Andy Lau Shows Steel Abs in “ALways World Tour”

Andy Lau (劉德華) performed in the ALways Andy Lau World Concert Tour in Shanghai, China to packed crowds. The concert ended its successful four-day run last night.
Andy, who will turn 52 years old on September 27, also used this opportunity to celebrate his birthday with fans. After performing the song “Heaven’s Will” <天意> on the last day, Andy burst into tears and thanked his family and friends for being by his side in the last 20 years.
In the after-party conference, Andy laughed at himself for being too emotional. “I literally cried for four nights. I didn’t even know I had that many tears!”
At the concert, not only did Andy show off his dancing chops, he also flashed his six-pack abs, expressing that he has trained hard for the concert. Andy also shocked his fans by performing a ballad on a small stage that was suspended 40 feet in the air. Andy did not use a safety belt. The stage then rose to 70 feet.
“I could deal with the 70 feet height because I’ve done that before, but I was more scared about the 40 feet. I had 20 feet of strings above me. [The stage] was shaky.” Andy added that he purchased extra insurance for the performance.
The tour is scheduled to hit cities Nanjing on October 4 and 5, Guangzhou from October 16 to 19, Beijing from October 30 to November 2, Dalian on November 15 and 16, and Taipei on December 28 and 29.
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Source: Apple Daily; Apple Daily
This article is written by Addy for
I don’t know but I can’t bring myself to stare at the photo for more than 1 sec. He’s too skinny. It doesn’t look like muscle to me more like skeleton with skin (pi bao gu).
he is too skinny
Air brush. fake abs.
I don’t think that’s a good looking 52 year old either. He is trying really hard base on that no button jacket but I wouldn’t call that HOT. Sorry, haha LOL…But then again, diehard fans will swoon no matter what. Skeleton, they will probably take that as good abs? ahhaa lol…
ohhh, he also looked like he went to the tanning shop before putting that jacket on? ahha..
cmon guys.. he looks GOOD for 52 years old. Let’s be honest here
yes, he does look good. he just need to put back some flesh
He’s still hot as always. He’s like wine, good with age.
That’s all skeleton nick Cheung is real muscle
Never seen anything quite so ugly.
He looks great for his age, but too bad he has no symmetry. Its like a car wreck on his abs lol. – muscles in all directions, shapes, and sizes.
I guess that’s genetics though? Some people have symmetry and some don’t no matter how they train.
That opening is a copycat version of leslie cheung’s passion tour. Be original!
He needs some meat and a chest. It’s all bone and muscles.
How is that abs? I mean lots of tanning oil and all does not beget abs. He is too thin. But not as scary as the Chilam in concert pictures some time ago.
o, yeah, that is scary, I saw chilam pic. haha..
ya chilam pic was nasty ( just googled it) Doesn’t he have any personal trainers that teach him how to bulk??!?!
Think he is on some controlled diet, obvious from his skinny face. Still prefer him in shirt.
yo why is there so much hating he is a good looking man at age 52. And manages to keep a 6 pack and no big 1 fat pack where most men get when there 50plus or even 40plus. Don’t hate wouldn’t you guys wish you had that body at age 50plus.
Yup… agree with you. For a guy in his 50s, he looks good. But I’m sure he’ll look much better and hotter with more flesh on his face and body.
Good singers don’t need to show skin to prove they’re talented. Some HK singers overdo it when it comes to concerts.
good lord!! man get a shirt on!!! you aren’t in your 20s or 30s anymore and you’re certainly not Michael Jackson. i cant even look at the pic for more than 5seconds coz he looks horrible in it it must be fake abs or something like that!!!
What’s wrong with all you people hating on AL. He works out like several hours a day and eats boiled chicken breast and veggies to get that body. I’m pretty sure most of you wouldn’t have the determination to go to that extreme for a job.
Personally I think he looks great… Better than most in their thirties forties and fifties
What does Micheal Jackson has to do with anything. Micheal was no prize to look at without his shirt. He was no prize to look at period. Although Andy seems to be starving himself, comparing him to Micheal is like comparing a penny to another penny. They are both the same, two. Anorexic looking men
andy is getting more pathetic over the years. that is gross. it’s just an overly oiled skin and bones with some bad old man’s unfirm skin too! and he had the courage to call those abs and show off to public? abs my foot!
not only andy acts as himself in all his movies which shows his diminishing acting skills but he also need to face the fact that his face and body is literally looking old!
He should train to look like this 20 years ago instead of now.
why u girls so focused on muscle?Chinese guys are naturally skinny.looking forward to andys movie firestorm.
For a 50 year old guy, that just looks wrong to me. He looks like he’s all dried up like salted fish. He needs to be rehydrated.
Trying too hard AL! And pull up your pants for chriss’ sake, no one wants to look at your briefs!
