Nancy Wu Shows Cleavage to Attract Viewers

Despite a lackluster premiere week, TVB’s romantic drama Season of Love <戀愛季節>, managed to charm extra viewers with the broadcast of Nancy Wu’s (胡定欣) cleavage in her starring episodic segment, “Chapter of Autumn“.
Separated into four different stories that mirror the four seasons, Season of Love features an ensemble of popular TVB stars that take part in different romantic adventures. The first two stories – “Chapter of Spring” and “Chapter of Summer” – garnered mixed reception, but Nancy’s “Chapter of Autumn” feature managed to bring the viewership ratings back up by a point.
Before the broadcast of her segment, the Best Supporting Actress expressed that she would surprise her viewers with some unexpected cleavage, and unexpected it was!
In episode 15, Kim (Nancy) tries to seduce her husband Ray (Oscar Leung 梁烈唯) by wearing a flowing, low-cut night gown that shows off her five-inch career line. But Ray, who has lost interest in his wife, does not respond to her seduction. Kim later discovers that Ray has been cheating on her with her friend, May (JJ Jia 賈曉晨).
Nancy, who normally dresses conservatively, baffled viewers with the daring scene. Netizens found allure in her curves and speculated that Nancy’s “revelation” is for higher promotion and to snag a spot as a top TVB fadan.
Supportive Boyfriend
Episode 15 aired Monday night. That afternoon, the paparazzi spotted Nancy driving her boyfriend, Patt Shum (沈栢淳), to a dinner date in Central. Upon seeing the horde of reporters swarming to her car, Nancy looked shocked, but quickly composed herself and let out a smile. Patt, however, looked overwhelmed and perplexed.
Nancy did not respond to the paparazzi’s questions, but warned the paparazzi to take care and watch out for the incoming traffic.
A day later, Nancy accepted an interview in the phone regarding her sexy appearance in episode 15. She said, “I rarely dress in such a revealing manner, so people are quite shocked. I don’t have much to look at, but it is enough for [my body], haha! I don’t consider it as a breakthrough. It was necessary for the plot. I hope I didn’t scare everyone!”
Nancy also revealed that she watched the episode with her boyfriend. Patt did not have much of a reaction to the scene. Nancy laughed, “He wouldn’t react much to these scenes, as it is necessary for the plot. He would not interfere with my work. He also didn’t tell me that I shouldn’t do these sexy appearances.”
As Season of Love was filmed last summer, Nancy was asked if her sexy revelation was because of her breakup with Kenneth Ma (馬國明), whom she had secretly dated for about a year. Nancy laughed, “No. When I filmed the scene, I was already dating Patt. I separate my career and private life.” Nancy also joked that she hopes her career line would be able to boost the ratings of the drama.
This article is written by Addy for
Well, JJ Jia has more cleavage.
Anyway cheap shot for publicity. Why not focus less on dubious claims of cleavage and just let her wear an expensive looking lingerie or maybe, just maybe let’s focus on the story? Or there is none?
“Season of Love” has been pretty disappointing so far. Despite the focus on the love stories, there is a lack of romance in the stories. I managed to watch one episode of each love story and the plot was just dragging.
Maybe the stories are too short and don’t allow for much chemistry development.
Tonight is the finale broadcast of Myolie and Kenneth’s story.
Maybe the story are too long without proper writing and cast no chemistry and romance is not properly depicted? the fact they’re short stories and you feel they’re draggy means they should be lesser.
Anyway Jayne, watch Reality Check. You will LOVE Ruco there.
I think the problem with “Season of Love” is that the stories were not interesting to start with. “Loving You” starring Sheren Tang was more engaging as you didn’t quite know where the stories were heading.
I watched only 3 episodes of “Reality Check” and didn’t have the time to continue. I’ll try to pick it up again.
Kevin Cheng’s “Ip Man” will be airing on US cable networks next week. I want to watch a few episodes and get a feel of the series.
Very boring drama.
The first story was underwhelmingly n boring, lack of creativity, follow general popular storyline, the main actress was annoying and made even the first episode hard to swallow. So far I’m 1.5 epi in >_<
Funn, I think this series has proved that nancy is not leading material, there’s something missing & she just doesn’t have that likability factor. Even with the cooler image/styling she is still not as pretty as JJ when they’re on screen together. Please, I’m not hating on Nancy…just my opinion.
funn are u a bit too conservative?
The fat lady funn is trying to make herself looks better than nancy.
What you said is pretty messed up and only a brainless person could say such thing….
Personally, I think the 1 point boost in ratings for the series was NOT due to any sort of career-line reveal. Just that the actors for this third storyline were MUCH better than for the first two.
Ratings for first three weeks were 22, 25 and 25 points. I don’t know why the article wrote ratings went up by one point.
Didn’t she wear some sexy dress a few yeard ago at some sort of ceremony? The one where tavia gave her a nasty look, shoved her shoulders in front of nancy and giggled with Kate. I still don’t know what happened with that, but it looked like tavia hates nancy.
You referring to this?
Anyway, Tavia and Nancy already clarified there’s no bad blood between them. Of course, there will still be people who choose not to believe there are not enemies.
wow Tavia looks so rude in the clip!
Wasn’t there a gif where they pushed at each other?
LOL, Tavia has a pretty good b*tch face. It doesn’t look like she’s pushing Nancy though. More like Kate and afterwards they smile at each other, so it might just have been a joke.
Gifs like these is what sparks wars. I remember something like this happened with popular kpop group tara, where a netizen purposelly trimmed out a whole 30 min game show into a gif where it showed one member stuffing food into another members mouth and that started a whole bullying controversy.
