Kate Tsui Hasn’t Noticed a Change in Her Schedule Despite TVB’s Improved Work Policies

TVB has announced its policy on reduced work hours last week, ordering that production teams should not film more than 10 hours per day. Kate Tsui (徐子珊), who has been busy shooting Midas Touch <點金勝手>, said she is happy that TVB has finally stepped up to change its work policy, as it can guarantee their artists to have sufficient rest. Despite this, Kate said she did not feel that much had changed in her work schedule.
She laughed, “I’ve been filming so much I feel dazed. I haven’t noticed if there were any changes to my schedule. I just remember that I had work from late afternoon to 5 a.m. in the morning two days ago.”
Kate admitted that she wanted TVB to change things a bit around more, saying, “The humble worker that I am is really greedy. I would be most happy with a pay raise!”
Earlier, former Miss Hong Kong contestant Erica Yuen (袁彌明), currently a freelance artist, publicly criticized TVB’s poor-quality productions and management, going so far to saying that she would not return to TVB even if she lost all her current jobs. She also spilled that TVB had rejected her request for an early contract termination several times in 2007.
Kate expressed that she has no right to comment as she is unfamiliar with Erica’s work schedule, but acknowledged that she has always been on the brighter side of the road herself. “I’ve been very fortunate. I was able to get jobs and earn money right after competing in the pageant. I hope everyone will continue to work hard.”
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
I agree that there should be a base salary for those 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th line actor/actress to protect them so that they can have enough money for living. But I am not that object about those long hour…consider the big money those 1st, 2nd actor/actress get on the shows…sing a song…any new company opening…they work long hours is part of the package!
Erica Yuen is like herpes…u think she went away but always shows up again..LOL
Doubt TVB would want her back…she has no talent and a big whining mouth.
i agree!!! the only time her name pops up is when there’s something negative about TVB, and she’s there to fuel the fire. nothing but a big mouth imo
erica who? she is ugly and annoying joke…surprise she is qualified for miss hk
… Should not film more than 10 hours a say. Artists are considered professional job based on contract. They are not the only ones in the world working around the clocks. Hollywood actors/actresses endure 10 – 17 hours filming as well.
The “behind the scenes” people like PA, props, cameraman, etc. have it even worse. They work those long hours and don’t even get paid near as much.
Late afternoon to 5am. So let’s say she worked 4pm to 6am..thats like what 14 hrs? Maybe if she skipped this event ( or any other pr event that happens mornings/early afternoon) she will have more “rest time”.
its annoying to read them complain about working hours when they made the choice of job/workload themselves. They choose to attend all these extracurricular activities on top of their own work.
to be honest, in comparison to a lot of jobs, working in tvb probably isn’t as bad as it seems. sure, they work long hours, but really..everyone works long hours nowadays. and compared to artistes, normal people like us earn A LOOOTTTTT less for the same amount of hours. look at accountants during tax season, or teachers who need to grade their papers.
i mean it’s not wrong to complain about their hectic schedules..it’s just that there seems to be a lot of news over something that’s an everyday occurrence for the general public..
The jobs in the e circle are generally different from the typical jobs with a fixed number of hours per day and the amount of pay. I agree that artists generally get more than the typical person does but that is more applicable to those that are more famous and make a lot more. However, those greenleaf artists and others do not get much. That is really hard to live on, especially in a place like Hk with such a high standard of living.
Agree. Artistes are generally overpaid a lot compared to a typical citizen in Hong Kong. If they want to have the luxury, they should not complain about the long hours and hectic schedules. A normal person in Hong Kong will never make 1/4 of the income of a typical artiste no matter how many long hours he/she works a day. Moreover, most of the artistes in Hong Kong didn’t have to study many years of university before they can make this amount of income.
But a normal person in Hong Kong will also not be followed by paparazzi, they will not have their photos taken without consent and then see the picture in all the gossip magazines, they will not be judged by the general public on what they wear, how much they weigh, who they are dating, the will not be blasted by the public on the internet because of a role they played, because some clown out there just doesn’t like them, because a certain fan doesn’t like them standing next to another actor/actress, etc. The entertainment industry is toxic, and that’s what artists are being paid for, to work in a poisonous environment.
It’s surprising how these artists are providing entertainment for all of you, and all of you watch them for entertainment, but you also discredit their worth as actors/actresses. Weird.
As you said, this is the reason why they make so much money. If they eat salty fish, they should endure the thirst.
Too much salty fish became acidic and cancerous agent. Take more alkaline food
I am sure new policy is not effective immediately and even when effective I doubt it will improve much. Artistes who are tired, etc from long hours of filming adds on by outside jobs like commercials, appearances, etc. So it is for the artiste to manage his or her own time without cutting into the real bread and butter so to speak. And yes these main ones are compensated by huge salaries. Frankly I pity the secondary actors, the writers, the rest who have to work longer hours without having a chance to supplement their income. Artistes should stop whining.
Absolutely agree! The top artistes in TVB are well-paid no matter they can film Mainland Chinese drama series or not. The unfortunate ones should be those supporting, 3rd or 4th line artistes, scriptwriters, stage crews, etc.
Sometimes I think those top artistes put too much emphasis in making fast money in Mainland China and neglect to improve their acting skills.
Who Erica? I thought she disappeared ever since 2009? The mummy return?
I really don’t like those artists who say things that are not that nice after leaving TVB, though I support the idea of more TV stations in HK
This is HK we’re talking about. Lots of people, professionals and your average worker slave away more than 10 hrs a day and don’t earn anywhere near the amounts paid to the top actors to support themselves. I don’t really have much sympathy for them given they get get promotional chances and sponsorship from brands. Its the reason why so many questionably ‘talented’ people take part in the pageants, to try and get rich quick or use it as a platform to go golden turtle hunting.
As has been said before, its the no name support actors and crews that do it even tougher. Although I agree that people who are stuck in the same career with no progression should consider leaving the small entertainment industry and do something else instead of whinging and complaining about poor pay and conditions, I can also see the point that it is very difficult given that many uni grads these days have difficulties finding a decent paying job