“Ruse of Engagement” Ending Spoilers

TVB’s crime thriller Ruse of Engagement <叛逃> has entered its final week of broadcast. Despite a weekly debut of 27 points, viewership ratings for the drama have been on a slow decline. To gear up the audience’s curiosity, TVB promised to deliver action-packed, plot-twisting events in the show’s final week. The episode finale is set to air on Friday, April 18, 2014.
After her father, Chung Lai Him (Joseph Lee 李國麟), agrees to have Carson (Ruco Chan 陳展鵬) to join secret organization, Scaredy Bird, Jessica (Aimee Chan 陳茵媺) resigns her position at ATF and promises her father that she would help out with his organization. Carson tells Jessica that he forgives her, but when Jessica suggests to him that they should leave Hong Kong together, he declines.
Kiu Kim Hang (Law Lok Lam 羅樂林) is hospitalized after suffering from a heart attack. Fearing that his death is near, he tells his daughter Yip Ting (Yoyo Mung 蒙嘉慧) to retrieve a sealed letter back at home and instructs her to only read it after he dies. Finding the act suspicious, Yip Ting ends up reading the letter, which includes information of her biological father’s death. Kiu Kim Hang realizes that Yip Ting has discovered the truth, and tells her that she should kill him to avenge for her father. Yip Ting tells him that she is unable to do so. Touched, Kiu Kim Hang immediately decides to leave Chung Lai Him’s terrorist organization. Fearing that Chung Lai Him would go after him, Kiu Kim Hang secretly compiles a list of all the members of the terrorist organization in an external hard drive, but before Kiu Kim Hang could escape, Chung Lai Him’s assassin successfully kills him.
After Kiu Kim Hang’s death, Yip Ting returns home to collect his personal belongings, only to find out that his home was robbed. Luckily, Kiu Kim Hang’s list of members of the organization was not stolen, and Yip Ting pockets it. She gives the list to Chung Lai Him in exchange for her freedom. Chung Lai Him gives Carson and Yip Ting their first mission as an official member of the organization – to kidnap a young girl.
Alfred (Ron Ng) finds Wang Leung’s (Lai Lok Yi 黎諾懿) location and just when he is about to send his team to retrieve him, Ngo Sir (Eddie Kwan 關禮傑) stops him. Alfred finds out the real reason behind Carson’s betrayal of ATF, and decides to help his brother with his final mission. Carson and Yip Ting kidnap the girl, who is the daughter of a professor in virology; Chung Lai Him wanted to threaten the professor to help his medical research. To save his daughter’s life, the professor agrees to help Chung Lai Him build his biological weapon….
Source: Baidu.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Ahh the spoilers isn’t much! Phew!
Boring series.cant wait for mclub
M club story sounds boring, the only interesting point is the cast of veteran actresses.
Lol at the title. Sounds like some cheap cat 3 movie.
Haha, what’s this now? M Club? Sounds like nothing compared to Ruse of Engagement.
But that’s just my opinion.
@omg, haha cheap cat 3 movie.
– spoilers’ correction-
No. that sealed letter was 李国麟遗嘱. 其中包含如何蒙嘉慧爸爸去世了原因.
Alfred (Ron Ng) finds Wang Leung’s (Lai Lok Yi 黎諾懿) location and just when he is about to send his team to retrieve him,
If you saw today’s episode preview, it was because Chris Lai successfully was freed and knocked a guy unconscious and had to smash the window to get alfred’s attention.
just in time too. if chris lai had missed a second, he would still be trapped.
typical tvb drama.
so why did ruco betrayed ATF?? >< i watched it without eng subs so im not sure whats happening LOL
he didnt betray atf. eddie kwan wanted him to be an undercover cop to see who is the mole in atf.
He did not betrayed ATF. He went undercover mission. Amiee is the traitor which reveal on episode 21 and the worst actress.
aimee is not that bad.
They need to stop casting Aimee Chan. Can’t act.
Yes, pls stop casting Aimee as the first lead..i feel Nancy Wu/Grace wong/Natalie Tong can perform better.
Agree, she is the worst among the worst. Her acting is horrible and even worst than a newbie. Can’t stand her when she tried to close eyes and tried to squeeze tears and 1 drop barely comes out.
Aimees not that bad. stop exaggerating how bad. no one is forcing you to watch her.
she did fairly well when she found out that carson was shot
Aimee is such a lousy actress..she can’t convey any kind of emotions other than giggling like schoolgirl. Last night she spoilt the climax of the whole drama with her poor performance. She doesn’t deserve to be a lead actress…pls TBB, do not cast her in anymore TV series as the lead.
Amiee is BAD. That last episode was cringy. She suck at her expression when she cry and denied to Ruco when she blows her speech on being a traitor. Seriously, she has NO IMPROVEMENT all these years in her TVB career. EVEN the enemy Vivien Yeo acted better then Amiee. Terrible performance.
vivien yeo was given more roles, more exp. she knew how to act her role. see wars in law!
Viven is at TVB since 04. Amiee is at TVB since 07-ish? Viven is younger then Amiee. But Amiee, who the hell make her a lead actress. She is AWFUL.
