“Ruse of Engagement” Ending Spoilers

TVB’s crime thriller Ruse of Engagement <叛逃> has entered its final week of broadcast. Despite a weekly debut of 27 points, viewership ratings for the drama have been on a slow decline. To gear up the audience’s curiosity, TVB promised to deliver action-packed, plot-twisting events in the show’s final week. The episode finale is set to air on Friday, April 18, 2014.
After her father, Chung Lai Him (Joseph Lee 李國麟), agrees to have Carson (Ruco Chan 陳展鵬) to join secret organization, Scaredy Bird, Jessica (Aimee Chan 陳茵媺) resigns her position at ATF and promises her father that she would help out with his organization. Carson tells Jessica that he forgives her, but when Jessica suggests to him that they should leave Hong Kong together, he declines.
Kiu Kim Hang (Law Lok Lam 羅樂林) is hospitalized after suffering from a heart attack. Fearing that his death is near, he tells his daughter Yip Ting (Yoyo Mung 蒙嘉慧) to retrieve a sealed letter back at home and instructs her to only read it after he dies. Finding the act suspicious, Yip Ting ends up reading the letter, which includes information of her biological father’s death. Kiu Kim Hang realizes that Yip Ting has discovered the truth, and tells her that she should kill him to avenge for her father. Yip Ting tells him that she is unable to do so. Touched, Kiu Kim Hang immediately decides to leave Chung Lai Him’s terrorist organization. Fearing that Chung Lai Him would go after him, Kiu Kim Hang secretly compiles a list of all the members of the terrorist organization in an external hard drive, but before Kiu Kim Hang could escape, Chung Lai Him’s assassin successfully kills him.
After Kiu Kim Hang’s death, Yip Ting returns home to collect his personal belongings, only to find out that his home was robbed. Luckily, Kiu Kim Hang’s list of members of the organization was not stolen, and Yip Ting pockets it. She gives the list to Chung Lai Him in exchange for her freedom. Chung Lai Him gives Carson and Yip Ting their first mission as an official member of the organization – to kidnap a young girl.
Alfred (Ron Ng) finds Wang Leung’s (Lai Lok Yi 黎諾懿) location and just when he is about to send his team to retrieve him, Ngo Sir (Eddie Kwan 關禮傑) stops him. Alfred finds out the real reason behind Carson’s betrayal of ATF, and decides to help his brother with his final mission. Carson and Yip Ting kidnap the girl, who is the daughter of a professor in virology; Chung Lai Him wanted to threaten the professor to help his medical research. To save his daughter’s life, the professor agrees to help Chung Lai Him build his biological weapon….
Source: Baidu.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
It was quite obvious to me that Carson committed suicide. He told Yip Ting when she went to find him at the end that “there is no way back for something that is done wrong” (literal translation).
Besides that, I believe he was drinking Chococino, a special drink Carson and Alfred liked since their childhood and was introduced to Jessica after Carson started dating her. However, this drink was shown from time to time in the show that is black in color(coffee-like) but in the final episode, it was a milky drink to which I believe he has poisoned the drink to commit suicide. They also emphasized that by the scene which shows Carson holding the armrest tight and then slowly losing grip, showing sign of being poisoned together with the milky Chococino by his side. The drink itself has significant meaning throughout the show if you follow this series tight, so I believe he wouldn’t be drinking just-another-drink casually when he’s mourning for Jessica’s death.
To those who argue that he might not have been portrayed to love Jessica as much, to me I think his love for Jessica was just as strong as Jessica’s love for him but he chose justice in the end because righteousness is in his blood. His Chinese name, when combined with Alfred’s is 有正义, which means with justice. Although there might still be a possibility that his love for Jessica is not strong enough, I believe he was immensely guilty of causing Jessica’s death and that Jessica said in the end “I finally know that the one who loves me the most isn’t you” and this by itself is felt so impactful to me because I’m on the side who thinks that Carson loves her a lot and to be misunderstood by your significant other surely has hurt him a lot. After all, we got to see that after Jessica’s death, Carson suffered the most, he even quit his job and gave up on his dream when he resigned, as Alfred asked him: “Are you really going to give up your dream just like this?” (literal translation).
Yes quite a possibility. But since the writers have been inconsistent with Jessica, probably the drink was inconsistent too.
But yeah, most probably as you said.
Selangor water rationing, but you got a lot of water oozing out from your ah pong. Always drool over hunks eh.
