TVB Management to Give Chilam Cheung TV King Award?

Due to the vanishing act of A-listers in TVB dramas, management executives have decided to give Chilam Cheung (張智霖) and Ada Choi (蔡少芬) the top awards at this year’s TVB Anniversary Awards.
Ada Choi to Receive TV Queen Award
An insider revealed that Fala Chen (陳法拉) had the greatest chance to win TV Queen this year, however she left TVB in May. Although Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) has been widely reported to be this year’s TV Queen favorite, she did not have a breakthrough performance in Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>. Kate Tsui’s (徐子珊) performance in Sniper Standoff <神鎗狙擊> was not considered to be a strong performance either.
Management executive, Sandy Yu (余詠珊) insisted that Ada Choi should receive the TV Queen award. Although Beauty at War <金枝慾孽贰> received poor ratings, Ada’s acting remained undisputed and she is agreeable each time she is invited to film a TVB production. Sandy Yu also hoped to rinse away TVB’s domineering image by rewarding talented individuals.
Chilam Cheung Will Be TV King
Moses Chan (陳豪) was originally favored by TVB management to win the TV King award. However, he has been dropped from the favored list after allegedly refusing to renew his soon-to-expire management contract in pursuit of the higher-paid mainland Chinese market. Kenneth Ma (馬國明), whose management contract will not expire anytime soon, was not considered an advantageous choice. Raymond Lam’s (林峯) contract will expire next year and will likely leave the station to advance his film career.
Favored by Tommy Leung (梁家樹), Chilam Cheung is TVB’s choice for TV King this year, as the 42-year-old actor’s popularity rose immensely since Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄 II>. Earlier this year, Chilam had signed under Stephen Shiu Jr. (蕭定一), who will co-produce the film version of Triumph in the Skies 2 together. Chilam has also promised to film another TVB series next year. After Chilam was notified of the news, he agreed to appear in December’s TVB Anniversary Awards ceremony, as well as the upcoming Astro on Demand awards in Malaysia.
Asked to comment on Chilam favored to be TV King this year, Kenneth Ma said he will try again next year. Kenneth did not feel disappointed, “You can’t say whether it’s fair or not; participating means you have to respect the rules of the game!”
Other Awards Winners
Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) and Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) will be recognized for their performances in Brother’s Keeper. Heavily favored by management executive Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍), Edwin will likely received the Best Supporting Actor award, while Kristal will win the Best Supporting Actress award.
The Most Improved Actor title will likely go to the heavily promoted Jason Chan (陳智燊), while Most Improved Actress will be given to Priscilla Wong (黃翠如).
Source: Oriental Sunday via
This article is written by Jayne for
okay with ALL except want Ruco Chan to be Best Supporting Actor award than Edwin Siu!!!
But i wonder if this will be true…Is Chi Lam and Ada Choi has contact with TVB? I don’t think so…why would TVB give to them???
EXACTLY, WTH are they to give it to them when tons of other good artists you can boost them up? TVB really sucks.
they have contract per series with TVB, not management contract.
Exactly windy. It bugs me that TVB rather give the award to a mediocre outside artiste who only has commercial hype rather than awarding their own contract artiste who is well lauded for his expressive excellent acting – Ruco. He’s not even named in this article I can’t believe it.
I know, sick n tired of TVB sucking assz to past veterans esp these triumps stars who are overrated and not worth it.
There are so many good artists yes Ruco included and they don’t even bother w/them but keeps on giving it to these nobodies. People are right, for regular actors/actress’ w/o connections it’s hard to even get nominated for anything, let alone win anything. NOT that it’s great about these awards, all BS anyway but at least will boost up their popular in a way albeit small or whatever.
Stop with the Ruco fangirl arguments. Does it matter if they are managed under TVB or not. The award should be given based on the actor/actresses’ performance, and not which management company they are with.
Ruco is actually a veteran actor who failed to gain popularity with ATV. You could even say his acting is mediocre.
Ruco signed a long contract with TVB a couple years back if not mistaken. That’s when he’s suddenly back in the background… wait till his contract ends. Maybe he’ll get the title then!
@AC, Ruco is not supporting actor in BK, thus does not qualify under this category.
But Ruco Chan is not a supporting actor. To give him the best supporting actor is an insult to him. He should be given TV King or something
Isn’t Ruco the lead male in Brother’s Keeper? Why would he even be nominated in the Best Supporting Actor category?
Ada? Seriously? Chilam? Shouldn’t it be Francis? I don’t get the rationale.
I don’t think Ada even has a chance. So I think this is fluke. As for Chilam, the more they say, the more perhaps Wayne will win. That sort of surprise like how last year was.
Chilam may have more commercial value for TVB. Although Francis’ acting is great, Chilam’s popularity in “Triumph in the Skies 2” is higher. Given that Chilam will be involved in two upcoming TVB projects, it is likely that he will get the TV King award unless Kenneth Ma’s popularity shoots up after “The Hippocratic Crush 2”.
I also question Ada’s chance for TV Queen. I think this was originally Fala Chen’s year, but has now been replaced by Linda Chung.
thus its all about politics,i think they have to change the name of best actor awards to best commercial value awards then.
@ Jayne
I already said it last year that TVB was planning for this year to be Fala’s. The positioning of TITS2 and Will Power mirror how they positioned Myolie and Tavia’s wins. Fala was heavily criticised for TITS2 but that’s why they always have a backup drama in place. Too bad she also decided to leave, lol. So yes, now it’s Linda. But since Linda is a “last minute” replacement, they are not quite prepared for it. She only has BK as far I can see, and her performance has been panned. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are scrambling to decide if they can give it to someone else instead though Ada is a long stretch, so it’ll probably end up being Linda.
I don’t think Chilam receiving Best Actor is that farfetched. He’s locked for My Favourite and that might give him the edge due to a lack of candidates. Especially, if they are counting on future collaborations. It will never be Francis since he wouldn’t even bother to show up. Kenneth is as loyal as a dog, and his leash keeps him tied for several more years anyway. It’s too bad that Raymond Lam didn’t have a drama this year, because otherwise he would have been a shoo-in. Ruco could have been a potential candidate but BK is a dud. Had he managed to garner as much support and hype like with TOT, then I would have estimated a good chance for him. Personally, I think it’s going to be between Moses and Chilam. It’s not going to be Wayne because they are not going to give him two undeserved wins.
