“Ruse of Engagement” Premiered at 30 Ratings Points

Although Ruse of Engagement <叛逃> was warehoused for three years, audiences warmed up to its broadcast on March 17. Ratings for its premiere episode averaged 30 points and peaked at 31 points, which fared better than recent TVB dramas struggling to achieve similar viewership levels.
Revolving around the anti-terrorism unit of the Hong Kong Police force, Ruse of Engagement generated 20 complaints from the airing of its initial episode. Viewers criticized that Ron Ng’s (吳卓羲) screentime is less than Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), a claim that was refuted by producer Amy Wong (王心慰). Some found that TVB should not have aired a drama focusing on terrorist activities, while others felt that the action scenes were less than stellar.
Media reports speculated that Ruse of Engagement did not air on time because Yoyo ended her contract with TVB. At an earlier promotional event, Ron commented, “It wasn’t like that. As far as I know, Tiger Cubs <飛虎> was broadcast during the same time period, and the company didn’t want to release dramas with such similar themes all at once.” Furthermore, Ron believes TVB will not try to cut out Yoyo’s screen time because of her departure.
Ron Shares Filming Experience
Ron and Ruco filmed the majority of the dangerous action scenes themselves without the use of stuntmen. Ron shared that he had suffered an eye injury during the drama’s filming, “We were filming in a field camp in Sai Kung. I had a rope tied to me so I can cross between two buildings about three to four stories high. What I climbed on was not really considered a staircase. They were several steel rods, and were uneven and of different lengths. The moment I lifted my head, I hit [the rod]. I almost punctured my eye ball!” Ron was immediately sent to the hospital.
In the drama, Ron and Ruco play two brothers who fall in love with the same woman, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺). Although it was rumored that they did not get along during filming because Ruco overshadowed Ron’s role, Ron instead said, “Ruco is really a decisive actor. Everyone had a good time filming. Now when I see him in the studio, I would call him, ‘elder brother’. We had filmed from morning until midnight for two full months. Everyone suffered lack of sleep together. Our relationship is like real brothers.”
Aimee Chan Enjoys Family Time
As Ruco and Ron’s romantic interest, Aimee does not recall the details of their intimate scenes since filming had completed three years ago. Since husband Moses Chan (陳豪) shared that he no longer wishes to film kiss scenes after marriage, Aimee laughed and exclaimed, “He never told me! As actors and parents, we also need to handle situations when our child comes across these scenes. The drama was filmed so long ago that I don’t even remember whom I kissed. When it airs, I’ll have to cover Moses’ eyes!”
Sources: ihktv.com; ihktv.com; On.cc
This article is written by Karen and Shirley for JayneStars.com.
Isn’t this the highest rated premiere since Triumph in the Skies II? I don’t think any other series since summer 2013 has been able to get 30 points in the first episode.
Yes, to reach 30 points & peak @ 31 points is consider high but don’t forget the drama Gilded Chopstick also reached 30 points. Therefore ROE in not the highest but same as GC…IMO I like ROE better since I am a fan of Ruco + love cop dramas.
I think having 30 points for both dramas is a good thing for TVB, especially considering that the period they are airing isn’t in a peak period. And to maintain that 30 points for both dramas isn’t easy
I looked it up GC premiered with average 28 peak 29 only.
@Rucofan Giled chopsticks didn’t reached 30 points and ROE had 31 at its peak so that’s the highest since TITS2.
I think there were other series that reached 30 points the first episode, but they were not able to maintain it for the rest of the week, which lowers the points for the week.
Nah the Dayo wong series got close it was at 29 and Giled chopsticks 29 but not 30 or 31. So this series got the highest since TITS 2 and I been seeing this series as number in Tvb.com Higher than the Steven series since the first 5eps came out. Ep 1-5 of Roe beated ep 21-25 of the Steven series.
Yes, this is the only series that got 30 pts average at premiere since TITS 2.
Good to see Ron’s drama again!!
Great to see so much Ron fans again
Yay! GO ron and ruco
ron and ruco screen time is the same
Maybe someone should measure their screen time to see if it is indeed equal.
I know for sure Aimee and Yoyo aren’t equal since Yoyo took 4 episodes to appear and Aimee has a head start. This is starting to sound like a race horse event.
It could been a lot worse. And as long as Yoyo is able to leave a memorable impression for all her fans or able to shine in her role, that is good enough since this is her last drama for TVB.
LOL it does seem like a horse race! hahah if i had the time i would totally do something like that and measure how much screentime they have!
