“Transformers: Age of Extinction” Cast Gathers In Hong Kong For World Premiere

The cast of Transformers: Age of Extinction <變形金剛4:殲滅世紀> arrived in Hong Kong on June 17 to begin a series of promotional activities leading up to tomorrow’s world premiere. Stars Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, and Jack Reynor all greeted the press warmly at the airport despite their long flights. Excited about her major Hollywood effort, Chinese actress Li Bingbing (李冰冰) shed her usual cool demeanor and appeared cheerful while fielding questions.
The fourth installment of the popular Transformers movie franchise was co-produced with China-owned CCTV6 and its business partner Jiaflix Enterprises. As such, the film incorporated many Chinese elements, including prominent roles for Chinese artistes Li Bingbing and Han Geng (韓庚) in addition to location shooting in Hong Kong. Despite the infamous assault against director Michael Bay last year, studio executives still gave the go-ahead to hold the film’s world premiere event at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
Bingbing looked confident and radiant as she arrived in Hong Kong with her six-member entourage. With a hefty role in the film, she spoke about her experience with pride and asked everyone to give her support. Staying in Hong Kong for just three days, Bingbing was immediately rushed to a series of interviews but the hectic schedule did not dampen her good mood.
Meanwhile, her Hollywood colleagues took a more low-key approach for their first day. Mark Wahlberg mostly remained in his hotel to recover from jet lag, though was friendly to reporters when he stepped out for dinner. Stanley Tucci was also polite to the media and thanked them for their presence. Jack Reynor expressed excitement over the film and gave praise to the city. “I think Hong Kong is a very beautiful city. I really want to eat dim sum but I will be very busy, so I may not be able to have dim sum or sight see. However I am very excited and look forward to the film’s premiere.”
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.
How many seconds she appears in the movie – hopefully it is more than 60 seconds
Anyway, I am not a fan of her, I just do not want to disappoint the media because of lousy announcement and then when it comes to the theater, she appears like 30 seconds with 1 or 2 sentences.
I hate this whole franchise >_> first two was watchable, but not that exciting -.- third one – totally lost interest after 15mins :0 it’s just like Spider-Man, please let go lol!
Totally agree!
It was not the second movie was criticized as the worst? I think the third one is far more interesting than the second one although I prefer Megan Fox.
Btw, this fourth one does not have many relationships with first 3, hence it might be fresh.
I said watchable, i didnt say it was any good lol. 2nd might be worst but the pet robot make it bearable lol. Whereas 3rd one, i turned it on, and forgot about it after 10-15mins and totally not care to go back and watch :0
Also, im the same with you, i like megan a lot better than the model in 3. About the 4, its more that im tired of the franchise, the trailer did not peak my interest, same old “omg, save the human race”. I know its the main theme, you cant get away from it, but because of that, i dont feel like i need more than 2-3 movies to get the point -.- and with everything trying to save the human race, they need to somehow differentiate themselves.
The avengers are funny, thor is cool and funny and natalie rocks socks :p and chris hemsworth is supercool thor and loki is wicked humour lol, C.A – it can go, spiderman – can go too, batman – dark (i dont like it, but ppls appreciate it), jupiter ascending – it’s different, and scifi, so im willing to give it a go. But yea, try be different or franchising it/prolonging it just make ppls hate it lol :p
(main ipad is used for watching movie right now :p, different icon but same me lol)
Avengers is better than Transformer, I agree. Transformer has the best for part 1 but I still like Bee so I will take a seat for part 4.
Actually in my opinion, Thor is the most boring (following Captain American) amongst Avengers. Iron Man is the best, Haweye and Black Widow are ok. Steve is plain and Thor is boring. The only person which brought me to Thor movie is Loki and he stole the limelight. Natalie Portman has an useless character despite screentime.
But the best Marvel series to me is definetely the new X-men. Say no to X3 Last Stand, say First class and the new Days of past future.
Different opinion I guess. For me, iron mam is ok, I like Robert Downey jr, but that franchise is meh, it has moment, but I don’t miss it when it’s cancelled or when I can’t see it. It’s strange you find Thor boring when it seems to have the most jokes xD especially the last one. I like both Thor and Loki lol :p
X-men, I never like it to start with. While the reboot is not bad, it doesn’t make me care for the second as much. Tbqh, I dislike the superheroes movie lol, well not dislike dislike, just they are not interesting xD
I like Loki.
omg ALLUKA! i totally agree with you about marvel movies!!! LOL
but i do find hawkeye boring and useless LOL
I usually dont like captain america, but i think the second movie was pretty good. i like Bucky more lol
first class was good and days of the past future was soooo awesome! cant wait for Apocalypse!
i also really like the first transformers cuz i love optimus and bee toooo lol it would better if they just stick with sam and the autobots and not add in any love stories lol
Bucky is indeed the highlight of Winter solider, however Loki is better than him as a witty man. I like Bucky – Steve relationship but as a character, Loki is the best! Of best.