Francis ? I rather Chilam. Francis have very heavy lazy tone and he seems slur his line so much. Sometime I cant understand what he said without reading subtitle. Even though he can pull good emotional but the way he deliver his line minus mark for me. Chilam over Francis for me. However this year I support Bosco more.
This report is more of a rumor than truth. Whoever wrote it just wanted to have his work published and read. Doesn’t sound convincing at all.
I don’t know why these tabloids keep putting Kristal Tin in the supporting category. The Astro awards, which is also put together by TVB, has Kristal and Edwin as lead and the official nominations will probably mirror that as well. And, if you’re talking about screentime, these 2 have more in BK than the other 2 leads.
I can’t really trust a tabloid that lists Raymond Lam as having no chance. Of course he has no chance.. he had no series released this year!
She has a higher chance if she is in supporting.
Yeah, she has a higher chance, but it’s always been presented as Edwin and Ruco as the 2 male leads with Linda and Kristal as the female leads. Why would they suddenly put Edwin and Kristal in the supporting category when being nominated in the leading category would secure their spot as a leading actor/actress? also, it’s more likely to predict that she will get the fave female character award.
Kinda like a strategy. She won’t win if in the best category. It is after all TV Queen. If there is a supporting, her chances is much much higher. I wonder will her name be in most improved?
Actually i don’t agree that Edwin has more screen time than Ruco. BK is all about Ruco and although he didn’t feature prominently in a few episodes, he had a lot of screen time in others; in fact the last 2 episodes were all about him. It’s quite clear who’s the first male lead in BK. Kristal has more screen time in BK than Linda, like you mentioned.
The more articles about chi lam the less likely chi lam will win just like Raymond lam over the years
that’s a comforting thought lol.
I’d prefer Esther Kwan to win Best Actress over Ada Choi.
Me too
Or Joey Meng?
me four! esther’s very natural in always and ever.
Jason as most improved? How? I rather Fred win!!
yes why? no charisma,bad acting.i rather ruco win.
Ruco for Most improved? Uhm… it’s weird and he’ll be the oldest guy who win it. Nah, I don’t think so.
i rather like to see ruco will win best actor but i dont think tvb would give him that award,because its all about a commercial game at the end.just like how jayne mentioned in previous comment above.
Most improved from the most unconvincing guy holding a backpack to most unconvincing guy playing a piano? Quite a leap! Please … Not him. Fred can’t win since not in series lately?
The category is Most Improved Artist, rather than Actor/Actress so I think Fred can still win. Amigo Choi won it a few years ago just for his hosting.
Yeah.. Idk why. His acting is so forced. Definitely doesn’t deserve it. I think Vincent Wong should get it for change of heart, season of love, will power
yes I agree. Vincent Wong had a great presence in A Change of Heart.
Jason Chan shouldn’t win most improve actor. I think it’s about time for Vincent Wong to win. Last year I was hoping Vincent to win but Oscar was Favorited. And Fred is not on that level yet for acting. Fred mainly play extra roles or small supporting cast.
But Oscar was a well deserved winner overall.
Fred or Vincent, both good. However it’s correct tat Fred has nothing but The Voice this year. Although it isn’t a must to participate series to win, Fred dun host, too. Then Vincent should win.
For Jason Chan, I like him overall and admire his English, but his acting is bad as a lead.
I think Him or Vincent deserved to win last year, not Oscar.
I can’tbelieve Ruco is not even mentioned!!! I’m already slowly accepting the fact that he won’t win (because of TVB). Will be so angry if he wasn’t even recognized for being in top 5!
Ruco…he is one of the few that know how to act…and he act good on every drama…really don’t know what TVB is thinking (I am his fans…but just like his acting)…maybe he does not have a group of die-hard fans..therefore TVB don’t promote him??
therefore TVB don’t promote him??
Seriously, do you know how many series he has this year and next year. On average, 3-4 series per year.
He got promoted more than other siu sang. But after The other Truth, he had no breakthrough chatacters.
He has a group of diehard fans, too bad they dun seem to be in HK.
i think ruco’s best actor win will come anyway,its a question of time. he has been promoted to first lead not long ago,and i think tvb works with some hierarchy system,not only acting but also commercial value and the time you have served tvb count.
Relax it is not time yet. Ruco still not ready he getting there. And Ruco been heavily and strongly promoted for the past few years he gets like 4 main actor series per year.
@Fox, overseas fan sites mean nothing? At least it shows that he’s generating a buzz so i think they do mean something. Btw, forum also has a lot of positive comments about him as Sam and BK the series and is a HK website.
Oops wrong button
i’m pretty sure Ruco knows how the games in TVB are being played and he probably wouldn’t be pinning his hopes on an award, it’s just that fans feel the injustice for him. However, a nomination as Best Actor would be nice to recognise his efforts especially since his role in BK has been generating a lot of buzz in forums about his excellent acting. The press however is more intent on spinning up stories about his love life than to talk about his acting, shame on them. Btw, BK is seen by many netizens as a breakthrough role for Ruco after TOT. Just go to the tvb, asianfanatics and China forums and even over here, you can see for yourself.
Actually I think BK is rather a breakthough to Kristin Tin. She is liked than anyone else in BK based on the reviews on HK forums.
yes, she and Ruco.
BK is definitely more of a breakthrough for Kristal rather than Ruco. They even had a vote during the finale of BK where viewers can vote for their favorite character and Kristal won with 51% of the vote.
No, I don’t find it’s a breakthrough to Ruco. He has more buzz in another one with Raymond Wong than BK. BK is only meant to be breakthrough to Kristal, like AC stated, 51% for her, 49% for everyone else.
No need to argue,check out the forums yourself, the truth is out there. Also check out azdrama, so many praising Ruco there. Sam is the buzz in BK. Kristal’s character in BK is likeable no doubt but she had a tendency to over act.
I quite agree with Pssst, Ruco’s Sam is the most discussed in many forums out there. I also noticed Ruco has gained a lot of new loyal fans after browsing the comments in this portal. I don’t deny that Kristal had her breakthrough.
Azdrama isn’t a HK forum, tat’s the matter. If you wanna check, check HK forums only because Txb awards are HK’s.