TVB fan, i fully agree with you. Last night’s episode was supposed to be the climax where she’s revealed as the mole but her acting was so abysmally bad that it totally ruined my enjoyment of that moment! She was merely reciting her lines with no emotions whatsoever that i felt totally detached from her character and could not feel one iota of pity for her. I stopped listening to her after awhile and all that time, i was feeling so sorry for Ruco for having to act opposite such a lousy actress that the whole earth-shattering moment lost its impact for me and many other viewers. As she cried and begged for forgiveness, i could only cringe and pray for it to be over. So many tears but her eyes were not in the least red, how fake is that? Aimee has her good moments in her drama, that i must give credit to her. She did well in that scene where she saw Carson’s execution and the crying scenes after that. She and Ruco also shared some sweet chemistry, yet she failed miserably in last night’s crucial climax. Suffice to say that she’s an inconsistent actress who should stick to light roles, not the heavy emotional dramatic roles. Thanks Aimee for ruining ep 21 for me.
LYLJ: totally agree. nancy wu is a good actor. but tvb still haven’t given her any lead roles
anyways, thanks for explaining everyone! anyone know where i can watch the series with eng subs?? ><
the ultimate addiction should be her full drama
You dont need to English subs in episode 21… look at the expression of Aimee’s face. Even Ruco couldn’t stand her with that expression.
“Thanks Aimee for ruining ep 21 for me.”
I thougt ep 21 was awesome. She didn’t ruin it for me. In fact whilst her being a mole was not a surprise anymore, it was the fact that Jessica did everything for the love of Carson which was a surprise. She is gambling big here, that Carson has turned but she will lose big because Carson has not. Aimee wasn’t THAT terrible but a more skilled actress would have made Jessica more desperate, more pleading, more whiny, more love sick.
“Nancy Wu/Grace wong/Natalie Tong”
Nancy Wu is not pretty enough. Grace Wong is not A-list enough. Natalie Tong? She will sound bored half the time and way too dramatic. Why not cast a truly A-List actress?
Nancy Wu is not pretty enough. Grace Wong is not A-list enough. Natalie Tong? She will sound bored half the time and way too dramatic. Why not cast a truly A-List actress?
Not pretty in your eyes, that is. stop judging the artistes. at least they have guts to be in hk entertainment industry .
The question was why these actresses were not considered for lead roles such as Jessica. Hence my answer.
Aimee wasn’t THAT terrible but a more skilled actress would have made Jessica more desperate, more pleading, more whiny, more love sick.
her character is not whiny.
The question was why these actresses were not considered for lead roles such as Jessica. Hence my answer.
ever heard of filming other dramas?
Well at the time they film in 2011. The only actress I could think of maybe Linda Cheung or the whack job Kate Tsui.
I agree episode 21 is awesome if they did not put Lopsided Aimee’s confession at the end.
Her confession was supposed to be the main revelation for Carson. If Aimee is terrible, look at Ruco. He will overshadow her horribleness.
Her confession was supposed to be the main revelation for Carson. If Aimee is terrible, look at Ruco. He will overshadow her horribleness.
i didnt see it that way.
Its other way around, Aimee’s VERY BAD confession overshadow Ruco’s great performance. Which is bad. Im just disgust at TVB.
Aimee is good in this series; I really enjoyed her acting.
Aimee is not bad at all. I loved her acting. She puts much emotion besides her looks and everything are fit for the role. Let’s see you act.
I don’t think yoyo mung can act either, so stiff, couldn’t cry at all.
cant you leave yoyo mung alone? gawd its like her last tvb series. is that hard to like have respect?
and can you cry on screen?
@gigi, ur grammar or spelling not that good either. It’s “can u” not “can’t u”. I’m just saying from what I see, not being harsh on anyone, can I cry on screen? Sorry I’m not an actress I can’t do that but I can cry easily just from watching sad scenes, she’s an actress she should be able to do all those scenes but I don’t see that in her like Tavia does. Btw, I’m just giving my opinions just like any other people here criticizing other actors & actresses, I’m not talking about u, why r u being so offended?
@Joyce, your grammar isn’t great either. “ur grammar or spelling not that good either.” Where’s that ‘are’ you’re leaving out?
Might wanna double read your defense. Also, people get protective over people they support. Just saying.
Yoyo is not bad in this drama. She has improve a lot over years. TVB has no respect or have the values of her work.
Yup. She’s ok. Better than Aimee any time. I see more chemistry between her and Ruco compared to Aimee. Pls let her end up with Ruco instead of Mrs. Moses Chan.
Is Aimee that bad??? I personally do not find her a good actress, but the other roles that I have seen her in are pretty minor. The most significant role was in Tian Di and she was ok.
Bad but not so bad that overshadow ROE in itself in any way. Jessica was sorta like a wallflower until ep 21 gave her some personality and something to do.
same as Aimee, sometimes good, sometines bad.
At least Yoyo show improvement over the years. Meanwhile Aimee… seriously did TVB Acting Class did not train her well on the emotions of guilt? She was ok in the series until episode 21, she was a MAJOR FLAP and could be turning point of ruin the series altogether.
