2.26 Million Viewers Watched “The Other Truth” Finale

The Other Truth <真相> aired its ending last week, averaging 30 points. The finale episode peaked at 35 points on Friday night, with approximately 2.26 million viewers. The ratings for The Other Truth was similar to earlier TVB series, Ghetto Justice <怒火街頭>, which had peaked at 35 points in its finale as well.
In its first week of broadcast, The Life and Times of a Sentinel <紫禁驚雷> averaged 26 points, with 1.66 million viewers. Saturday’s broadcast of Kung Fu Supernova <功夫新星> picked up ratings of 19 points, with 1.21 million viewers, which increased 2 points compared to the first episode. Sunday’s special, Hot Fun Gods <福祿壽放暑假> was quite attractive to viewers and averaged 26 points in ratings.
Source: Ming Pao
Jayne: Congratulations to the the good ratings in The Other Truth’s finale broadcast! I thought The Life and Times of a Sentinel would receive higher ratings than 26 points….
Me too, I expected the ratings of Sentinel to be higher, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. After watching episode 6 today, I’m feeling quite bored. Or maybe my interest in ancient series in the recent years has been dying down. Anyone finding it interesting?
On the other hand, while TOT was enjoyable in certain episodes, it was not comparable to Ghetto Justice, which I thought had more creative characters. The first ten episodes of TOT were good, especially the presentation of the jury was a neat and novel idea, but the episodes from 11-20 were annoying. Finally, the last 5 episodes were a breath of fresh air, but I still preferred the beginning episodes of the most.
Also, I felt that other than boosting Ruco’s popularity and seeing a new side to him, TOT wasn’t that special.
Maybe the Sentinel needed a more exciting female lead. I think it’s kinda boring b/c it’s definitely a man-dominated series. The girls are like accessories.
BTW, the ending MV of Steven singing makes him look like a Chinese vampire (gurn si).
I agree that GJ was more enjoyable. The only TOT cases I liked were rape case/”12 angry men” jury style, police triad, and dirty accountant.
actually sentinel is boring even though i like steven. since episode 2 i have been skipping to the scenes with steven only.
agree steven does look like a chinese vampire in the ending theme
I agree about the awesome episodes where they presented the jury =) That was a good idea and it made the drama really interesting ! Overall, I thought the series was pretty good watch.
Hi, I really enjoyed watching TOT, the choice of case was really good, they portrayed their roles very well, especially as lawyers and their Courtroom scenes are well played.
I prefer this to Ghetto Justice, which I thought some of the actors “over exaggerated” their roles, very drama.
OT has more life and is constantly entertaining, with a touch of comedy – I found myself laughing out loud at their cute facial expressions and the music in the background which synchronizes just that moment….I cant describe it.. watch TOT and you will see what I mean!
Of course, with Ruco Chan’s excellent performance (this doed not mean the rest were not good)-never seen him so good before and so real – his acting is great and am glad he had a great role to play.
I must compliment TVB’s producers selection of the right actor to the right role – everyone in TOT – the 6 lawyers played their role extremely well- watch their facial expressions which is so genuine – very immersed, I must say!!
Keep it up….. give us more dramas with such great substance!
hehe, so does that mean TOT will have a sequel? hopefully!
If there is sequel, they really need to hire a good writers and maybe get rid of Amy Wong who suck at sequels like Burning Flame III.
According to the actress who played Ruco’s mom, the producers are talking about a sequel.
I thought the beginning few chapters were good but after that it was dragging on a little bit. The only thing nice is that we see a new male lead (Ruco) instead of the same few that TVB keeps pushing in our face. Tavia is also overly promoted and her acting had become wooden, maybe she has lost enthusiasm.
Surprisingly this series has weaker ratings then Ghetto Justice in a law drama….
This series was ok. But I have to mention lots of problems on this series to get off of my chest….
1. The MV of this series… WTF, I mean WTF is that. The song is really good yet TVB put that crap onscreen?
2. Those newbies actor and actress: Brian Chu and Cilla Kung === AWFUL, they need to polish it up. Even though they are newbies, I think they need more training to do those roles.
3. Aimee Chan is dreadful. She acted very unnatural overreacted in her performances.
4. Leanne Li really needs to improve her Cantonese speaking, although she is good at crying scenes.
5. Tavia Yeung’s acting is BAD in the beginning, lots of voice overs. Plus her screen time is lesser then Natalie Tong is. Although she was sick during the filming process, they could have STOP the filming process to get her rested…. Oh wait TVB – no work, no pay, no viewers, no money.
6. Overlapping minor and big cases in 1 episode affects the story line. One case is watchable and the other unwatchable or lack of interest. Going back and forth is STUPID, Messes the dialogue and they way the viewers watch. This has been on going and a stupid way to do a Law series.
7. Draggyness . . . Raymond Wong’s father case and Louis Yuen’s on Benz Hui case = BORING; Jury decision = BORING; Ruco’s mother and Leanne Li case = way too stretch; Last case also way too stretch to find clues.
8. The “love connection pairings” WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY Late or OFF, no true connection between Ruco/Raymond/Tavia at all…. and it happen way later in the series. A very rush pairing on Natalie and Kenneth Ma by TVB standards. TVB writers, really?
9. The last case… USB file? TVB writers, really?
10. Ending… WTF
11. This really not consider a lawyer series. Half it devoted to chasing criminals or themselves caught in criminal case.
12. Chinese profanity… “Pok Gai”, Can we get another profanity besides “Pok Gai” TVB writers, really?
The theme song was excellent.
The first five episodes was Excellent & exciting except some exceptions. Probably most memorable.
Police corruption case was intense.
Last case was ok with some exception.
Rest of it is not really memorable,
Ruco’s acting (A+), Raymond (A), Natalie (A), Most of of TVB veteran actors and actress in minor or guest starring roles, give them A.
I want to noted that character Emily Yu (play by Mandy Lam) overreacting, annoying person… but refreshing role, good to see her in a out of ordinary character playing these types.
The Other Truth is ok. 60% exciting, 40% DRAGGING.
compare to Ghetto Justice, excellent. 100% exciting, ZERO percent dragging. Ghetto Justice FTW!
Overall 3.5 out of 5 stars
Haha i was wonder why Tavia didnt get much time on screen… but how did u know she was sick… O_o…
lol i kind of enjoyed the flash drive situation because i have the same exact flash drive xD and because this is creative!
tho, i didnt get why Natiale had to die…
You should notice her face was swollen on one side, not even pretty even with makeup. Then speech, she cant scream and she has to do some voice overs to cover part of the script which it is a lot. That whole even you can actually she in the “attempted rape” case.
I really dont know why TVB cant take care of its actor/actress for being sick during filming.