I’m pretty sure Ruco has more screen time cause TVB is promoting him a lot often. And did you guys notice it was kinda like The Academy ,On the First Beat ,& E.U. combined together. Except that Ron played Samuel Chans role and Ruco played Rons role but as a smarter guy and the misunderstood hero.
agree, but Eddie kwan, kenny wong, chris lai very competent.
So, Aimee is playing another character who was raised overseas. Does TVB purposely come up with that background to justify he English-speaking lines?
why can’t she just improve more on her canto and speak less english?
Rachel I do agree with you and Hannah imagine her in ancient series they can’t make a background for her there.
why would people complain about screen time regarding the actors? (on the very first episode!) geeez…. And where do people go to complain and how do they know it is 20? If it is phone calls then why are ppl so bothered? If it is online, surely there is more than 20 and how do they count?
and yeh Ruco deserves more screen time. There: 21 complaints!
I totally agree! The people complaining abt less screen time for Ron are likely his fans who hv been peeved abt this since the filming began. Actually Ron has more screen time than Ruco in episode 1 so how come Ruco fans didn’t complain? Anyway as long as Ron has a meaty role and his chance to shine, the amt of screen time is not a major issue. It’s how Ron makes his role work for him that’s more important. Seriously it’s beginning to look like the HK audience complains over the slightest things these days!
is it really ron fans complaining or is it writters complaining? the writter making up stories for articles
we read this articles looking for something interesting and it seems like there is nothing interesting or good to read about most the time especially when it comes to tvb artist
Nah it’s not the writers it’s Rons real fans.
It’s wierd, as much as I don’t like Aimee Chan. I found her bearable in Ruse of Engagement and I thought she look very pretty here. *Puzzled*. She probably do OK if casted in certain role?.
an addition for that, Ruco extremely good looking and young in this series. But I found out he has small build? even Ron is slightly bigger than him.
no, he’s not small built but he lost 20 pounds filming this and had to keep fit in the gym. His tee was practically straining across the chest area, so he’s lean and mean, not small
no, he’s not small built but he lost 20 pounds filming this and had to keep fit in the gym. His tee was practically straining across the chest area, so he’s lean and mean, not small
it’s more like Ron has more fat than Ruco.
Can u tell the difference between muscle and bone looking at your comment u don’t
No no, Ruco was slimmer in this series, Ron actually is probably at somewhat best shape in here because he was way bigger in the MV. I was surprised by Ruco’s small stature when in person though but it is mostly because he was so skinny.
I agree with you
Ron is a bigger guy than Ruco cause he has bigger muscles. And Ruco has a a slimmer figure but a tight chest.
Ron & Ruco looks very manly in these two dramas.
From that respect.. I agree
what would be good having ron and ruco in a action packed movie they can do it these 2 actor can do action… theres no many actors these days that can do actions scenes
Ruco so hot!!!
I really liked Rico chain the first episode when he was undercover. He seemed so intelligent but when his mission as an undercover was over, his image changed so much. The way he talked made him sound stupid, not intelligent
3 years ago, lol… 3 year later TVB went rock bottom. Good job TVB.
I love your comment 100% and agree 100 % and I can only agree tvb promoted the wrong people with tv king awards over the last 10 years and went cheap on their budget u gotta put money in to make money in a business
Agree with both of you they do gotta put more money in there budgets and try find for the mistakes that viewers can see. Maybe Larry your right cause 3 years ago the series had at least 30 plus rating now series only gets 29 and under beside TITS2 and ROE.
I can’t help but notice how different Ron and Ruco both look now compared to in this drama. You can totally tell this drama was filmed some time back. I think it’s the filming of this drama that really drained them. The really worked so hard for this drama, so hopefully it turns out well.
Also, just have to mention: Finally! A main character for Ron!
Yea I’m also happy that Ron finally gets main character role too. But it doesn’t really feel so much main to me in my opinion.
it’s MAIN compared to his other roles in the recent years at TVB. TVB does not know how to treat its great actors =( It’ll be too late when Ron leaves for china.
From wat I’ve seen, Ron hasn’t confirmed to go to China and he is still acting for Txb at least twice a year. So I don’t think he leaves or is leaving.
It was filmed 3 years ago but broadcast for the first time now, so why is it a surprise the rating is 30 points?
ATF logo is a plain joke. There are bullets holes making it a terrorist world. Come on, TVB, you can do better!! Be sensitive and connect.
Agree and they can do heaps better in everything like promoting better actors as well
Drama from 3 years ago is much better than drama of today. Thoroughly enjoyed the first 4 episodes, not a single dull moment. Of cos the gorgeous male eye candy helps and Ruco looked positively smouldering hot and fighting fit in this drama and handled all the action scenes effortlessly. Lots of cheeky humor too besides the explosive (literally) action. Ruco fans, pls don’t miss even if you can’t stand Aimee.
