2012 Astro Awards: Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung Reign as TV King and Queen

Malaysia successfully held their Astro on Demand Awards at the Sunway Convention Center on the evening of December 2, 2012.
The biggest winner of the night, The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時> won eight awards, including My Favorite Drama, My Favorite Actor (Kenneth Ma 馬國明), My Favorite Actress (Tavia Yeung 楊怡), and My Favorite Supporting Actor (Him Law 羅仲謙).
Over 16 TVB artists attended the grand event, including first-time nominees Him Law, Mandy Wong (黃智雯), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), and Koo Ming Wah (古明華).
This year, a total of 12 categories were presented. Each category, with the exception of My Favorite Promising Artist, My Favorite Character, My Favorite Theme Song, and My Favorite Most Improved Actor and Actress, had a total of 10 nominees, which were later reduced to five top nominees at the beginning of the ceremony.
This year was Him Law’s first year for getting a nomination at the Astro on Demand Awards. Him was nominated for My Favorite Couple (with Mandy Wong), My Favorite Character, and My Favorite Supporting Character for his role in The Hippocratic Crush. In the end, Him defeated strong competitors, Koo Ming Wah and Ben Wong (黃智賢), for My Favorite Supporting Character.
“I really did not want to accept this role,” cried Him, referring to his role as Dr. Yeung Pui Chung in The Hippocratic Crush, “Not only did this drama give me a great role, it also gave me something very important in my life.” Under the screams of the audience, Him finally cried, “Thank you, Tavia Yeung!” The crowd erupted into cheers.
Aside from winning My Favorite Leading Actor and My Favorite Leading Actress, Kenneth and Tavia also won the My Favourite On Screen Couple with Kenneth Ma for their roles in The Hippocratic Crush. The onscreen couple’s chemistry and real-life friendship have gained them many new fans worldwide, becoming one of TVB’s most popular couple year-to-date.
When Tavia was on stage for her individual acceptance speech, Kenneth surprised Tavia by suddenly appearing at the bottom of the stage in front of her. Kenneth loudly professed, “If there is ‘Yu Jai’ there will always be a ‘Yat Kin Tau.’ We are one!”
First-Time Winners
In a breathless speech, Mandy Wong, who won My Favorite Promising Actress for her role in L’Escargot <缺宅男女>, cried, “This is the first award I’ve won in my performance career. This award gives me such a great inspirational boost!”
Koo Ming Wah broke into tears after his name was announced for the Popularity King award. He cried, “For many, winning an award can be very difficult. But for someone like me, having the chance to even attend such events is difficult. I promise to bring out even better productions in the future for everyone!”
Oscar Leung nearly cried when he ran to the stage to accept his My Favorite Promising Actor award, “This is my first award since joining the industry over ten years ago. I once imagined myself winning an award, but I was afraid that this dream would not come true. Now, it has finally come!”
Check out the rest of the winners down below!
My Favorite Drama Series
The Hippocratic Crush
My Favorite Actor in a Leading Role
Kenneth Ma for The Hippocratic Crush
My Favorite Actress in a Leading Role
Tavia Yeung for The Hippocratic Crush
My Favorite Classic Role (5-Year Anniversary Special Award)
Michael Tse as Laughing Gor in E.U.
