Ron Ng Blames Ruco Chan as “Ruse of Engagement” Continues as Warehoused Series

Listed as a warehouse series back in 2011, Ruse of Engagement <叛逃> never had the chance to be broadcast. Starring Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧), and Ron Ng (吳卓羲), the action drama is of similar type to Tiger Cubs <飛虎>. Originally, Ruse of Engagement was supposed to air after Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II>, but due to alleged TVB executive power struggles, it has been placed back in the warehouse as Sniper Standoff <神槍狙擊> takes its place instead.
TVB executive, Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍), had been in charge of Ruse of Engagement, but unfortunately her other dramas that have aired recently were not well received. Beauty At War <金枝慾孽貳>, Bullet Brain <神探高倫布>, and Karma Rider <師父·明白了> did nothing to help pull up viewership ratings. On the other hand, many more viewers tuned in to watch Triumph in the Skies 2, a production under TVB executive, Tommy Leung (梁家樹). Reportedly, this apparent comparison gave Tommy more power in TVB, and allowed him to broadcast his dramas first. Ruse of Engagement is thus kicked out of the line and replaced by Sniper Standoff, followed by The Hippocratic Crush 2 <On Call 36小時Ⅱ>, another one of Tommy’s works.
Ron Ng: “It’s All Ruco Chan’s Fault!”
With their drama’s broadcast date still unsettled after two years, both Ruco Chan and Ron Ng expressed disappointment. Ron was quick to point his finger at Ruco. “I’m definitely putting the blame on him. At the time, there were rumors that his screen time increased because Catherine favored him. I don’t have much screen time in the drama anyway, so it’s not my fault!”
Ron continued and expressed how he only had one warehoused series in the past, and Ruse of Engagement is his second. “I’ve questioned the company why they’re not willing to air such an awesome drama. TVB colleagues told me it’s because Ruco has many other productions in line, and they can’t continuously air his works. I’m blaming him for making this a warehoused series,” he said.
Ruco revealed, “Ruse of Engagement has many explosive scenes which were a big challenge for me. After The Other Truth <真相>, this is the drama I am most confident about. I’m afraid that when it finally airs, our looks have all changed! I’d rather have this one air before Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>.” After hearing Ron’s accusation, Ruco brushed it off. “He’s just kidding. My influence is not that huge! I’m guessing TVB is just trying to figure out which type of dramas the audience favors and making their schedule according to that. It also doesn’t have anything to do with Catherine! She and Tommy’s dramas have different genres, and it’s worth being happy over any one of their drama’s success.”
There had been rumors while filming Ruse of Engagement that Ron appeared black-faced around Ruco since he received much more screen time. Ruco stated, “So far, I’ve collaborated well with all my colleagues. The most important thing is receiving viewers’ approval. I don’t want to touch upon these [rumors] again. It’s been a few years already. The topics are so lame! Stop talking about this all the time! All the actors whom I worked with did not have such problems!”
This article is written by Shirley for
There were rumours of ROE airing, but I think they chose Brother’s Keeper instead because Linda Chung is in it vs Yoyo Mung & Aimee, both not at TVB atm.
I agree with you. TVB might have chosen BK over ROE because of Linda, since both series are by the same producer and are both lead by Ruco, only having different second male lead and female leads.
Argh =_=
Ruses of Engagement was a series that I was looking forward to watching since it had Yoyo Mung AND Ruco Chan!
I was anticipating this series too, seems action packed and I’ve always wanted to see a Ron and Ruco collaboration. Hopefully we’ll see it next year sometime in the summer.
My first thought was yoyo not with tvb that’s the reason. But Ron is right about Ruco having a lot of series and in my opinion too many series aired with Ruco might will get the audience disinterested with the audience.
Ron’s disappointment is understood because Ruco does have many series and TVB might want to schedule his series carefully and makes BK won over ROE. I however don’t think it’s Ruco’s fault because it must be TVb management who decided the schedule.
Ron has umpteen years at TVB and still not making it to first tier.
Blame himself, his acting has limits, his charisma is limited, he is hotheaded and stubborn. He lacks acting talent and acting skills.
He still sticks to TVB because he couldn’t get lucrative offers anywhere else, not in China.
Just a sore loser. I rather he quit and disappears.