This drama is good. I got nothing else to add.
yeah i think so…………………
but i haven’t watch this show before
but when i watch it……………it is
really weird so i don’t bother watching
Your really missing out kid you should watch the first ep and give it a try.
but i don’t really bother to watch it at a lllll
Can stand aimee chan’s acting here. She is like reading the lines without facial expression. I know it was filmed 3 yrs ago. But for the leading actress’s performance, that is quite bad for the drama
I agree with you that Aimee “reads her lines without facial expressions. And for a leading actress’s performance, it’s quite bad.” That was three years ago when her acting was quite raw. The problem lies with the casting people who put her in this leading role. Yeah, her character is suppose to have this cool madam attitude ( which doesn’t require much effort to portray, IMO ). But for some reason, I just can’t buy into it.
She was still a newbie back then but her acting is terrible.
Well Ron was indeed fat in SSSS.. The MV was filmed when Ron was filming SSSS.. That explains why..
Sure does explain why Ron kinda looked husky in the mv and I saw a 2nd chin I was like did Ron get fatter for the MV?
Just finished watching ep. 5. Rucco character’s development in these past three episodes is just awesome! The conflict btwn Rucco and Eddie Kwan is so intense and awesome! I gotta say though, that scene where they jump from rooftop to rooftop is just absurd. I couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of that scene. Yeah, I get it that commander Eddie was trying to prove a point. But to jump from the rooftop of a 10 story building without safety net below just to prove a point? How illogical. Other than that, I really like Kenny Wong portraying this soft-spoken mentor, Eddie Kwan as the mentor with the tough-love attitude.
i agree it was absurd but “reel” world is like that. Eddie’s jump was more unconvincing as he was flailing his arms and legs as he was sailing through the air. Ruco, being younger and fitter, did a better job as he really seemed to jump across in one leap.
Hahaha. I forgot that we’re in TVB’s “reel” world, where things don’t make sense or are overly exaggerated. You wonder what’s going on inside the directot’s head. Because even an Olympic long jumper gold medalist can’t jump that far. Good attention to details, buzz! I agree with you that Rucco’s jump was more convincing.
This drama is okay. Cast is okay….. However, the English is terrible?… Looks like everyone has practiced to remember the lines…. But seriously Ron’s English… Ron, “F — Fu” it’s terrible to a point it’s so obvious.
Shut up and gtfo you hater your the only one and if you haven’t been to hk then you wouldn’t know. A lot of hk people English is on the same level or even worst. Unless they have money to travel other countries to improve there English standards. Ron English wasn’t that bad you could understand it your just criticizing his accent.
There’s room for improvement, for sure. If it was accent it was one thing. Eddie Kwan and Kenny Wong, they speak with accent. Ron, it’s a joke. He can do better…..
The drama is okay, cast is okay… Seriously, Ron should never be given an English line again… It’s terrible… What the hell is “F — Fu”. … That’s not how one says F (the letter F). His English is terrible… At least the others when they speak it you can tell they practiced. Sorry…
Shut up and gtfo you hater your the only one and if you haven’t been to hk then you wouldn’t know. A lot of hk people English is on the same level or even worst. Unless they have money to travel other countries to improve there English standards. Ron English wasn’t that bad you could understand it your just criticizing his accent.
Whatever… Bad enough
Remember, Ron is a drop out. Of course he suck at English… NO IMPROVEMENT like in TITS 2.
IMO, at least Ron should correct the “F” accent. Isn’t it very simple? May be the producer want to make it sound funny. I think Ruco is from HK too but he didn’t have that accent and I believe his English isn’t good either.
Maybe that’s the benefit of having English-speaking friends (like Linda, Ankie, etc.) for Ruco?
Ron is much better than Ruco
Pls don’t start another war betw these 2 camps.
Funn has finally posted ep 5:
Is this how HK train their ATF agents? Because they say 8 weeks training? Schedule seems to be like this;
7 weeks of arguments with boss/trainer and having issues with one trainee
3 days of reconciliation and pep talks
1 day of super dare challenge
2 days of more training like perhaps defusing a bomb and recognising a terrorist
1 day of last day of test
What about art of interrogation? Analysis of terrorists? How to withstand torture? Something like that? I swear all these are inspectors level and they’re being trained like first year cadets.