Hawkeye does not have much screentime in Avenger but as a human, he is cool :). And out of all, he does not defend on the supernatural skill as much as Thor or Steve.
First Class is my favourite and DOPF has my thumb ups! I am waiting for Apocalypse but it takes 2 more years to wait impatiently. Who do you like in X-men? Wolverine is my least favourite and gosh, Young Prof X by James Avoy is awesome. Of course Old Prof X is awesome, too but I can die for the blue eyes of James. Quicksilver is a character I want to see in Apocalypse but less of Wolverine please.
Sam and Bee shares the best relationship in Transformer, in my opinion. I can quite accept the relationship of Sam and Mikaela because Mikaela is a likable girl. Although the love story seems to be more deep (?) in part 3 but it is draggy. I like to see Sam and Bee fight with autobots than watching his troubles of love. Well, actually I still ship him and Mikaela
and I like the part Mikaela beats the autobots. She is cool!
Nice to talk with you about Marvel :P.
Captain America is my favourite character in the Avenger and I surprise myself finding this out. I have absolutely no interest in this character before watching the Avenger and Captain America movies. In fact, I think a superhero name Captain America is kinda lame.
Kudos to the writers/producers for making this character interesting.
I like Captain America because of his wholesome goodness. I find him a very kind and compassionate person and also intelligent.
Lol, reading these now I know why marvels make so much money. While everyone has different opinions on who they like, they are all marvels, and each has their own movies to please their fans :p
While CA is good, he’s therefore boring to me lol xD the CA movie felt very bored for me, especially the first one :/
I love mikaela and how she beats up the pet bot, too
too bad, they kill her >_> I totally agree on james avoy’s blue eyes lol xD
The goodness of Captain makes him boring to me. He is plain good. But I think he is better than Thor because he has some brain. Thor is merely strong (?) but his strength comes from his god gene, not himself.
Mikaela was not killed, they made her a cheater. She broke up with Sam and left, then he found new love. Well, such a lame leave to Megan Fox :). Who tell her to piss off Bay.
I actually disliked James Avoy as first due to the trash Wanted, but First Class and his blue eyes killed me. Now when re-watching Wanted, I feel he is still sweet, haha.
Alluka: Yuup! im pretty sure most peole watch Thor for Loki not thor lol I like loki as the villain the bestttt!
yeah 2 years… soo long :'(
i also really like quicksilver! hes so funny LOL agree with you! i love young charles lol and i also really love erik!!! LOL
Yuup!, i am really tired of the wolverine character. Hes so overrated lol. I want to see others more lol
Yeah! alhtough i dont really like the love story in transformers. i like makaela more than his relationship with Carly. Carly was bad… did not like Rosie’s acting.
james acting is always good. but i agree with you. i did not like him in Wanted T________T
New Spider-Man really is garbage and yet they are still making more. The most unbelievable thing is people actually still go watch. haha.. LOL …Tobey version was ok thou.
haha yuup! especially spider man 2! it was horrible. The first one was better.
I like Andrew as spiderman more then toby though. In my opinion, Toby’s acting wasnt good.
Nothing wrong with the 2nd spiderman at all. Stop pointlessly hating.
Why are we talking about spiderman on a transformers article though?
mega: Are you serious? Amazing spiderman 2 would be one of the worst movies of the year! People are discussing about movies, if you don’t like it then leave or ignore us. duh.
If your not going to validate your point on why it’s a bad movie karen, then it’s hardly going to hold. I dont see how spiderman 2 is bad in any way compared to any other storyline. It had a concise storyline, the plot flowed, the love story was touching. Care to explain what was so bad about it before you just say it was bad?
And honestly, I’m not the one who needs to get out of the thread being the one actually trying to keep on track with the subject instead of dragging in every other comic book movie that’s not transformers into it.
Mega: then maybe u should tell everyone else to get out of the thread too. Everyone has it’s own opinion. you may not think it’s bad, but millions of others think its bad
like i said, if you dont like what i said then why bother to comment????
i think the story line was crap. period. You could just simply ignore and comment about your transformers stuff instead on our discussion. duh.
so say whatever you like about your Transformers stuff and not waste your time on us. we like to discuss about other comics here. thanks
I am w/you. haha…:)
windy: hehe thanks
I wasnt actually the one to tell anyone to get out, just to stay on topic. I think you all need to grow up.