Yeah she was horribly inadequate in ep 21, her worst performance in the whole drama to-date. Let’s see if she gets any worse in the last 4 eps esp that scene where she threatens to blow her brains out. I hope i won’t cringe instead. Aimee, pl don’t ruin the finale for me, pleeeeezzzze , i beg of you!!!
Aimee’s prettier than Yoyo so she gets more screen time. Come on people, isn’t it pretty much a known (but perhaps unspoken) fact that one does not have to have talent to be the lead in a TVB series? Aimee actually reminds me a bit of Charmaine Sheh, who was pretty awful when she first started. Myolie is pretty bad too, but she gets to be lead female. And let’s not even talk about Linda. They’re all crap actresses, but they’re all pretty, so they all get to be lead. I think Nancy Wu deserves more opportunities. She’s pretty too, but a different kind of pretty, which doesn’t fit the ‘pure and innocent’ look that is so popular in HK.
“Aimee’s prettier than Yoyo so she gets more screen time. ”
Actually I do think Yoyo has more screen time and most often she is alone. Aimee’s screentime is dependent on either Ron or Ruco.
Yoyo mung acting isnt really that bad itz just TVB wouldnt give her a chance
She was very good in tonight’s ep 22, two thumbs up, especially her crying scenes!
i hope in the end Ru
I hope in the end Carson will be back with Jess
that wont happen.
Yeah, that could be happening…lol.
Yes pls…Yoyo with Ruco
I love this show!
ITA with tommy land.
I can see why amy said this will be one of aimees representative works.
ahhh, here’s the catch…Amy didn’t say good or bad representative work.
if a producer says its a reproductive work, obv. it is a good thing.
representative work, i mean.
One episode is ruined. Four more chances to ruin the entire series if her performance is not up too par.
haha, i get that it’s supposed to mean in a good way, but this is seriously so bad, it’s her representative work in a bad way to me. I think Aimee was ok towards the middle part of the drama but ep 21, she was beyond bad as bad can be.
I don’t know why her performance was suddenly went down the drain in Episode 21? Yes she was good, just “ok TVB acting quality” right up to Episode 21. For three years that was warehoused, could they at least fix this mistake and retake the scene again? I don’t know whose fault is it that approve this scene in Episode 21.
I can not wait to mute her in the next episode if she is still acting that way.
I think it is probably because there was a lot of acting involved, a lot of conflicting emotions. Ruco was superb and Aimee feeding off Ruco’s energy probably did her best work in that last scene of ep 21. However her best work is still wholly inadequate, she is holding back. Same like how it was in Outbound Love. No change at all, in fact she is more reserved in expressing herself now than way back 3 years ago.
Would it be the best if Aimee sent to ATV for Artist Training Bootcamp?
Funn, i have to disagree that Aimee “probably did her best work in that last scene of ep 21”. I thought she was generally ok throughout the drama(except for the first couple of episodes which is excusable as she was probably still trying to immerse into her role) but she was at her worst in that confession scene. She said a lot but somehow, none of what she said was convincing. It was as if the words were rolling off her lips but she just couldn’t feel any emotions in her words. I felt nothing for her character, just plain irritated with Aimee. Although Ruco acted his heart out, it was not enough to save that scene from total disaster. It was really an anti-climax to me when it should rightfully have been the climax with that mind-blowing twist that Jessica was actually responsible for his capture. Like i mentioned, i think her best scene was when she witnessed his execution and that sweet scene at her home with Carson after he rescued her from the lab fire. She also did well when she saw Carson again in the hospital after he returned from the dead. Little intimate touches like stroking the hair at the nape of his neck said so more than words in that scene and those adoring glances she gave were convincing. It’s a pity she failed spectacularly at the most crucial scene.
“. Although Ruco acted his heart out, it was not enough to save that scene from total disaster.”
I disagree. She did not do so badly so as to destroy that scene totally. She wasn’t up to par but she alone did not destroy the connection, the story, Ruco’s performance and Jessica’s desperation so totally so as to break the scene.
Ep 21 was very very well written and ROE remains the best action drama by TVB thus far, irrespective of Aimee’s performance, same like what’s her name did not destroy Crimson Sabre. That drug addict lookalike actress next to Gordon Lam. That one was TVB’s worst actress, ever.
if you were jessica, how would you act the scene then?
i hv to say that she totally ruined it for me.
Eliabeth, Aimee acted as Jessica should act but it was very very BAD acting!Very unconvincing, just going thru the motions.
no, i don’t think that Aimee’s acting in ep 21 ruined the whole drama, just that it ruined the climax.
We have to wait for another scene if she does this same crap again, when she fight with Ruco and she points her gun to her head.
Jessica is a very sad sad character.
And everyone, maybe we should stop SPECULATING and DISCUSSING on the future plot because apparently that is called judgmental.
I don’t feel Jessica is a very sad character. She did everything willingly for her Dad.
Yoyo acting is neither good nor bad. However, Aimee Chan’s acting is worst of the worst. She can not express her character’s emotions. The worst leading actress I have never seen in TVB dramas.
Agree wholeheartedly!!! I was on the verge of switching channels each time she appears for more than 2 minutes!
