100 Artists Attend TVB Sales Presentation

To promote their advertising platform, TVB held a sales presentation with one hundred artists in attendance. Aside from Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) posing together in photographs and promoting their upcoming Triumph in the Skies sequel, other rumored couples such as Moses Chan (陳豪), Bernice Liu (廖碧兒), Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), and Niki Chow (周麗淇) were not present together.

Over two hundred different advertisers attended TVB’s sales presentation regarding the company’s different advertising platforms.  One hundred TVB artists attended, with numerous artists appearing in costumes to promote upcoming series.

A number of front-line artists such as Moses Chan, Bernice Liu, Liza Wang (汪明荃), Raymond Lam (林峯) and Charmaine Sheh were unable to attend the TVB sales presentation. TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), noted that Moses was currently filming a special in Brazil. Raymond was at the Shanghai Film Festival. Liza attended the National People’s Congress. Bernice was filming a special in Russia. When asked whether Charmaine Sheh was invited to the sales presentation, Ms. Lok said: “Everyone received invitations but some artists could not attend due to scheduling conflicts!” When reporters noted that the leading actors and actresses did not attend to support the event, Ms. Lok said anxiously, “Roger Kwok (郭晉安) and Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) are not leading actors?” During the group photo, the artists standing in the first row were Wayne Lai, Maggie Cheung (張可頤), Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Carol Cheng (鄭裕玲) and other senior actors.  The other leading artists included Steven Ma (馬浚偉), Kevin Cheng, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Tavia Yeung (楊怡) Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Fala Chen (陳法拉) and others.

It was understood that the attendee list included Niki Chow. Since Niki returned from Mainland yesterday, she could not attend. When reporters pointed out that Kevin Cheng missed seeing Niki by a margin, he said, “Really? I did not know.” (Niki did not come because she was afraid of you?) “I cannot answer that!” (You avoided an confrontation!) “Please do not say that!” Kevin noted that there was no embarrassment when encountering Niki and the pair exchanged greetings. “This was a basic courtesy; she said hello as well.”

Aimee Chan appeared in good spirits although she was unable to meet Moses Chan at the sales presentation. When reporters asked whether Aimee had enjoyed her date with Moses, she replied, “I was happy!” (What was your impression of Moses?) “He is quite funny and can tell jokes. It was very comfortable!” (How many points would you give him?) “I cannot give points based on [the first date]. He gave me a very good impression.” Someone at the venue suggested that Aimee and Moses get married quickly. Aimee responded, “That’s too quick! We have to proceed step by step. Normally we are quite low-key and go to places which are not crowded.” (Do you go home together?) “No, we’ll reserve that when we know each other better.”

In addition, Roger Kwok appeared absent-minded onstage. When asked whether his wife, Cindy Au (歐倩怡), was at the hospital ready to give birth, Roger laughed, “No, the due date is in early July.” Roger revealed that he had renewed his contract with TVB.

Source: The Sun

Jayne: Myolie Wu and Kate Tsui are in the Triumph in the Skies sequel! Tavia and Kenneth Ma are filming a doctor series together?

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    1. @jim, Why are you repeating what the article already mentioned? Everyone who read the article will know that your favorite idol attended the Shanghai Film Festival. And those who haven’t are prolly not interested… You are just so funny.

  1. Porn-stach? Can someone tell Bosco to get rid of that porn-stach, pronto? Or is this really T.I.T.S Uncensored?

    1. Bosco has bad taste! I dislike men with moustache they look creepy

      Thank God Ron is always handsome and having great style 😀

      1. Ron unfortunately has the acting ability of a jab of botox

      2. @Funn

        You’re always bias on Ron. Watch ACOTOB. Ron was excellent in that series and even outshined Sunny Chan there. His role was great

      3. The one where he traveled back in time? Yes he improved, but frankly Sunny Chan was better. The difference with ron is how much less he is sticking his neck in and out so to speak. At least that habit is lesser now. And I find it funny that not liking him means I am biased. And if I like him so much, what then am I? Obsessed?

      4. This moustache is for his series, not his own style.

        Lol, imagine your Ron with moustache and then you will praise him like crazy.

      5. It seems Ron’s acting went backwards with YSSS. He appears unnatural or out of place with everyone else.

    2. @funn lim hahaha i was laughing when read your comment about ron, it’s quite true. He does has that kind of habit come to think about it.

  2. good luck for ray cousin of joining tvb, hope be best artist.

  3. Myolie’s hair is bad. She should just stick to her straight hair instead of this aunty hair.

  4. Is Aimee and Moses rumour real? Both of them are so open and happily talking about their dates to reporters while Moses was full of secrecy while dating Bernice

    1. From what we hear from them directly in the interviews, they are indeed interested in each other and are in the beginning stages of dating!

