Wu Chun Announces Son’s Birth

Above: Wu Chun and his wife, Lin Li Ying.
Former Fahrenheit idol, Wu Chun (吳尊), announced yesterday that his son has been born. Unable to conceal his happiness, the 34-year-old seemed relieved that he no longer has to keep his identity as a father a secret. The announcement of his son’s birth came only after two weeks since the shocking revelation of Wu Chun’s secret marital and fatherhood status.
On October 1, Wu Chun held a press conference in Taiwan to promote his new book Ignite Courage <決定勇敢>. At the same time, he spoke about his marriage as well as his daughter, Nei Nei, who was born in 2010, a year after he married his childhood sweetheart, Lin Li Ying (林麗瑩). Wu Chun admitted that he had deliberately hid his marital status from the public to respect his wife’s wishes. He also revealed that Li Ying is expecting their second child and is due anytime soon.
Now that the public has accepted he is a husband and a father, Wu Chun has no qualms in sharing his newfound happiness with his fans. He posted yesterday morning, “Da Chun would like to share a life experience with everyone. Xiao Chun has come to the world.”
Even though he initially tried to keep his son’s birth date a secret to avoid fortune teller’s unnecessary speculations, Wu Chun later confirmed through his management agency that his son was born on Friday, October 11, and shares the same birthday as his wife. Coincidentally, Wu Chun also shares the same birthday as his daughter. Xiao Chun weighed 7.2 pounds at birth and is a healthy baby boy.
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
congratulations!!! Happy for him and his family!
That’s so cute how each parent shares a birthday with a child. She’s not very pretty but nonetheless, it’s admirable how long their relationship was !
I think she’s pretty.
well, when u compare her to someone as hot as wu chun – she’s ugly.
but she’s pretty if you compare her to lee hyori’s husband…..
OHmygosh, YOU cracked me up. LOL…
But it was harsh that you are comparing this pretty girl to Lee Hyori’s husband? Hahha..gosh, that guy is more than homely haha lol…
There is way more to anyone rather than looks. Beauty is skin deep and I think she is attractive and pretty. Even if she was not, I admire guys and girls who go beyond the outer appearance since it is the inside that counts. It’s not like she looks bad anyways. I guess many of us are too used to the fake and artificial beauties produced by PS and all that we fail to admire natural beauty.
here we go again…haha
I don’t get the double standard. Look at her features! Those are natural features! So little make up and she looks beautiful. How much more must she have on before you consider her pretty? And everyone says Tavia is pretty, Mandy is pretty, even Ada, Kenix, etc but this girl, not pretty? And she has natural looks, minimal make up. She looks a tad auntie ish because she gave birth to 2 children, she isn’t looking all dolled up. Look at her and tell me, she isn’t pretty?!
Calm down.
U do sound a little too excited. haha…yes, she can be called pretty but not ALL THAT. hahah LOL…
Some artists says they will go makeup free but believe me some still do have it on albeit lighter.
I think you all really have a screwed up sense of prettiness. No wonder even pretty girls go under the knife.
Funn, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Not everyone has the same taste when it comes to beauty. There is no way to define attractiveness as it is quite subjective.
Wow. Are you like related to her something? I don’t find anything I said offensive. So I dont understand why you are responding it that way. Yes maybe if she’s dolled up, introduced to top notch stylists then maybe she will look even better. But from this one picture and what I perceive as pretty, no I don’t think she is. I never even expressed what my perception of beauty is and you’re going nuts.
agree~ she looks pretty and natural!!
You hit it right on the nail Funn! She has natural beauty and I think a heart of gold much like Carol to stand by her man for so many years
She’s naturally pretty,although not movie star glamorous with a painted face. Wu Jun appreciates and loves her for her inner beauty, which goes further than mere physical looks alone.
I agree with Funn but not sure if she only has minimal make up on, but she looks good regardless. But as I have said above, there is way more to a person than looks. Women generally age a lot faster than men which is why my parents for example still oppose “jiedi” relationships since the girl would look too old for the guy if the girl is a lot older than the guy.
I couldn’t agree more. I find her much prettier than many “starlets” out there. I do understand, however, than famous celebrities often have fans who nurture “unrealistic expectations” over the years. By the time the celebrity settles down, most fans are displeased with his choice because the choice isn’t someone they imagined.
An article “Dying to be pretty” in the 10/17 online korea joongang daily illustrates the unhealthy Korean obsession with looking pretty and perfect, which is now also common in China and certain bloggers here.
That’s his wife? Looks pretty but admittedly looking more mature than he does. That’s a curse for women. But she is pretty.
More because he looks young for his age.
I don’t think Wu Chun looks young for his age. He and I are the same age, but he looks way older than I do.
perhaps u can post a pic of urself? haha…
I have posted my own photo before but not on this site. My photo was of my bare face since I never wear make up.
