Steven Ma’s “Big-Headed Attitude” Chases Away Manager

Steven Ma (馬浚偉) was apparently diagnosed with a “big-headed disease” thus enraging his manager of 10 years to her limit and resigning on her own accord! Steven has been in the industry for 18 years now and liked to flaunt out his “Number 1 Brother” status from time to time.
In recent days, the response for Steven’s new TVB drama, The Life and Times of a Sentinel <紫禁驚雷>, was relatively positive. As a result, his complacency grew even further and thus pushing the working relationship with his manager, Xu Jie (徐姐), to the very last straw.
Xu Jie was initially an experienced media communication personnel. Ten years ago, Steven asked and hired her to be his manager. For many years now, Xu Jie handled all of Steven’s matters personally and often put up a one man show, acting as Steven’s assistant, administrator and even as his psychiatrist!
However, Steven often offended people through words from his mouth. While filming Ghost Writer <蒲松龄>, he openly criticized Linda Chung’s (鍾嘉欣) acting as mediocre. Recently, while filming The Life and Times of a Sentinel, he bashed newbie Katy Kung’s (龚嘉欣) acting skills as not being good enough. It was known that someone spoke to his manager, Xu Jie, about this but of course Xu Jie only had good words to say about Steven.
It was understood that it was the culinary show that Steven hosted, Apprentice Chef 2 <大厨出马>, that finally tripped the spark of outrage and led to the resignation of Xu Jie. Insiders revealed, “Since Xu Jie saw that Apprentice Chef 2 received such a resounding response and also knew that Steven Ma had a wish all along to return back to the music scene, Xu Jie wanted to ‘strike the iron while it’s hot’ and find him a record company to fulfill his wish. However, Steven was extremely picky about the record companies and did not appreciate Xu Jie’s efforts, going as far as to vent his frustrations on her when the record deal negotiations fell through. Xu Jie suffered an intense amount of pressure due to this and finally felt that enough was enough and quit on Steven.”
To which, Steven refuted the allegations and said, “Xu Jie went off to further her studies! My TVB manager will help me.” However, when reporters called Xu Jie and asked her why she resigned on such an abrupt notice, Xu Jie laughed and replied, “Because I’m happy lors!” but afterwhich she panicked and said, “I don’t wish for anyone to misunderstand that I told you anything,” while immediately hanging up the line thereafter.
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at
Off topic: Katy Kung is cute.
If Steven’s manager has worked with him for so long, I’m sure they get along well enough. I was surprised that her resignation led to immediate correlation that she could not longer withstand Steven’s attitude.
Anyone working a job for over a decade would have some wanderlust and want to try something new.
sometimes, people just get really tired of the same commute and just blows off one day.
I find Steven to be very straight-forward which can be a positive but can also lead to many misunderstandings.
I don’t really think this rumor is true though.
Katy Kung’s acting is horrible, he was only being honest about it. LOL
i agree with you, katy kung stills needs to improve heaps more as an actress! she is young, she has time.
she should learn her improvements in acting school and not in real tvb series. she is just killing it for the audience to watch her.
agree! She need to improve but she’s only 22. Still green.
Katy Kung is already married with Patrick right? Wonder what made her to marry young.
I believe they are still dating.
If they are going to get married… move over Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung divorce saga news. Wall to wall coverage on the story.
@Larry 3,
Thanks for the info, but I’m sure I read from some HK papparazi magazines that Katy called patrick “hubby” and the mag says Patrick was waiting to pick up his wife “katy” outside tvb station (after she finished shooting “Life and bla bla sentinel” lol…maybe it was just some write up by those papparazis.
They really married? She still look like a kid. The hubby calling could be just playing around.
I think the prob with Katy is she shows too much of “cuteness” in the series LOL…always show her puppy water eyes on the screen which made the audiences to feel she’s lack of acting skills.
Too young looking maybe? She can still pass for a high school student.
I love Katy Kung who is 22 years old, being overpromoted by TVB.
She’s actually acted better then those Miss HK contestants like Grace Wong and Christine Kuo.
Boy, that series for the female cast SUCKS.
agree. Those 2 are worse than Katy and if someone need to be scolded it’s those two.