That USB file and last case was just awful. They have lots a clues to catch Kenneth Ma. Pretty much wasted 1 episode of drag-dom.
I don’t think Tavia had lesser screen time than Natalie.
TVB should’ve spiced up Tavia and Raymond’s characters. The romance segment should not have been pushed to the end.
No, Tavia screen time was definitely less then Natalie. Very little court cases. Even Natalie outshine her with her death.
I agree with Chriselle. Tavia had much more screen time than Natalie.
“The first five episodes was Excellent & exciting except some exceptions”
LOL except some exceptions. Good one!
6. Overlapping minor and big cases in 1 episode affects the story line. One case is watchable and the other unwatchable or lack of interest. Going back and forth is STUPID, Messes the dialogue and they way the viewers watch. This has been on going and a stupid way to do a Law series.
I think they follow US series format. US Law/Crime series often have 2 cases run con-currently. ATV’s ‘Men of Justice’ also uses this format.
12. Chinese profanity… “Pok Gai”, Can we get another profanity besides “Pok Gai” TVB writers, really?
TVB is family friendly.
I think they follow US series format. US Law/Crime series often have 2 cases run con-currently. ATV’s ‘Men of Justice’ also uses this format.
They just OD it and it really didnt work out.
my opinion, GJ was just OK compared to TOT.
myolie really over-reacted in some parts with Kevin when in her mom’s noodle shop.
in terms of cast, i would say much stronger cast in TOT compared to GJ
GJ had Joyce -agree she has a lot of acting experience under her belt, but feel like her acting has sorta kinda become monotonous. always same reactions as always. BORING story line as well, with the typical husband beating wife, wife still loves husband’ mom to death and her 2 kids.
the guy who fell for Sharon Chan, not much eye expressions and kinda wooden
Myolie’s mom, brother and sister and the people working in the volunteer office TOO many supporting roles or KE LE FEHs that really just stood by and to ‘watch’ the main characters act.
TOT on the other hand, much well rounded supporting roles. ALMOST each lawyer and supporting role had their own story and way to shine.
Leanne Li and Chris Lai, which later involved Chris Wong. that also involves Keith’ mom and step mom.
The indian guy with indian lawyer, and other unrelated lawyers not in the firm (e.g. Lawyer Lung) even the ‘faaat goons’ – Chan Chi Tzing? and tavia’s dad…. all are great stories i think and much better story line compared to GJ
I defiantly disagree with you.
The supporting cast of Ghetto Justice did very well with their lines and brings a lot attention to the story. It is well written story. I can actually see their acting top notch. They have lots of character development then The Other Truth for supporting roles and main lead roles.
IMO, Ghetto Justice cast pwns The other Truth.
Sharon Chan and Sam Lee love scenes, I have no problems with that. Its natural some way.
Myolie really didnt overreacted or even exaggerated too much. Her performance was in this series was fine.
As you mention The Other Truth:
“TOT on the other hand, much well rounded supporting roles. ALMOST each lawyer and supporting role had their own story and way to shine.”
Their roles were idea, but the stories… some are good, some just not watchable.
Leanne Li and Chris Lai, which later involved Chris Wong. that also involves Keith’ mom and step mom.
Yet that case was too draggy especially Leanne Li involvement.
The indian guy with indian lawyer, and other unrelated lawyers not in the firm (e.g. Lawyer Lung) even the ‘faaat goons’ – Chan Chi Tzing? and tavia’s dad…. all are great stories i think and much better story line compared to GJ
Those cases are great?
Myolie in GJ is better than Tavia in TOT. GJ also has more character development than TOT. Only Ruco get some character development in TOT while GJ gives Kevin a new start for his career and make audience love Myolie again.
I felt that GJ’s main characters have more distinct personality. While watching TOT, I ask myself, which group of friends are more interesting? Wallace/Keith/James or Law Ba/Teng/George/Pat Jik? My answer is the latter.
As for Sam Lee. I don’t find him underact. I find his acting is just right. Not under or over. Love his story with Sharon. In fact, theirs is my fave love story in the series and I was upset with the ending.
yeah totally agree with hello,
some of the stuff in GJ is just not realistic at all and kinda boring. TOT is certainly much better overall.
for instance the guy fell in love with the prostitute after knowing her for 10 minutes? common even though she is pretty im sure most guys won’t pursue her to become his gf! this was clearly one of the many unrealistic stories in GJ
for instance the guy fell in love with the prostitute after knowing her for 10 minutes?
Wallace fell in love with Mavis after one meeting.
common even though she is pretty im sure most guys won’t pursue her to become his gf! this was clearly one of the many unrealistic stories in GJ
Well. Teng is not like most guys.
And he pursued her after seeing many of her good qualities. So, he obviously has seen past the fact that she has bedded many guys.
I agree with exoidus, Ghetto Justice have many unrealistic plots. The chance of a rich guy fall in love with a prositute is rare. Play around one night stand is possible, but bring her home to married rarely happens.
Chinese people value face, if you a son of a rich family, chances your family will not accept you married a “prositute” to be your legal wife. Those who say it happened, give me the name of any rich man who married a “prositute”
note: a prositute, not an actress who are gold digger like Michelle Reis.
@ Leilafan
“I agree with exoidus, Ghetto Justice have many unrealistic plots. The chance of a rich guy fall in love with a prositute is rare. Play around one night stand is possible, but bring her home to married rarely happens.”
Teng is not you typical rich guy working in a corporate world. Teng is a guy who mix with the grassroot people, wear simple clothing and have no class prejudice.
Secondly, rare doesn’t mean impossible.
“Chinese people value face, if you a son of a rich family, chances your family will not accept you married a “prositute” to be your legal wife. Those who say it happened, give me the name of any rich man who married a “prositute””
And Teng’s father didn’t accept either and give the couple a hard time. But, Teng has always go his own way, doing this is believe it.
You guys say Teng’s relationship is unrealistic because normal guys won’t do that. But, you have to look at the character itself. These are extra ordinary people. Law Ba doesn’t act like most lawyers. Teng doesn’t act like most rich guys. Jing Jing is also no ordinary woman.
Most people won’t do what Mother Theresa and Ghandi did. But, they were real people and has existed in this world. Can you call them unrealistic?
“But, Teng has always go his own way, doing this is believe it.”
I mean to say ‘Teng has always go his own way, doing things he believe in’.
all i am trying to say is TOT just gives many different aspects of victims, lawyers, jury, fat goons.
Yes agree leanne’s case dragged abit towards the end when she was about to leave for UK, but that was it. Keith’ mom and stepmom story was pretty twisted (tell me you expected it????)
Myolie in NO WAY was better than Tavia in TOT. Eventho Tavia was sick while filming TOT, she was WAYY better than myolie with her square mouth and over-acting.