@HTS, you better not make the link to that photo of yours public. With all the wild comments, you may be accused of having gotten plastic surgery or botox to look be able to look youthful ha, ha, ha….
They still look OK together and considering she had 2 kids she does have a bit of the auntish look already but NOT that bad. Still ok looking together…
My male cousin who was once HOT marries her H.S. sweetheart and she had only 1 kid and even before she had the kid she already have this OLD MOTHER look. Sad and true that some women tend to look way older than men even before kids and esp after kids. =0(
is it me or do they really look alike?
she’s pretty
ummmm, I think you linda chung???
Congrats! She’s pretty. Come on, she had two kids and I presume she didn’t do anything to her face so she looks good!
I know right. The first thing I did was /facepalm when I read the comments here. Seriously, she doesn’t even look that old. I think she looks healthy and attractive. How many girls can still look like THAT after having 2 kids…
i agree. i think she is pretty. Remember, she is not an entertainer
The first time I saw this picture, I said to myself “Wow, his wife is pretty.”
So, I was surprised when I read all the ‘she’s not pretty’ and ‘she’s auntish’ comments, because she looks neither to me.
Its so true. She is pretty, looks really good for her age and next to Wu Chun. They looks really good together.
God bless this family! He’s always be Fahrenheit to me no matter what. I wish him the very best.
I think it was said he posted pics of his wife n kid on this ALBUM book or whatever a little while ago after admitting to marriage and fatherhood. So this pic was probably taken from that book and so might NOT be a recent pic.
oops, should be commented below to RLF haha lol…
It’s funny how everyone just assumed that the picture above was taken AFTER she had given birth to two children…………
Read “Source” at the end of the article, lol…..
And said “source”‘s caption of the photo is only “吳尊感激太太為他添一個兒子” – and that still doesn’t prove the picture was taken AFTER she had given birth to TWO children. LOL
You know what, I’m not even going to bother without concrete evidence. But it DOES look like the picture was taken after she had given birth to children. I mean just look at her arms….they’re like “mother” arms for heaven sake! (click Source for larger picture)
look @ above comment…. =0)
That is precisely what I am trying to point out.
Yeah, cuz I think that was the only pic that was flowing around utube clips when his admittance to fatherhood and marriage. She didn’t have the baby until a few days ago? How can that pic be a recent pic? But in any case, she is not that bad looking next to him. Still passably matchable….
I never did say she was bad looking. I think if they could last almost two decades what with Wu Chun being in the entertainment industry, surely their love have already gone past “looks”.
I don’t think she looks pretty, and definitely looks much older than Wu Chun. In the picture they look more like older sister with his kid brother. But hey, it’s all about the love. Everyone gets old and ugly eventually.
Great point!! And hey, isn’t it a trend these days anyway, older sis & younger bro? haha LOL…
Women just naturally age faster than men even when they are the same age which may be one of the reasons why some women prefer men who are older than them.
Wow his wife is very pretty! He pick someone who really fits him. Nice… Congrats!
i can see why she wishes to stay private. Just read the above comments. Considering how she looks (whom i think is pretty), already all these negative comments about how she looks older, etc, no wonder she wants to stay private.
Haha. Yeah, that’s very true.
Precisely what goes through my mind when I read the comments. Li Ying must’ve preferred to remain behind the scene as she knows the impossibility of living up to anyone’s (fans or non-fans) expectation of the perfect partner for Wu Chun.
I do think she’s lovely with a sweet smile. Not the drop-dead gorgeous or beautiful at first glance kind of look. But lovely in her own natural way.
Regardless of what negative comments others are ranting about, she’s the one Wu Chun has chosen – you may be more beautiful than she is, but you don’t have Wu Chun by your side 🙂
Congratulations to Wu Chun and Li Ying on the safe arrival of their baby. So nice to each share the same birthday as their parent – wonder if they’ve specially chosen the date for c-section or induce the birth. Hard to believe the coincidence….
Well said bizzybody! Congrats to them and looks are not everything and there is way more to a person rather than looks.
People need to remember that she’s not an entertainer. She’s just a normal person and she’s doesn’t wear a heavy load of make-up on like actresses do. Actresses really don’t look that good when they take it all off. Looking natural is real beauty.
I agree that it is not just make up, entertainers use PS and other things. Imagine how they truly look without all that stuff?? His wife looks pretty good with minimal make up and no PS. Natural beauty is true beauty.
I totally with you @Auramoon
he’s so good looking, ahhh, can’t get enough of him!!!!!! I think my “farenheit” is rising hahahahahah lol 😀
Isn’t Wu Zun’s wife the same age as him? She’s already 34. With 2 kids. And people are complaining about her looking old? come on, she looks younger than tavia who is the same age and she hasnt had kids.