“Boy, that series for the female cast SUCKS”
There’s not enough good actress in TVB since the original 90’s fadans left! That’s why we keep seeing Tavia until her acting gone sour and so many of Kate until she got no time to learn acting.
Christine Kuo is dubbed isn’t she? If she can’t improve her cantonese I don’t see how TVB will promote her more.
Christine Kuo is dubbed on some parts. Mainly her voice isn’t suited in this ancient drama.
Very puzzle, why cast her in her first place!????
“There’s not enough good actress in TVB since the original 90′s fadans left! ”
But that shouldn’t be surprising. When our favorite 90’s actresses came in, our favorite 80’s actresses left too. They build their popularity, some are earning money outside of TVB, some are happily married with children, they must make way for the new generation of younger and prettier artists! 😀
My only guess is that she’s a favorite of 620. And 620 has a weird mentality of promoting whoever she likes despite her acting skills so why she likes her, we will never understand. 😉
Christine is prolly just as obedient as her character in Sentinel! 😛 But yeah, time to improve on that Cantonese. I think I’ve never heard such crappy Cantonese from any of TVB’s other artists. Even when Fala and Leanne were bad starting out, Fala improved greatly afterwards. Leanne, still bad, but not intolerable.
I think Leanne Li’s image and popularity increased since she started dating Wong Cho Lam. I think her acting was okay in The Other Truth. I find Leanne quite pretty and wouldn’t mind seeing her in larger roles.
@ Jayne
I like Leanne Li too. But, I think beside her accent, she was also hindered by her height and built. She looks really big size in The Other Truth. When she disguised herself as a guy in one scene, she really looks like one when look from behind and in that darken room because of her built. It’s hard to find a good pairing for her.
I guess Steven Ma’s straightfowardness leds him into trouble lol…Still like him though
Hmm. Kinda hard to believe this version of Steven. Steven doesn’t give me an impression that he’s big headed and like to criticise people. Him openly criticising Linda is even more unbelievable since he’s known to be in a close friendship with Linda and Fala.
But, I believe that Steven is principled and maybe he has high standard. That’s why he’s picky about the music company thingy.
I agree with Kidd – every word as I find it very difficult to believe that he is big-headed and all the rest of it. Maybe people interpret things in a different way. I accidentally saw him at one of the HK underground stations two years ago and he looked exactly like on TV. He was just standing there as if waiting for someone but I was in a rush myself and didn’t have time to stop and ask for his autograph. He’s actually one of the few TVB artists I quite like.
@Kidd: “That’s why he’s picky about the music company thingy.”
Insiders revealed, “Since Xu Jie … and quit on Steven.”
This whole anonymous insider’s quote is total baloney. Undoubtedly Steven is picky over the release of his album,but Tsui Jie’s resignation had nothing to do with it.
First: Steven has mentioned that two conditions had especially swayed him to renewing his contract besides Mr.Chan’s vow to him, namely: 1) he is to host his own culinary program with ample freedom in its premise and production. 2) TVB is to help him release a music album, which, btw, has yet to be fulfilled.
Thus, per contract, it is tvb’s contractual obligation to help Steven release a music album; finding a music company sponsor should be Hillman’s job (Steven’s tvb manager)not Tsui Jie’s.
Tsui jie was just Steven’s personal manager cum Director of his publishing company. She only managed his personal affairs and his company’s operations not his artistic career; that should be TVB, which btw has total control over Steven’s career. So it is not plausible about Tsui making outside deals for Steven.
Second: Contrarily to all past and rehashed current news reporting that Apprentice Chef1 came about because Steven had all of a sudden become Chan’s new favorite, hosting AC1 was actually a condition in Steven’s contract. He came up with the AC1 concept himself and proposed the idea to Mr. Chan during his negotiations, and when approved had worked tirelessly with his staff to flesh out the details. Because of AP’s good ratings, AC2 came into being.
So, can Steven ask for compensation from TVB at the end of his contract if he still has not released an album?
But, it depends on whether TVB has made an effort to find Steven a music company or not. Maybe they have but the negotiation didn’t fall through? If Steven was picky about it, it would not be as easy to help him get an album deal as it was for Myolie, Bosco, Kate, Linda, Raymond who would just follow whatever their management said.