Dear Fox,
after reading through your replies and comments since yesterday I’m sorry to butt in but you are seriously giving an anti Ruco vibe and seem to purposely come out with arguments to counter attack any favourable comment about Ruco. Seriously girl/man, leave Ruco alone.
Pssst is right, Ruco is talked about a lot in many discussion sites all over, whether overseas or in HK especially after the 2 episodes finale. Seriously, get a life and cool down with the counter argument that makes you look like an antifan of Ruco.
Be my guest, mydatewithspring.
FYI, I have nothing against Ruco or ever liked him as an actor. Even if he would win BA this year or any year, I don’t have a problem. However it can’t change any fact I told you about Micheal Tse or the fact tat the oversea fansites don’t mean anything. The media only base on HK forums to say someone shake the city or not. Without a doubt, Kristal has the most credit in BK and lesser to anyone else.
P/S: If you can’t get a life on bashing Michael Tse and being a “god” fan, then why I have to stop nitpicking you :P. Yeah, I’m nitpicking you.
@Fox, overseas fan sites mean nothing? At least it shows that he’s generating a buzz so i think they do mean something. Btw, forum also has a lot of positive comments about him as Sam and BK the series and is a HK website.
Of course overseas fans mean something! VERY LITTLE! HK is their main market!
And I don’t know why you’re telling people to look at different forums to see “a lot” of support for Ruco. What is “a lot”? Meanwhile, it has been pointed out there’s a nice little poll that gives Kristal 51% support. Ruco fans are quickly turning into the next Tavia fans. They were also always whining about how little she is promoted. Don’t see how you can say Ruco is under-promoted when he has several dramas a year!
I said clearly enough to understand, mydatewithspring. Watever I wanted to say, advo said it out.
I disgree with you. Kristal winning the fave character award doesn’t mean that Ruco isn’t good as Sam. It just means that people who actually bothered to vote liked her character better. By your argument, since Linda didn’t even make it to top 3, does it mean she’s less popular than Kristal, Edwin or Ruco? The answer is obvious. Linda and the others lost to Kristal simply becos Ying’s character is written to be more likeable….doesn’t mean anything else! And excuse me, i don’t agree that HK is TVB’s main market. What about Malaysia, Singapore, USA, and all the other countries that air TVB programmes? If HK is their main market, TVB can close shop already.
@ pssst
Are you particularly dense? I ask because you don’t seem to grasp a very common sentiment that NUMBERS matters. You want to prove that Ruco’s character is as popular as Kristial? Give me a number to counter Fox’s. Don’t give me a vague entity like ” a lot”.
You also don’t seem to understand the difference between a CHARACTER and an ACTOR. Linda’s character is unpopular. That doesn’t mean Linda is unpopular!
Finally, do you understand that MAIN =/= ONLY. TVB’s main and most important market is their home market, HK. That doesn’t mean the other markets don’t matter or that their overseas fans don’t matter. It means they mean less because they make less profit there! The only exception is China because the market is HUGE. See in business, you either make money on high margins or high volumes. Capiche?
Based on the amount of fallacies in your comment, I’ll have to conclude you’re not too bright. I suppose that’s the price to mainstream fame for Ruco. It brings on the moronic fans. But those are the types that will sit at home and press constantly to vote him up in meaningless polls so I suppose there’s a bright side to everything.
Breathing exercises … breathe lol.
@ Crystal
Touché lol ;P
@ advo, you’re the one who’s dense. Do you need comprehension lessons? Wasn’t i the one who pointed out that you need to separate the CHARACTER from the ACTOR? This is what i wrote :”Linda and the others lost to Kristal simply becos Ying’s character is written to be more likeable…doesn’t mean anything else!”. If that isn’t separating the CHARACTER from the ACTOR, then you better go get your brain checked. Also since when did i disagree that Ying’s character is more popular than Sam’s? Quote me if you can find it. What i was merely saying is that just becos Ying is more popular than Sam doesn’t mean that Sam wasn’t acted well by Ruco. I agree that Ying is Kristal’s breakthrough character but i also said that Sam is Ruco’s breakthrough character. Can’t 2 leads have breakthrough characters in the same drama? Stop being so narrow minded and give credit where it’s due, you’ll be a better person for that.
The overseas market is just as important as HK. Why else do you think TVB spends money promoting their artistes and shows overseas? Might as well save the dough.
And no, Ruco’s fans are not as moronic as you who can’t even understand simple English. Perhaps you’re better in other foreign languages than English? Try Italian or French. On second thoughts, maybe not. Throwing in 2 foreign words doesn’t make you a linguist, not even by the longest stretch of the imagination. You’re better off polishing up your English if you can’t even understand half of what’s written here.
Comprendo? Google if you don’t know what it means but then i don’t guarantee that you’ll even understand what you’ve read.
Perhaps you pssst have to check your reading ability as you suggest advo to do. Please read the following quote in full:
“the fact tat the oversea fansites don’t mean anything. The media only base on HK forums to say someone shake the city or not. ”
Media base on HK forums to say someone shake the city or not (mean buzz) and oversea fansites mean nothing to them.
Txb invests and values oversea market, but to their particular Txb award, they only allow HK ppl to vote (HK ID is required). Hence the oversea fans aren’t their targets, as a result the media dun mind the buzz in oversea fansites but only care for HKers.
Can have buzz for more than one character, but the fact is showing that only Kristal Tin has tat buzz in HK for BK while others no-no. Is it tat hard to understand? The buzz is for the character, unnecessary related to the artists. If there is a fan fight for Kristal vs Linda in HK, Linda will win. But at a moment for the series, Kristal is winning because her chac is well liked. And Txb, often base on the moment of star shine than devoted fans to decide. Linda’s moment this year was in King of frank, but ppl are forgetting it.
@Fox I’m having trouble trying to decipher the gibberish you just wrote because of your pidgin English but i promise I’ll try my best. I really don’t know how this thread has degenerated into a debate about whether Kristal or Ruco’s getting more buzz from BK when all i said in my original post is that Sam in BK is the breakthrough role for Ruco and that many forums are talking about him. It’s as simple as that. I did not mention here at any time that Kristal did not deserve to win Best loved character nor did i dispute the fact that she won with 51%, so i don’t understand what all this hostility about whether BK is also Ruco’s breakthrough role is all about. I wish to stress that both are just as good in their respective roles.