Apparently she looks younger than most of Txb’s 34 years old women. And TY isnt a good example as she looks older than all others of her peer.
Wu Chun married his childhood frd and after 17 years, they still look matchy, how wonderful it can be?
TY is not a good example since she has always looked older than her actual age.I was shocked when I found out that she is my age…
I agree! My sister and I have always thought Tavia looks old for her age even when I first saw her.
Yes I do agree that Tavia looks older than she looks.
I think she is really pretty. Nice cheekbones, thick bottom lips and cat eyes.
Congrads to this beautiful family
I think she’s pretty even with 2 kids. Looks better than a lot of actresses in my opinion. I don’t think she looks old at all.
First thought was what a cute couple. Hope her natural beauty is appreciated by him. Can’t stand plastic looking girls.
She’s actually very pretty. She would look like a star if she had a professional do her makeup. Oval face, pretty eyes, straight nose, full lips, bright smile…not sure what else people want. She’s certainly prettier than a lot of “stars” who are considered beautiful.
I’m happy for them and wish them the best.
His wife sort of reminds me of a young version of Amy Chan.
His wife is pretty – side by side, they also look alike.
First off Wu Chun is not off the charts good looking … he’s comfortable looking. and so is she – in a natural way.
Half those TVB actresses with a ton of makeup or emhancement can’t even look as good, after trying so hard.
Added to rhat, this lady is a mom of 2.
No wonder they’re a ocuple – they look alike.
Whether Li Ying looks old or young, ugly or pretty, she is Wu Chun’s wife andhe loves her just the way she is.
Many of the Ebiz women are nothing but plastic, but this woman has an elegant, natural beauty to her which is refreshing. Maybe Wu Chun like that in his lady. As many have said, Li Ying is pretty and I agree.
This world is so screwed up with shallow minded people who think that the plastic barbies are pretty. Sad state.
HETIESHOU, I know we do not always see eye to eye, but your comments above are the words of wisdom. I applaud every comment you made.
I wish Wu Chun, his lovely wife and their two children love, light, prosperity and excellent health
Thanks and I applaud your comments as well and agree with everything you said. These days we all see the same old plastic dolls with the same type of look that it gets so boring. I really miss the natural and unique beauty that many of the actresses of the olden days had. Not to say that actresses back then did not get PS, but you have to admit that it was very minimal compared to now and way less frequent.
I missed out all of this buzz here.
Speaking of plastic, did you guys read about that Korean husband who divorced and sued his Korean plastic wife altogether because he find out the kid wasn’t super in looks like his wife? Oh you guys should really read that. It was hysterical, in a very bitter sad way.
Btw that case was a while ago.
Lol, are you sure it isn’t a “Chinese” husband?? I tried to search for it (I find news like this interesting), and I can’t find anything regarding a Korean husband…The Chinese husband sued his wife for deceiving him and won the case with 150k , ROFL!
It’s a Chinese husband with a Chinese wife.
Yea, wasn’t it the Chinese husband with a Chinese wife? I read that he thought his wife cheated on him since their kid looked nothing like him or her. Therefore, she showed him a photo of her before she had PS and he got scared because he thought she was ugly so he divorced her. I did not know that he actually sued her though. Those plastic dolls who all claim to be natural like Angelababy and others will have their bubbles burst once they have kids since their real DNA gets passed on to their future kids.
I don’t get it. She IS pretty. All nice features, put a bunch of make up on she can be comparable to actresses….
Exactly! I can totally imagine IF she was not pretty then I really wonder what other comments would be posted. I wonder why so many people are sooo shallow and place so much emphasis on looks and looks only. What happened to everything else that is more important??
she has very classic beautiful features, definitely above avg. bc she’s smiling, some ppl mistaken her as not pretty. his wife is pretty enough for him, he’s the one thats lucky to have her.
sometimes the ppl you meet are just the ones you marry, it doesnt matter if other ppl are more attractive, he already found his girl long ago, thats why he never looked further and doesnt need to.
Cute couple! Congratz!
Not a fan of Wu Chun’s or any of the guys in his singing group, esp not after the whole reveal – it just seemed so pretentious since he and his company painted him to be a nice honest young chap.
But I still feel comments about his wife are inappropriate. If a beautiful woman married a so-so looking guy, she’s a gold digger (if he’s rich) or he must have a great personality.
When we sincerely love someone, we never just choose them for their looks. Especially not the type of relationship Wu Chun has with his wife, a long, enduring, and apparently faithful, trusting, and loving one.
Aside all this, his wife is a very attractive woman, and not every woman is willing to be in a top secret relationship where her man denies her existence for nearly 2 decades. Like Andy’s wife lol
I am a big fan of Wu Chun. No matter he have bad life or married. 😉 😀 But I’m not a stalker though. 😉 ;D
Mee Moua