What must Carson do to get kicked out? Even if he has the highest potential, he is too much of ME ME ME that he is such a burden to the entire team. But it was funny how he jumped over to the other building as a dare when Ngo Sir did it. By the way I find it amazing Ngo Sir is described as 51 years old because that is about the right age!! TVB is never about age accuracy!! Don’t break your own standards TVB!
Let’s see; Eddie was born in 1962 so that makes him about 49 at the time of this series. He looks good! He looks youthful. Ruco was born in 1977, about 33 when he was filming this series. A good 16 years of difference between them? Wow, Eddie looks great! He has always looked about the same size, hardly ever put on weight.
Back to the story.
Love story between Carson and Jessica which suddenly turned into kissing and I was like when did they start? I mean episode 4 they were still just friendly with one another? Kiss, hug, flirt, etc and still ZERO chemistry. I felt nothing. Switch to Storm In A Cocoon for real chemistry. So my conclusion is
1. Aimee is difficult to pair with any actor because no chemistry and her performance in here is ok since the character suits her but if you didn’t point her out, I swear I would have just looked past her.
2. Ruco is difficult to pair. I wouldn’t say in The Other Truth he was best chemistry with Tavia because I didn’t see it that way. Ruco however is great with Louise Lee and some other actresses like Linda Chung and Ankie Belkie.
Ruco looks like a thug in here. True!! No glasses, so thin, hair same colour as the tone of his skin and his skin so tanned, he really looked like a gangster. Suddenly I miss his Luk Kung Tzi where he was bigger, cuter, handsomer and better hair with glasses.
Aimee looked so thin!
Ron looked ok. I tell you this; he may be wooden but he is best as delivering those witty one liner like he did tonight when he was asked “If I order you to die, will you die?” and he shouted “If sir order me to die you must have your reason sir!”
Had a good time chuckling at that line. But no, I don’t see how Ruse Of Engagement is interesting because it is typical TVB. I see nothing different or special.
No Yoyo tonight.
I think looking at your comment is just a waste of time (only read 2 paragraphs)stop complaining if don’t like it tune to another channel.
EPI. 4:
Maybe episode 3 and I have no fate to be together. The day I recorded episode 3, it was raining so basically it was no show. I tried recording 2 separate sessions in the middle of the night only to find out next day before Episode 4 was broadcast that the decoder was switched off. And I couldn’t wait so I went on to Episode 4, half scratching my head why they’re now back in the academy. I won’t be backtracking to Episode 3 unless you can tell me what’s good, apart from the 2 brothers in shower together.
Episode 4 is ok. A lot of heated arguments, typical of cadets hating their trainers (Carson Vs Ngo Sir) that it feels it has been done before, millions of time. If Carson is so unhappy, and he is a senior inspector I believe, why not just quit and go back to CID? Is he so passionate about ATF or is it because of Jessica? And Jessica also is strange. She is obviously attracted to Carson (and as if the world is so small, Alfred is in love with her too) and yet avoided him or rather flirts but deflirts each time. This is so similar with Outbound Love, right down to the zero chemistry. I find Ruco more chemistry with his bro than with his girl. Yoyo’s chemistry with him is yet to be seen. In fact Aimee has zero chemistry with Ron as well. I used to like Aimee a lot but with TVB throwing her to the forefront with every opportunity they could get, I feel I don’t like her too much because let’s face it; this was 3 years ago, so her acting is raw. Fast forward to Outbound Love, 3 years later and her acting is still lacking. She alone is ok. But with guys, somehow she seems to be holding herself back. I find her acting unnatural. In fact I feel Yoyo’s appearance here as the nosy reporter was more flirtatious with Ruco than Aimee with Ruco and Yoyo wasn’t supposed to be flirting with him yet. I see Ruco releasing the entire electricity charge on Aimee and all I can see is Aimee is like a wood; the electricity just cannot get through.
I enjoyed Ron and Ruco’s scenes together even if I scratch my head why they’re back to like school days in academy when Ruco’s Carson graduated a decade ago. I feel something very immature about these 2 characters and hot headed as well, just to give a bit of drama with an estranged relationship between Ngo Sir and the 2 guys, especially potential top student, Carson. By the end of the episode I was wondering what Carson had to do to be booted out of the academy since he has broken every possible rule, including subordination. How can he ever work under Ngo Sir if he so resent Ngo Sir? Ahhhhh now that’s the beauty of a TV series. 5 episodes later I am sure he feels he has misjudged Ngo Sir and now Ngo Sir is like his big brother! But still I feel everything is on a rewind when shouldn’t we be told why in the first place Alfred ever believed his super cop brother Carson could ever be a gangster?? Was this told in episode 3?