I’m not helping Aimee but this drama is actually 3 years old. So this is actually her first drama that she lead in. So I won’t be that harsh on her acting. Overall I am loving this drama. Stop complaining who acting wrost or not!!
Good, don’t defend her.
It seems she didn’t improve for the last 3 years if u did watch her recent drama with Ruco again!
TVB magazine for Ruse of Engagement final episode visual previews… link: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/796445-episodes-21-25-for-ruse-of-engagement/page__view__findpost__p__7317090
Episode 22 spoilers: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/796445-episodes-21-25-for-ruse-of-engagement/page__view__findpost__p__7317405
What is the chance of open ending?
TVB loves opening endings. Haha
Looks like no chance. If this series ends as well as it is going now, the chance is zero!
Has amy wong ever produced an open ending series?
no. in past amy wong works, her endings been happy. unless tis is a breakthrough drama where she uses an open drama.
Amy Wong has done open endings. Some times are good, most times are WEIRD.
I was right… OPEN ENDING. Amy does it again.
It’s not really an open ending , more of an ambiguous ending as in ….did Carson commit suicide?
Its a open ending.
So, I rewatch episode 21. Aimee is terrible at crying scenes. There was ONE freaken tear drop on her left eye flowing little bit. She did not have runny nose or a snot bubble or even red teary eyes. It was so awkward with Ruco acting with his emotions and Aimee’s emotions at the same time, very apart. Aimee trying to gain trust but it acted so bad. Very sloppy, she did not act as she regrets what she has done damage to her lover. She also touches Ruco if they want to makeout in a bad way.
This is so basic TVB drama when someone betrayals you, they try to say the truth and be so sorry and get even closer to reach an agreement approach…. Not this case, terrible scene.
This will not end well.
Enough is enough. All u do is complain complain bash and none stop bash about Aimee. If u hate her so much then stop watching dramas that she’s in. U seem to have something against her. U come off as a hater and u r really annoying. And if u don’t like how tvb caste then don’t watch tvb drama. And u should get a life and stop coming back to write ur worthless full of poop opinions that nobody cares about.
haha, you care. You replied to my post. Hooray!
There are some that watch a series for more than just the cast. I agree it is getting redundant for Larry to continuously bash Aimee but maybe she is truly that bad?? I personally would not skip a good series just because of one or 2 actors and actresses that I do not like because there is way more to any series than the cast.
I do agree that Larry should stop bashing Aimee because Larry, we get the point that you do not like Aimee or her acting that is… No need to keep on repeating it at every chance you get.
Why don’t you try to ignore my comments more people…
Aimee Chan is undeniably pretty, I can’t stop looking at her throughout the drama!!! I thought her acting was good but in episode 21 when she confessed to Ruco, I wish she showed a bit more emotions. Maybe she did but the editors chose a bad shot? I wish someone at TVB could cry like Kim Soo Hyun LOL.
It could be that. I will blame the head producer, Amy Wong… she should have caught the mistake or mistakes by letting this scene to air it on TV. I hope there was other good takes that could have use in the production. But this, this is definitely a bad take.
Aimee was an obedient daughter who listens to her dad. i <3 her acting.
Another undercover cop story. Seriously, when will TVB come up with fresh ideas?
Love this drama! Ruco rocks as Carson! The opening sequence always gets my adrenaline pumping. I’m glad tvb chose to put the theme song at the end instead of the beginning. The heart-thumping opening music goes well with the snippets from the drama. Definitely recommend to watch for those who like police dramas. Lots of explosions and action, topped off with a very dramatic execution scene and lots of graphic torture.
It’s funny how you people don’t realise that, you aren’t an actor yourself. So, what rights do you have to criticize and complain about her acting skills?
How come everyone comments on the actresses (Aimee and Yoyo) acting abilities and not the males?
RON is by far the worst actor in the series.
He looks indifferent to everything ALL the time.
When his brother died, when his brother was actually alive, when his brother shot him, etc. He was incapable of emoting any appropriate expression and just rehearses all his lines.
Aimee has NOT been as bad as everyone has said.
He is worse than Aimee who albeit failed a bit in her scene in episode 21 but has been totally fine throughout the series.
I don’t understand why the women are always criticized while the men get to get away with their bad acting.
I guess once again, acting is subjective because I have seen Ron and Aimee act quite a bit and I think Ron is a way better actor(not saying in this series since I have not seen it yet but am just saying in general). But then again, I have not seen Aimee in a leading role yet or in this series yet but she is ok as a supporting actress.
Acting really isn’t that subjective.
In this series, Aimee is fine and Ron is terrible (especially for someone whose been acting for years).
No, acting is still subjective because you may think that way about Ron, but others may not. Just as you can see, many think Aimee is bad/terrible while you think she is fine. Acting is truly subjective at least to some extent because it all boils down to a matter of each individual’s opinion.
ACTING is not completely subjective.
How an actor is perceived is subjective.
Acting is like singing, either you can do it or you can’t. You know someone isn’t a good singer when they’re off-key. You know someone is a bad actor when they can’t express the simplest emotions.
Attraction/likability/charisma that the actor has IS subjective. I think you’re confusing the two.
I suppose because ROn is a given. No need to argue.