      1. It probably is true, but I suspect it’s also for publicity and money making opportunities. TVB is heavily promoting Aimee, and this may perhaps promote her to be of supporting actress role. They make a cute couple though 🙂 I think we will be seeing a lot less of Bernice now. Her image has been tarnished even though she tried to explain her side of the story.. hope she can find something else to do w/ her life.

    2. They admitted that they are dating. So it’s real.

      1. Did they? No they didn’t. But acting coy is sorta admitting

      2. No Funn, they admitted openly to the reporters.

      3. It made me feel for Bernice. Few years with him, not admit. Aimee? Just few months and admitted. It’s also made my prediction stronger: Bernice is more into Moses than Moses into her. No doubt why he didn’t protect her during her hard time.

      4. @Fox, Exactly my sentiments. 🙂

        However, I don’t quite agree that he likes Aimee more than Bernice. It’s hard to judge as outsiders actually. In terms of looks, I still think he matches with Bernice more.

        What I thought was that Moses learned from the past and decided to just let nature take its course. He didn’t publicly invite the reporters, but if they caught him, he won’t deny. Also, at the time of dating Bernice, his career was on a rise, especially with the Heart of Greed days. Now that his career seems stable and he is an A-lister, he has more freedom. It also seems like he’s gradually moving away from TVB now that he has his own coffee shop which he regards as his lifetime career and only signed a 3 year contract with TVB (if I remember this part correctly). Overall, he’s a more established actor now and doesn’t have to give in to what 620/TVB thinks about his dating life. Moses is entering his 40s now so I suppose marriage is becoming more important to him now than before. I heard that the woman a man ends up with may not always be the one he loves the most, but the one that appears at the right time of his life.

        Aimee’s career is just rising and I’m not sure if she is willing to sacrifice it even though Moses is a good catch.

      5. If I rmb rite, Moses’s contract is 7 years, not 3 years.

      6. @Fox – I still think it’s a publicity stunt. Has anyone seen Old Time Buddy? XD Francis Ng’s role and Jessica Hsuan’s role had to pretend to date so they can get more publicity for their new movies. I’m not surprised if this is the case with Moses and Aimee.

      7. I watched it. Then when they really felt in love, the company split them, ironic.

        Talk about PR stunt, anyone think Ah Sa and William Chan is PR stunt?

  5. Bosco and Myolie in ‘Triumph in the Skies II’!! YAY!

  6. I hope Boscolie plays a couple since Francis Ng is not going to be there anymore.

    1. You must be kidding. This couple is already stale. Audience want new couples.

      1. @Lacey, Tavia, Ruco, and Raymond Wong are the leads in upcoming series, The Truth. I’m not sure if she will be paired with Raymond or Ruco, but let’s see how their chemistry fares in there first.

        On a side note, with Kenneth and Tavia in the medical series, I find the pair quite boring unless they have well-written characters. I’m actually looking more forward to the newcomers.

      2. @Chriselle, thx for the info. I can’t wait to see “The Truth” to find out whether these stars have chemistry or not. I’ve seen “Sweetness in the Salt” (I think that’s the correct title of the drama starring Tavia, Raymond Wong and Steven Ma). At that time, I thought Tavia and Raymond made a better couple than Stephen Ma and Tavia.

      3. @ Chriselle

        I think Tavia will pair up with Raymond. From the sale presentation clip, it seems like Tavia and Raymond is first lead. Ruco’s role seem a bit villainy. Reminds me of Sammul’s role in Survivor’s Law.

  7. Wow, is Fala in TITS 2 as well, too? I think I saw her wearing a pilot suit in the front row with the rest of them. So, they are trying to put most of the rising fadans and siu sangs in one series. I’m pretty sure there will be a lot of comparison from the audience and competition in screen time and acting!
    I also wonder if the original cast will take on their original roles or will it be a completely new storyline and new characters? I think even if they are reprising their original roles, their characters will also be portrayed as 10 years older and have matured over time.
    I also saw Kenneth in a doctor’s suit in the other doctor series with Tavia, so I wonder if he will be filming in TITS 2 as well or is he out?

  8. It’s good that Raymond Lam attending Shanghai Festival because he will get more chances to get job offer while he is there and try to develop outside Hong Kong and TVB more

  9. It is great to see so many artists attend. Too bad some of them could not attend due to scheduling conflicts. It feels like a reunion or awards anniversary show. I hope that they all had a good time.

  10. I agree, Kenneth and Tavia’s pairing does not intrigue me, but unfortunately, they will be filming a serie together soon, 36 Hours on Call or something like that. And enough of Ron and Kate, can’t they put any other pairing together? If Fala is indeed in TITS II, then I hope she gets paired with Ron, that should be refreshing.