You have to understand the friendships are different between Wallace/Keith/James vs kevin/sam chan/ and the 2 other guys. they showed way more of kevin/sam chan and the 2 guys in GJ, even them eating in the dai bai tong. For w/k/j it was just a few scenes in the bar. DEFINETLY cannot compare this.
Not just the ‘rich guy’ falling in love with prostitute was unrealistic, wot about the guy whose dad was a faat koon, fell in love with a mom with 2 kids. JUST because this mom treated her mom in law so dearly and because she has a sad story behind her. now THAT is unrealistic.
I would say GJ plot line pretty predictable, but TOT gave me constant suprises and interesting twist.
TOT > GJ all the way!
Kidd, I said based on real life situation. You give me an example of an “movie” which is not realistic.
Like I say again, give me real statistic of any rich guy in the real world who take a prositute to be his legal wife.
As for movies, movies are just movies, not real.
@ hello
“You have to understand the friendships are different between Wallace/Keith/James vs kevin/sam chan/ and the 2 other guys. they showed way more of kevin/sam chan and the 2 guys in GJ, even them eating in the dai bai tong. For w/k/j it was just a few scenes in the bar. DEFINETLY cannot compare this.”
I’m not talking about who has better friendship. I’m not talking about which group of friends are more interesting and the answer to me is the GJ’s gang.
I think you still don’t understand what Kidd meant. You are merely looking at the fact that Teng is a rich kid, but failed to look at his overall personality. He is different from the normal wealthy son and has very unique characteristics. Although being the rich kid, he chose not to follow his father’s footsteps in his restaurant business and instead followed his own dream of becoming a social worker, helping many people. So Teng is not just one normal rich kid, he has his own UNIQUE personality that you failed to take into account.
“Most people won’t do what Mother Theresa and Ghandi did. But, they were real people and has existed in this world. Can you call them unrealistic?”
Very well said!
Chriselle, understand or not is up to me on how I view things. I say again, I am a very realistic person. I do not like to live in movie dreamland or fansy land. Don’t give me examples based on movies. Ofcourse in movies they have to make it romantic, or else how can they have a plot to play out.
Useless trying to get someone who have different viewpoints as you to understand. I refuse to understand such movies plot. Talk to me when there a real life examples of a rich heir married a prositute to be his legal wife.
Again, Mother Theresa and Ghandi are not rich heir son who married a “prositute” to be his legal wife.
And again, talk to me when there is a real life example of a millionairs or billionairs go married a prositute on the street to be his wife.
Good grief, how did we get to mother Theresa and Gandhi determining which lawyer series is better.
I say the series with the gratuitous shower scene wins. Go Law Ba!
“I say again, I am a very realistic person. I do not like to live in movie dreamland or fansy land.”
Watching shows like GJ does not necessarily make one unrealistic. Of course, there are some realistic elements and some more unrealistic elements. The point of dramas is mainly for entertainment purposes and that’s why it’s called the ‘entertainment circle.’ Of course, there will be certain shows that will be less realistic than others.
@ Chriselle
You sure understand me more.
It is unrealistic for a normal rich guy like, say, Sit Sai Hang, to marry a prostitute. But, it is realistic for someone like Teng to not mind a prostitute’s background because of his unique personality.
agree with Leilafan,
im sure the tabloids would have found someone already if a son of a weathy family even if he acts like Teng which is already highly unlikely marries a prostitute.
im sure rich guys might marry one without knowing the truth but knowing it and having your parents see her run naked around for 15 minutes!
in the end what im trying to say is that GJ which i liked have very many unrealistic features that wouldn’t apply to the real world.
Between GJ and TOT: which series people like better is based on what type of series you want to see. Despite both series being centered around lawyers, there were clearly very different directions- so different TVB felt it was alright to show them one after the other, which is odd.
TOT goes for the more observe route, with a clear focus on cases, issues and more technical aspects. GJ goes for a warmer, fuzzy, perky and ultimately audience friendly route. Both have good and bad points.
So I don’t really think either series is generally superior than the other, just depending on taste. I started GJ really enjoying it for its novelty but by episode 10 I lost interest as I realised it was becoming just another TVB churn. I started TOT slowly and thought it wasn’t very interesting, but 6 episodes in I began to really enjoy it.
If only they carried GJ’s theme to the end and used more creative cases and not the ‘ghetto issues’ which are rehashed from so many TVB police series then I think it would’ve been more enjoyable. But seriously… I’m not satisfied!
good show and good job to tavia.
I enjoyed TOT more than Ghetto Justice. TOT has more interesting and realistic characters and didn’t feel as rushed as Ghetto Justice (although at times it was draggy). I never found myself bored with TOT however. For GJ, I stopped about 15 episodes although I did finish.
TOT was just more interesting.
I love Raymond Wong. Tvb need to give him more good roles!
I enjoyed watching TOT too… I’m actually suffering withdrawals. The forums are still pretty active even after the drama has ended.
My opinions:
1. Cast was very refreshing. New pairings, good looking people. Ruco was a surprise.
2. Themesong and the MV were both good. Still can’t get over the crappy MV for Ghetto Justice. The song was so annoying!!! TOT song was actually pretty catchy.
3. Structure of series was a bit different from the usual TVB series. It didn’t follow the traditional formula. It had a few big cases with smaller side cases. I found it quite educational. The legal aspects and what you can/can’t do as a lawyer…. it was interesting.
4. So many supporting cameos! Kenneth Ma was probably the best one. I felt he conquered the evil role so well.. and the last 5 episodes, the scenes between him and Ruco were really good. a)when Ruco confronted him about murder; b)outside the court scene after Kenneth was acquitted; c) when Kenneth was in jail and Ruco was telling him he is gonna be lonely for the rest of his life.
5. Comedy: Emily!!! James and Madam Miu hahaha
6. Saddest scene: Natalie dying. =(
7. Huge supporters of PangYi (Ruco + Tavia) due to their success as the series most supported pairing. Loved the scenes of Mavis and Keith: elevator kiss, psychiatric hospital hug, hospital emotional breakdown when Natalie died, the drinking and crying by the ocean regretting the death of Natalie, the bickering scenes towards the beginning…..still don’t understand why the script writers were so cruel and did not make them be together when Mavis obviously loved Keith more!!
8. Ruco Ruco Ruco… all his scenes… he is so hot!!! And so man!!! Smart thing for Amy Wong to cast him as a lead for the first time. He did not disappoint and feels good seeing a new face on screen.
9. Many ppl weren’t satisfied with the ending. Too much time spent on James and Madam Miu loveline (50% of episode 25) when it could’ve been spent on the main characters and solving the Mavis-Keith-Wallace love triangle. Yes, felt the ending was really slack blahhhh could’ve been better!!! Felt like they rushed it. 5 more episodes (30) would’ve been better.
