Alan Luk Reveals the Bitter Life of Being a TVB Extra

The life of an A-list TVB actor or actress may promise fame, glamour and money. However, many artists fail to make it to the the top and are stuck in minor roles, remaining nameless in many viewers’ eyes for decades. Former TVB artist, Alan Luk (陸駿光), who often plays minor roles in television dramas, has toiled for 12 years and struggled to make ends meet.
Artists at TVB are known to be workhorses, juggling multiple dramas simultaneously while sleeping only 2 to 3 hours at a time. Like other struggling TVB artists, Alan Luk signed onto HKTV for higher pay and found respect there. However, more than 300 HKTV artists and staff will now face unemployment as the government rejected HKTV’s television broadcasting license application.
Joining TVB in 2001, Alan Luk graduated from the 18th Artists Training Class. In his 9 years with TVB, Alan has taken part in countless dramas. However, he has always played many nameless roles, such as pedestrians or office workers in the background. His dialogue was at most two lines.
Did Not Receive Respect at TVB
Even if Alan did not hanker after fame, he was treated as if he did not exist at TVB. He also failed to circumvent the politics at play, in which he lost out on roles because of management’s decisions overriding the producers’ casting choices. Alan said, “Managers and backstage crews don’t greet me at all. I feel like I was not being respected! My salary was even less than a dishwasher. At one time, I was only earning $7,000 HKD per month. No money to go out, not to mention dating.”
Many people thought Alan was a player, as he frequently switched girlfriends. But the truth was that the women broke up with him because of his paltry salary.
In order to provide a better life for his mother and himself, Alan decided to join to HKTV. Right after joining, he was given a meaty supporting role in the 10-episodes drama, Marvel Century <驚異世紀>. Feeling more confident with his career progress, Alan proposed to his girlfriend, whom he has been dating for six-months, in June.
Just when things are looking up for Alan, the government’s rejection of HKTV’s application for the free-to-air license may soon make him jobless and forced him to postpone his wedding to next October.
Currently still staying with his mother in a rented apartment, Alan had to pay monthly rent of $10,000 HKD each month. If HKTV does lay off staff, Alan may eventually consider a career change. He said resignedly, “If the government insists on not issuing the license, I can only switch to become a security guard. For a living, I must do anything! I don’t have a choice!”
Source: East Week
This article is written by Karen for
Being a security guard is not bad. His acting still is blah.
Many “lead” actors at TVB are blah as well but they are given opportunities to improve. Meanwhile he didn’t get a chance. Back then, Francis Ng, Michael Tao, Sean Lau were extras but they were respected as a family member of TVB and they went from background actor to supporting to leading. There was a ladder to look up to. It seems nowadays, you don’t even know where to climb up.
Well-said, Jill! To reiterate your point, there are indeed plenty of artists at TVB (many of whom are in the ‘lead’ positions) whose acting is not up to par, but are given all the opportunities available and the chance to improve over time…yet there are some who are never given such chances. So um, the ‘argument’ that some try to make about artists’ acting being bad and that’s why they deserve to be neglected is just a bunch of BS in my opinion.
Oh and that whole thing about management decisions overriding producers’ casting choices is definitely not new — practically every single producer (and even some senior scriptwriters) have complained about this at some point over the past few decades, but of course, TVB has not taken steps to change this. Again, it goes back to the internal politics at TVB, which unfortunately is unlikely to ever change.
If an artiste is not given opportunities to act heavier roles (other than 2 or 3 lines), how can we expect him/her to improve? This would have applied to Francis Ng, Michael Tao, and Sean Lau.
In conclusion, an artiste needs good luck, good timing and good connections to get promoted by TVB. Acting talents are just secondary vs. luck, timing and connections.
That’s true. I remember when Tavia and Kenneth were also extras, and look at where they are now. I guess nowadays, most of the actresses are from Miss HK pageants (I mean look at Grace and Sisley already!). And if you’re a guy..I guess you have to be super good looking or else you’ll never get the breakthrough.
The bottom line is TVB will look after & give opportunities to those who are their management contracted artistes.
Sign your life away to TVB’s management contract for 10,15,20 years & they will give you endless opportunites to fast-track & skyrocket your fame so they can charge more from those who want to hire you for events, commercials, appearances, etc so you’ll be able to make the money for them.
Thus it is not surprising why producers & senior script writer’s casting choices have been overridden (& in turn become disgruntled) as there is conflict of interest. While producers & script writers want to cast those who to them will do best to portray & interpret their work, the company’s interest is to give as much as possible exposure of their “products” to the public in order to “sell” them thus the ability to act is not the company’s priority.
For those who are not TVB managed artistes the battle is already lost, & for those who have signed on the dotted line only half of the battle has been won.
