200 Fangirls Crowd Campus to See TFBoys’ Jackson Yee, but Instead They Saw…

Adored as a member of China’s hottest boyband TFBoys17-year-old Jackson Yee (易烊千璽) started college this fall. Fans are causing an uproar wherever he goes, as they are highly curious and interested to see him up close.

On September 26, Weibo was flooded with rumors that Jackson was filming a variety show at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. When the news spread across the campus that Jackson would be at the school library at 3:30 p.m., 200 female students excitedly rushed there. Cameras were ready, and many even had their livestreaming on to capture their idol’s appearance.

Despite waiting for hours, Jackson never appeared. Amusingly, the fangirls instead saw a middle-aged professor named Yang Qianxi (楊千璽), who bears the same Chinese first name as Jackson. Misinformation had apparently spread on social media and they had waited for the wrong “Qianxi”!

Surprised by the big crowd of female students swarming around him, Professor Yang Qianxi broke into a huge smile. The photo went viral on Weibo and netizens commented that the story gave them their first laugh of the day.

Professor Yang Qianxi later responded that it was so nice seeing students being so passionate, and expresses that he wishes to visit the school again.

Source: Ettoday

This article is written by Minna for JayneStars.com.


  1. at least the professor looks adorable…but too funny that they waited on the wrong person!

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