So much for blaming Ruco. Did he not think for awhile as to why he is not getting screen time?
Because TVB knows the audience does not like to see much of him, fearing he may bring down the ratings. They much rather bank on Ruco Chan, a safe bet
TVB makes mistakes too. Pairing him, a 2nd rate actor with superstar Myolie Wu as a couple is doing her gross injustice.
“TVB makes mistakes too. Pairing him, a 2nd rate actor with superstar Myolie Wu as a couple is doing her gross injustice.”
In the drama “Triumph in the sky II”
Although Ron is not the lead actor in TITS2, he actually has more screentime than Francis and Chilam, especially Chilam. Myolie is said in reports to be brought down to a second lead position because of Fala, not because of Ron.
Lets be frank here, Ron’s career at TVB is pretty much on a steady decline and the influx of new male artists doesn’t help him out either. His acting skills has not improved at all and all those harm sup negative news on him doesn’t help his image at all. I’d say TVB is right to reduce his screen time. This guy needs a real game changer FAST or he’ll pretty much be reduced to second line roles. I’d say move to mainland China and start all over again.
Ron and Ruco have the same position in TVB based on their standing position at the Beijing TVBC event. I won’t say Ron is behind Ruco. Ron may even be more well known than Ruco in mainland. When Ruco arrived at the airport for the event together with Charmaine, Bosco and Kate, mainland reporters didn’t realize Ruco was there and only mentioned the other three.
LMAO @ “superstar Myolie”. As if there’s anyyoung superstars in TVB! The only “superstars” are Dodo and Liza and that you dared to compare Myolie to them is hilarious.
Ron is being too whiny if he was being serious but ROE being warehouse is obviously not because of him when he has so little screen time!
“superstar Myolie” comment… O_o
Maybe Ron meant it as a rough joke but reporters misread his deadpan expression, or maybe Ron does feel hurt about his series warehoused because Ruco has too many series. Who knows?
Myolie is a TV queen, Fala has never won one. Why give Fala the lead role in Triump????
@advo, Dodo and Liza are superstars? hahaha LOL, that must be the joke of the century. You are way past your prime. They are old hags, has beens. They may be ‘superstars’ in their hey days but not now. The limelight belongs to actress like Myolie, hear??
No more Rony, please: How can you even compare Myolie with Fala? The comparison is so unfair since Myolie had lead over 20 dramas whereas Fala had only lead 3 series. It’s funny how you brought up a less experienced actress just to make Myolie “superstar.”
actually tvb wont allow such a comment and pointing of fingers. i think ron said it in a joking manner. Plus the “Ruco has many other productions in line, and they can’t continuously air his works” it sounds more of a compliment haha
No more Rony, its so obvious that RON is just joking =.=!!! seriously Ron will never blame/ complain….Reporters article are always misleading!
Ron definitely has more than one warehoused series in the past – Guts of Men and War & Destiny.
Too bad i wanted to watch this.Just have to wait till 2025 to watch it.
If I didn’t remember wrongly, Aimee’s in ruse of engagement too isn’t it?
Aimee is the female lead but the series is supposed to focus on Ruco and Ron’s brotherhood.
yes! and i think ron and ruco fights over her
seriously these article titles are always so misleading hahaha, obviously ron is joking about ruco having too many series out hahahah
but i really do think it’s because yoyo is no longer with tvb and they don’t want to waste precious air time on her…..especially close to tvb anniversary
don’t be stupid! ron will never say such things about ruco! this must be faked by the reporter! even if ron said something close to that he must be JOKING! come on everyone need some good jokes sometimes!
Yeah joking but to bring it up at all when it has no relevance? A case of hidden sour grapes for sure.
OMG, Ruco is so HOT in the picture above!!! It reminds me of Chong Ling in 爱在有情天. Aiya, I want to watch this series even more now.
lol It’s his eyes and that stare. The best part is that he won’t be wearing glasses in this one, thank goodness!
Ruco was favored by amy Wong not Catherine all Catherine cares about is wayne
This is a grand production it doesn’t have big grand cast but it was said it was a high budget series
I remember reading that ROE is a grand production with lots of expensive explosions and action scenes. That must be why Ruco has high expectation for this series besides his heavy leading role.