Very valid points. He smiled, picked up the drink, hesitated before he drank and as he drank, his eyes wore a very faraway look like he was anticipating something to happen and those cryptic words “Really so sweet”. But what kind of poison is that which kills so cleanly? No pain, no vomitting blood, foaming at mouth? I guess we’ll not reach a unanimous consensus anytime. It all depends on how you interpret the actions and words. I want carson to remain the stoic hero in my eyes, can’t accept the suicide theory. This really sucks!
Also a valid point.
point is this is TVB’s way of making us remember this series when frankly a better ending or more reasoned ending or more assured ending would have made us remember it in a fond way. Even if it is Carson committing suicide.
What I disagree with is the inability for Jessica to turn herself in.
That felt quite far fetched to me, especially when she basically disagreed with her father in many ways and did not have much choice in doing what she was doing.
Now that her father is out of the way, she decides to commit a crime, by selling the chemicals off that would hurt even more people (and defeats the purpose of showing us her struggles to come to terms with her father). So really, TVB wants user to think she is a bad person, within a space of 10-15mins, 180 degree turn.
As far as Carson is concerned, I guess I’m fine with that to a certain extent, just the way that got to this point is haphazardly set up, due to the way TVB handled Jessica.
Eric, precisely!
I agreed that he committed suicide. After Jessica’s death, Carson was at the locker area thinking back to the time when they had the conversation from the sofa at Jessica’s house…she asked if he will hold her and always be there for her to protect her and he agreed. Therefore, he felt tremendously guilty for breaking his promise and betraying her. Towards the end, he didn’t keep his promise to protect her and even made her lost trust in him. He cannot forgive himself…so death is the only way out for him. Other reasons that shows that he killed himself was when he spoke to his brother, Alfred. He told his brother to be a good cop and the ep. never showed Carson telling his mom that he was an undercover cop…it probably meant that he knew he won’t be coming back…
Also a good point especially on the locker room thing. But prior to that he did insist on arresting her so frankly he should have anticipated the suicide.
Could it be that he only insist on arresting Jessica because he thought he could change her point of views and she would listens to him and turn herself in? However, things went wrong and he couldn’t believe that she would end up shooting herself?
He always been a confident guy throughout the movie and after finding out that she was the mole…he been telling Eddie that Jesscia is not a bad person. His mother once told him in the kitchen that his stubbornness will get him one day…he underestimated Jessica which leads to his downfall?
“However, things went wrong and he couldn’t believe that she would end up shooting herself?”
The same woman mentioned twice or even 3 times that she will kill herself rather than spend a day in jail. And he still insisted on arresting her, pointing a gun at her. Surely any sane person will conclude she will kill herself when destroyer Alfred kicked the gun at her direction? So his guilt came from nowhere. It would be perfect if Jessica is 100% good instead of 100% selfish.
Actually it is implied that mum already knows that carson was undercover cos carson and alfred were seen crying in their rooms. I thought it’s more significant that carson went to the park right after collecting his stuff from the locker and telling alfred he was going away for a while but he never went home to collect his stuff (for going away).
I think he did except it is not shown, as much as her mother knowing her son is good is not shown.
No he didn’t hv a bag with him.
I meant to say after he found out that Jessica was the mole he insisted on arresting her because he didn’t think things will turn out the way it did…
I agreed that she was selfish since she decided to take the poison and sell it for money for their future even if it will end up hurting a lot of people. Carson himself felt that she was selfish and tried to convince her to stop…he couldn’t and so he chose to point the gun at her…he felt even more guilty after what she said n can’t live without her…or can’t live with guilt realizing that even his brother wouldn’t shoot Jessica but he wanted to…
I thought that he had committed suicide because his chocochino was such a milky colour when it should be dark. Also, in TVB when people die, they always loosen their grip and that’s what Ruco did. It seems like he saw his vision of heaven with Aimee.
Chococinno is actually milky brown unless it’s dark chocolate. Google the pics.
It’s his own style lar!
Well before, when he made it, it was a dark color. It’s his own version….
I really really like this kind of drama!! TVB should make more of these kind of drama!! The past few years lots of dramas have been so sh** with predictable ending.
I agreed with Jasonist that he committed suicide. In this way, he will keep his promise to Jessica that he will always be by her side.
As usual, I can’t help but get ‘irritated’ by Alfred’s rash nature. He always action without thinking. More of a hindrance than help. This shows how different the 2 brothers are. No doubt both love Jessica and differently.