As for the TVB awards, it is certainly limited to the HK viewers but since TVB dramas are seen in many other countries besides HK, the artiste’s popularity can also be gauged by the response of overseas audience towards him/her. Hence the overseas forums are also an indicator of popularity. As for the buzz about Sam on HK forums (or rather, lack of if you’re to be believed), don’t tell me that is not a HK forum? If you haven’t gone into the BK forum there, you’ve no right to say that Ruco as Sam has not been generating any buzz. Go in and see how many topics are about him and how many hits those topics have. They are way more than what Kristal and the other 2 leads are getting. In any case, it looks like you’d rather narrow your definition of “generating buzz” to that one poll than on the various forums that have thousands of hits and posts. Is that one poll really the be-all and end-all authority on who’s “generating more buzz”? The more you talk about limiting to just the HK market, the more you’re sounding like the proverbial frog-in-a-well.
@ pssst
I should know better than to engage with obsessive fans, but I love to procrastinate so you’ll get your rebuttal.
I disgree with you. Kristal winning the fave character award doesn’t mean that Ruco isn’t good as Sam. It just means that people who actually bothered to vote liked her character better.
Astonishing observation. So very well done! 51% votes in favour for Kristal meant people who voted liked her character best.
By your argument, since Linda didn’t even make it to top 3, does it mean she’s less popular than Kristal, Edwin or Ruco? The answer is obvious. Linda and the others lost to Kristal simply becos Ying’s character is written to be more likeable….doesn’t mean anything else!
NOPE. Because my argument was that there’s poll suggesting 51% support for Kristal for THIS drama and THIS character. Since awards are for acting for ONE portrayal of a character there is overwhelming support for Kristal’s character which obviously is due to her acting. YOU are the one to drag in the actors’ popularity to invalidate that Kristal is favoured for her portrayal by arguing that it’s simply due to more likable writing. Because the audience is fooled by “likeable writing” and don’t care about the acting of it?! And there has never ever been a horrible character that was liked by the audience due to an actor’s great acting, right? OH WAIT. But okay, I’ll take back that you don’t know how to separate characters from their actors. You know how to do it to in your fallacious argumentation.
Also since when did i disagree that Ying’s character is more popular than Sam’s? Quote me if you can find it.
Alright, I will do just that.
AC and Fox state that Kristal’s character was more of a breakthrough. You write:
No need to argue,check out the forums yourself, the truth is out there. Also check out azdrama, so many praising Ruco there. Sam is the buzz in BK. Kristal’s character in BK is likeable no doubt but she had a tendency to over act.
I’m sorry, “Sam is the buzz in BK”? Not both characters are “the buzz” or Kristal’s character is slightly more?
And “Kristal’s character in BK is likeable no doubt but she had a tendency to over act.” Your backtracking is A+
What i was merely saying is that just becos Ying is more popular than Sam doesn’t mean that Sam wasn’t acted well by Ruco. I agree that Ying is Kristal’s breakthrough character but i also said that Sam is Ruco’s breakthrough character. Can’t 2 leads have breakthrough characters in the same drama? Stop being so narrow minded and give credit where it’s due, you’ll be a better person for that.
Oh you agree that Kristal’s Ying is a breakthrough character. But it’s all the writing and not her acting right? Cause she has that pesky tendency to “over act”. You’re right, Kristal and her character being recognised doesn’t mean Ruco and his character can’t be too. And two leads certainly can have a breakthrough in the same show. People just don’t agree with you that his character OR portrayal of it was all that, even though everyone agrees that he’s a good actor. Don’t be so narrow-minded and arrogant to think your opinion is more right, you’ll be a better person for that.
The overseas market is just as important as HK. Why else do you think TVB spends money promoting their artistes and shows overseas? Might as well save the dough.
Do you think TVB makes more money in a monopoly market where they have no competition, or do you think they make more money in a market where they compete with loads other stations about only a fraction of that market?! As businesses likes to make money, the order of importance is naturally the market where they make most money. DUH. Exceptions are big markets or potential for growth market such as Mainland. Hence, TVB has increased their focus on that market. Finally, those stupid TVB awards are HK awards. Then OBVIOUSLY as Fox pointed out, they focus on what the HK market thinks. Ruco is more popular in Malaysia or Singapore or whatever? There are awards in those countries that TVB actors participate in too!
In any case, it looks like you’d rather narrow your definition of “generating buzz” to that one poll than on the various forums that have thousands of hits and posts. Is that one poll really the be-all and end-all authority on who’s “generating more buzz”?
For alllllllll the buzz Ruco has in allllllllllll those many forums you talk about, the HK media couldn’t care less. Even TVB isn’t bothering to use him to hype the awards. There’s your parameter for buzz. And before you start on a rant about how Ruco is overlooked by TVB, I’ll reiterate that Ruco had several dramas this year, in addition, BK was aired right before the awards. Furthermore, if his character and portrayal was that hot, it would be recognised by the media. Get back to me when the media starts talking about his character like they did with Wayne’s RB and NR characters. Finally, you do realise that the benchmark for an actor moves right? Ruco was rightfully recognised for TOT, if you want to argue that his character in BK is a breakthrough then it needs to be BETTER than TOT.
And no, Ruco’s fans are not as moronic as you who can’t even understand simple English. Perhaps you’re better in other foreign languages than English? Try Italian or French. On second thoughts, maybe not. Throwing in 2 foreign words doesn’t make you a linguist, not even by the longest stretch of the imagination. You’re better off polishing up your English if you can’t even understand half of what’s written here.
Comprendo? Google if you don’t know what it means but then i don’t guarantee that you’ll even understand what you’ve read.
LMAO, did I hit a nerve? I love that the use of one (adopted) foreign word is the source of such a great response where you start to imagine I have some grand illusions about being a linguist. My dear, I did not say ALL Ruco fans are moronic. Please don’t insult Ruco fans by grouping them all together. I only suggested that mainstream fame brings in the lowest common denominator fans. You know, those who think trying to force their opinion on others will endear other people to their idol, and spend all their free time voting in meaningless polls because they think that will really show the world how popular their idol is. That’s obviously not you though, no no.