Once signed, the luck, timing, connections, viewer’s fate come into play and when all of these align & the title of TVB TV King & Queen is crowned, the battle is nearly won. I consider victory finally declared when the managed artiste no longer need to renew their management contract with TVB and able to walk away from them with even more money & opportunities elsewhere, is the battle finally won.
And for those who may refute by referencing the years when Wayne Lai & Sheren Tang were crowned TVB TV King & Queen & both were not TVB management artists, my response is: despite TVB management’s aggression in achieving their commercial objective there have been instances where they had no choice as non of their management artistes shone in the past 12 months & to avoid the public’s backlash of blatant rigging of their TVB awards there have been instances where crowned TVB TV King & Queen were not contracted management artistes (but these instances are few & far between).
VERY well said Jill!! That was what I was thinking and as we know in this industry(and others as well), luck, connections, timing, opportunities, and many other factors all play a part in our success not just our skills, talents and abilities. Back in the days, there were not as many actors and actresses so competition was not as bad. However, these days there are just way too many artists that you really wonder if you would want to think of entering the industry due to the high level of competition and all. Everyone thinks entering the industry is a good way to make big bucks and gain fame and fortune. Of course many cannot make it to the top and in the end just change careers and disappear from the limelight.
Speaking of Sean, Francis and Micheal, I was just watching The Young Wanderer and other TVB 80s series and noticed them as those minor characters. It is great to see that they have climbed up the ladder and have gone a long way. I think a lot of these artists are not patient as well since as we can see someone like Wayne for example took 20+ years to get where he is today and Wilson Tsui took 30+ years to even get noticed. I can understand that they need to make money to survive as well but if they had the passion then they would still keep on trying.
That’s very sad. We see these faces all the time but NEVER know their names? =( Sad indeed!!
It is sad but understandable since there are just way too many new artists entering the field all the time so competition is tough. Jimmy Au and Savio Tsang used to play a few leading roles, but look at them now… It is sad for them too.
Maggie Cheung is right when she said her tears weren’t because she can’t payoff her house or take care of her family, it’s for staff and crew whose livelihood depends on their employment with HKTV.
He does look like a player.. some people have it.. some don’t.. why are they so bitter at not being promoted? everyone is in the same boat no matter where.. some actors become successful.. some don’t.. that’s the life..
Although TVB is clearly not the best employer out there, I’m still not feeling it for these actors that are crying out about the unfair treatment. If you spent 9,10,11… years toiling at TVB getting little pay and respect, well, why’d you stay there in the first place? You know how the system and politics work at TVB. If you don’t like it, go do something!
But hk actors have very little choices. If he loves acting and can’t break into movies so he must do so in TV and there aren’t many tv stations in hk. Frankly where can he go for acting jobs?
He does not look like a player. U gotta have the looks first. Working for 10 years doesn’t mean ur gonna be up on top. Wayne Lai and Bobby Auyeung work longer than that. Its all about patience and luck. Tvb cannot promote everyone. He shoulda find a 2nd job instead of blaming others.
If he loves acting, that’s a choice he made to stay in the industry, fully knowing the conditions of TVB. So now don’t go crying about that, because he made a very conscious decision to continue in the industry.
Apparently there’s a demand for less famous actors to do voice dubbing for imported programs. If Koo Ming Wah can make more money voice dubbing than acting at TVB (before he became popular last year), then other actors can certainly find related jobs or moonlight in other ways.
Networking helps increase opportunities in any field. Even if the chosen track is not successful, making oneself more likable and popular will increase the likelihood of others lending a helping hand or sharing valuable knowledge.
Alan Luk sounds like the type who may have shot himself down before any kind of big break came. Actually, he is relatively good looking although on the short side, and may have received more opportunities with better people skills.
Btw, I thought of Eric Li who had to work as a receptionist at a Thai massage parlor to make ends meet. Eric’s roles have much more screen time than Alan Luk, but Eric still doesn’t make enough money solely from his acting job to survive.
Hopefully with TVB’s ability to distribute and earn more profits in the mainland market, they can start paying higher salaries to their supporting artists so that it is less of a sweatshop operation.
“Hopefully with TVB’s ability to distribute and earn more profits in the mainland market, they can start paying higher salaries to their supporting artists so that it is less of a sweatshop operation.”
I doubt it. It will be higher salaries for the executives and for the stars of the show.
how is Eric Li’s receptionist gig any different from struggling actresses in hollywood waitresssing?
Do we go, oh poor poor nameless actress, who has to waitress because she doesnt get enough acting jobs?
why is this alan luk complaining about how they cant survive on 7000HKD. No one said they cant get a 2nd job to supplement their income, especially if they dont have many jobs, which is what he complained about losing out roles.