If only it is a happier ending! Like Jessica surrenders herself and Carson waits for her. But well, good performances by Ruco & Yoyo.
Irony is I think he promised his mom several times he will be ok, he will take care of himself? And in the end he killed himself for a woman who hardly made an impact in this life as opposed to his mom. This is why I hate this ending. Jessica does not justify his suicide and the ending sucks.
I totally agree with you!
I totally hate Alfred, if he didn’t kick the gun to Jessica then she wouldn’t think of committing suicide.
The real reason why Carson suicide himself: http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/abc82a91gw1efk628y8rcj218g1e5x0v.jpg
Total rubbish ending and spoiled the whole series.
I wouldnt say its rubbish. Its a ok series but it is so predictable and I would not watch this series 5 days straight.
Would I recommend…. NO.
Larry, this is the best series of 2014 for the action and story. TVB has never come up with anything as fast paced and sassy as this and the fact it limits itself to 25 episodes is a testament to their comitment to the pacing. However the ending sucks for different reason than TVB expects us to say it sucks.
I disagree, it is not the best series at all. It is watchable though.
It was like a dogs breakfast
Larry, you should write an script and send to TVB…instead of criticizing about everything from scripts, acting, environment ,etc
I believed Carson had committed suicide for Jessica and that really made a lousy ending no wonder tvb hold back this drama for 3 years.
The ending is lousy only becos it’s controversial to suggest that carson committed suicide. It actually made a big impact in terms of the debate it’s generating.
Actually committing suicide as ending is ok. What fans are disgruntled about is why. This is due to incomplete character of Jessica.
I just hate the suicide theory. It’s morally wrong of tvb to suggest such an ending esp for a strong character like carson. But I guess he had a reckless streak.
I personally think that the ending is alright. I would expect TVB ended the last scene open ended( a way to get a sequel if it is good). So loosen his grip, is for your imagination, it could be carson suicide himself or he just tired? thats how you want to interpret it i am sure. and tvb is famous for reviving a character (laughing gor example) until you see the dead body ..haha
all in all, I would think the ending is ok
anyway at least, this drama is one of the latest one that make me keep guessing until episode 14 or 15 who is the mole.
But this series has low ratings since episode 1. The chances are slim to get a sequel.
Fans pointed out online viewing is very very high. But what sequel? The ending kills any sequel.
Yeah, especially that stupid ending.
Did u guys say Aimee acting was acceptable in episode 21 when she relieved she was the mole to Ruco? Sorry but that was worse than her suicide scene. I only stared at Ruco because he looks more heart broken and u see it in his eyes! Aimee, OMG, I don’t know what she is saying. Can’t hear her lines properly. She loses her voice sometimes when speaking her lines. Her eyes are not even red but Ruco’s eyes are already red with tears!
Why did Ruco even considering pulling the trigger?! wtf, Jessica was unarmed. If sew was trying to run he could easily chase her and use his force to drag her back. Why even use a gun?! Please someone answer my question, because this is really confusing
Awesome serie! And wow, Im not fan of ruco of Rico but his acting is really good. In tvb he and Bosco have the acting talent..
when aimee was pointing the gun towards her, Ruco could have took ron’s gun and point to his head too and advise aimee tht if she kills herself, he would kill himself too.. this make more sense
That would make a lot a sense since everyone dies or even almost dies in the series.
“Why did Ruco even considering pulling the trigger?! wtf, Jessica was unarmed. If sew was trying to run he could easily chase her and use his force to drag her back. Why even use a gun?! ”
1. because it is more dramatic
2. gives alfred something to do
3. he was aiming not to kill her but to stop her
Which is why I kept saying his suicide is the plot hole considering his actions prior to that.
My ending for this series. After Carson took a sip of the chocolate milk and fell asleep. Then 2 years later, Eddie retired from ATF and Carson became the head of ATF. Then Carson bump into Yoyo at the end.
Carson woke up, it was all a dream. He was right back at episode 1 and takes another 20 episodes to end it, but this time properly.
Haha I like your idea. I was thinking that at the end of Carson’s duty, he would be promoted to replaced Eddie’s position lol. I would not want Jessica to die at the end. However, it would be nice, in my opinion, that she went to jail, Carson waited for her to come out of jail, they get marry, have kids, and live happily ever after lol. Is this too much?