10. I think Tavia did a good job as a lawyer first time even though yes she was sick, it has affected her performance but it’s still acceptable. Not as bad as some people make it out to be. And no they couldn’t just stop her filming (that will delay the production process) because they had already filmed 1/3 of the series when she got sick. It was too late to pull out. Plus Tavia is usually a ratings guarantee. I quite like her scene at the restaurant with the corrupted cop. Her righteous and brave character was pretty cool.
I also read an article…. Because Tavia was sick, Amy Wong had to change the script to cater for that. They reduced her scenes, and originally she was supposed to be paired up with Kenneth and Raymond, and Ruco with Natalie… but because Tavia got sick, they changed it all around and it became Ruco-Tavia-Raymond and Kenneth-Natalie. Which i’m glad for the change!!!!
11. Best case: the corrupted cops one VS the lawyers AND the kenneth one. Really interesting with the corrupted cops one, lawyers using the law to their advantage so the cops can’t step all over them.
“I also read an article…. Because Tavia was sick, Amy Wong had to change the script to cater for that. They reduced her scenes, and originally she was supposed to be paired up with Kenneth and Raymond, and Ruco with Natalie… but because Tavia got sick, they changed it all around and it became Ruco-Tavia-Raymond and Kenneth-Natalie. Which i’m glad for the change!!!!”
This is interesting. One wonder someone said earlier that Kenneth initially has eyes for Tavia. This must have been filmed before Tavia got sick. The initial stage of Ruco/Natalie also can be seen. Ruco/Natalie started out with misunderstanding and then Natalie started admiring Ruco.
so what you are saying is that the great story was due to circumstances and not because of good scriptwriting? well im not surprised at all.
9. Many ppl weren’t satisfied with the ending. Too much time spent on James and Madam Miu loveline (50% of episode 25) when it could’ve been spent on the main characters and solving the Mavis-Keith-Wallace love triangle. Yes, felt the ending was really slack blahhhh could’ve been better!!! Felt like they rushed it. 5 more episodes (30) would’ve been better.
Definitely . . . DISAGREE. They should cut this series from 25 to 20 to get rid of a lot of draggy parts. They really didnt rush it; they expanded the cases with in and thats too much to drag.
I’m only up to episode 13. At this point, it really looks like Natalie is closer to Ruco. At this moment, I really hope the pairing would be Ruco-Natalie.
I’m glad Kenneth’s character, Alex, did not fall for Mavis. She had enough guys, Raymond and Ruco, following her around. Also, although Mavis is a good person, she isn’t THAT great. Glad they saved someone for Natalie.
Initially, Natalie and Ruco? I don’t think will look good in terms of personality. Ruco seems way more experienced and mature than Natalie, whom even Ruco calls a ‘little girl.’ Keith’s personality makes it seem that he would want someone more mature, even Mavis was learning from him. Keith will always look like an older brother to Ceci.
Not so. Yes, Keith has a lot to teach Ceci. But, when Keith was troubled with his mother’s case, it’s Ceci who consoled him and gave him advice several times.
That’s why I feel they are compatible and want them to develope.
yes. That’s partly the reason why I’m glad Tavia got sick so they eventually changed the script. It just doesn’t make sense for Keith to fall in love with Ceci. She’s like a little kid. I think she suits Norman more. Plus I think its unprofessional/unethical for a master to fall in love with a disciple.
And it would be out of character for Mavis to fall in love with a client. She does everything by the books. And also Alex wouldn’t have killed Ceci and then we won’t see the sad scenes and the Alex-Keith confrontation scenes that followed thereafter which were really good.
So i think it all fell in place.
@ Lara
“Plus I think its unprofessional/unethical for a master to fall in love with a disciple.”
Ceci is not Keith’s disciple.
“And it would be out of character for Mavis to fall in love with a client. She does everything by the books.”
Love is a feeling. One can’t help it.
Ceci was originally Mavis’ disciple but then later she switched over and became Keith’s disciple which is when she started to have feelings for him. She calls him Si Fu.
Yup! I liked TOT better than Ghetto Justice as well. First of all, the song of TOT was MUCH better. GJ’s song was just like..wth..bad and annoying! I’d have to say, worst theme song of all the dramas I’ve watched! Also, TOT had a much more realistic plot. GJ seemed unrealistic at some points. However, I was unsatisfied with TOT’s ending as well. Why couldn’t it be more focused on the first line characters? It was all about James and madam up until the last five minutes, and then it was another one of those no ending endings, which was pretty much expected already. I also think Tavia did a great job even though she was sick. In my opinion, Mavis was her best role so far this year.
I love GJ’s themesong. Very upbeat and suit the series very much.
realistic plot? You survive a fall from a 6+ story building; landed on top of pillows?
I prefer Tavia in Yes Sir, No Sir over Mavis. I didn’t like Mavis at all.
@Kidd: IAWTP. The song is really good. It grew out to me. The theme video is hummmm….
Never heard of skydivers surviving falls from parachute failures?
@SDS never in your life you fight on the roof and suddenly you fell off and supposedly died in impact??? That is most logical story compare to TVB.
THe corrupted cop case was a refreshing take for TVB- they haven’t shown this kind of mob mentality in the police force for a long time. Problem is, they didn’t go far enough with it. There was room to push things further.
you mean make the whole hk government system corrupt? that everything we knew about justice is just an illusion. yeah that would have been great
Well said! I too enjoyed TOT very much. Love Ruco who is now my Fav actor. Tavia has always been my Fav actress. Love Ruco/Tavia pairing very much…..they have such good chemistry.
I like TOT more than Ghetto too. Probably coz we see a new actor coming up. Also ofcource love the new pairing of Ruco and Tavia.
If there is a sequel, pls make it same cast, contiune the storyline and give Keith and Mavis a good ending.
I like TOT more. Ruco is fresh and phenomenal. He will be very successful in TVB very soon and Catherine Tsang and Amy Wong are smart to push him as lead for the first time and he didn’t disappoint at all!
Amazing series with a great cast ! I’m so happy for Ruco ! He looks good in suspenders and suits ! He used to only play gangsters and murderers. Hope he can get more good leading roles like this one ! I was never a fan of Kenneth Ma until now ! I find his character was not 100% villain, I felt for him and his ending…
TVB might as well put Kenneth Ma be in every series as a guest star if he doesnt have a lead role.
Kenneth has a lead role in 36 Hours on Call with Tavia.
The first thing I noticed in that picture was Tavia’s overly large Pinocchio nose!