My Favorite Actor in a Supporting Role
Him Law for The Hippocratic Crush
My Favorite Actress in a Supporting Role
Nancy Wu for Gloves Come Off
My Favorite On Screen Couple
Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung in The Hippocratic Crush
My Favorite Promising Actor
Oscar Leung for L’Escargot
My Favorite Promising Actress
Mandy Wong for L’Escargot
My Favorite TV Theme Song
“End of Innocence” <幼稚完> by Raymond Lam
Highs and Lows ending theme
Top 15 My Favorite Characters
1. Him Law as Dr. Yeung Pui Chung om The Hippocratic Crush
2. Ron Ng as Ting Koon Fung in L’Escargot
3. Linda Chung as Hailey Kiu in Witness Insecurity
4. Kate Tsui as Pat Chan in Highs and Lows
5. Michael Tse as Gordon “A1” Lam in Sergeant Tabloid
6. Kenneth Ma as Dr. Cheung Yat Kin in The Hippocratic Crush
7. Roger Kwok as King Suen of Chai in Queens of Diamonds and Hearts
8. Tavia Yeung as Dr. Fan Tsz Yu in The Hippocratic Crush
9. Raymond Lam as Senior Inspector Wai Sai Lok (Happy Sir) in Highs and Lows
10. Wayne Lai as Li Lianying in The Confidant
11. Kevin Cheng as Tong Sap Yat in Gloves Come Off
12. Bosco Wong as Inspector Hui Wai Sam in Witness Insecurity
13. Myolie Wu as Kris Wong in Ghetto Justice II
14. Ruco Chan as Alex Mo in No Good Either Way
15. Moses Chan as Ivan Cheung in Master of Play
My Favorite Popularity King
Koo Ming Wah for Divas in Distress
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
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NICE! So happy for every winner here! Everyone was well deserved in each respecting category. Hearing them cry after they won and accepted it is inspiring. Congrats to all of them!!!
OMG my two favourites! Congrats Kenneth and Tavia
hope you guys win at the anniversary awards too
And my other favs: Oscar, and Mandy and raymond Lam’s song! And so touched by him laws ”confession”
Yay Oscar XD
5 ^^v
Happy he won, but what was he wearing?! LOL~
Or if u got Fb, there are many pictures, go search ASTRO ON DEMAND
All dress so lovely <3
Love Tavia , Nancy n Kate dresses!!
Bosco and Oscar are too close. Even their fashion sense is just as terrible.
But actually Oscar looks good.
What happened to Oscar? He looks terrible. Being close with Bosco must’ve infected him the wrong way.
LOL. But Oscar is adorable. Congrats to him!
Haha, but Oscar makes it work – plus he looks so youthful. I’m not sure about the blazer, but his looks more like Japanese street fashion, whereas Bosco looks like a drunken man in drags.
come on Bosco do have time when he looks good too. Is not always he looks bad.
I didn’t like Oscar’s outfit though. I like him better with simple suit. hahah Kenneth is wearing a star. I didn’t find Kenneths outfit to be bad it fits him.
Heheh. No, not always (I personally like looking at him the most out of all the siu sangs). But most certainly yes when he pulls out that skirt or “androgynous” or whatever the heck he’s trying to do look. Either his stylist hates him. Or his brain does.
You know Bosco sorta looks like a hobo.
lol i have to say that it is sometime hard to protect his style even that I am a fan. Because Even I have to say those skirts of him looks way to ugly. If only Bosco has the style he had in Loo after that he turned rich or the style in WI then everything would be fine.
ohh @skinnymocha I love looking at him too lol
Oscar is adorable! But his fashion sense is terrible!
aww I like what kenneth did when TY did her individual acceptance speech, so cute!
Hopefully these aren’t just Pork Awards for all those winning here. Didn’t think Raymond and Kate were that great in Highs and Lows to earn Best Actor and Actress rewards respectively.
Ever since watching Raymond on HOL, I’m allergic to the word -NICE..
He should really stick to his music career!!
The only thing I enjoyed of him in HOL is the theme song and TQ Astro for being truthful, to give him an award in the ONLY category he most deserved!!
hey you should not say that about someone, how can you say that about his acent that he can’t help, it is quite unrespectful.
also back on the more general side, i find nothing wrong with him saying ‘NICE’, its quite typical for LF, he is like a big child, i think the way hes says ‘NICE’ only makes him more cute.
lol I actually liked Raymond saying NICE too . I actually watch some parts all over just to hear him say nice. I find it kinda cute haha…
Usually winning at Astro means not winning at TVB. Based on historic results, actors have 50% chance of capturing both TVB and Astro titles and actresses have a low 25% success rate. But of course, keep in mind the small smaple size. Can Kenneth and Tavia do a repeat like Myolie/Kevin last year?
…Seriously, they won at Astro, so why not congratulate them on their win there. Is it necessary to link both the awards shows together and use one to predict the other possible results? lol.
