Faye Wong to Release First Album in 12 Years
Faye Wong (王菲) announced that at long last, she will be releasing a new album titled Getting By <敷衍>. This will mark her first album release in 12 years.
Ever since she debuted in the music industry more than 25 years ago, Faye has captured listeners with her unique singing voice. Though she began as a singer, she later branched out into movies and dramas, and she even became the first Chinese singer to grace the cover of TIME magazine.
However, when she married her second husband Li Yapeng (李亞鵬) in 2005 and gave birth to her daughter Li Yan (李嫣) a year later, Faye slowly started to move behind the scenes. After her last studio album in 2003, she did not release any musical products, apart from the occasional movie theme song or song recorded for charity purposes.
For 12 years, fans have patiently waited for another studio release from their idol. One diehard fan even went as far as to collect all of the songs that Faye had previously recorded but never released, pick out classics from each of her EPs, and compile them into Faye’s so-called “tenth Cantonese album.” This touching move of support was reportedly what prompted Faye to record and release another studio album.
Upon hearing the news, many netizens expressed congratulations and happiness. Also among Faye’s elated supporters is Leah Dou (竇靖童), her daughter from her marriage to singer Dou Wei (竇唯). To show respect for her mother, Leah deliberately cut her hair short and dyed it light pink so that it would resemble Faye’s hairstyle in her 1998 Greatest Hits <菲歌典> compilation.
Source: Ettoday.net
This article is written by Joanna for JayneStars.com.
Totally exciting. Lurv her voice. But sometimes I feel her mystery and semi-retirement made her works in that resting period even more fantastic and beautiful. Hope she can continue that streak in her new album.