What do you mean by that???
What I mean is and I am just interpreting, not stating it as a fact, that why everyone argues about Aimee, Yoyo but not Ron is
a. he is so good no need to argue
OR greatest likelihood
b. he is so bad everyone just agrees not to argue about it and accept it
Oh ok,I see and thanks for clarifying.
Ron is ok in this series, there are flaws in the series if you really want to nit-picking to death.
Amusing to see everyone defending their favorites and bad-mouthing others’ favorite that they hate and then asking others to stop bad-mouthing their favorite and la de da … ^-^
Stopped watching when Eddie Kwan’s character made that world record jump between two buildings. Just can’t suspend my disbelieve anymore.
But the good stuff only started AFTER that, in episode 7 onwards!!
It is just a series so we should not equate it with real life.
Why are you guys constantly bashing on Aimee’s acting? She did well in Ruse of Engagement! It is ridiculous how you guys complain about her acting skills but still managed to watch. Other actresses would not make this better since Aimee and Ruco does look good as on screen couple! You guys need to understand what kind of role she is playing…because of the way she is treated by her dad, she grew up almost without feeling any love. In one of the ep. she even stated that she never felt warmth of blah blah until she met Carson…if a person doesn’t have much love and warmth, how are they suppose to cry their heart out??? She did well on showing that she really regretted and hurt about what had happened to Carson. Just because a person is deeply hurt it doesn’t mean that they can cry tremendously. What else do you guys want…if she cried too much, you guys will complain and said she over exaggerated and because she didn’t cry much, you guys said she can’t act!
Its crazy how you guys complain that netizens complains too much about everything, yet you guys are doing exactly the same! Just because you like a certain actors or actresses and prefer them…it doesn’t make the actual actresses/actors suck!
I am sure many people are getting annoyed by Ron’s role because he is stupid in the movie…he has a wood face and his acting isn’t great or better than Aimee by a lot…when the ambulance came, it didn’t even seem like he got shot! If I didn’t saw the part he got shot…I wouldn’t even know he was hurt. Just enjoy what’s left to watch instead of complaining or don’t watch if you hating on Aimee so much.
This series is great! Can’t wait for the finale!
> <
Hahaha… already can guess that Aimee and her father are the organisation long ago… Her father is the type of major ‘carefree’ actor, so when he first appeared, I’ve already guessed that he’s the ‘leader’ of the organisation.
Also can guess that Ruco will go undercover once again, and can spot Lai Lok Yi is the bad guy when he moved the bag.
TVB needs to try harder in being unpredictable.
Vivien Yeo should be a cop undercover if I guess right.
And vivian is not undercover cop, so you’re wrong again…your wish got granted… twice!!
Secruoser, i’m happy to inform you that you got your wish for Tvb to be more unpredictable. ….cos Lai Lok Yi isn’t the bad guy you predicted…..oops!
i really like yoyo in ep 22. She nailed the emotional scenes perfectly.
nothing again myolie, tavia etc…
but tvb need to find a new stardom generation like back in 80’s 90’s…
They all have something…
Aimee has a good role here. But her acting doesn’t make her character stand out or in other word it’s terrible from what I have watched.
So for those who don’t like her acting expressions. PLEASE keep watching the drama because It is a good scripted drama and other actors’ great acting. SKIP all the scenes in which Aimee is if you get sick of her acting.
without reading the spoiler at the top, I presume the ending will be:
As we all know now that Jessica and her dad is from the bird gang. Now I will more incline to the fact that the ending is Alfred will do everything to save jessica (that may include even he knows she is from the bird gang), he will protect her, whereas Carson (of cos he will have struggle now (from espisode 21) to decide shd he help to eradicate the bird gang since jessica is the mole. But of cos, in the end carson will arrest jessica (one of the scene show , he ask her to surrender or something).
so my personal guess, if they want to make it more exciting is
Alfred (to help jessica, since he love her and he is dumb in this show), he will switch side to protect jessica (new mole come up)
Carson will obviously become the good guy (the fact we all know he is undercover) but the exciting part will be he arrest jessica and then find out Alfred switch side to help jessica, so he has to decide shd he arrest brother too.
ok thats my assumption, i dont think tvb will end it so dramatic, but hopefully some surprises and not just since carson know everything (he struggle a bit, then in the end he still decide to arrest jessica and bird gang) and yip ting goddad before he die he will tell the true of yi ting dad and of cos jessica dad arrested..Typical ending . come on tell me alfred switch side because he love jessica too much and alfred hate his brother .. i would thought that better to continue from eposide 21
haha alright sorry long story
to tell u the truth, i actually kept watching epi 21 again and again.. the firdt scene that i love when carson met her mother with yip ting.. i was so carried away with carson emotion at that moment.. is he getting better in acting or what?
thecsecond part is of course the confession part.. i somehow feels the love of carson to jessica and i can see how much she loves carson.. despite her acting, i still believe they have this unspoken chemistry together compared to other actresses that he has acting together (in mynopinion) from outbound love until roe, i can always feel their love.. when he save her from atf bomb exploded ohh my god. melts my her seeing him like this.. andnthe worst unemotion acting character for me goes to ron ng..cant feel anything. i just feel stiff the entire time
oh n i have this feeling of carson to jessica is like a prince who would do/accept anything for her loved one even though she cant show her right emotion or attitude 4owards him.. haha she always giggling without reason n despite that carson would always accept jessica for herself.. thats what i feel at least watching this two person complement each other
rina, yes Ruco’s acting outshine Ron (acting scale from 1-10) Ruco is level 9 and Ron is somewhere around 5 or 6. Also Ruco is in the industry for 20 years, all he was lacking is a good role even a good supporting role will help. Have you watch “Every Move You Make” (last 5 episodes) he was a special guest, his performance was great. I hope that producers will continue to provide him with good scripts & roles.