Btw, I once read that TVB has form it’s on music production department. What happen to it?
It was reported that Chan had actually found Steven a sponsor in Universal and was in the midst of negotiation when the ICAC case happened.
I think making the album is not the main problem because it would compose mostly of his themesongs with some new ones. The main problem would be the marketing and promotion of the album.
Who knows what happened to its music production dept? Just talk!
Below entries are from steven-ma fanblog
“With its consecutive expose on Steven, wonder what 3-Week tabloid will come up with in its next publication?
So what’s next? My ending question after commenting on the reports from 3 Week, and Sudden 1st Week. What’s next is that Sudden 1st Week came up with an article to discredit Steven. Guess it is getting close to tvb awards ceremony. The press bash fest has officially started with Steven Ma. So my next question is: Who’s next?”
Katy Kung has been an active poster on Steven weibo, affectionately addressing him as Biu Gor and occasionally thanking him, even till now. And Steven’s good relationship to Fala and Linda are well documented by all parties.
Per his terms with TVB, Steven is given total creative freedom with his AC2 production. Per his terms with TVB, Steven is given total creative freedom with his AC2 production. Knowing Steven’s considerate character he will be very tactful with implementing his ideas, nevertheless given his high standard, toes will still be stepped on and feathers ruffled regardless how diplomatic one is. Recall his past 5 alleged crimes.
As to his relationship with Tsui Jie,let her words speak for herself.
For weeks Tsui jie has been weiboing her return to school (uni) to get a diploma because that has been her one regret in life and before that she had been taken seriously ill and her health wasn’t good. And at that time she weibo her thanks to Steven’s concern for her. Her illness might have changed her priorities in life. As soon as she read the tabloid she posted this.
Reposted from above same link.
Tsui y/y: 8/4 22:39 Called to ask me why I resigned my job. Hung up without answering their questions, and yet despite that, still used this change in job to arbitrarily frame my good friend. Deliberately twisting words out of context and deliberately causing dissension. Totally lack of journalistic ethic. I’m not enraged but I want to seriously state my protestation.
@馬浚偉 8/5 13:15 reply: Totally believed you. I smiled after finished reading it. None of them is true! Anyway, wishing you smooth sailing in your classes and new growth!
Other pertinent weibo posts by Tsui show she has only goodwill for Steven, but tabloids had to turn her departure into something to discredit Steven.
8/4 23:20 書到用時方恨少*. Much thanks to my good friend for letting me return to school to study with a peace of mind. These past 10 years, we have shared mutual encouragements. Seeing him writing his own new book with a smooth flowing fluency, with ease and relaxation,all these years of analyzing philosophy has finally come to fruition. Congratulations to him.
Posts prior to tabloid
8/ 2 11:00 Please don’t ask me again “Why?” My heart has only gratitude. Grateful to my good friend for his concern when I was seriously sick, to let me soar into the horizon in pursuit of my ideal. There is only love in the world. Wishing my good friend who love and protect me happiness for the rest of his life.
and similar posts stating her excitement of going back to school.
請別再問我「為什麼?」 我的心只存感激。感激好友在我重病時擔心。在我要實現個人理想時放我海濶天空飛翔。人間只存愛,祝福愛護我的好友幸福快樂一生。8月2日 11:00
8月4日 22:39
書到用時方恨少。謝好友讓我重回校園安心修課。十年來,我倆互勉互勵,看到他親自撰寫新書全文,筆法流暢,輕鬆自在。多年研究哲學,果有所成,恭喜他。 8月4日 23:20
一生遺憾是仍未戴過四方帽,戴上那一天,一定要給你們看我最有文化氣質的一張相。steven,小豬們,感謝大家。 //@馬浚偉:絕對相信妳,我看完也笑了,沒有一樣是真的!嘻嘻!無論如何,祝上課和新發展順利!
謝謝祝福,更謝十三年的關心和愛護。長念。8月5日 17:06
To refresh my memories I browsed Tsui weibo again. She and Steven had been low profile about their parting of ways,but still couldn’t escape the tabloid spinning mills.