Thats just too mean
That’s the truth
That’s what I’ve felt throughout YSNS and TOT. Tavia’s giant nose outshine everything but in a bad way.
That’s a bit pathetic if you pay attention to her nose rather than the storyline.
@misschirpy- I’m sure that’s not what the person meant.Even I can notice her big nose from a small photo! Sometimes when you see or watch something, there’s a certain object or person that stands out too much to the point you forget what you’re watching!
I don’t like Mavis playing tricks on Wallace in episode 12. If she already knew she won’t accept him romantically, why did she still want to play him? She knew he likes her and she knew she herself doesn’t like him that way. Why be so cruel? Just because he’s foolish enough to go after her, he deserves to be played?
I really hate her smug expression when she played Wallace.
Maybe this is from the earlier script where Mavis supposed to end up with Wallace. So, this scene might originally be Mavis already having a little affection for Wallace? Don’t know.
Maybe some viewers find it cute. Watching the scenes again, I can see that Mavis is just being playful. But, this is my pet peeve. I always feel sorry and indignant for the person being played. It’s having fun on the expense of others. I’m very sure that Mavis will not like someone doing the same to her and make her look like a fool.
In episode 12, are referring to the scene where Raymond tries to pursue her with flowers and opening the car door? However, I don’t think she was playing him, just letting him down in a creative way that will entertain the viewers.
Or was it another scene I can’t recall?
Before that. They were investigating the case. She purposely asked Wallace to do this and that and when Cecilia said ‘You are playing him’, Mavis answered ‘Half half’ with a smile. The way she made him climb up and pretended to be all amazed and called him ‘monkey king’. Yes, it was for investigation, but, it also can’t be denied that all the while she was playing him like a fool and laughing at him with Cecilia. She knew he will be a willing victim since he likes her and she extract great fun from it.
I’m glad that in a later part, Wallace said to them, ‘I’m going out to meet the contractor head. If you two feel troublesome and want to stay here to enjoy the air-con, you can.’ At least, he gain back some dignity in my eyes. Not always has to stick with Mavis or bring Mavis along, and it also shows he’s serious about helping his friend, not just wanting to court Mavis.
Oh the part where Wallace was wearing the tight clothes and doing an experiment rolling the luggage case down to the bus-stop. I loved that part!!! That part was funny!!
I don’t think Mavis was stepping down on him. It was just playing him for fun because Wallace is a rich-boy and it was out of his character to get worked up in a case so the girls were just playing with him.
I think that scene was quite comedic.
“I don’t think Mavis was stepping down on him. It was just playing him for fun because Wallace is a rich-boy and it was out of his character to get worked up in a case so the girls were just playing with him.”
It’s fun for the person who does the playing but not fun for the person being played.
Mavis knew she has a hold on him because he likes her. She knew he will follow what she said because he wanted to get in her good book and prove that he’s serious and she took advantage of it for her own amusement.
I don’t remember that scene, but I guess I have a better idea of why some people were saying they didn’t like Mavis because she seemed arrogant.
However, because TVB scripts always have loopholes and there are always changes last minute, I don’t pay attention to the slightest details that well. I simply took it for entertainment purposes. But good catching it, haha.
I thought that scene was really funny! It added humour to the series
I prefer Ghetto Justice.
I prefer The Other Truth.
I prefer Ice Block.
I liked The Other Truth. Compared to the other lawsuit cases, it’s fresh and had a different taste. But the ending was a big disappointment. :S
I hate Tavia. I don’t like her acting so dull and her nose is freakin annoying. TOT is just standard not that great comparing to past lawyer dramas. The only star was Ruco. GJ is a lil better because the theme and taste are refreshing and spunky. Do you see that in other lawyer dramas? no. so i would choose GJ anytime for cast and storyline.
well said
I don’t like the cast of GJ, esp. Myolie.
Care to offer the reason, why?
Myolie just can’t act. I don’t dislike her personally, just onscreen. All the roles she played seems similar to me, no fresh images from her. I wonder how her ancient series will be like.
You hate Myolie… I see. How about other cast of Ghetto Justice?
I used to like Kevin Cheng’s acting, but not anymore. He’s okay I guess, but not brilliant. The rest of the cast is just mediocre. Overall, I wouldn’t go for the cast. TOT had a better one, and it was nice to see new faces as lead.
lol.. Her hair was really annoying and bad. and i feel she talks too fast and too rushed. Slow down!!!
Law Ba was the only interesting character in there. Jazz Lam, Sam Lee ain’t exactly ‘attractive’.. Actually Sam Lee’s character was boring. I prefer him in comedies.
And it was really annoying/boring to see the same 3 barristers against each other in court: Myolie, Kevin and Sek Sau. Like seriously, the whole of Hong Kong only has 3 barristers and no one else? Too unrealistic in that part.
@lara well duh the main focus is the lead actors. and there weren’t only three lawyers head to head anyways if you watched GJ. there were others too in court. and in TOT you would also see mostly ruco, raymond, and tavia right?
@ sure-lee the only new face to lead was Ruco. Tavia and raymond have been leads for quite sometime already. and speaking of tavia, i think Tavia is the one who has no fresh images. though all her roles are different, her acting is similar in a way. you could mix her role from YSSR and TOT together and still couldn’t see the difference. I’m not hating on Tavia. I do think she’s a good actress though.
You think Miss Ho and Mavis is similar ? I don’t think so at all, besides the hair, LOL. Miss Ho from YSSS is nothing like Mavis from TOT. Characters are total different people. One is warm and open, a teacher that helps kids, and the other is cool and collected, dealing with crime. Mavis is more strict, while Miss Ho has so much more room for compromise. They’re totally different.
@ sure-lee: what do you mean that myolie’s roles are all similar? Every of her roles varies. like for instance, in the ripplingblossom, she played the rich and spoiled outgoing girl who seems mean but has a soft heart whereas in Lost in the Chamber of Love, she was the gentle kind and caring one.
@ anni
Okay, maybe her roles aren’t that similar, but what I mean is that the way she carries out her roles doesn’t really vary in any way. It would be nice to see her in a breakthrough role.
the way tavia delivers her performances isn’t that versatile even though all her roles are quite different.
oh btw even though Tavia is a good actress, I personally don’t like her acting. I don’t seem to connect with her. =S
Its probably the nose…
Haha, the nose is now everything, isn’t it? xD
The nose does stand out on the face a lot…
no it’s not the nose of course. yes it does stand out but i don’t care about appearances. she’s is just not interesting to watch.
I think Tavia is definitely a better actress than Myolie. It is the acting that counts and Tavia is not that ugly at all. I also personally feel her role in TOT and YSSS are different. She is very cool in TOT and I like it alot.
