada, he should join her soon since I bet he would want to witness the birth of his baby.

  2. Moses hve to work doubly hard now to support the family. Go go Moses!

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