Those attending his concert would disagree with you. They prolly attended to see his navel and take a peep at the brandname of the briefs he wore
i just puked everything i ate >.<
Omg how can most of u be so critical on this man. He is the one if the best actors/ singers of HK and even Asia. Show some Asian pride in his achievements in the Asian entertainment sector. His worked so hard for many years and still going strong. Andy is hot and looking great esp for his age. His skinny and thats sadly because society prefers their idols to be skinny & masculine etc. Together with their skills – singing or acting plus good looks they need to capture the hearts of their fans.
@Andy 4va, et real. Andy’s singing and acting s counted amongst the worst in Hong Kong and throughout Asia. Even a famed and renowned director compared Andy’s acting t a McDonald’s cheeseburger mediocre.
Andy is not even a good singer or actor, so he cannot be noted s one of the best performers in Hong Kong. He is very hard working, and has charisma that is hardly matched by other idols.
Yes everyone knows that Asian men are natural skinny, ad for some bizarre and unhealthy reason, the whole world thinks these men and women celebrities should be skinny. o one believes that more than the artistes themselves.
While here is nothing wrong with being slim, the comments here are focussed on the truth. The truth is, Andy did not eat enough nourishments and nutrients. He dieted for this concert tour his. He dieted badly, and tried to build muscles in an unhealthy way on an underweight frame, resulting in him looking like dried up salted fish, as on poster put it.
YOU all can fill in the missing letters, my computer keypad is acting up. spilled juice on it.
R u serious this man won 3 best male actor awards that is equivalent to the Hollywood Oscars. He also got a standing ovation from everyone when he won those awards- hence the recognition of his work from the whole entrrtainment industry. Also many awards around Asia for his acting. And dont get me started in the awards for best male singer lost count it those and yet u still claim that he “cannot be noted as one of the best performers in HK” Get serious how else did he earn the title as one of the 4 heavenly kings. And as for that director comparing Andy with Mcdonalds his bloody stupidand no wonder many of his films is a BIG flop.
You an get started all you want.. A room full of trophies does not make a singer o an actor good, or great. Look at Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, and a whole lot more singers and actors with awards that e got and they are crappy at what they do. Sometimes they get these awards because of popularity, they are money machines for the industries. They a great for the economy, they work hard, they are super for sponsors, they are seen as role models. But where is the talent???????
If you are gong to ell me Andy is a good singer o actor, then you really are in desperate need of help. Awards and standing ovations mean crap. Look at the TVB awards, they do not go to the most deserving actors.
Yes you adore Andy, I get that, but you should be realistic and realise his talent is not his singing or acting. He is a more decent businessman and song writer than actor or singer.
By the way, William Hung got standing ovations too. lol, lol. Many piss poor talented have rooms of trophies but n talent. They get standing ovations all the time. Get back to me when you learn to be logical, mature, realistic.
A room full of trophies and standing ovations means nothing- REALLY?? i guess that means u obviously havent won one to know its true purpose. And if you ever did achieve one then i guess u can throw it away as u say its worthless cos whatever reason u got it for means that ur talent still sucks and u dont deserve it. Its recognition of your work- your talent and what you have worked hard for. Andy and all those you mention Britany, Bieber etc It is their talent that has given them their popularity. People buy their records, queue up hours to see them, pay for their films or concerts obviously because they love their work and TALENT as im sure u wouldnt waste your money otherwise. How more “realistic, mature and logical” is that???
But thats cool cos your too blind to see it. The entertainment industry is not easy to get into and if you have sold many records, concert sales, have a huge fan base etc certainly means something about your talent in the industry. One wouldnt be successful if they didnt have talent and Andy is successful in his career so that says alot doesnt it??.
I agree, AL has never GOT the voice to begin with. I think he mainly got popular from filming tv series or movies more than his singing talent.
One thing I find good about him is his MODESTY period. All else, lying when he’s already married, super super secretive about his love life and mediocre singing or acting. How he got so popular i don’t know but all those trophies means something but NOT everything. Popularity and fame came in many forms and for him I doubt SINGING was the worse thing i see in him. Voice has always been horrible.
Hardcore fans will beg to differ w/me but to me his singing voice is worse than this acting.
windy, we’re soul mates <3 except that i think his modesty is totally fake!
haha LOL…u might b right, i mean he LIES w/eyes wide open ( like most celebs do ) so modesty can be fake too. we will never really know. but if you want truthness, i think i will go w/Leon Lai cuz sometimes he’s got this attitude but honest tone which i find oddly acceptable and somewhat interesting since he does not seem to sugarcoat his replies. haha…
I guess its called tall poppy syndrome.
i wonder where r u all who scold AL when u all as same as him now ?? chubby ugly ? skinny ugly ?? or maybe already in graveyard ??
As for the heavenly kings, the only ne with real talent is Mr. Jackie Cheung.
Again, I have to agree. JC seriously have a great voice. Out of the 4, he can do the best acapella w/o even trying. His voice has always been clear and sharp among the 4.