I liked both Ghetto Justice and TOT for different reasons actually but was not too happy with the ending of TOT – felt really rushed and unfinished to me, maybe it’s to pave the way for a sequel, I’m not sure but bad endings for seemingly promising series seem to be TVB’s forte :O ugh.
Btw, the life and times of a sentinel is just boring! I think Kenneth is more watchable than Steven now..somehow I find Steven getting more and more OTT in his acting nowadays, maybe it’s because he is almost always in the same kind of roles i.e. the ‘righteous’ good, fight for the weak guy..gets really old quick! The actresses are not really strong either as someone else commented above…I actually think the actress as the Mother of the Emperor could have been better done by someone else e.g. Tse Suet Sum.
I’m also suffering from withdraw lol still have four more episodes to watch but don’t want it to be over yet
I found Life and Times of a Sentinel extremely boring. And almost all of the female cast are so bad…
I don’t understand why Steven Ma keeps on getting starring part in TVB dramas. I don’t like him at all.
He’s a pet of Catherine Tsang. He’s so boring in acting and get overshadowed in every series. Yawnn
and i dont get why the female version of kate ah ron gets all this roles. that guy like his female counterpart don’t know what acting is
Steven onscreen is more boring than Ron. I want to puke when a producer said his acting is Chow Yun Fat, Felix Wong, and one other veteran actor combined. That’s an insult to Chow Yun Fat and the veterans. Ron at least has a pretty face to look at.
I don’t like Steven Ma at all either ! Idk why, but every series that he stars in, is extremely boring!!!
His acting is also the same mediocre boring work from series to series. I don’t get why he’s always getting lead roles from TVB.
Steven onscreen is more boring than Ron. I want to puke when a producer said his acting is Chow Yun Fat, Felix Wong, and one other veteran actor combined. That’s an insult to Chow Yun Fat and the veterans. Ron at least has a pretty face to look at.
steven is not that bad. if i have to pick steven or moses, i will pick steven
Moses or Steven: I pick Steven too but Steven’s acting is still lacking. His charisma is also not there yet.
Between Steven and Moses, I definitely say Moses. He’s so much funnier and at least he makes the series a bit more interesting! Steven just makes me yawn and give up watching.
Moses, funnier? lol. He’s done poorly on that.
Agree with Larry, Moses sucks in comedy.. that guy has the same expression again n again and it doesn’t looks a bit amusing at all.
Sure, but Steven is even worse at it.
Steven and Moses sucks at comedy, but for serious series I pick Steven although he’s still boring.
Steven’s a good actor but his roles are boring. He always play the same characters over and over again….. always some righteous character in Ancient China that knows how to fight.
His modern ones ain’t interesting either. His co-stars are often boring esp those Linda Chung collaborations – the one about dogs and with Kent Cheng?? The cast was so boring!!! Storyline was crap too.
Steven’s dramas are never heavily promoted. When was the last time he was in a major drama? Files of Justice series? Or maybe Healing Hands. That was him as supporting roles though. You’ll never see him as lead in big production ones like Triumph etc because TVB is slack to him and don’t want to promote him coz his older than those crappy acting siu sangs.
Are u talking about Steven Ma? I like him alot but tvb never really promoted Steven heavily like how they promoted others… Or Is it because Steven didn’t how to grasp the opportunity and outshine others even in a humble role?
I think Steven did great in Ancient Series since his feature suits Ancient character very much which I don’t remember who mentioned this before but the ghost series which has Fala and Linda was great imo. And the modern series about ‘trapping in the hotel” sorry i’m suck in remembering those series’ names lol. I think Steven did great too in portraying slightly “evil” role there? I’m not too sure since I don’t get the chance to finish all the tvb series always.. (busy life i got here with a bb to take care). So imo, I think tvb should give Steven more Modern series which I like him to be in and maybe give Steven a “wong” role to test out LOL..the result might not be as good as Roger though…
Oh I dont know why, while speaking about Steven here…Gallen Lo appears in my mind..I really missed that guy’s acting for real!
Steven sucks in 7DIL. He can’t handle the casanova role and is a terrible miscast. He was only getting ok in the last 2-3 episodes. He’s better in GH but boring and overshadowed by Fala in that ghost writer series.
I miss Gallen too! I don’t like his comeback in BR because that series is terrible and made his acting nothing special and Ray Lui’s acting is bad.
Omg, hated Gallen in BR! Well, never really liked him i the first place. BR just made it worse.
I’ve watched Keith’s mother’s case. I found the scriptwriter sometimes is unable to show and only tell. Keith and the other lawyers said Barrister Long is very good, have never lost a case, can twist and turn the facts to win. But, when he was defending Keith’s mom, I can see none of this. He’s just like the every other lawyer. In fact, a lot of crucial clues were provided by Keith. The same with Mavis. Mavis is supposedly very good also. But, the series failed to show how great and awesome she is in handling her cases.
Ruco and Tavia in an interview discussing their characters in “The Other Truth.” From the interview, you can tell Ruco is a deep thinker and grasped his character very well. Must watch!
Just finished watching the entire interview. I like the friendly banter between Tavia and Ruco.
From the interview, I can tell that Ruco likes to analyze things deeply, find meaning, and draw connections together. He possesses opinions on many topics and while Tavia was speaking, his body language indicated that he was thinking carefully about her responses. Whenever he fidgeted, I think he was eager to chip in and offer his response. He seems to enjoy conversing a lot. However, as a well-thought out individual, he also has the ability to channel the direction of a conversation and deflect certain questions with good humor.
He is a well-spoken person and this interview reminded me of his role in “The Other Truth” very much. Impressive interview skills…I wouldn’t mind listening to more of his philosophy in life.
A good actor needs to have good analytical skills and ability to inter-connect seemingly “unrelated matters” together. This allows them to portray the character consistently throughout the series and not approach acting on a scene-by-scene basis. I see that Ruco has the mental abilities to succeed as an actor. Emoting and delivery is a matter of practice and losing true self and immersing in the acting.
couldn’t agree more Jayne. Ruco definitely displays a great sense of maturity in him which makes him very pleasant to watch. I wish him great success with more lead roles.
I think Ruco will win Most Improved for sure this year!
LOL. he should be best actor.
he may or may not have improved at all. he just wasn’t given the chance to show his talent.
btw the interview is so cool. love how they tease each other and ruco showing his passion for acting. when he said he wanted to play a girl (drag queen) haha that would be interesting…
@exoidus – Michael, Raymond and Wayne are running for Best Actor with Michael the front runner. TVB wants it this way. I think TVB will give Ruco Most Improved Actor which is ok since he improved a lot in his popularity. Who knows TVB might pull a surprise and boost Ruco for Best Actor too. He acts better than Kevin’s Law Ba, only that Law Ba is a better character.
scene-by-scene basis actor reminds me of Tavia and Linda who are mostly good at crying scenes.
they will most likely give to to laughing or sister fa husband hehe.
they just need to give the best female to kate and the circle will be complete
That interview is funny!! haha.. Tavia and Ruco mucking around. So cute.