Frustrating. Jessica need not even go to jail. She can turn state witness (something Carson did discuss with Ngo Sir who said he will think about it), get into witness protection program and Carson leaves with her to somewhere to open a cafe or something with their Chococinno.
And we can have Carson going “Jesska! I will wait for you! Jeska! Jeska!” and Jessica going “Carrrrrson, don’t you dare cheat on me with Yip Ting! Carrrrrson wait for me!!”
The end.
I actually thought Will Power was pretty good.
wow, carson killing himself over a woman, is that at all consistent with his character ?
Even Jessica didn’t kill herself, or attempted to kill herself after Carson’s assumed death…
rubbish writers… trying to make a dramatic ending… end up screwing it up
ITA with you!
Gunshot to his head and bullets from terrorists and bad guys don’t kill him but he kills himself over a stupid woman who has no moral compass? No doubt he loved her very much but to kill himself out of guilt is something very controversial. I’d rather he lived with his guilt the rest of his life or at least make it very clear that he died of his old head injury. Can’t buy this whole baloney of happily ever-after in another dimension. Maybe only for diehard romantics.
This drama is actually not bad. I really live ruco’s character here! And ruco is like i can say he’s really good at acting. TVB should give him a chance to get an award!!! like brother’s keeper was good and now ROE. Give to the one that deserved it.
Ruco’s acting is great but lack of supporters/fans…if you go to his weibo only 280000+fans. He is in the raise but wek back ground
Looks like everyone is complaining about amiee chan and yoyo mungs performance, whats there to hate? Yes, i know its your opinion but no ones perfect. Why don;t sign up for tvb? If you were in their position do you think its easy to act with every sucess criteria achieved. They should be proffesional but they cant be PERFECT
Now that I’ve finished watching her ROE performance, I think Aimee Chan is not bad (actually, her acting is way better than Fala Chen).
The ending was so rushed, everything happened in the space 15 minutes between Carson and Jessica. I thought one of the reasons Jessica didn’t want to go to jail was because she always doubted Carson’s feelings to her, she was always jealous when Yip Ting was around. So I guess she thought if she got in jail Carson wouldn’t wait for her.
It took a hard time to actually buy Jessica’s character, her acting seemed stiff. Near the end it got better so pointers for that.
Overall I believe it was a great drama, albeit violent but what can you expect when it’s a drama about terrorism, lol.
In terms of the ending, I heard Carson didn’t commit, but died from some bullet remains in his brain. I personally prefer that explanation even though it seems far fetched than him simply committing suicide.
Hi guys, I am new here. Allow me to express my views..
Overall,this drama is good with outstanding acting skills of Ruco and Aimee. Ron has always act in such character that one (typically myself) do not appreciate it AT ALL. Anyway, I personally thinks that both Carson and Jessica fell deeply for each other. In Aimee’s point of view, she might have thought that Carson do not love her anymore and she rather die backed she is too heartbroken. Carson on the other hand cannot accept the fact that his lover died in front of him because of she herself have thought that Carson does not love her anymore. (In fact, this is not true at all) And OUR so called “hero” Alfred went and kick the gun to Jessica. What a silly idiot =.=” totally speechless of his act. Carson at last have a bouquet of flower with him before he dies, just want to give the flower to Jessica when they re-united in another part of the world.
About the ending, I think it’s a bit too rush to put Carson and Jessica’s scene together at the end. It could have ended in a better way. I wonder if that was one of the reason that the film was trying to shrink every part of it to fit for a length of 45mins ending episode!!?
I still wonder what happen to the ATF guy who was used for terrorist testing examination for Jessica’s dad. And the guy who was the boss of Alfred before he got into the ATF’s investigating field, what happen to him? AND I also want to know what happen or how Carson would feel like after knowing the tragedy and that Carson was being a “ngor tai”. …
There are so many unexplainable scene that needs to be captured in order for the audience to fully satisfied with what they see -.-
I would assume that Chris Lai (the guy who was tested on) got saved because ngo sir had the formula at the end. However, it is a VERY open ending….
IMO…they should had made a 60 minutes finale just to conclude what happened to Negative & Wei Sir.
That would have been better. It seems like Tvb extend the endings for all the wrong shows
Maybe because everyone is not important. THe most important person other than Carrrrson is Jesska.
I think TVB should make more tv shows like this. It is really awesome except for the last episode.
Carson committing suicide?!??!?!?! I feel bad for the mom.