Yeah, epic is the word that you bother ranting on and on about something which doesn’t even concern you. So what if i think that Sam is Ruco’s breakthrough role and you disagree? Does it make you more correct than me? What’s it to you that it riles you up so much? Again , i find it ridiculous that you keep harping on that ONE VERY IMPORTANT (TO YOU)poll where Kristal won by 51%. May i ask you how many people voted in the polls? The whole of the HK population? If the answer is yes, I’ll gladly concede that yes, Kristal portrayed Ying so well that her character is liked by 51% of the population and she’s indeed the one and only buzz in BK. Statistics are misleading, 51% of 1000 is only 510. Even if 10,000 people voted, it’s only 5,100, hardly an earth-shattering figure dont you agree? So stop throwing that 51% in my face and tell me exactly how many people voted. Are you denying that her character was written to be more likeable than that of the other 3? If that’s the case then why is it that so many forums (Yes HK and others including here) are debating on the character flaws of the other 3 characters while Ying is relatively unscathed? It cannot be due to her acting alone. If Ying had been written to be one obnoxious “b” would she be just as popular? Just becos i said that Kristal has a tendency to overact doesn’t mean that I’m saying she’s no good. Every actor including the best 3-time TV King Wayne Lai has a tendency to overact at times (think Bullet Brain for example, so much shouting and what-not). So just becos he has a tendency overact at times, he doesn’t deserve to be TV King? And all i ever hear from you is that ONE poll which you seem adamant is the be-all and end-all gauge of popularity or breakthrough. Did you even venture into the forum or are you just ranting into space? And you’re wrong about me being unable to separate the character from the actor. You’re the one who didn’t understand what i wrote. Didn’t i make it very clear that the poll just means Ying’s character is more popular and not that the actress Kristal is more popular than Linda, Edwin or Ruco? I said it before and I’ll say it again “Sam’s the buzz in BK”. And to quote you “Don’t be so narrow-minded and arrogant to think your opinion is more right, you’ll be a better person for that.” By the same token, aren’t you the narrow-minded and arrogant one to think that YOUR opinion is MORE right? Huh so it works for you to think you’re more right and not for me? In any case, I didn’t force anyone here to think along the same line as me. I only stated my opinion and mentioned the forums to backup my opinion. No one held a gun to your head or insulted you just becos you don’t agree with me. The discussion was very civilised till you resorted to name-calling.
Btw, i love how you back peddle. First you keep harping on that ONE (yes, emphasis) very important poll to prove your point that Kristal as Ying is generating more buzz and then you said this: ” You know, those who think trying to force their opinion on others will endear other people to their idol, and spend all their free time voting in meaningless polls because they think that will really show the world how popular their idol is.” Oh, i love how you now describe polls as “MEANINGLESS”, haha ROFLMAO. Aren’t you mighty contradicting yourself now? Argue all you want, i’ve said it and I’ll say it again “Sam’s the buzz in BK and it’s Ruco’s next breakthrough role”. I don’t give a d-a-m-n if you agree or not.
@ pssst
And there it is, lmao. The unraveling of a cray fan.
Yeah, epic is the word that you bother ranting on and on about something which doesn’t even concern you.
This is an open forum. Everything posted “concerns” me if I feel that it does. If you dislike other people commenting on your comment, then don’t comment.
If Ying had been written to be one obnoxious “b” would she be just as popular?
Entirely possible! Because history has shown that there are PLENTY villain/evil/bratty/b-tch characters that have been considered great and more importantly, greatly acted. You can separate writing from acting but you argue that the audience cannot?! And therein lies your inability to separate character from actor – not for yourself but for others!
And to quote you “Don’t be so narrow-minded and arrogant to think your opinion is more right, you’ll be a better person for that.” By the same token, aren’t you the narrow-minded and arrogant one to think that YOUR opinion is MORE right?
I’m SO GLAD you wrote this passage actually, because it just proves how dense you are. You just quoted me quoting you. In reality, everyone put forward their arguments for why they believed their opinion was valid, while you were the only one to say and I quote: “No need to argue,check out the forums yourself, the truth is out there.”
I didn’t contradict myself at all, you just don’t have a very good understanding of how polls work. There are polls and there are polls. If the poll that gave Kristal 51% popularity is one where people can vote again and again, then certainly I will concede that it too is a meaningless poll because it can be so easily manipulated. As a matter of fact, I will tackle your other fallacious argument. Percentages is clearly not your strong suit either because you can’t tell the difference between absolute and relative values. As a matter of fact, 51% is a high absolute and very high relative value! Your “argument” only holds if you tell me that Ruco got all of the remaining 49% votes by himself. Then yes, I will concede that 51% is not as big deal because the second best got 49%. OTOH, if Ruco got 40%, 30%, or 20% then 51% is definitely a lot! Which brings me back to my original comment actually. I was ALWAYS asking you to bring forth an actual number to prove your point for Ruco. But of course you never did.
I don’t give a d-a-m-n if you agree or not.
Your long rant would suggest otherwise.
Talk about obsessive fan, what about obsessive hater? ” If Ying had been written to be one obnoxious “b” would she be just as popular?
Entirely possible! Because history has shown that there are PLENTY villain/evil/bratty/b-tch characters that have been considered great and more importantly, greatly acted” …oh yeah, just becos you said so? Prove it and I mean with absolute figures and not just your opinion.
And “Which brings me back to my original comment actually. I was ALWAYS asking you to bring forth an actual number to prove your point for Ruco. But of course you never did”… well, I can say likewise to you, how many people voted in the polls? You haven’t given me the answer yet. It doesn’t matter whether 51% is relatively higher compared to the next highest. Give me absolute figures to back up that so-called earth-shattering win by Kristal’s Ying character. 51% of what? Does it really represent the opinion of all the almost (on average0 1.6 to 1.9 million viewers). Out of a very small base, 51% works out to a very small number. Just like when someone says, I’ve improved on my marks by 51%, sounds great right? But if he originally had only 10 marks out of a hundred, he only improved by 5.1 marks which still makes him mediocre. Come back with absolute figures and we can have a civilised discussion. I’m still waiting for your answer, did you even venture into the forum or are you afraid of the truth there. I can tell you that one thread alone supporting Ruco as Sam has almost 30,000 hits to date and that’s an absolute figure for you.
“. If the poll that gave Kristal 51% popularity is one where people can vote again and again, then certainly I will concede that it too is a meaningless poll because it can be so easily manipulated “ So there you said it yourself, this poll that you based your entire argument on is MEANINGLESS unless there was a voting limit of one per person.