July 6:Don’t be deceived by my chubbiness, actually I tussle daily with sickness, pain and tumors. These days I pay great attention to my health. Grand Piggy Master (Steven fans’ nickname for Steven) loves sports, so seeing venerable me not even care to move around, to save old me he could only serve me with nutritious food. In July Book Fair, Steven’s book has many soups and herbal dishes which have saved me uncountable times. …. 7月6日 15:28
In another entry, Tsui writes that because of Steven’s persuasion she finally went with Steven to play badminton with him to get some exercise, which she thoroughly enjoyed.
Thank goodness for weibo.
7月6日 15:28
Before the above article came out the below article was published in 3 Week.
3 Weekly : Steven Ma Disheartened, Leaving the Nest.
The current 3-Week (vol 616) has its headline heralding Steven’s decision to leave the nest next July. One Mainland company even offers Steven a 12 million 2 year package as enticement to join them. And that each episode’s fee is 100.000 per series.
Now this provides a very interesting read. Jayne, if interested, you have my permission to repost the article on your esteemed site.
source: 3-Week tabloid
TVB siu sang are getting fewer and fewer, even Steven Ma, who has previously lambasted the company for arranging the broadcast of his series in unfavorable timeslot as cannon fodder, has decided to leave the nest when his contract ends in July next year.
The fact is that Steven has already penetrated the Mainland market; recently a Mainland producer wooed him with a 2-year 12 million (yuan) package to join his company; the fee for each episode per series is 100,000 yuan; compare that to tvb episode fee of 40,000 hkd; his fee is three times higher than his tvb fee of 40,000 hkd per episode; very luring indeed. As to leaving the nest, Steven candidly says: “It’s true that many people have considered me; there’s a lot to discuss!” which implies his departure is imminent.
Lately Steven has been discontented with TVB, especially with the broadcast of his two series, Links to temptation and Seven Days in Life, being aired in cannon fodder timeslots, which, besides affecting their ratings also affected his chance of winning the tv king award.
To placate him, TVB arranged to have his series, The Life and Times of a Sentinel, aired in the golden summer timeslot.* Further it also tailor custom made for him to a cooking program, Apprentice Chef. ** Earlier TVB also arranged an ice breaker dinner so as to enable Steven to sit at the same table as Virginia Lok, who was rumored to be on bad terms with him. Surely enough indication of tvb’s sincerity?
All these actions from TVB is just so that comes June next year when his contract terminates, hopefully Steven will obediently renew his contract. Allegedly, recently TVB has been trying hard to get him to renew his contract but Steven has been dragging his feet. The fact is that Steven has already penetrated the Mainland market with his Ghost Writer, Where the Legend Begins, and his other ancient drama series. Last year airing of Ghost Writer in Mainland has also greatly heightened his popularity there. Mainland companies frequently invited him for stage performances; he has no worries for other outlets.
Recently, Tsui Siu Ming (HK tv series and film producer) who now focuses on Mainland, has had his eye on Steven’s well-received ancient look. He had wanted Steven in his upcoming October Mainland tv series*** but because of TVB’s harsh terms, Tsui rescinded his offer. Consequently, Steven lost the opportunity to earn a 2 million (yuan) fee, which serves to reinforce his decision to leave the nest.
Tsui admitted candidly to this magazine: “I’d wanted to invite Steven to join in one of the big-scale productions in the nation, 建元风云忽必烈, (The Reign of Kublai Khan) collaborating with Hu Jun. But who knew, TVB’s terms and conditions will affect the future progress of the production. So the negotiation fell through. I feel helpless.” As to Steven’s decision to leave, Tsui expressed his welcome to him. “His image is good, and his other aspects also match my requirements. I want to use him, hopefully we can collaborate in the future.”
Allegedly, right now there are several production companies hoping to sign up Steven in their company. Among them is one company that has offered a contract with extremely attractive terms and conditions, including shooting one hundred tv episodes within a two-year period, each episode commanding 100,000 yuan, in a 2-year 12 million yuan package. In the interim, Steven is allowed to accept other jobs for side incomes; lots of freedom; very tempting indeed.