While some actors and actresses do have valid grounds for complaining, many of them are ludicrously petty in their complaints. Like people not greeting you, or not being on the posters. Well, there are many types of people in the world.
Like in a company not everybody can be Managers or Directors.
Succeed in show biz is tough anywhere, not only in HK. Even here in the US, many have toiled through decades, taking on menial jobs on the side, but still no break through.
One needs to understand that when he/she choose to enter this business.
Totally agree that show biz is really hard everywhere and not only in HK. However, I wonder if HK has minimum wage laws like the US does?? The standard of living in HK is really high that you wonder how can survive on such a low income from TVB.
I agree. It’s like that in every profession. Nobody ever guaranteed that devoting a lot of your time to something will result in success. No one forced these actors to be actors. I’m sure a lot of people want to be professional athletes too but how many make it?
Good point and I remember a singer once complaining about why her album did not win an award even though she put a lot of work into it. Unfortunately that is how unfair life can be, not only in the e world but just in any field. You can work really hard and end up with nothing while others can just sit back and not work as hard and end up with everything.
Maybe he was locked into a contract as with many other extras and actors, they need to fulfill the stated obligation in the contract, or they could potentially get fined. So if that’s the case, he has to stay no matter what.
Sometimes it takes backing to be given a chance. Many toiled for many years for a break but many needs not just talent but plenty of luck and aligning yourself with a producer willing to take you on. It is a difficult industry and if after a decade of toiling of no opportunity to go beyond what it is now maybe it is time to consider directing or the likes.
Luck, connections and opportunities are a big part of it…
If the backstage crew is not greeting you, then why not greet them first? Also, it’s pretty known that the company doesn’t like people dating because they think it’ll be a distraction, so why not concentrate on work instead of always looking for a girlfriend? Yeah, TVB is a tough place to work, but if you know acting is what you want to do, you also have to know you have to play by their rules.
i don’t like it when people don’t look at themselves for the fault and try to blame the environment.
life is rough. being an actor is no different from being an accountant, a lawyer, etc. if the industry does not suit you, move on ..
if i were him, i’ll make changes to factors that i have control in, i.e. change of career. people who whine and pout don’t get much sympathy from me!
I personally think that underground artistes should stop complaining and saying bad stuff bout tvb . I mean like if u don’t like yur job at tvb then why dont you quit , why complain about it right now ? Idk but to me , Im kinda tired of these type of news and it felt like they are trying to get attention . im not trying to say tvb is all good and everything, but like seriously they don’t have to talk ****bout another company that they use to worked for .
if he complaint so much, he can quit and do something else…
I don’t agree with some actor/actress that they complaint so much…yea…they work 10+ years and can’t be promoted…so what…it is how it work in this industry…not everyone can be famous star…otherwise…you and me will be famous star tooo….no one want to study sooooo hard to make it to college la!
It’s not how good of an actor you are, it’s who likes you enough to give you opportunities. Seems like at TVB, you’ll make it if management team is behind you, no matter how good or bad you are, they still have your back
that pretty much how it work in every industry and every where…I work in US…not every one has high education can be promoted to very high level…sometime…it depend on chance, your character…yea…you might say it is not fair…but it is the real world…why complaint
I don’t care about this kelefe or any other at TVB. They should switch to other TV stations if TVB doesn’t give them meatier roles. So many TV stations in HK like ATV, stop complaining and start working.
Do you have brain? ATV hasn’t produce a real drama in years.
Really it depend on your luck to become famous.
It’s true that TVB is clearly not the best employer out there, but it doesn’t mean that HKTV is also a good employer too. Back in the olden times, TVB started out as a small group too. A warm, family-like culture, and there were not as many employees there. But as their business grew and there are also more & more employees/artists, therefore, it is very difficult to care for them or treat all of them equally.
HKTV doesn’t have alot of employees nor artists, therefore, they can get all of the respect they want and there aren’t alot of rules/policies for them to follow. so called Ricky doesn’t have work to do, so he can visit the filming set anytime he wants to. But in the future, if HKTV have the chance to grow, they will definitely be the same as TVB today or even worse.
The Chinese idiom: crows are all equally black(天下乌鸦一般黑)is definitely true.
HKTV is not the only option for them.
well said Sheldon!
U said what i think, appreciate it
There is a alike idiom “Poor-eyed man is the king of blind country”
crows are all equally black(天下乌鸦一样黑). Working at whatever company (TVB or HKTV), it will be the same. HKTV is no better than TVB, it is the same too.
Agree totally…yea…i do prefect to have HKTV because i want more drama for me to choose and more jobs for actor/actress/creator…but I will not 100% believe that HKTV is a heaven working place forever!!! Now, Ricky don’t mind lost some money or don’t make profit…so he can provide long time to make a drama…wait few more year…he would want to make money…he is a business man too.