“I don’t give a d-a-m-n if you agree or not.
Your long rant would suggest otherwise.”
No one’s ranting except you and I bet your blood pressure shot up through the roof cos you’re resorting to calling names like “dense”, “crazy” “moronic” “obsessive” ……relax, take a few deep breaths, it’ll do you a world of good and best of all, it’s free friendly advice from me. And no, I still don’t give a d-a-m-n to what you said cos I’m going to repeat what I’ve said all along: “Sam’s the buzz in BK and he is Ruco’s breakthrough role”.
Btw, thank you and Fox for helping to “generate so much buzz” for my original post, it’s got to be the one with the longest responses on jaynestars. Meantime, try to think of more meaningful pursuits than to come here and repeat all that you’ve said earlier ad nauseum. I’d much rather spend time on those “meaningless” polls which magically transform into MEANINGFUL public opinion when it suits your purpose.
You don’t seem to understand any in my comment, ptsss. It’s very pointless to continue with you.
To answer you, yes is a HK forum, ever me say differently? But I meant the reporters will choose HK forums to create news while you keep saying about oversea forums this and that. Do you understand what is called “generating buzz” for the award? Mostly up to the HK reporters. In BK’s particular case, the reporters only generated buzz to Kristal Tin, so it’s more of a breakthrough to her than anyone. As for Ruco, he might get buzz somewhere else, but reporters don’t seem to recognize him, hence he has no buzz.
This is getting so old. Never mind that you don’t agree with me, i am not asking for your concurrence. What i’ve stated is my opinion and remains my opinion.
Chilam’s attendance at the awards is an indication that he will get an award. Just don’t know BA or MFMC. As for TV Queen, I feel TVB will pull last minute surprises. While Linda is hot right now, TVB may be taking her for a ride – the case of Raymond’s HAL and MM’s THC. Edwin is a given for BSA. Unfortunately, Jason and Priscilla might walk away with Most Improved.
I guess I’ll just look forward to the fashion that night. Haha
Jason and Priscilla Wong shouldn’t win most improve or best supporting actor/ actress. They are so bad how did they end up becoming main actor and actress all sudden. I heard that Priscilla Wong knows and are friendly with high staffs thats probably why she got heavily promoted and first lead all sudden.
Much as i love and support the cast of BK, i don’t think Edwin’s performance here is anything special. He’s ok most of the time but not outstanding. I think Louis Yuen or Louis Cheung performed much better (but prefer Louis Cheung, first time i saw him act but he’s a natural born actor).
The question is if Chilam would bother to attend just for the MFMC award? That’s what I’m on the fence about. And if not, then I think it’s highly possible that he’s been promised BA, maybe even both. It would be a pretty bold move and you can already see some backlash just from rumours about it.
The problem with TVB only using Linda to hype the awards is who else can they give it to? While Kristal isis being mentioned as an alternative, I feel more strongly that they will only give her Best Supporting.
I wish Vincent could get Most Improved, he deserves it over Jason.
Oh the fashion. I’m not that enthusiastic. Tavia and Selena will wear something promdress-esque and Myolie will wear something “fashionable” tacky. Linda will choose something boring – although, if she’s winning then maybe she’ll go all out. Nancy is the only one who can be surprising. Then rest will wear low-budget prom-dresses.
Oh I forgot Charmaine. Hopefully she’ll bring something fresh though she’s hit and miss for me.
Charmaine will most probably wear a Valentino. She’s been consistently wearing this brand for past few years.
p.s. Charmaine will be attending the gala but not necessary the award presentation (they still hold it separately right?) Unless she’s presenting award that night (oh what I will give to see both Chilam & Charmaine onscreen together again)
@ Sehseh
I do love Valentino. The gala is the TVB birthday celebration? Or is there another “gala” event before the Awards?
In the old days, they use to hold both award and anniversary celebration in the same evening. A few years back (was it 7, 8 years ago?) they decided to split it to holding the award presentation first, then anniversary gala on 19th November. Not sure what’s the current arrangement now.
@ Sehseh
Yes, I remember when the two events were combined. I miss that actually, because it used to be more fun overall. Nowadays, there’s too much time for Eric Tsang’s slapstick acts. Also, the award event is very dull to watch. I think they are keeping that format though, so I’m guessing Charmaine is attending the Anniversary? No one ever goes to the awards unless they are up for an award. I suppose she could present, but don’t they usually get movie actors to do that?
As much as I like Chilam, but I think Ruco deserves the Best Actor Award more because Ruco’s role is more complex in Brother’s Keeper than Chilam’s role in Triumph in the Sky 2 and Ruco’s excellent performance in Brother’s Keeper especially through his eyes.
Yeah!Ruco for the win but not likely to happen knowing how TVB awards artistes for their commercial value and not based on acting skills. The winners of BA are not necessarily the most deserving and they know it too.
Chilam is a good actor as well… but not for TITS2, even though he is billed as the lead, i think he did not even appear for half of the episodes.
Even though there are a lot of buzz on Weibo as well for Ruco as best actor TVB seems to ignore that.
I just hope he gets nominated for it… and it will be good if he wins my favourite male actor, cuz according to tvb, this year my favourite male actor is based on votes. Which means he has a high chance if he gets nominated in that category.
Chilam can receive My Favorite TV Character Award (if they have that award category in TVB Anniversary).
Thats what I believe chilam should win since everyone loves captain cool. Its not that hard to play a playboy
I loved Captain Cool, and i hope chilam wins MFMC, instead of BA. I prefer Francis for BA, he’s better at acting.
I would rather have Ada win than any of the other younger actresses, she gave one of the best performances this year. It’s only logical to give to the ones who are talented and did well not who is a contracted artiste or not. I’m probably part of the minority who didn’t think Chilam’s character was anything special, it was fine but Best Actor? Not too sure about that but he’ll most likely win an award for that character.
Yes, I rather have Ada or Esther to win tv queen than Linda. Linda is really not tv queen material, her role in bk has no breakthrough and her acting was just boring
@ Teecee
The problem about dismissing Captain Cool/Chilam on the grounds that it’s an easy character/okay performance is that there’s no one else who’s performed a breakout or standout performance either. Even Francis was not a standout in TITS2. While he might have nailed Sam, the character didn’t stand out at all. Aside from a handful of scenes, I thought it was just an “okay performance” too coming from Francis.
