Janice Vidal Gives Boyfriend a Good Time Inside Car?

Janice Vidal (衛蘭) is speculated to be secretly dating a tall bearded man. Remaining single since her breakup last year with church friend, Roger, she recently found a new partner. Janice was spotted constantly going out with the same man and acting intimately inside a car. Rumors have it that the two have been in a relationship for quite some time.

Earlier, Janice was spotted driving to Tsim Sha Tsui to meet with a tall bearded man waiting inside a mall. They then headed to Central to catch a movie. When the movie was over, Janice and the man drove to the Soho district in Central and spent time in the car after pulling over to a relatively unnoticeable area. They quickly switched seats, having Janice sit on the passenger side.

Eight-Minute Disappearance Inside Car

Inside the car, the alleged couple appeared to be deep in intimate conversation with Janice smiling sweetly. Reporters noticed that as time passed, Janice’s body inched down lower and lower, until she was completely out of view. The man’s facial expressions stiffened as he also slightly lowered his body. His hands tightly clutched the steering wheel. It was not until eight minutes later that Janice resurfaced, seemingly to be in a happy mood. The two then bought some food and headed to the man’s residence where they stayed for two hours.

Days later, Janice was again spotted with this same man. This time, her younger sister Jill Vidal (衛詩), tagged along to act as a watch out. Reportedly, Janice also had a wig prepared in order to conceal herself from the media when she went out on dates. When her music company was asked about her love life, they denied the reports and stated Janice will issue a response later. However, Janice refused to clarify her relationship status and did not want to further discuss the car incident.

Source: Sina.com

This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.

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  1. I don’t believe this story. She is a church goer, she will not do that. Christians don’t do this kind of stuff.

    1. ^Unless you’re being sarcastic.That statement deserves a face palm.

      1. Love your comment uni …

        Sheena … there are A LOT of stuff Christians do that will make you blush lol

      2. @Uni

        I agree. That comment has to be one of the most sarcastic, or one of the most naive, backward one I have seen here in a while.

    2. You truly believe all Christians are saints and virgins? If so,you are very naive.

      1. How am I racist? You do not even know what the word racism means!

      2. Dong Nguyen, what HTS said does not make her a racist. You totally need to check out the definition of racism. There is no mention of race at all in HTS comment. You could accuse HTS of being discriminatory against Christian. But I would also disagree with you. HTS is right. I’m a Christian, and previously had the privilege of mentoring youth groups leaders. I was once called in, together with a group of pastors and mentors to help ‘counsel’ a group of Christians leaders (male and female) who were sleeping around and in fact one was using their position of youth leaders to get close to girls and court them. So it is true that not all Christians are saints and virgins.

      3. Thanks Puff! More open minded people like you are needed in this world. I have nothing against any religion but really do not like it when people so blindly believe in their religion and use their religion to do bad things. I think as long as we all learn to be good people regardless of what religion we are,then that is the most important thing.

      4. Gosh, Dong Nguyen, you are brain washed and ignorant! You also do not even know what being racist or being racist means. Sorry but how am I racist against Chinese or anyone?

      5. There are all sorts of people with all sorts of believes, values and opinions. Deal with it

      6. Not really related but I guess Dong Nguyen is one of many usernames of an imposer who always use celebs’s name to write some trashy stuffs. Dong Nguyen is the recent famous name as dad of Flappy Bird. So just ignore her/him

      1. I agree with @HeTieShou.

        The actions of some people who call themselves practicing christians would make those who are considered nasty, disgusting people blush. Don’t get me started.

        It is quite an asinine thing to say that HTS is racist for saying what she said, cause what she said is the truth, and it does not make her racist in anyway. Please look up the word before spouting it.

      2. Thanks Trini! Well said and wish more people were open minded like you are.

      3. HTS needs a prayer for what? For telling the truth? Read my previous comment. In fact, I just remember that Athena Chu Yan said she is a Christian but had a child outside of wedlock. By the way, I’m not judging Athena Chu for her action, it’s not up to any of us least me to judge.

      4. Well said Trini and Puff! Thanks for your support! I am touched.

      5. rude for mocking my religion. i go and end it myself now you whimp

      6. @HETIESHOU

        Be strong young lady. I have never seen you attack anyone’s religion, weight,skin color, cultural background or sexual orientation. I know you and I have had some heated, make that over heated drag out battles here but you have never attacked those things about me or anyone, and that is reason enough for me to respect you.

        Be strong. We all know ignorance when we see it, and boy have we seen it. Some people are just out looking for trouble, but let them wallow in their own illiterate and war mongering misery. Do not let them reflect it on you.

      7. Thanks for the support Trini and dee! I can careless what some fanatics are saying and it does not affect me at all. But I am touched by your sweet messages and support. I cannot thank you enough.

    3. Sheena said “Christians don’t do this kind of stuff”


      [quote]In January, the Vatican confirmed that almost 400 priests had been defrocked in a two-year period by the former Pope Benedict XVI over claims of child abuse.[/quote]


      All of us, Christians and non-Christians alike, are human. The minute anyone of any denomination starts thinking they are better than others, they set themselves on the path to ruin through arrogance.

      It is the belief that “religious people can’t do any bad” that has shielded abuses like the ones I linked to above.

      1. I grew up Anglican… I know very well the differences between the various Christian religions. I wasn’t using the topic above specifically to target the Catholic faith… heavens knows there have been stories about Anglican ministers and other “Christian” religions as well.