“Ron is somewhere around 5 or 6”
So kind! I would have given him a 3.
I enjoy the show but i will agree that a more experience actress is request for the role of Jessica.Amiee acting is too green for such a role.
I find that artists in tvb are not trained well to act they are pushed to lead fast in their dramas and again this not the company fault artists should learn to educate and practice more on their acting skills alone and no company would spoon feed you till the end.
ok…. take aimee away pls…. i’ll take her place & act wif ruco…. heeheehee
Why do people even join scaredy bird anyways? I don’t think it’s worth it ….Yes, some people can’t help it like Jessica but what about all the others?
Similar reasons to why people join triads?
Fala Chen might do better than Aimee.
Kate Tsui would be even better.
i take it that you’re both joking.
Fala or Kate are definitely better than Aimee
Acting wise, Kate and Fala are definitely better than Aimee but I don’t think they are suitable for the role of Jessica Chung. I think TVB should have given the chance to someone like Nancy Wu or Selena Li. They can both portray innocent and evil characters without being aging the character they portray – as in, Charmaine Sheh (for example) can’t play the role of Jessica because it doesn’t suit age wise.
Nancy looks too old for the character. Selena too fluffy. Charmaine maybe as Yip Ting is right age.
I did think about Selena though but I feel I think she is worse than Aimee.
Fala Chen back then, she was still green.
the series starts off so good now its starting to get very draggy. And with Aimee acting so horrible and boring. Every episode with her and Ron is terrible have to keep on forwarding. Ruco is a good actor too bad always get cast with bad leading actress. Feel sorry for him, always have to work extra harder on expressing himself to make the scene more memorable when casting next to bad actors.
Still very exciting, look forward to each day’s episode. Aimee is terrible in the emotional scenes while Ron is mostly wooden. But the story, the action, Ruco’s acting and the generally competent supporting cast make up for Aimee’s and Ron’s shortcomings.
I’m so glad Negative and Wai Sir are not the moles though they were on the suspects list previously. These 2 guys risked their lives to save others in the earlier episodes. It’ll be so wrong to make them the moles. I miss Wai Sir, hope to see him in the last episode. Hope Negative doesn’t die. Poor guy deserves a happy ending after all that he’s been through. Normally I don’t like Chris Lai but he did well in this role.
Ah, just finished it. I thought Aimee was great in the last episode. Probably her best performance to date!
Best in what? Not the best in the series.
Very disappointed with the stupid open ending. Could have been perfect if ended it properly and now everyone will want to discuss and bombard Ruco’s weibo with the question on the ending. Just some shock tactic.
Yeah what was that all about? Anyway, i don’t know about you but I thought Aimee was great in that last episode. Surprised that she could portray a character who had just about lost everything pretty well.
Up to debate. I think she exceeded herself but in the end wholly inconsistent. Maybe her tears is too transparent, I know she cries hard but somehow can’t see the effect on her face.
As for a character who lost everything, this series goes all out to show how tragic Jessica was. Truth is, she had a choice and she chose the wrong choices even until the end. The tragic one is Carson.
Anyway stupid ending.
Sorry, have to disagree with you abt Aimee’s acting in this last episode. No doubt she was crying but i don’t see any tears…just a lot of crying noises and face scrunching so typical of her crying scenes. She’s unable to cry naturally like Yoyo where the tears just rolled down the face. She should stick to happy characters with girlish giggles.
But the screaming part was well done. I have a feeling it was spliced together and not one continous scene. Because one second she is screaming, another she was calm immediately after the screaming.
“She should stick to happy characters with girlish giggles.”
remember Outbound love? Wasn’t very convincing either. Mournful is her best character like in Last Steep Ascent.
Actually the screaming part left me cringing cos she was stomping her foot like a spoilt child. The only part she did well was when she screamed “shoot me”, she looked mighty scary!
The “shoot me” was done terrible. She should be sobbing and delusional at the same time. Best part, she drop dead for good, thats her best acting scene then the rest of the series. Good job Aimee… just drop dead as always.
I thought that was her best moment.