As to having a company offering an over 12 millions contract to him, Steven admitted to this magazine: “It’s true there are lots of ongoing discussions. TVB siu sangs have always been in great demand. Many people have considered me but at the same time, the company has arranged lots of work for me to do too. Like this coming August, I will shoot Siu Ching jie’s modern series.”
As to his contract ending next year, he said: “It’s true my contract will end next year. What’s important is to have a happy collaboration. I’ve been in TVB for 18 years, have to thank Zang jie (Catherine Tsang). She has been my benefactor, without her there’s no me. All these years, she has given me ample opportunities so no matter what happens in the future, I’ll always maintain a good relationship with the company.”
sounds like Steven is leaving as well. im happy for him since it’s time to leave before too late.
steven have been one of the few actors in tvb i actually like. i will surely miss him…
And btw, this reporter is a silent member of because 3 fans posts from there were printed on the tabloid too.
F1: What’s the point of renewing the contract, he’ll be back to square one.
F2: Whatever 4th Brother decides, and so long he is happy, I’ll support him.
F3: Wonder if 3 color will really treat him better, anyway whatever his decision is, I will support.
And yes, I think it is time for Steven to seek out new horizon, too.
Steve did leave TVB for Mainland China a few years back but haven’t found real success.
Now is the right time to go to Mainland China, since he filmed quite a number of series these few years (after returning to TVB) and gained a more solid fanbase in Mainland China.
But, it’s quite difficult to HK actor (and actress) to get a leading role in Mainland China production. This is because the rule that one of the lead (either male or female) must be a Mainland China actor/actress.
@seh she: But some ppl like Wu Ching also has a rule that in his production at least one person is HKer.
Wu Ching? Whose that?
I’ve never heard about casting HK cast as lead is compulsory in a Mainland China production.
It’s a known rule set up by Mainland China to protect their artistes (due to influx of actors from Taiwan, HK and now Korea), make sure that at least one of the leading actor/actress is from Mainland China.
Sorry for the typo on your username, sehseh :). Hope you won’t be angry.
I mean Yu Cheng – producer of Palace and Beauty Scheme. Had a typo.
Nvm abt the typo.
Yu Zheng likes to cast popular HK actor/artistes to hype up his series. That is a preference, not requirement. However, casting Mainland China actor/actress as one of the lead is compulsory rule for Mainland production.
I don’t like Yu Zheng. He likes to brag abt his series and cast. And when the actor/actress turns down his next series (after filming a previous one with him), he will slander them. Not to mention he blatantly plagiarize series scene by scene yet claim that it was his original work.
I’m not a fan of Yu Cheng. Few first productions are ok, the more are repetitive. And still find his series are too slow.
However, he said that he’ll cast at least 1 HKer artist in his series.
@ Fox
Sehseh said “it’s quite difficult to HK actor (and actress) to get a leading role in Mainland China production.”
Yu Cheng said he will cast at least 1 HK artist in his series, but, he never said it’s definitely lead.
Secondly, Yu Cheng is only 1 producer.
China rule is applies to all series.
This article first came out on Sudden 1st week but has revised it with its own salt and pepper flavor while discarding some. And before too other versions of the original will follow and so it goes in the tabloid world.
i kinda expected him to leave tvb once his contract expires so it wasn’t really a surprise.
I bet he will leave and sign with the 12 million contract company.
Recently, Tsui Siu Ming (HK tv series and film producer) who now focuses on Mainland, has had his eye on Steven’s well-received ancient look. He had wanted Steven in his upcoming October Mainland tv series*** but because of TVB’s harsh terms, Tsui rescinded his offer. Consequently, Steven lost the opportunity to earn a 2 million (yuan) fee, which serves to reinforce his decision to leave the nest.
This is bad. As manager of Steven, shouldn’t TVB do their best to increase Steven popularity and income? Why do the opposite?
no since stevens contract is soon to expire, tvb don’t see any gain in taking care of his well-being.
good thing is that i will be watching less tvb series which is good…
Don’t know. Even now the publicity on the series still includes his name in the cast.