If only Tavia can transfer the same spirit into her acting
Tavia is teasing Ruco constantly in the interview. The interview is very informative in highlighting the turning point of Tavia. At one point, Tavia did change her image to be sexier. Now, we know what caused it. No wonder she has always said her character in Dicey Business is her fave character (or important character). It change her outlook and inhibitions. This also kinda explained why Tavia is not as heavily promoted earlier. Because she refused to do everything she was asked of. There’s still something she stood firm.
“Myolie in NO WAY was better than Tavia in TOT. Eventho Tavia was sick while filming TOT, she was WAYY better than myolie with her square mouth and over-acting.”
I prefer square mouth and overacting over pinocchio nose and dull fake acting all the way.
Your comment is so funny. I noticed that when crying, TY also provides us a square mouth.
don’t really get the square mouth bit??
Myolie is said to have square mouth in Taichi. Her crying scene is compared with a statue with square mouth. From that, ppl called her square mouth.
I just watch the final episode yesterday. Here are some of what I think
– I agree with those who said series wasted a lot of time on the James-Madam storyline in the last episode. I think that storyline and actually the whole Madam character does not match with the tone of series. Furthermore, Madam appeared so late and with the relationship only develop in the last few episodes, I really don’t care about them. I think the scriptwriter has nothing else to write, so they add in this filler plot.
– I can’t see any ‘shake the city’ scene from Kenneth like I see from Linda. It’s poignant and kinda touching in the end, but, the effect is unlike Linda’s Miss Koo who is hysterical.
– I like the ending of Keith-Mavis-Wallace. I think it’s the right ending. I don’t think Mavis loves Keith more. Throughout the series, I see Wallace loving Mavis, then, Keith loving Mavis, but, I didn’t see Mavis loving them back in a romantic way. The relationship Mavis has with Keith is very unique. I see a really deep friendship on Mavis’s side. She cares for Keith a lot, but, not really in a romantic way like Keith cares for her. Same with Wallace. Through the series, her affection and admiration of Wallace grows, but, she does not love Wallace in a romantic way either. I think Mavis is scarred from her failed marriage and doesn’t want to jump into another romantic relationship. So, she’s very careful of giving her heart out to anyone or want to try another relationship. Maybe if there’s part 2, they can explore this more.
Do you think there should be a part 2?
Personally, I found the series to be a typical TVB case drama and Keith was the only spark about it. I think due to the many alterations due to Tavia being sick at the time and Krystal’s random love plot with Louis, I didn’t take the series too seriously. Like you said, it was filler. 20 episodes might have cut it if all TVB wanted was to promote Ruco. The most satisfying part besides Ruco was the presentation of the jury.
Since there were some inconsistencies in the first part, I don’t really care for a part 2. I’ll rather see Ruco take on other roles to show that he’s really a versatile actor.
There is a potential for part 2. This type of genre can have many sequels. I don’t mind a part 2 either.
But, I hope they do more court scenes in part 2 and not settle everything out of court.
For me the most satisfying part is the jury case and Keith’s mother’s case.
As for Keith himself. Yes, he’s an interesting character, but, do you notice that his character is quite static and his grow tangent is near zero? He’s the same person from episode 1 until episode 25. The only change part him is treating his mother better. Wallace and Mavis both shows character growth throughout the series.
Any confirmation on TVB actually will be filming part 2 on this? I want to see who Tavia choose.
I am actually a bit disappointed in the dreama because 1. Tavia didn’t end up with keith in the end. I think they make a good pair onscreen. 2. Tavia is supposed to be the lead actress but she actually didn’t appear more than Natalie Tong. It is a pity that she fell sick during the filming or else I think it will be better. And I totally feel she acts way better than Myolie in Ghetto Justice. Although this is her first drama as lawyer, she protrays this character very well..All the Way!!Tavia Yeung
I’m not very fond of Myolie, don’t know why, something about her looks is not attractive to me. I like Tavia better.
I hace the same thought as you. Tavia is really a good actress. I really like the part when she was in the restaurant with the police. Just a bit disappointed that she doesn’t end up with Keith in the drama. Hope to see them pairing up soon
Ghetto Justice is much better than Other Truth, in my opinion.
1. Character development: The characters within GJ are developed throughout the drama from beginning to end. Each of them have a story, a growth. Law Ba was an overly ambitious and self-absorbed lawyer who only cared about winning. Then he became someone who truly understood the meaning of the justice system. Then, he changed from someone who was ashamed of his past, to someone who tried to use his past to influence others and began to actually open up to others, especially Myolie. Myolie showed great growth from someone who wanted to climb the ranks, who held her own prejudices to someone who realised the importance of being proud of where you came from and being a good friend (with help of Kevin and Sharon’s character). Then, once again, she was ‘tempted’ back into the ‘dark side’ which is really realistic in the legal profession. There will always be that ethical dilemma from trying to defend your client and keeping your own morals. Especially when you feel as though your client deserves a second chance, like Myolie did. And once again, in that case you can tell that Myolie’s character development is solid. Even if Law Ba has influenced her positively, she cannot simply rid herself of her own prejudices against the delinquent teen. Like how Law Ba learnt from his own mistake, she needed to learn through her own experiences. That’s how it is in life. Jazz’s character grew from someone who was too scared to speak up in court to someone who had to courage to stand up to his dad, and stand up for Joyce. Joyce learnt to be more independent and she realised she was actually useful to society not only a poor victim. Sam learnt that he was rash in his dealings with his dad and you see him put the effort to appease his dad, he doesn’t blindly object to everything his dad does anymore. Sharon went from a quiet girl to someone who was hurt into standing up for herself, to being closed off to allowing herself to love. Even Eddie’s character changed from being a whipped to being able to see through his girlfriend and standing up for himself. Even a supporting character like Eddie’s cop friend learnt to respect others, regardless of occupation. Character development is so crucial to a drama because audiences connect to these people, and their way of thinking can easily influence us. There are many times when we listen to characters talk or reason, and we begin to agree with them. In Other Truth, Ruco is laidback and risky, but the thing is, his character is so inconsistent in his attempt to be 3 dimensional. At times, he’s got this ‘justice’ thing going on, then others, he doesnt like with Louis’ taking on Ben Huiz’s case. And the whole him being quiet on his mother. Mavis is worse. She is meant to be someone who believes in ‘black and white’ and have strong beliefs. But suddenly, after one loss and Ruco giving her comics to read, the next scene she’s got this whole ‘multiperspective’ thing going on. Really? You changed pretty damn fast. Then, with Michael she’s really firm with their relationship but later with the whole love triangle she just goes back and forth despite rejecting Raymond already. Raymond has no real character development. His lawyer role was just because Mavis said he was a loser so her took a case, won that, then decided he would take on a big case like his dad’s. His dad’s corruption case was like his 2nd or 3rd case. Really? Natalie was alright but she was meant to be really strict with her beliefs when she first came on screen against Ruco, but then with the underage girl one and rape one she was more like Ruco in ‘crossing the line’. Louis was just weird. He was supposedly the one who fights for justice, yet he had the desire for the bigger room and all that flashy prestige stuff and getting all cocky.. It’s just soo inconsistent.