Anyway Ruse Of Engagement, despite the insipid first 6 episodes and the confusing terrible last 5 minutes (due really to one character) is to me TVB’s best drama of the year and perhaps TVB’s best crime action drama ever. For the most part, it was flawless in action sequences and storytelling and cliffhanger. I suppose not even the stupid ending will hurt the series much. I also think Ruco’s worth just went up a million notches. Unfortunately so do Aimee eventhough many netizens are not very favourable to her performance. But they love Ruco-Aimee pairing which I don’t. Chemistry wise there is more in a 3 year old series than in recent one but I still feel Aimee was almost not receiving the electricity from Ruco.
i enjoyed all the episodes except for the ambiguous ending. The first 2 episodes were action packed, the other 4 parts focusing on life in training school was fun to watch for the different side of Ruco as the supremely confident and arrogant Carson and his flirting scenes with Jessica.
It would have been great if Jessica was better written and so Carson’s arrogance and his (if interpreted that way) choice in the end would have been more consistent and bigger impact.
Rucos gf died. of course he need time to recover.
Just to kill himself.
I really like this series. The ending was expected. I didn’t see the ending as an open ending. His girlfriend committed suicide right in front of him and his brother. I didn’t expect him to instantly be together with Yip Ting after Jessica’s commit suicide because he truly loved Jessica. It takes time to recover from this tragic incident -.-
maybe 3 years ago, the producer or scriptwriters for ROE chose to end the story that way because they may wanted to have room for another sequel, which would depend on how much the audience enjoyed the drama and the viewership ratings.
No room for sequel. Ruco’s own weibo message seems to suggest Carson did kill himself. Or maybe my translator read it wrong. It basically just says love has to be sacrificed, I am sorry, etc.
Still think he was just very very tired.
Ruco’s weibo says:”for justice and inicent people, the only choice is to sacrify love, sorry, we will continue our eternal happiness in another space” something like that…plese post a bettere translation if anyone can. My Chinese is limited
His post can mean anything.
Original chinese posting
Translation (?)
For justice and for the innocent people, I can only sacrifice my own love. I am sorry! We will be happy together in another realm/space (I love you). Sincerely, Yau Ching
A message to Jessica?
The open ending is not if he ended up with Ting, It is whether he killed himself or not. Majority thinks he did. Small majority thinks it was the brain thing. Smaller majority thinks he was just sleeping. All agrees the ending is stupid.
The ending is stupid only becos it left us frustrated over the ambiguity of it all. Did carson commit suicide or was it the bullet fragments which killed him? It was stupid becos we didn’t want/expect Carson to die and it was also stupid cos we can’t accept that carson would commit suicide. If the ending had been clear that he died from his old gunshot wound I would say that the drama ended well despite my broken heart at his death. But to leave us with the big question mark as to how he really died, the last scene really sucked! The last episode was great, it was only the ambiguous ending that sucked.
Bullet fragments were never a problem so I don’t see how suddenly that is an issue. Suicide perhaps but again I just think he was very very tired.
There is no chance of a sequel. Amy Wong has never done a sequel except Burning Flame saga since then.
Woah! The ending was preety good!!! I think Carson killed himself at the end to join Jessica.
I wasn’t very fond of the ending. Jessica had no tears while crying, and did Ruco suicide? So Carson didn’t comfront her mom? I was also hoping the ending episode would be doubled its time, it felt like they crammed in everything and it just came so fast.
The ending was horrible. They didn’t show what happened to Foo Nung Leung, Carson’s mother and Kenny’s team. I don’t get why Carson kill himself. I don’t think he love her that much to take his own life.
I like all the episodes, but the ending.
This was really not typical TVB police drama ending. Its the usual Amy Wong open lame ending.
Yes! Aimee’s character died, it felt like one character death this series needs and one that we all deserve.
There wasn’t much chemistry between the Ruco-Amiee pair, so I can’t buy the idea of Ruco dying to be with Amiee
On the contrary, i think this pair has great chemistry (not in Outbound Love though). Maybe it’s becos of Ruco’s acting, not so much Aimee who was only required to cry and act hysterical (perhaps more emotions was also expected of her but she failed to deliver). Ruco’s character had to act out his emotional turmoil, his pain, his guilt at those haunting last words of Jessica and knowing that he had used her as a means to an end and betrayed her to the point of her suicide and he did very well.
A tragic police love drama ending not so good. By judging in this drama Aimee did slightly better than Linda Chung’s acting.
That was a horrible ending! Aimee can’t cry at all! Come on! The love of your life betrayed you and that’s all u can do with your emotions. And u commit suicide for him and u can’t even squeeze a tear drop out???!!!!
Carson killing himself at the end was even worse! I don’t feel he loves Jessica that much anyways so why kill yourself for her. If u love her so much u would let her go but u forced her to the end of the road and kill herself. He had no mercy for her so why kill yourself? Stupid!
Exactly!! So maybe he just fell asleep?
Is he drinking a cocktail that made him fall a sleep?
Is he drinking (“alcohol” beverage) that made him sleepy?
I probably thought he fell asleep until Ruco Chan post weibo message! Then it’s obvious Carson commit suicide.
I was just puzzled. Why? I seriously don’t feel he love her that much. From the church part he already hesitate to leave with her then he betray her then he points a gun at her THREE times!!! She’s begging him like crazy and he had no mercy. Come on. U really love her that much to kill yourself?? Not convinced. I wish I didn’t see the last 15 seconds!! Lol.
Must be some bad script then.
“until Ruco Chan post weibo message! ”
His message can be either way. Ruco is teasing us lar!