Joey, I’m sure none of these ladies are innocent, but Tavia’s action in the clip made her look very cheap
@LOL, if this happened between the top fadans, I wouldn’t be so sure they are innocent. But I cannot find a reason for Tavia to do that to Nancy given the difference in status.
@Crystal for Tara I believe bullying did take place. There were an entire series of gifs, videos, pictures…
I do think some of the bullying stuff did happened but I am not ruling out that some of the gifs were made to hype the situation to a whole new ridiculous level. You know, some netizens got nothing else better to do so they see this global thing happening, they add more fire. It happens. But yes, some may be true, some may be some fabrication.
Tavia obviously look ve rude in the clip.
She look down on Nancy.
Nancy definately look good in that dress.
@Crystal: Didn’t the T-ara one confirm to have conflicts between girls, just not that too serious?
Yes, they did say there were ‘issues’ between the group members but it wasn’t as big as the media or netizens claimed it to be. I mean, they’re a big group. I am sure when more than 5 people come together, without knowing each other before hand, are going to have problems with one another.
Well, it’s the past. They all moved on, that is all that matters.
Yes I was referring to that clip. What happened? I just know there was a war between the fans. I want to know how they clarified it.
I dun follow the Kbiz much but I’ve heard that the “raped” girl in Park Shi Hoo (do I write his name right) is from Core Media, the same company of T-ara and the fans are claiming it’s a game of the company to make their artists famous, same to the conflicts of T-ara last time. It would be interesting if it really happened.
Olive, I have the full video of the award ceremony. Norman Leung was giving out the long service award and they made all the artistes move to the stage. LMAO, yes, they were moving as he was making his speech. Kate, Tavia, Nancy stood at the far right end of the stage. I believe the cameraman wanted to zoom in on Louise Lee, who was behind Tavia but happened to catch that scene.
Below is their convo on weibo:
Tavia: Didn’t visit weibo for a few days, cos I was resting. Today I saw so many people commenting, what happened? What did I do to cause a misunderstanding? Who can tell me? Anyway, please don’t fight because of us, we are colleagues and friends, and we respect each other. Don’t fight, smile!
Nancy: Even if I watch 100000 times I also cannot come up with such a story, don’t bother!
Tavia: Yes! Go Nancy, another day let’s kiss for them to see!
Curious mode: Have they ever done with the kiss after that?
Another way of viewing that clip, is that Tavia was looking at the stage which is on Nancy’s side. Then she nudged Kate to initiate a conversation. Seems fine to me.
obviously they were joking. If they did hate each other, they would NOT be that stupid to show it on tv.
Dunno what the big deal is. It might be slightly more cleavage than what the 20-21 PM time slot is used to, but the TVB fa dans wear that kind of low cut dresses for the award shows every year.
As for SOL, I didn’t bother watching the two first weeks since I didn’t like the cast. Third week had pretty good acting between Oscar-Nancy-Vincent, unfortunately in usual TVB style the ending made zero sense. Oscar, the serial cheating husband is rewarded with a changed-for-the-better, docile wife and they lived happily ever after. *VOMIT*
The dress didn’t make any sense, which married woman in their right mind would wear such a dress to another man’s house…?!?
Oscar is Nancy’s husband in the show. Nancy dressed up cos it was their wedding anniversary and Oscar had cheated on her so she wanted to win him back.
She wore the dress to Vincent’s house first, so he can teach her how to win her husband back.
First chapter of Season by Him Law and second chapter by Kate Tsui – I think it was very stupid stories. I only watch one episode each.
Third Chapter Autumn by Nancy Wu – I actually watched all the episodes, the story was pretty good but Kenneth’s role in this drama was kind of nonsense/dumb.
The last chapter by Myolei – I didn’t watch any.
I was constantly bashing my head against the wall when watching Kate and Ron’s dragged so much and i personally found the story extremely boring hence skipping episodes. Nancy/oscar/vincent’s storyline I found was far more engaging if you had to compare it to the previous stories. Overall…this series is quite bland.
I likes the third story much more than the first two but it still ended up being the victim of lazy writing. Oscar ended up with JJ in 3 of the 4 scenarios and yet he and Nancy are happy together??
i am not anyone’s fan….but i skip through spring and summer story…i like the autumn story…i skipped the winter story…
Boobs = rating success.
if she has it, then show it. i don’t see anything wrong with that.
I actually quite liked the Autumn story with Nancy, OScar and JJ. I think its the best story out of the four. Nancy and Oscar’s acting was quite impressive=) Love them both! And Nancy does have a sexy body, If you have got it, flaunt it!
but the fat lady funn lim doesnt like it.
She can flaunt but it has to make sense. For instance it make sense that she wore that dress for her husband, but it’s kind of stupid if she wore to see Vincent’s character so they can practice having a fancy dinner…that’s lame.
Dun watch it but look like Txb is full of boobs now. Each month, we have to hear about rape, boobs, bra, etc. from Txb series at least one.
What so funny about it?
This shows tvb really massively appreciates the beauty of its female artists.
Dun find it’s funny, but a bit gross.
Btw, Txb dun have many sexy girls. They have some girls who are revealing but don’t know how to pose or bodies are bad. They also have some failed plastic girls.
Caught the finale of “Season of Love” tonight. The love story between Myolie and Kenneth is pretty improbable, but it ends on a hopeful note that everyone has a love fate.
Jayne, you said Kevin Cheng Ip Man will be air next week, any idea if we be able to watch thru internet?
would be good for a lady to be polite and dainty