Aska Yang to Release New Album “First Love” on March 29

Earlier this week, Taiwanese singer Aska Yang (楊宗緯) released his single, “Actually Nothing At All” <其實都沒有>, from his upcoming album First Love <初。愛>, which will be released on March 29.
Aska shot to fame in Taiwan when he participated in the singing competition One Million Star <超級星光大道> in 2007. Since then, he has released two albums, the first in 2008 and the second in 2011. Since he has twice been embroiled in contract disputes, Aska’s fans are accustomed to long gaps between his musical releases. Nevertheless, they eagerly anticipate his third album and have showered praise on his most recent single.
The lyrics of “Actually Nothing At All” were written by Aska himself, who drew inspiration from the many cities and people he came in contact with throughout his singing career. He wrote this song in a “confessionary” style, faithfully detailing his experiences and impressions of different stages in life. In an interview, Aska shared that sometimes he will visit places and initially think that he has left nothing behind there, or that nothing was gained from the trip. However, he feels that “there will always be something that stops inside your heart.”
The other songs in First Love will feature the theme of “cities and people” as well, and will be rich with Aska’s observations and records of various cities. Through these “small stories occurring in big cities,” Aska hopes to remind listeners of the love they initially had for every part of life. He also hopes that the album will be a self-analysis that will allow himself to rediscover his “first love” in life and in music.
Pre-sales for First Love will begin in Taiwan on March 14.
“Actually Nothing At All” Music Video
[vsw id=”JWIOULj0fxE” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”404″ autoplay=”no”]
This article is written by Joanna for
Aska Yang’s voice is heartbreakingly beautiful. It really touches your heart and evokes your emotions, an ability that few singers possess today.
However, the music video for “Actually Nothing At All” is a bit uninspiring, especially since the first 1 minute featured him getting ready in the morning.
I agree with you Jayne regarding his voice (:
Love it!
I know of him from hearing the song used in the spring season for Him & Toby. He does have a very good voice.
Aska is able to control his pitch very well, resulting in the emotional delivery.
Did you listen to his new song with Stephy Chi?
He does have a nice voice but I find his words a bit slurred. I wish he can sing his words more clearly.
Aska’s delivery reminds me of Emil Chou’s style. It is his style to slur the lyrics and add intonations to them, rather than sound them out crisply.
Oh yea, he does sound like Emil Chou. I don’t really like it when people slur the words, but it can be good for certain songs. I think Jay Chou does that too and some like it while some don’t.