2.Relationships/Chemistry: Found GJ’s love stories more fun, believable and simple. TVB always uses love triangles and it just gets damn messy. But, in saying that, it’s what satisfies the fans as seen by OT’s popularity. I found the scene on the rooftop where Kevin reaches down to kiss Myolie so sexy and real. With OT there was so much hype over a FOREHEAD kiss. Really? Even friends take kissing each other on the cheek as no big deal. With a proper kiss there’s the eye contact and build up. Even the whole building up of feelings is different. I think GJ shows the feeling of falling in love more realistically with Kevin being all giddy and singing. I loved that scene where all the boys were basically singing after their dates and all. Too cute. And I think you can see the excitement both in their smiles and eyes when they think of each other. It’s more flirty, more fun. Keith and Mavis were like colleagues ages before even getting to know each other, so the spark was like dull to me. Even at the start they only talked about work issues. I mean, I get that Mavis’ character is more serious but in reality, love can make even the dullest of people more wild and more exciting. Mavis stays the same boring character throughout. Mavis and Wallace were basically non-existent until the end. And that was just dragged out so there was a love triangle it seemed. The build up to it was pathetic how they just showed that Wallace had the hots for Mavis then no interaction or anything, they weren’t even really portrayed as friends, then all of a sudden they’re a potential couple. Friendship chemistry is also important and thats why GJ was splendid. It tied the friendship to the storyline and through the characters. As a friendship group, they influenced each other, they supported each other. The group allowed Joyce to stand up for herself; tried to show Myolie the right path; accepted Law Ba’s ruggedness and Sharon’s occupation; they knew of each other’s backgrounds; and they truly cared for each other. Even Myolie’s family was caring towards Sharon and hit Myolie because of that. Her paralegal cared about her choices and didn’t want her to go too far either. Everyone looked out for each other. In OT, the friendships were seemed more like connections. They were there for each other when someone or someone’s family was in trouble. Like with Raymond’s dad’s thing, Keith didn’t even offer to help until his Sifu came back and told everyone to help. Mavis didn’t even help. They didn’t really seem to have a personal or social life. None of them had sufficient screen time to even develop any connections. Frankly, it seemed Cecilia and Norman were better friends than most of the lead actors were meant to be. Like Louis who knew Keith from younger years, they don’t even seem that close in other scenes.
3. Acting: I prefer the actors of GJ over OT because they were immersed in their characters. Some may call it exaggeration, but in a drama about the legal profession, the acting is really spot on. You can see the distinction from the lawyers who are calm are those who are morally indifferent. On the contrary, Law Ba is emotional and passionate in his court appearances because he demands justice. It is a belief. He feels strongly about it. Myolie has a sense of right and wrong, yet she has that logical side to her which knows that there is black, white and grey. That the justice system is flawed. The truth does not always come out, because the legal system does not allow “reasonable doubt”. So she tries to get the best outcome, regardless of the means. Like in the Claire case, she subtly revealed Claire’s guiltiness. All the supporting cast of OT don’t get a chance to shine. Louis was good but not excellent. Natalie’s role were pretty similar to her usual ones. Ruco was the only standout, but eventually I found him dull and too solemn. Raymond is alright, but as he said he didnt really like his character and it shows. he doesn’t seem to connect to his character much. He doesn’t really convince me as a lawyer.
4. Law aspects: While the OT had more complex cases, the thing is, they were so all over the place. The 2 cases alongside thing can be done well but wasn’t. There has to be a basis for them to be explored together. But in OT, they seem randomly next to each other. Also, for me, watching a legal drama the verdict of the cases are really important as well. I feel as though the writers were trying too hard to put in twists than to develop good verdicts and court scenes. In GJ, I liked how the court scenes and cases showed both character development and reflected the law system. Through Shek Sau’s character you can see that lawyers aren’t all about justice. In the case where he assisted that killer to get away with murder, and he got off with manslaughter. This is realistic because there are many loopholes in the law where even if the truth is he murdered, the reality is that to uphold the rule of law and the ideals of the legal system of “without reasonable doubt” they cannot risk putting someone away for life when they cannot be 99% sure that they murdered (which has a different legal definition to manslaughter). The Claire case showed the client and lawyer relationship in the sense that lawyers may not know if their client is innocent simply from their words. Because they will probably not admit it even to their lawyers regardless of confidentially clause. But a lot of lawyers are smart enough to figure it out eventually. I find the whole Keith breaching the confidentiality agreement to be a unethical. It basically undermines the whole client and lawyer relationship. Its quite unrealistic he got off scotch free. I also found the jury episode really stupid.
5. Storyline: I found GJ’s storyline much more cohesive and you can tell from the ending that everything was meant to lead up to this. Shek Sau’s character was there from beginning to end, where you can tell he is no nice guy. Unlike OT where Kenneth is added in the last 5 episodes and makes this significant impact. Sharon’s killing made more sense than Natalie’s because it was not only the attack but the effects of it. Natalie was Kenneth hiring a killer. That’s pretty whack. I love how the storyline pans out with the relationships in GJ. I think they got together at the perfect moment, with just enough lead up. With OT I hate how everything love-related was left for the end, and dragged. And then the ending just flopped. I actually really liked GJ’s ending. I mean knowing that both series are planning a sequel, of course the ending has to be left open. But for OT that was just poorly done. Whereas GJ was really refreshing and cute.
“Even a supporting character like Eddie’s cop friend learnt to respect others, regardless of occupation.”
I really like this part. He’s only a minor character but he shows personal growth in the series. Throughout the series, you see his treatment of Sharon slowly changing and it’s not because of love or anything like that. He just grow to respect Sharon as a person and this shows the character’s own growth.
What you said about GJ was spot on. Even though someone said most of the cases were copied from the Korean drama ‘The Partner’ which detracts a little from the series, I still considers the series good because what makes it good is not only the cases, but, the characters and relationships. They were very well written and developed.
I agree “tvbfan”. Ghetto Justice is absolutely better then The Other Truth.