I think tbb should be blamed. They should have aired it last year when Ruco only got NGEW. Their reason-political. BTW it sounds Ruco has expectations for this drama. His acting must be awesome, Ron will definitely be overshadowed, not the question of screen time.
Amy Wong likes Ruco but she also likes Ron. She again gets Ron for her new version of Last One Standing starring Roger, Kristal and Ron where Ron will be a good cop.
A new version of Last One Standing with Roger… AGAIN?! The original LOS already had Roger in it as the bad guy and the show is not even that old. Need to remake already?!
I don’t think it’s a remake but it’s a series with similar genre with LOS talking about good, evil and grey area of people, and Roger is the villain.
IINM there used to be a fan war among Ron’s fans and Ruco’s fans about the leading position in ROE. I believe with this news refueling old matters the fan wars will start again when the series airs.
Ron………….. who?
TVB probably want to wait for Aimee to come back because she’s the only female lead now. Yoyo joins HKTV, which means no promotions from her. But then again Aimee is on an indefinite leave. It’s been warehoused for 2 years already. Some series were warehoused even longer.
I highly doubt that the decision to warehouse the series was because of Ruco — that just doesn’t make any sense, especially since TVB has been doing the back-to-back airing thing with their artists all the time the past few years because of the huge drain in talent. More than likely, the decision to warehouse was politically motivated (TVB’s internal politics)….
Besides, it’s only been warehoused 2 years, which isn’t a long time at all according to TVB’s calendar. Look at the series Riches and Stitches, which was filmed back in 2003 — that series only aired in HK for the first time earlier this year (2013)….if a series that was warehoused for 10 years can still see the light of day, I’m sure Ruse of Engagement being warehoused for another year or 2 is no big deal…
I also don’t think it’s because of Ruco. 2 years isn’t that bad in comparison to other series as you have pointed out.
But Riches and Stiches was not shown during prime time. All the warehoused series are aired during ungodly hours since their ratings don’t matter.
@Primrose: Actually, it’s not necessarily true that all the warehoused series weren’t shown in prime time…there are quite a few series warehoused for 2 years or more that WERE shown in the ‘golden’ slots — 2 recent examples that come to mind are The Greatness of a Hero (4 years) and A Great Way to Care (3 years) — not only were they shown in prime time, both series were also ratings winners the year they were aired.
Sure, TVB likely won’t air the really old warehoused series in prime time — like Riches and Stitches (10 years) and Au Revoir Shanghai (which TVB decided to air this month after being warehoused for close to 8 years), but the ones that were warehoused 5 years or less still have a chance of being in prime time.
I think we should be fair to give credit when credit is due and acknowledged those who really work hard for their effort. Which I personally felt that Ruco deserved more air time if TVB were to promote him. Its the management that has the FINAL say, I would think
Have watched his interviews and singing, I felt that he carried himself very well and has very good fashion sense. All in all , he is professional in his reply on this issue. All the best to him in the TVB Awards,
Its true that Ruco has a lot of series in hand to air this year, he has like what 5 series? Viewers might get bored looking at his face all the time. But ROE sounds good, I’d love to watch the drama
Where are all these series with him in because so far I only remember one Slow Boat Home or something. Which was a dud.
Ruco also had “Reality Check”. I don’t think it is that bad though. 2 series aired so far and with “Brother’s keeper” it will be 3. Raymond Wong and Fala Chen had like 4-5 series aired in 2010 and Kate had 4-5 as well in 2011.
Forgot about Reality Check. That was pretty dull as well. He needs a good memorable one.
I’d prefer ROE over Outbound Love. OL was featured at the China TV/Film Exhibition so probably coming soon? If so, it’s a bit ridiculous if the excuse is “Ruco has had too many series this year”, why choose a drama that just finished production THIS year over a FINISHED product of 2 years(ROE) all ready to air.
ROE and BK were also featured at the China TV Exhibition along with OL. All three series have trailers come out.
I would love to see it even if TVB stuff sucks now but w/Ruco there I will still check it out.
It’s hard to tell when someone is joking on the internet, and I don’t believe reporters aren’t above blowing it up to be misunderstood for ratings. I can’t believe Ron is so low as to be seriously blaming Ruco.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they wharehoused it because of Yoyo though. TVB can be so petty sometimes. It’s a shame that lots of people have to suffer because one person fell from favour.