On Steven’s weibo today:
@触动时代国际传媒 [新浪机构认证] :【演员新动向】近日@演员吕良伟 已经签约由导演徐小明巨制的大型古装历史题材剧《建元风云》,在剧中饰演拖雷,将与@胡军 @吴樾 @马浚伟 等一起统一华夏。@程滢cy @海藻vv @田佳锘 @琳琳Elin @I高峰I @勤奋的慧平
Thanks for the update on Steven’s situation. Based on the articles, I do think that Steven may not renew his TVB contract next year. After 18 years there, he may have already maximized on his opportunities, like other actors in his age bracket such as Bowie Lam and Bobby Au Yeung.
Artists such as Roger Kwok and Wayne Lai have family in Hong Kong and more reason to base their careers there and perhaps film occasionally with mainland companies.
For Steven to achieve greater heights, I think it would be beneficiary for him to go to mainland.
Oohs interesting, thank you for the clear-up! Guess his manager’s words were really twisted out of context in this case.
Oh no, noooo Steven, please don’t leave TVB! I only have TVB dramas as the only chinese channel on my cable!
Urgh, I too think Steven would eventually leave TVB when his contract is up since they have always been putting his shows on the less popular timeslots, they are like making him feel unappreciated!
Oh no, with Steven Ma and Charmaine Sheh over at Mainland, sooner or later all of TVB’s leading actors and actress would also flock to Mainland to earn yuan, guess next time it would be the Mainland tv stations that would replace TVB in the Chinese television industry! 😡
No only exodus of tvb leading artistes but good scriptwriters too. Too many constraints in tvb.
Ga Wai Nan(賈偉南) of
From weibo:
Ka Wai Nam:Steven Ma wanted me to write a pre-modern series for him to act. Talked to him about a character straddling good and evil. He expressed great interest but guess that won’t happen in tvb anymore.
賈偉南HK:回覆@馬浚偉:sure。 //@馬浚偉:總會有緣! //@賈偉南HK:回覆@李学庆:比那些更好的。馬浚偉想我寫部民初劇給他演,曾向他說了一個亦忠亦奸的角色,他大感興趣,不過現在不能在TVB成事了。 //@李学庆:回复@賈偉南HK: 哈哈我要马浚伟那样的角色
“But that being said, his manager Xu Jie’s sentence of “I don’t wish for anyone to misunderstand that I told you anything” and actions of hanging up the line straight away, even without a proper goodbye, seems very puzzling!”
Not puzzling at all because she did not want her words to be twisted to hurt Steven. No words to misquote and twist so maybe her action can be deliberately misconstrued instead.
Tsui y/y: 8/4 22:39 Called to ask me why I resigned my job. Hung up without answering their questions, and yet despite that, still used this change in job to arbitrarily frame my good friend. Deliberately twisting words out of context and deliberately causing dissension. Totally lack of journalistic ethic. I’m not enraged but I want to seriously state my protestation.
8月4日 22:39
@exoidus but TVB could have had a hefty from that 2 million fees.
hefty management
one more time.
@exoidus but TVB could have had a hefty management cut from that 2 million fees.
i see. maybe tvb was too greedy? milking their artist till they have nothing left hehe.
IMO, I think the negotiation fell through because of TVB’s lack of priority in the deal. TVB’s poor handling of this matter cost Steven’s involvement in a prestigious filming project. This incident, along with TVB’s lack of promotion of Steven in recent years, will likely push him to not renew his contract.
I think Tsui posted this weibo entry when the negotiation fell through. (though she did not specifically say Steven was the friend undoubtedly the post was for him.)
6/18 “If the work place is worthwhile to stay put, nobody would want to leave. Venturing out one will sure to see new horizon. Don’t over think, believe in yourself. Go! Dedicated to my good friend.”