Good point about the profits because at first Ricky paid the artists so much but of course, he will not pay them a lot like that all the time. He will lose money and not profit at all. Then I can imagine him becoming cheap and all like TVB so that he can profit more. Also, he may work the artists hard like TVB just to compete with TVB and to survive in the competition.
Good point Sheldon and you said just what was on my mind. I remember back in the olden days where it seemed like TVB was more family like and were more united because there were not that many people. But now after 40+ years they have grown so much that those who do not stand out get ignored or overlooked. I think that is how it is in every type of business/company. It starts out small,warm and a bit cozy, but once it gets big, different story. I can totally imagine HKTV being just as bad if not worse then TVB if they did expand into a really big company.
“He also failed to circumvent the politics at play, in which he lost out on roles because of management’s decisions overriding the producers’ casting choices. “
This is just sad.
it is. dash another hopeful man’s dreams, if a human being strives hard yet never meet success, do they blame themselves or the structures in place beyond them?
i see the government made a selfish decision. why put all these hopefuls out of jobs, shoot a station down out of fear of competition in the market yet ironically NowTV, TVB, and friend are exceptions to being each other’s competition? HKTV was the one that helped local ppl the most, and esp ppl TVB took for granted.
Alan is deserving of so much more…unfortunately, the stars have not been kind to him to give him that break out moment as like so many others! Like others have said, he will have to change career to put a roof over his head and food on the table despite his love for acting!
I think he can still act and have another job since he isn’t getting much jobs for acting,therefore, he will have lots of time to do other stuff. If he loves acting that much, he can still continue it as a side job to bring in more income. It would be a waste if he just quits like that because you never know, what if he does get his break one day??
I am not interested in HKTV dramas itself nor TVB but still feel sorry for those who got their hopes up. Other ppl can make life suck for you sometimes.
It is quite saddening to hear :/ I mean, it seems like those go went over to HKTV did see a chance and hope in continuing their acting career in a better environment for them. Like seeing light at the end of that very long tunnel. But that very hope then came crashing down … really do hope most of them are able to find another way out of this trouble that they’re in atm.
Wow, that is just heartbreaking. He makes so little after 12 years of loyal service. Like working at McDs fulltime for 12 years and never getting a raise.
I wish him luck in the future and that he is able to find a steady paycheck no matter what he decides to do.
He sounds like a hard-working, loyal guy and any workplace would be happy to have him as an employee (except TVB).
You can say that again- 12 years ain’t a short period of time :S hats off to him for sticking by the company for so long and being so loyal.
Why can’t Alan Luk complain or better yet, speak his mind about the poor treatment he has received from TVB??? Popular artists at TVB open up (think Sheren Tang, etc.), why can’t Alan Luk? If all artists like Alan should stop complaining and looked for another job because they didn’t like the way TVB treated them, then there would be no more dramas. Perhaps the public needs to start appreciating how important extras are and realize they also have a huge part to play and stop trying to censor them.
Unfortunately, life’s like that. Life ain’t fair. You just gotta do what you can to improve your position. Failing that, you either suck it up and live with it or leave and do something else. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna get treated fair somewhere else.
Applies to everyone in every industry in every walk of life…
Totally agree and well said.. Life is truly unfair and some are luckier than others. We all just have to deal with it.
He can move to the other 2 companies that get license. No need to quit if he loves acting.
I wonder why he didn’t move to ATV back in the 90’s. ATV might give him less exposure, but, I read that they give good salary. TVB didn’t give him much chances anyway.
Well if he did start off from Acting Training classes, I could imagine he had some sort of passion for acting to begin with. If be moved to ATV, less exposure but with a ok/good pay is one thing, but with the productions being produced receiving little or no viewers…it’d jst be a pointless job, even if he was earning a lot. I’m sure most if not every actor would like to have their work appreciated or at least seen by people. That’s just my opinion :S
I agree and if he truly has the passion for acting, then it is not only all about money. I also think that he would want his works and roles to be recognized and praised by others.
Complaining to the media or to the public is such a stupid way of expressing their emotion. Instead of backstabbing their former employer,(which all job hunters & former employees should definitely avoid) why don’t just find other paths, or enhance themselves. Complaining & backstabbing doesn’t help anything
I guess it’s the nature of the industry. Unless you are some Miss HKG, most actors have to pay their dues.
People like Wayne Lai & Joe Ma had to toil for yrs before getting recognition. Power Chan who’s great still toiling!
Alan above ,sad to say is not very special so… maybe a change of job is not such a bad idea.
What a tough life for him. Hopefully things get better for him by HKTV getting the license. Surely he isn’t the only one who will likely the benefit from that.