Priscilla for most improved???? Wtf? Honestly, she’s not even as good as Selena Li and she hasn’t even gotten an award yet. So Priscilla.. You need more improvement
These days you don’t need to know how to act… As long as you are in TVB’s favor you will win! The harsh reality of this station! Jason Chan and Priscilla Wong would not even be promoted if it wasn’t for the tvb executives!
Well, the article is making it seem like Sandy Yu will dictate who will win what (which is absolutely ridiculous, but hey, this article is from a tabloid after all, so I expect the content to be ‘ludicrous’). Anyway, if Sandy Yu truly ‘dictates’ the winners, then Priscilla Wong will win Most Improved for sure, since Sandy was Priscilla’s former boss at i-Cable and is pretty much the reason why she is being so heavily promoted in the first place. That also means that Priscilla and Tony Hung might win for Best Host as well (though Luk Ho Ming also has a chance, since all are Sandy’s ‘favorites’ due to their former i-Cable connection).
Whatever the case, there weren’t very many performances worth mentioning this year, so it will be interesting to see who TVB decides to ‘gift’ this year with awards and what type of reaction they’ll get from audiences….
The most entertaining thing about this year is to see who TVB will give its awards to, considering the utter lack of a strong candidate in many of their categories.
@advo: Yup, exactly! At least last year, there were a few categories that were worth watching (i.e. Best Supporting Actor) and some great performances to ‘shout’ about…this year, nothing. Even in the BSA category (which has pretty much been the only category I pay attention to in recent years), there’s no one I feel like rooting for this time around.
Priscilla Won so bad at acting and pretty ugly or common hk girl look. She all sudden started becoming main actress in like every series she do for some reason. If she wins the award tvb is definitely 200% corrupted.
Joey Meng should receive BSA for A Change of Heart!
she was good, but so were many others- she has strong competitors.
Why is Kristal put in the supporting categoru? Granted that she will definitely win it, but judging from the amount of screen time she has in BK it’s rather unfair. I’d rather her win favourite female.
Agree,She was no way in the world a supporting role in BK- her screentime was equivalent to a lead.
Ik she was like the first lead but people won’t accpet the fact she wins for tvb queen. Kristal got a really good role this series but she just don’t got enough fans and she … ugly.
Kristal is not ugly at all. I think she’s perfectly fine! If you think the reason stopping her from winning is her looks, then you are wrong. Look at Lydia Shum! Shes not pretty but full of talent and capable of winning awards!!
Looks have nothing to do with it. It is no a beauty contest. But Kristal Tin is not comparable to Lydia Shum who when she was alive was TVB’s most powerful woman. I am not dissing Kristal but reality tells me her likelihood of TV queen is low IF Esther is not getting anywhere near it. Whilst she was good in BK, she wasn’t the only one great in anything. If Tavia do well, expect another win for her?
i think she has a good chance of winning in the supporting category seeing how popular her character in BK is.
Sandy Yu also hoped to rinse away TVB’s domineering image by rewarding talented individuals.
Or you could replace all those poor decision makers aka executives.
Including herself.
LOL. The key here though is ‘talented’… TVB’s definition of ‘talented’ is generally different from the audience’s idea of ‘talented’. So yea TVB, stop using the word ‘talented’ so loosely because you guys don’t even know what it means (which is obvious from some of the people you guys pick to promote).
Talking bout police roles Nicki chow did a better job then kate
wait, isnt it said that the awards be based on staff and behind the scenes screw to determine (well supposedly anyway lol), so it’s now back to the management and executives to decide..? ok…
Haha. It has always been management and executive decision in the past and it always will be in the future (no matter what TVB tries to tell us otherwise). Even last year, with the supposed audience voting, there was no doubt that the management pulled some strings behind the scenes. That’s the way it has always worked since day one of the awards (back in 1997) and since it’s a given that TVB doesn’t like change and have a tendency to cling on to antiquated policies / procedures, it will continue to be the same way.
Basically, just remember this:
TVB staff = management
behind the scenes crew = management
audience vote = management
Any which way you dice it, the awards will always be determined by management. Period.
Priscilla Wong and Jason Chan better not win most improved actor or actress this year.
Sounds like complete nonsense to me. I’ve seen TVB classify supporting roles as leading roles but I’ve never seen them classify a leading role as a supporting role. No way is Edwin in a supporting role in BK. He and Ruco are coleads. I also do not see Priscilla wining. It’s only her first year. What is she improving from? I can see Chilam possibly wining but I’m not convinced about Ada.
I feel like the contenders for TV queen these past years haven’t been super strong. I mean they’re all good actresses, just they win awards at the wrong times. And while the lineup for TV king is pretty good…they never give it to the one that deserves it most lol..
All these articles about TV KIng/Queen awards are questionable. Probably none of it is true.. :$
I haven’t watched most of the tvb dramas for this year. But I wish they would promote Chris Lai/ Ben Wong/ Derek Kwok/ for the best supporting actor or actresses such as Katy Kung/Selena Li for the best supporting actress.. The actors (eg. Chris Lai, etc.) have been there longer than Priscilla (I personally like Priscilla’s acting, but it’s way too early) and Jason..
Ben Wong won BSA once.
Derek Kwok is a sad case. In the year he had the best hope to win BSA, he was robbed. After that, he is always ignored.
Yup. Derek is one of those hugely underrated actors who has never been appreciated by TVB despite him being with them for close to 30 years (I’ve enjoyed watching his performances since back in the 80s). He’s one of the most versatile, talented actors that TVB has, yet everyone else always gets promoted over him. And it seems like he’s been getting more and more insignificant roles. I honestly hope he doesn’t end up going down Deno Cheung’s path and eventually be regulated to playing kelefe cameo roles with like one line of dialogue….
Yeah, Derek Kwok is a good actor but having no award during his acting life; what a sad.
If what Jayne states might happen about the TVB awards, TVB will need to change the “awards” moniker to “gifts” or better yet, “bribes” to entice people to do TVB’s bidding. I definitely have lost all respect for TVB and have place them to be despicable on the same level as the loan sharks.