如果工作的地方值得留恋,没有人会想到走。豁出去定见新天,别计较太多,信自已。走!送给我的好友 6月18日 19:18
Another artist sign out from TVB. Thank God Ruco just signed in YAY
When did Steven criticize Linda? Anyone have a link to this story?
to tony,
this is fabricated story, steven did not even criticize linda in public, that’s why up to now, linda only has good words for him, saying that he is the ideal father in tvb among tvb siu sangs (can read in steven ma fanblog)
pity steven, always have reporters maligned his names
suggest tony to the post in the below thread:
And my response:
Actually the original headline ran was that Linda Chung’s insomnia in Ghost Writer was brought on by Steven Ma and Fala Chen’s bullying of her. But over time per reporters’ whims, the headline could run with different permutation – LC was bullied by SM and FC during GW. LC was bullied by FC during GW, or Steven Ma bullied LC during GW, or in this case, SM criticized LC during GW, and so it goes with LC as the constant victim.
I disagree that reporters have always maligned Steven, no more than the other siu sang except for MC who can do no wrong in the press’ eyes.(per my causal online news surfing) And of course it also depends on the newspapers; Weiwenpao and Takungpao and lately Macao Daily have mostly positive news on him, except these news can turn negative when reported by other newspapers and magazines.
For 18 years at TVB. He needs to leave. He has more opportunity outside of Hong Kong.
When his contract ends, Sign a per series contract like the other people who is out of TVB management contract.
I don’t mind if he leaves. His acting is ma ma in TLOAS airing now for someone with 18 years of acting experience.
He also has no chemistry with Selena. Selena is pretty but watching them is BOORING
Such an irony, Tsui Rong Rong kept her reason for resigning to protect Steven, instead her silence brought on the media’s harsh accusations on Steven himself.
tsui rong rong: For fear of hurting him, I kept my silence about my reasons for resigning… disheartened, decide to leave! I left not because of him but of her… Totally unqualified, biased and incompetent so-called Ah Ma.
I can imagine Tsui’s anguish and helplessness when Steven was attacked by the press for her resignation, and yet she kept quiet about the real reason for fear of bringing him more problems.
A tvb scriptwriter response to Tsui’s post: This world has many obstructors, hurt others with no benefit to self, despicable attitude. 賈偉南HK:呢個世界有好多攔路虎,損人不利己,心態可鄙。
Ms. Lok is definitely despised by many of her employees.
Make me wonder why made the press thought she resigned because of Steven’s mistreatment despite her being so low profile over her resignation. It wasn’t until the news broke that fans knew about it, and the news did not stop until she wrote a column asking the press not to hurt Steven anymore?
Just like my question about Steven’s wanting to terminate his contract, how did that news get to the press? Just like the case of Wong Hei. Too many spies in the human resources dept? So unprofessional!
“A tvb scriptwriter response to Tsui’s post: This world has many obstructors, hurt others with no benefit to self, despicable attitude. 賈偉南HK:呢個世界有好多攔路虎,損人不利己,心態可鄙。”
Read his weibo yesterday. He’s leaving TVB end of this month. So, his weibo now is full or reminiscenting the past.
Yes, he is full of reminiscence. Tough to leave a place that is almost like a second to you.
賈偉南HK: “I still remember watching AJCL in Uncle Choi’s room the scene where Steven is making ice cream offering to his dead sister on the rooftop. Zhan Jie (Catherine Tsang) just happened to walk by and come inside and watch that scene, and become quite teary. And then coyly chided us for making her cry.”
“For fear of hurting him, I kept my silence about my reasons for resigning… disheartened, decide to leave! I left not because of him but of her… Totally unqualified, biased and incompetent so-called Ah Ma.”
Ah Ma? Her? 620? So many hate her?
@ Claimine
“tsui rong rong: For fear of hurting him, I kept my silence about my reasons for resigning… disheartened, decide to leave! I left not because of him but of her… Totally unqualified, biased and incompetent so-called Ah Ma.”
I see that you merge several separate weibo posts into one and leave out certain potions. So, this is not a translation but a summary?
Yes, I’m acting like a tabloid reporter now. lol! But I did not distort her meaning just give the gist of her sentiment towards Steven and towards that woman. I don’t even know if I’m capable of doing justice to translating her entries, so personal and so full of hurt, but most of all, I felt a bit intrusive to repost the whole complete entries on this site to people who may not understand her hurt.
She is more vocal than Steven on weibo. Steven is still keeping mum while she is spitting mad.
Especially how Steven was accused of being the cause of her resignation.
It is not a summary but a partial translation of each entry.