Bosco Wong’s “A Final Blessing” Teaser Clip Revealed

Having been idle in the music industry for three years, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) finally has plans to record another album. He asked songwriter and close friend, Tang Chi Wai  (鄧智偉), to produce him the custom-made “A Final Blessing”.

Tang Chi Wai uploaded a one-minute trial version of Bosco Wong’s new single, “A Final Blessing” <最後祝福>, on his Weibo profile. The lyrics seem to perfectly convey Bosco’s feelings after his breakup with Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), wishing her happiness in the future with a new lover. Tang even wrote in his Weibo post, “Two people who were together for a long time, gradually lost love, or was condemned for being irritating, or said that being with you was a tragedy, or perhaps…. Months and years eventually pass; when thinking of him or her, you can only send a final blessing.”

Bosco and Myolie’s surprising breakup last summer was reportedly due to the addition of a third party member. Bosco tried his best to save the relationship, but Myolie was unwilling to turn back. Although Bosco had admittedly sent Myolie text messages after breaking up, they have remained distant. Although producers provided opportunities to have the two collaborate onscreen, they both rejected the offers. It became obvious that Bosco and Myolie prefer to head in separate directions.

Besides focusing on music, Bosco also busies himself by investing in an oyster bar that will open in the Central district. He will also be filming for new TVB drama, Cat Mother <貓屎媽媽>, in May.

Bosco’s “Final Blessing” Teaser Clip- Audio Only

[vsw id=”ICHylmn-O-M” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]


This article is written by Shirley for

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    1. Why do I find the song more of a light and uplifting song and not a down song?

      1. RayLeilaFan,

        Bosco’s “A Final Blessing” reminds me of his theme song for “7 Days in Life”.

  1. Bogus article. Bosco quickly shut the rumour and confirmed that this song is merely a sub theme to A Change of Heart haha 😛

    1. The Response: 黃宗澤昨日接受本報電話訪問時表示,新歌《最後祝福》是劇集《好心作怪》片尾曲,該劇將於6月播映。問到是否憑歌寄意向舊愛送上祝福?Bosco似乎不想借此來宣傳,他說:「真的諗多咗,我沒有給予意見,鄧智偉只是為套劇寫首歌,不是我的寫照啊!」

  2. LOL It’s a new song to A Change of Heart…

    It’s not bad.

  3. So who was the rumoured 3rd wheel in B & M’s relationship. If it’s true, then it’s probably just a fling cause neither have a new partner.

    Can Jayne comment on that ??

  4. he cannot sing! Heard him live in TORONTO.

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