Ron is still wooden but he fares best with another guy; he does best those buddy-buddy scenes and I enjoy those scenes immensely. I just find it painful when I am watching him being lovesick because he only ever has 1 expression; a very serious one. I also don’t see why these 2 guys immediately zoomed into Jessica. A lot of series with Aimee in it it is always assumed she is so attractive in every way guys just fall for him. I don’t get her appeal. In fact poor Beauty, no guys like her, except maybe Negative.
Chris Lai is ok, since 3 years ago, his acting is very very very serious and raw but his Negative is a rather competent ATF member.
Yoyo Mung is not my favourite actress. In fact I don’t think highly of her acting. 3 years ago should be around the time when her acting was the worst simply because she wasn’t paying attention, always seemed distracted. In here, her scenes are few but thus far she is not believable as a top reporter but I like her rapport with Ruco which speaks more than what Ruco has with Aimee. That will be the saving grace.
By the way in the beach scene as Carson and Jessica flirted with one another, she was shoeless and walking along the seashore, they talked, talked and then she left and she forgot about her shoes. Quite literally, her shoes’ there but she just walked out of the camera. She is not scene per scene actress like Charmaine Sheh but she is certainly inconsistent.
So far this series is the usual standard and since this was 3 years ago, you can assume that was right smack during the time TVB was quite predictable and was exhausted in ideas. But since it is only episode 3, it is still too early to tell.
I can however vouch for Storm In A Cocoon which is becoming more and more interesting thanks to the cast. Steven Ma gave Ka Yeung such a masculine and yet educated personality and now we are left wondering did the unhappy and justifiably angry Ka Hin betray Ka Yeung? Ahhhhhhh drama! Drama!! Something which Ruse of Engagement has yet to show. I mean it is a show about terrorists, but it feels like a show about every criminal there is except terrorists. But don’t give up on it just yet. It might hold a few surprises just yet.
Why are you and Sandy reposting these ROE articles from Funn’s blog?
maybe, they feel the need to share since they are well-written?
what’s wrong with RucoFanForever posting it here?
If you are going to write recaps, thoughts, etc, you are bound to come across ppl who like her reviews & those that dont. Unavoidable.
If she doesnt want ppl to repost it, then dont write anything. Simple.
support Ron’s view. Ppl should not be making Funn’s shoes shiny if her reviews r avg.
FYI, it’s just a question Ron and Dino. Didn’t say there was anything wrong. Just wondering if it’s a coincidence that both reposted the articles at around the same time. Don’t assume the worst intentions of every comment.
I dont think it is a concidence b/c funn’s recaps r widely accepted (except for some indecent ppl)
exactly. if yo own a website, you putting yourself out there for negativty to occur. its inavoidable.
As usual, Ruco is at his best….we….never missing any of the episodes every nite for sure.
I don’t think ATF exist in the HK police force. Initially when I saw the acronym ‘ATF’ what comes to mind is a US police branch ….called Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) i think, which I know do exist in the real world.
I am liking Yoyo’s performance! And it’s great seeing both Fred Cheng, Vivien Yeo in the ROE drama as well. Reminds me a lot of FH.
Someone mentioned before Ruco has no chemistry with his female leads except for Lee Si Kei who plays his mom. Im starting to agree. I’m having a hard time finding an actress who can match his intensity,
Myolie – too leng mui, No,
Tavia – maybe,
Linda Chung – No,
Nancy Wu – Leaning towards No also,
Selena Li – maybe,
Sharon – No,
Hey people, what do you think? Who else in TVB now?
you missed another Fa Dan. Kate Tsui. I think they’d look more like friends than a couple.
Really liking this drama. Except for the 2 or 3 episodes showing them in ATF training which is rather predictable, the rest of the episodes so far are really thrilling and full of action and suspense,
Looks like everyone’s enjoying this series so far since there are so many comments here and is still the most popular article since it aired more than a week ago. I’m loving it at least cause Ron and Ruco’s brother relationship is so good to watch. For some reason Ron is always good at these scenes.
Agreed, I prefer Ruco’s acting more as well. Ron is blessed with good looks but it doesn’t seem like he knows what to do with it onscreen.
some ppl who think screening time is everything should read tis:
Ron said: “There were already rumors while we were filming! I think its just the thought of some supporters/fans. We had a great collaboration and had no problems at all. (It was said you were fighting with Ruco to be the male lead?) How can male leads be clearly distinguished? Whoever gets more screen time does not mean they’ll stand out. Actually it is more about who has the outstanding acting! Look at So Gay (Jerry Koo), he was just a supporting actor and got so much attention!”