        The point was to show that these people who are “religious” and “from God” are capable of exacting such crimes when the original poster suggested that “those of faith could do no evil”

        But to suggest that Catholics aren’t Christian is to argue that mauve isn’t a shade of red 😛

      2. @TVBFanatic

        Very well said. Your comments and link sums up what goes on the christain church every day. Ii is the power of leadership that these people sadly hide behind to carry out their actions, knowing that they are thought very highly of.


        I too have been to churches, and I would have been treated better if I probably went to a strip club. I was discriminated against as a chinese and only got welcomed when I placed a big offering in the collection box, and they found out my family has money .I also know of similar situations to what you pointed out.


        Good point. Also thanks for the link.

      3. I know that but it’s important to point out that although Catholics and Christians fall in the same category, there are tensions and differences (as well as similarities) between Catholics and Christians. I

        And I agree that these people who are “religious” and “from God” are capable of exacting such crimes when the original poster suggested that “those of faith could do no evil”.

      4. To avoid further confusion, it is important to point out that you had misused the term “Christians” when you meant (I think) Protestants.

        Both Catholics and Protestants are considered “Christians” despite their conflicts in the past.

      5. Yep, I was mostly referring to protestants and Catholics. 🙂

      6. @trini,
        I know what you mean when it comes to money. It is that way at temples and stuff too. They treat you like you are invisible until they see you put money into the donation box,

      7. Very well said TVBfanatic! I find it sad that people use religion to do bad things and then to hide from the consequences.

    4. Well…. there are priests who touched young boys in case you don’t know.

  2. So she gave someone a bj in a car…..no big deal. Lots of guys love to get bj’s from their gf’s in a car.

    Glad she is such a willing and permiscuous gf.

    1. I can only imagine how giggly the paparazzi were as they were ‘watching’ this happening (yet fail to provide photos of this liaison lol)

      1. now THAT would be interesting…. HK’s idea of ‘scandalous’ lol… it wouldn’t even make the headlines or magazines if it happened in my city lol

  3. Where’s the proof? There’s not even a single photo. Such “rubbish” articles.

    1. I don’t think the paps would stoop that low to publish the pictures. I am not saying this is true or false, but so many articles were printed over, and over for years without any proof. Netizens were angry and said the media is making up these stories and in the end, the media was 100% right.

      1. They won’t stoop that LOW to publish pictures?!!
        Just look at Tavia and Him. Eventhough it’s so obvious that Tavia is drunk at that moment, they still published those pictures and come out with that lousy story!
        And what about them publishing the naked Bosco at his HOME?
        They are deadly low!

      2. @Yen,
        Totally agree!!! For the $$$$, there’s no bottom to how “low” they can stoop.

  4. what a lucky guy happy ending. i want one too so bad. seductive yum

  5. Seem like a make-up news. If it real, i bet d paparazi will go to d car and snap photos. Which paparazi will let go this type of “scandal” witout proof?!”.

  6. Is this even news? Obvisouly this didnt happen because Janice was our of the car for a while like the reporters said. There should be photos to show that if it did happen because those reporters are there. Janice is right-there is nothing to clarify. Even if she speaks, they will just twist her words. This is ridiculous. As a Janice fan, there is really nothing that will drive me out from liking her no matter what the reporters make out her news to be. Janice has been in the industry for ten years and her status is seen through the audience’s eyes. I wish those people will just give her a break.

  7. Photos are out but nothing controversy. Nothing. Even the last car shake is more interesting. What they have are only Janice with a man (her bf) in a car and she lowered her head in 8 mins (likely to avoid reporters). Their face expressions are normal.

    And Janice doesn’t need an answer or a press conference.

    1. 8 min? To avoid reporters? Is it as non happening and purely PR stunt like the one with Tavia and her grinning Him Him?

      It could be something going on since you can’t see her expression as her head is under.. you know what? The link pls? Wanna see for myself. Because like you said, probably nothing, as zero as that whole Ruco-Linda hand strolling thing.

      1. 8 mins is wat said by reporters, no clip this time. She showed up her face in the second pic and no “water” on mouth like the last car shake. On the pic where her head is nowhere to see, his face is quite normal, no feeling.

        Will give you the pix later. I’m not on my comp now to send you.

  8. I have a co worker who claim to be a Christian, but gossip about everyone’s business and flirts like there is no tomorrow. She also admitted to dating a guy and played with his private part during the relationship and loved it. Christians, you gotta love them.. Makes the rest of us normal…

    1. I do not think it is a matter if you are Christian or not, it is what kind of character are you naturally and how were you raised?

    2. What? You mean the others don’t gossips? Only Christians can’t gossip?

      What nonsense against Christians. Every religion has its fair share of creeps, weirdos, hypocrites. Even devil worshippers sometime… satan forbid.. do charity!

      1. I know I usually don’t agree with you, but I ditto what you say here. Even real Christians are not perfect people, even though they might pursue a biblical moral standard. At the end of the day, what religion you claim doesn’t make a difference at all. Who you are when no one’s looking shows your true character.

  9. religious is evil….don’t believe in anything you can’t prove and the answer came from a book.

  10. christine kuo and janice vidal face look similar and common, wonder why people say christine kuo is pretty? imo, there’s nothing special about her look

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