• @BearBear My favorite characters were in Mu Qin’s story (played magnificently by Qin Jun Jie). Generally it is best to not try to figure out the treasure hunt, the details will trickle in and there really isn’t a murder mystery (Liu Yi Ning’s Sect killed those 9 people). The story is more about how these 3 main leads, who each represents outdated ideals (Mu Qing is an imperial guard when Imperialism is falling, Liu Yi Ning is a Jiang Hu master when the Jiang Hu is dying and being overpowered by guns, Constable is a scholar when there is no longer the scholar exam) will face these turbulent times and either adapt or perish. Mu Qin’s character arc is very well written.

      Each character is flawed and realistic and has consistent motivations.

      You can dislike Liu Yi Ning’s character. I only gave him leeway because he was played by LYN, but I found him hypocritical, although his story did make me feel for his love. Their story was boring for most of the series. OK to speed through.

      I was amused by Mu Qing and Constable’s friendship and how exasperated Mu Qing was about Constable. But Constable does a lot of bone-headed things.

      Also, don’t be in this for the romances. And don’t hope for a bromance between the 3 MLs.

      Episode 7’s opening credits is very special. There are lots of funny Easter Eggs that the cast produced. I can link those later.