@@andy4va. You miss the boat. There are lots of actors and singers who are mediocre singers and actors and they have boatloads of trophies to boot. Reading your drivel for comments, you are the one who lacks any sense of maturity. Your comments sound like you are sitten or quite, quite, quite young. You said andy is one of the best singers and actors in HK and Asia. I got news for you. HE IS NOT, AND NOT AND BY A MILE TOO. He is the most charasmatic. The most hard working and he makes up for his lack ofsinging and acting talent with other attributes. He is like a tourist actraction for HK and Asia. The man can command a crowd like no otherHK artiste. He is sellable, he has a prese.nce that is riveting and explosive. Talent does not win awards anymore, it is popularity, sellability, charisma etc. Andy is a magnet in those areas. You do need to get real. Beiber and Britney, can’t dance or sing, but they still have something about them. @andy4va, you better grow up and get real. You love the man, cool, but don’t get carried away. You gotta slow down. You will yourself or have a hernia. One of the things I respect about HETIESHOU IS THAT SHE LOVES andy to bits, but she is mature an enough to accept he is not the greatest singer or actor. She is supportive of his strengths and will comment on his weaknesses. That iswhat a real honest to goodness, mature, decent not blind, mature, wise fan with common sense is. There are more like her here and you ain’t one od them
@@kaboom- have u read ur comments does it make any sense??? You say Andy is not talented and yet he is sellable, popular and charismatic in the entertainment industry. Hello wake up or shall i say grow up if he aint talented how else can he be all that u claim that he is- popular, sellable, charismatic and Hk/ Asia tourist attraction. Some people have no sense fo google the meaning of talent.
I dont think im getting carried away. Im merely pointing out that there are too many harsh comments of Andy on his appearance that most seems to have forgotton about his achievments and what he is good in. Look at Michael Jackson who earned the title as King of Pop and yet when he was alive many were critical of him and now his past away all seems to regret it now and claiming that he is a legend and all. Does an artist need to be dead to be recognised of their talent w/out being critical?? Seems so but i certainly hope not. Im a fan of his and always have been and what a fan does is support their artist. This is my way of supporting him. So dont imply that i have no commonsense etc if anything u dont seem to have it too.
@lawneak. I an not an Andy Lau fan, but I’m sensible, matured and decent enough to recognize and comment on the man’s strength. Boo Hoo to you being a slave to ignorance, backward thinking and belligerence. You must be very happy. There is a certain something that is bliss, and you gotta be wallowing in it. Hey, why don’t you go and visit Cuntazz Lake in BC. You might even decide to live there. I get the feeling you will like it.
@lawneak. I am no andy fan but I am sensible, matured and decent enought to recognize and comment on the man’s strength. I do not go around with my tail stuck between my leg. You must be a very happy person. They did say there is something that makese people blissful. You seem to have quite a bit of that someth I. Would rather be Andy’s slave than live like a sheep
I have artiste that I like but won’t go around claiming they are thebest because someof them are not that good a singer or actor. I accept their level of talent and respect them nonetheless. I do not have my head up my crack or up their crack either. I also have common sense. That is where you and I areseperated. Your comment is so childlike and naive. You little
Andy Lau was a talented handsome young actor when he first appeared in TVB and he was much lauded for his performance of Yangguo. He then stopped improving for many many years until Infernal Affairs and I felt he did even better than Tony leung. After that this man can act. In fact he should have been Tony’s role in Lust/Caution. His face is almost unreadable. Whatever I may think of him, his obssesiveness with control issues, his meek wife, etc, I can’t deny he is a fantastic actor, decent singer, beloved artiste to his fans. He is always polite and obliging to his fans. I have never seen him rude or cold to his fans. He is Tom Cruise. Whatever he may be behind the door, in front he is the perfect entertainer to his fans. He is also frugal and also generous to his employees and friends. He did many things to encourage local films. So he may be a douchebag in private but in public, he is perfect. Since I once shook his hands when he was in Yangguo costume, I suppose I speak out of fondness but I am not a fan of his.
Funn, I beg to differ. Tony was chosen for Lust Caution because of the cold edginess of the character and no one was better suited for the complex emotional facial expressions that had to be displayed. They , the experts, director, producer, casting director,would have asked Andy if they thought he was the one. Actually, Andy is better now than when he first started and he still ain’t the greatest singer or actor. He has a rough choppy, croaky flat tone and he can’t hit the high notes. He took a song by Zhou Chuan Xiong and butchered it. Xiaogant sings it like velvet, Andy sings it like a frog with sore throat. He did the same with one of Leslie’s songs, he murdered it. Give those songs to Jackie, he would do justice. As for Internal affairs, that was about Andy, not Tonyalthough I thought kelly Chen, Tony and Eric Tsang were all up there with Andy. No one is pervect and he is not the only one generous and down to earth with his fans. I too will praise him when it is warfented, buthe is not perfect in or with the general public. Everyone goes on about how talented Joe Chen and his boy toy Mike He is. Those two can’t act or sing either , but their movies and dramas sell and pull in crowds galore. Why????. They are very pretty boys with millions of Asian girls who will flock to see their faces and bodies, that is their talent, their selling point. That is what is winning aw4ds and bringing in money these days. Andy fits in there.