Maybe it will end up like “When Heaven Burns” and be somewhat popular despite it being years old. – Although with Ron in it, I doubt it lol.
My guess estimate will probably be Christmas time. Lately, Catherine Tsang’s dramas SUCK really badly, Im not surprise “Ruse of Engagement” will have similar fate.
Ron Ng: “It’s All Ruco Chan’s Fault!”
Exaggerations again I supposed! Anyways, YAY!!! need not watch Rons acting for a while but too bad Im gonna miss watching YOYO Mung.
ugh I wanted to see this series SO badly! It sucks that they want to show BK instead to promote Linda.
I want to watch this so badly! Ron is just kidding, as he really likes joking. And the only person I would blame is Tommy! he seems like allowing all dramas of similar genre to air first before ROE!
Can’t agree more. It seemed someone was putting barrier whenever ROE has a schedule to air. Probably he knew ROE will make Ruco hotter and he don’t want rival’s power being enriched. Dirty politics of tbb, deprived viewers choice!
I think the reason of being warehouse is Tiger was aired right before ROE’s initial time to be aired, and Ron has SSS end of last year and TITS this summer. Bad timing of Ron! and Ruco’s SBH must be aired in May due to the Cheung Chow festival and the sponsor of BK may have pushed it to air in September. Grrrrr…
Anyway will miracle happen that ROE will be the anniversity series coming up?
Weird policy by TVB! IMHO, ROE has good potential to pull good rating due to action genre and intriguing plot. Looking at TITS II, I believe its rating is far from expectation, such waste big budget to produce “ordinary romance drama” :p
I agree… tits2 is so darn boring now
Agree. Too many characters and stories, and they are rushing it now to bring it to conclusion. So the stories jumping around too much. Issac and Summer should have more screen time, despite Myolie’s occassional gwing face. Less on Holiday, she is annoying. I don’t care about Heather and Roy!
never got beyond the first episode of TIT2…everyone’s acting is so pretentious , all trying to outdo each other….TITS2 has big budget, big cast, glamorous airline uniforms, beautiful European scenery, lots of romance, sex and love triangles BUT no soul.
I agree media was so blowing that out of proportion, I don’t like Ron but the guy was obviously just joking!
If you look at function photos Ruco and Ron actually get along quite well. Ron would even put his hand on Ruco’s shoulder when they take group photos.
It’s obviously stupid TVB politics that’s causing this series to be delayed as well as Aimee and Yoyo not being at TVB.
They’ve always aired back to back series of actors, why avoid it now? I’d so rather watch the ATF/Ruse of Engagement than the Brother’s Keeper overused plot where one brother (Ruco) turns evil is just too cliche. It’d take a “miracle” for Ruco to channel his “Zhong Ling” acting skills from Love in a Miracle and make his character likable and intriguing. Just hope BK will have a decent plot, only watching it for Ruco and Kristal.
Yoyo Mung is not that good of an actress…her face looks too stoic or depressing…When she smiles, it always seem so forced. Ron is not a top tier actor but Ruco is neither. He is too one dimensional…as his laughter is too forced bordering on sneaky.
sounds like ron was just answering the media in a jokey way.
“who do you blame?”
“of course ruco! he’s the lead. he’s in too much series”
“have you had warehoused series in the past?”
“just one…”
I agree.
I think all this, is blown way out of proportion.
I believe that TVB had every intention of airing this in the second half of this year as it was one of the series presented to the media by TVB earlier this year. It doesn’t make commercial sense for TVB to spend so much money and then warehouse it. I think the reason that the broadcast is delayed is due to the fact that both female leads are unavailable to do the promotions as Yoyo has left tvb while Aimee became pregnant (rather unexpectedly). This series looks awesome based on the trailers that have been aired so far. The actors all risked their lives and limbs filming the action scenes. It would be a BIG shame not to air it. I’m also inclined to believe that TVB politics has a hand in this. Catherine Tsang is losing her clout due to her previous poor performing series so it’s no surprise that TVB will pull her series to air some current darling’s series first. It’s just such a shame that we wont get to watch this just yet due to so many unfortunate events. ROE has the potential to be a hit series. Hope to see it next year.