Wong Cho Lam Unites Comedy Stars in “Delete My Love”

Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍) finally gets to show off his comedy chops on China’s big screens in Delete My Love <百變愛人>. Directed by Patrick Kong (葉念琛), the film puts Cho Lam opposite many of Hong Kong’s top comedy talents, including those from the cast of Inbound Troubles <老表,你好嘢!>.

Although Cho Lam has been billed as first male lead in movies in the past (such as 2009’s Short of Love <矮仔多情>), Delete My Love marks his first major foray into the Mainland film market. Gaining popularity in China with Inbound Troubles and his various variety show appearances, Cho Lam is now ready to take his style of wacky comedy into Mainland theaters.

Delete My Love posterIn the film, Cho Lam plays cowardly So Boh Wing who lives an average, boring life. His mother, played by Yuen Qiu (元秋), has been living off of her son’s earnings since he started to work at sixteen and has never made him a proper home-cooked meal. His dirt-poor best friend Wah Dee (Alex Fong 方力申) constantly gets in the way when it comes to girls, and often gets him into trouble due to a blind sense of justice. In addition to these personal chaos, every day Boh Wing must drag himself to his job at a marketing consulting firm. His colleagues there all shun him. Some even claim his ideas as their own, causing Boh Wing to be rejected and ridiculed by his boss, played by Michael Hui (許冠文).

Although he finds solace in his caring girlfriend (Ivana Wong 王菀之), Boh Wing grew to hate his life. One day, he receives a mysterious text message that promises him the ability to “delete” the people he dislikes, should he choose to forward the chain message to another friend. Boh Wing does so, and soon finds his boss replaced by a party lover (Michael Wong 王敏德), his new mother (Nancy Sit 薛家燕) an amazing cook, and his best friend (Eric Kwok 郭偉亮) wealthy and suave.

Boh Wing continues to indulge in his new ability, even removing his precious girlfriend. Eventually he realizes that he is unhappy with his new life and succumbs to loneliness. Full of regret, he begs for everything to return to normal, only to be told that it was too late.

Delete My Love also stars popular comedy artistes May Chan (陳嘉佳), Maria CorderoHui Siu Hung (許紹雄), Lo Hoi Pang (盧海鵬), and Mimi Chu (朱咪咪). The film will be released on May 8 in Hong Kong and April 11 in China.

“Delete My Love” Trailer

[vsw id=”1vmKvG1ZXXg” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]

Source: QQ.com 

This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Looks good! Too bad I’m not that good at listening to mandarin! 🙁

  2. “Directed by Patrick Kong…”

    A new one from the current top cinematic purveyor for the quality-impaired.

    That said it all. Pass…

  3. sounds interesting. given most of the cast are from hk, they should have a cantonese version of the movie. can’t stand mandarin dubs.

  4. Wow… worst casting ever; would anybody ever be proud to be in this?!?!?!?

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