I personally suport :
Best actor: Francis Ng or Chilam Cheung
Best Actress: Esther Kwan or Joey Meng
Best supporting actor: Edwin Siu
Best supporting actress: Kristal Tin
Best improving actor: Fred Cheng
Best improving actress: Aliza Sam
tv king: ma ming
tv queen: ada or esther
favourite actor: ruco
favourite actress: kristal
most inproved male: fred or benjamin
most improved female: elaine yiu or katy kung
Look like Chilam will be the safe game this year. THC started with 29, peaked at 29.9 only. Normally the first eps and last eps have the most viewers but with 29, the whole weak might share the fate of 26-27 like most series. Look like TITS2 will maintain the highest one as well as the only one over 30.
So much for THC hype…
Hype isn’t equal to good.
Of course not. What I meant was its hype didn’t translate into ratings either.
Ratings do not necessarily mean awards.
Witness insecurity was the highest last year and won nothing. Same with bother year when forensic heroes 3 was the highest rated drama.
But having high rating series means the chance to win is higher.
Long overdue for a TVB award but not TITS2!
TVB starts to think wiser now well I guess is not too late to collaborate this way by giving their best awards to outsiders/ not their own biological son/daughter in fact many artists from outsides would mostly likely happy to collaborate with TVB in future.
But again those bad acting artists from TVB will have huge rivals from outsides great artists in future competiting for awards.
Dear all Ruco’s supporters, please take your free time to join our team to vote Ruco for Yahoo TVB polls. Vote as much as you can, we need to win this poll to show TVB that Ruco gains the audience support although TVB is intent to make Chilam wins the TV King. Please lend us your effort and time. Go search the link at any Ruco forums, I don’t want to make it public.
Standings right now, just this morning we finally manage to overtake the leadingFrancis and Chilam and make Ruco #1, and we are all leading a lot over Bosco Wong and Kenneth Ma. BK has also manage to close the gap to TITS2 and now the gap only 4%, we are still leading over THC2 too. This is what audience power can do. The votings will last until Dec so lets show audience power until then and show TVB that politics isn’t always the correct choice. Ganbate Ruco and BK!
To my surprise, Moses and Wayne aren’t popular at all in the poll, and so is WP. Now we know that all this hype are made by TVB out of thin air to make their favourites win. TVB sucks.
The voting isn’t restricted to HK and don’t need any IDs, so feel free to lend your support to get justice for Ruco’s acting in BK.
Can I have the link please?
Dear sandcherry,
thanks for the link but im gonna vote for ma ming, myolie and on call2 so sorry can’t help you! 😛 didn’t know this vote exist!
To selfiwu:
Hm, you are going to vote for Ma Ming when you barely has watched his performance yet?
Anyway, I think Ruco is the one who has impressed me the most this year with his role as Sam Kiu Ting Sang in BK. So hoepfully he will be able to get into top 5 for both BA and MFCA.
Hye selfiwu nevermind you can support your favourites, no hard feelings.
Hi Susan, great minds think alike. Please join us in the link in our effort to maintain Ruco’s leading position in the poll. The other supporters especially TITS2 fans can be tough opponents in their voting spree. We might be able to get the media attention for Ruco if we win this poll.
Thanks for your link. I will have a look first and see what I can do. I also go for good acting, not idols.
LMAO~, selfiwu will cry out loud because Bosco is on top of her beloved god Ma Ming :P.
Is it unlimited voting or once a day? do you need to register? haha yes, the press, once you get them on your side, more than half the battle is won.
It’s unlimited voting as far as I know. Come quick since the TITS2 supporters started to voting madly for anything related with the series, I’m noticing increase of percentage for them.
Okay I’ll put the link since we’re in a dire situation now. TITS2 supporters seem to come in to pull up the votes for TITS2 the series and their stars! Please Sandcherry and Pssst help Ruco, BK(and Kristal) so that we can get media attention.
No worries, I’m definitely going to give my vote to Ruco.
Great. Let’s gather our efforts and help Ruco and BK together. Please be reminded that this poll is unlimited so keep voting as much as you can. We can help Ruco get what he deserves which is media attention to pressure TVB to give him justice. The competition is high out there from the “highest rated” series camp of the year so far.
i’m definitely with you all. Time to make some noise for Ruco! He deserves to be commended for his role in BK and we should also support BK the drama too.
@Mydatewithspring, No English for this poll?
Come on Ruco supporters, if we can get Ruco to win the polls that Jayne held over the years we can also get Ruco to win this Yahoo poll. We only need to dedicate some of our personal time to get Ruco his recognition and justice for his Sam sir!
One more thing, please leave encouragement and supportive words for Ruco in the comment box below the poll so that the HK press and public can see it. Use traditional Chinese if you know it because HK uses it, but feel free use English if you can’t write in Chinese. So far so good with 90% of the comments supporting Ruco. Good work.
The press didnt report on his awesome performance so it’s up to us to make TVB take notice of it. Yes, pls leave messages to support him besides voting, he may read them 🙂
Vote for Kristal too!! 😛
Will there be a jaynestar award this year for sexiest HK male
I am happy for Chilam n Ada to wins best actor/actress and also Edwin n Kristal too for best supporting. Cant believe they even chose Jason chan for improve actor….what a joke
Chilam Cheung was good in “TITS 2”, but not super amazing. Ada Choi acted well in “Beauty at War”, but not super amazing either.
What a fierce competition for TVB Award this year; can’t wait to see what will be the result. It will be very excited.
Yeah, TV King should be given to Ruco for his talent and hard working.
I beg differ, TV King should be given to a leading actor with BEST PERFORMANCE in 2013. I’m sure most artists, if not everyone, is hardworking. But it doesn’t matter what we all think. In the end, it is TVB that make the ultimate decision regardless of performances.
In my opinion, none of the performances are award worthy this year. Francis is good, but his character is dull and bland. It’s not his fault. It’s the way his character is written. If I have to choose, I will support Chilam, which speak a lot about award quality this year. If anyone thinks being a playboy is an easy role, please take a look at Kenneth’s role in TITS2 and MOL. Rest my case.
Yeah, playboy isn’t an easy role. Not everyone can act out playboy roles.
Ruco Chan is a fantastic actor and it would be a shame for TVB to recognize a veteran like Chilam or Francis over him.
Ada’s acting in Beauty at War wasn’t that standout. Everyone and their grandma knows she is a good actress so why bother give her an award for the sake of sucking up to her, TVB?
I like Chilam in the show. I want him to win Best Actor because he did many years on TV & Film. I think he’ll get what he deserve it.