As for the drink, notice how in the end it is milky. So was it a mistake or an obvious clue?
If in real life, I suppose Carson would not have slept for days so he probably felt very tired.
The script is bad only so far as to Jessica’s nature. she is like ping pong ball between decent to selfish, so it does not justify Carson’s immense guilt. Her last parting words were hurtful. It was supposed to have this impact like a woman realising she wasted her love on the wrong man but because of Jessica’s ping pong nature, I felt she was very selfish to the end. I understand the ending and I am ok with Carson killing himself if Jessica’s true nature was more well defined. Since it was not I find it stupid to have Carson killing himself for a woman who is not worth his moral compass so to speak.
I agree with you except the ending was a bit RUSH and ODD.
i wouldn’t say that he had no mercy for Jessica. he was just the righteous policeman who wanted to arrest her. I don’t think he would have shot to kill her but Alfred was really stupid if he thought carson would and made a grab for his gun. As usual, Alfred manages to s-crew things up terribly.
TVB should bring back BBQ endings, just to make audience more sane.
That was a really disappointing ending for episode 30. Horrible ending… Didn’t make sense and makes this whole movie seem like a waste…
Only 25 episodes.
What episode 30?
I also wondered if there was a missing 5 episodes which will explain in painful details why Carson ended up killing himself (if that is accepted interpretation)!
This could be “To Catch The Uncatchable” moment when they forced to reshoot the ending scene that Dayo is alive and ready to marry Ada. But that was 10 years ago. I wonder TVB will do the reshoot the ending scene AGAIN all of the sudden for the viewers sake.
don’t think there was a reshoot of the TCTU ending though viewers clamored for it.
A special half hour will do. But I doubt they will. they have 3 years to reshoot, never did.
Wrong Buzz, they did. I remember, they show the clip on Jade Showbiz which is now Scoop just to satisfy the viewers.
Its was also I believe a alternative ending version.
They dont even need Yoyo and other TVB actors that join the fail HKTV. Just do that episode 25 ending scene when he was fall a sleep and now Eddie will go by and wake him up, witch slap him… chit chat about the dreadful love life then Eddie explain Ruco that he has to do another mission… The end.
They did? i must hv missed it. But i don’t care about dayo’s character. I want to know what exactly happened to carson!
where did it say he killed himself?
Implied in the last scene.
I’m inclined to think he died from his old wound like Dayo in TCTU. Death from poisoning is never so peaceful. It was as if Carson just slipped away which is what natural death looks like.
That’s worse. I’d rather suicide. More impact.
Suicide more impact no doubt, but not the negative type that it’ll no doubt attract. Also, morally incorrect for TVB to indirectly endorse suicide for love, so i think not suicide after all.
btw, it’s true that people do die suddenly, it’s like they go to bed and never wake up (friend’s dad, no sign of heart attack either).
The weird smile bothers me though, it was as if he had something planned. My head keeps going around in circles!
“The weird smile bothers me though”
Didn’t bother me. He was just remembering the good times.
no, to me , that weird smile shows that he’s planning something is how i view it. Cos he smiled before he drank the chocochino.
not certain that he did kill himself. its open ending. up for viewers to interpret. wouldnt say it is a bad ending. a bad ending would be crazy love or bigs ending.
It wasn’t an open ending.
Ruco died.
The director made sure to include a VERY close up shot of his wrist.
If close up shot of the milky chococinno I will say yes, he died, But wrist? Just to emphasise his hands slacked which could mean anything.
in shows, hands slack always mean death, see Papa’s death scene.
Hands slacked = loss of control over body = dead
That’s how death is usually signified, I’m sure you’ve watched enough TVB to notice those cheap shots!
Well, thats true… Its typical cheap trick for suicide in film. The lacking part is did he poison the drink?
It was an open ending. He did not died.
What we witness.. He was drinking milk tea and all of the sudden he faint til the end of the scene.
Open ending.
This is so typical Amy Wong ending style… open ending. TVB producers typically gives a BBQ ending and milk the ratings in.
Anyway Ruco’s post in weibo sort of settled it. Re read it many times, suggests suicide. He should post the last page of teh script for our benefit!
Anyway chococinno is supposed to be black not milky. Mistake or deliberate?
Its better to ask the producer WTF did you ended that way then reading Ruco’s ending version.
Its probably he drinks iced coffee or something to relax that the character has endured.
i read the weibo post, no i don’t see that it suggests suicide. Merely says that “for the sake of righteousness and the innocent people, I have to sacrifice my loved one, sorry. We’ll meet again in any space and be happy forever”. Does not state the time frame. Choccochino is actually milky brown and not the black coffee looking stuff from earlier episodes.
sorry, “another” space not “any”
Ruco’s version of the ending is lame. The script of the series or the producer has the ending. Just post it up and will leave the audience to rest.
Or TVB will resort back to filming alternative ending to milk this series til the end.
Chococino should be milky chocolate, coffee
Series shows black not milky
They must be drinking something else besides coffee or good ole Hong Kong Dairy chocolate milk.
Larry have you watched this series?? It’s his own invention.
But TVB props are so wrong.
duh… of course he died.