    1. Kate said that she’ll pair up with Ron in the next series. So prolly they’ll be together in this TITS 2 (wat a name)

      1. You forgot the full title Fox; TITS 2 : Bigger, Better, Bolder

        Woahhh!! By the way I just read HK won an international award for that 3D Sex & Zen remake! I say HK! Submit that as your official entry to Oscars!!

      2. Funn, that slogan fits purr-fectly 😛

        3D Sex and Zen Extreme Ecstasy: More style and hype than substance? I can’t give a full remark since I haven’t watched it myself, most probably not going to.

      3. I watched this Sex&Zen for curious. It’s sucked. Lame plot and bad 3D technique.

      4. Fox, curiosity kills the cat hahaha..

        If I’m not mistaken Sex and Zen 3D is at the top of HK box-office as of now(for 2011). Impressive……………..:P

      5. Kill the cat, dun relate to fox, haha.

        I blv a lot of ppl were curious. If it has a sequel, I doubt the success will be as big.

  11. Well,If Linda & Tavia in the series with a pilot suits may look very nice….

  12. Bosco should get rid of the mustache after whatever movie he’s filming finish. The mustache does not suit him. It makes him look sleazy.

  13. Boscolie<3
    LOL~ I'm tired of seeing Ron and Kate together though O_O

  14. Im looking forward to watch this series! Already sound intriguing plus the actor/actresses are attractive too.

    But is it only me or did anyone notice that Myolie has gotten alot prettier compare to last time? is it the effect of Makeup or again “plastic” changes…? These tvb artis sure can change their looks easily within few years lol

  15. I would only watch TITS2 if Chris Tse Lap Ho is in it. 😀

    1. Chris Tse should only be a guest star to settle things with Coco Ling and have bromance with Isaac Tong while showing the trainees how to be a star-pilot-student. Who I am kidding…

      I’m not too keen on a second installment. Totally Very Bad should just left the drama as it is. First time is refreshing, second time is…err what do they want to talk about? It’ll be just a rehash of the first one….

  16. I’m the only one who interested in what Bernice will do in Russia? Anyone noe wat show it is?

    1. I wonder what kind of program she is doing in Russia??

  17. i love tvb, support forever hope more longest and strong.

    1. Jim I am glad you’re expanding your “spreading of love”. At least it is not only for Ray.

      1. She/He also spreads the love to TY and Ada, if I read rite :).

  18. Is that Kate in the pic with Ron? She looks different and the uniform does not fit her well or look good on her.

  19. I really can’t see Fala or Kate in a pilot role.. neither girls can pull off professional/working girl type roles… maybe Kate as a police officer. I think Linda/Tavia/Mandy/Maggie would have been much better options.

    1. Mandy Wong will be good as a pilot. TVB should give her chance to be in this series.

      What about Kenneth? Is TVB not including him in this sequel? That will be suck

      1. How suck? If he has no work at this moment then it might be sucked, but no, he has work at this moment and do his work, not this one, it can’t be considered as suck.

        If you love the prequel that much and hope to see all old ppl, open the DVD and tada, they are all there in the prequel.

  20. tavia look great with outfit like that, i love it.

  21. Omg, i really hate Ron pairing with Kate and Tavia pairing with Kenneth . I would prefer Tavia pairing with Ron.

  22. I really wanted for triumph in the Skies sequel to be the continuing of
    Triumph in the Skies 2003 with
    Francis Ng as Samuel Tong Yik Sum (Sam) and
    Myolie Wu as Zoe So Yee (Zoe) after they got married

  23. I’d really like it if they stopped promoting Kate…she can’t act! And they need to make newer pairings…it’s not like they are short people…give the newbies a chance and leave the ones that can’t act…

  24. Triumph in the Skies sequel, so is Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Bosco Wong paired up in this movie and what web site can I find more information about this sequel and does bosco replace Francis Ng

  25. fybttrforever, ray cousin is name lin xia wei, she work repertory theatre, she already signs on to tvb.

  26. I don’t really like Fala very much, but i think with the short hair she will be more convincing. I really do not enjoy seeing Aimee everywhere. I think her acting is very boring and she is getting way too promoted by tvb. Now that she is dating Moses she is going to shoot into the limelight like crazy. Ughhh i really don’t like Aimee. I especially disliked her acting in Every Move You Make.

  27. Triumph in the Skies II DELAYED filming again! Rescheduled to March or April 2012…

    My advice: Drop this production already. Save money and spent on other production beside TITS2.

    1. Really doubt that a TITS II (haha, name) will be filmed in actual.

  28. Why isn’t TVB putting Bosco and Myolie together anymore? Are they trying to lower down the rumours… because if so, it’s not working lol… I miss Boscolie!!

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