Well, good job to them for winning at Astro, but the truth is most ppl will not remember those who won at Astro. Predicting results is the name of the game every year around TVB Anniversary. I just want to have a different take on it.
This is something even the artistes themselves are aware of.
When the winners are different, tvb winners are more experienced and established than astro winners, which is another reason why astro is like a consolation for those who will lose at the tvb award. If Kate wins the tvb tv queen she will be the first one to break that tradition.
“Well, good job to them for winning at Astro, but the truth is most ppl will not remember those who won at Astro.”
Actually I do. ASTRO was the first to recognise Wayne for his acting abilities when he won for Safe Guards. Now ASTRO was the first to recognise Kenneth. ASTRO can be said to be pioneers.
620 was there by the way.
My written observation on her as I could see her clearly from where I sat;
“The best performance for that night was Virginia Lok. She looked like she does on TV, looking normal and quite pretty in person with her 6 inch heels, she was short but not tiny or slim but slender. She teared up at the right time, smiled at the right time, cover her mouth at the right time, etc. Everyone thanked her, Kevin even called her his boss (sigh… wrong!) and she purred, nodded, teared up, etc at the perfect time. Someone give her an award please!!”
The cougar actually purred?! That IS scary!
@Funn Lim says, omg you were there, you’re soooo lucky, it must have been a good show. i think all these winners here are quite deserving and hey anyway, it seems like you may be more concentrated with 620 than the awards winning artists hehehee.
guess what i thought as soon asa you mentioned that 620 purred, it thought is that basically taking a micky of kenneth for being known as a puppy dog.
My goodness. Virginia Lok actually walked the red carpet as if she was a fadan. You can hear people laughing at her. LOL.
Oh my crap. The amount of screaming.
Like it or not, 620 is the face of TVB. She is a star in her own right, and like I said, a great performance that night. Deserves an award.
But last year kevin n Myvolie won both at Astro n at Tvb too!!
Omgosshhh!! Suddenly I prefer the Astro results more than Tvb!!!
So happy for Kenneth, Tavia, Nancy, Oscar, Koo Ming Wah n Him Law <3
Congratssss <3
I congrat them…but i really hope Raymond win the TV King in TVB…well each win once la…can’t say who is better than who…of course i am Raymond’s fans, i favor Raymond…but i understand Kenneth work very hard too.
I’m curious to see if TVB awards will have the same top winners. Since both Astro and TVB Best Actor and Best Actress are now voted by audiences.
Congrats to the winners!
I’m curious to see if these results will affect the audience voting in HK. Maybe people who are undecided between Tavia and Kate will vote for Kate now since Tavia already won something.
Raymond surely has a stronger fan base in HK.
Tavia nominated for SSSS role at TVB. Will that make a difference?
I prefer Tavia role in On call than SSSS. I am happy she won in Astro but in other words she might be losing TVB..
I hope Raymond will win the one in TVB….hopefully, TVB will be nice to him la
I think it’s a pork award in Kenneth’s case. Undecided in Tavia’s.
actually I dont care too much. I am just glad to see how happy they were to receive the Astro Award, which made much more sense to me than this year’s tvb nimination list.
So gutted Power Chan didn’t get the best supporting role and Wayne Lai, how could he not get the best actor award???! TVB, we know this is all fake and totally fixed!!!
Well, this award show is cater to Malaysia area audience for their TVB fans and its really a useless award perk for appearance.
Power Chan was not even nominated at Astro and the Confidant didn’t even begin to air when Astro announced their nominations. It was pretty stupid for them to include the Confidant in the award ceremony if you ask me.
If u ask me, actually after watching few dramas, including 3kingdom, Tiger Clubs and many more, I really feel Kenneth is MOST DESERVING for the BEST ACTOR award!
He can acts in so many roles, be it a good person, a funny one, a geek, a nerd and a badass!!
He acts so convincingly! Especially in the 3kingdom, the only 2 characters that’s worth watching are Szema Sun n Fan Gann.
He did a great Job in SDU n also The life and times of a sentinel <3
If Kevin can won awards SORELY for his lol portrayal of LAW BA, Kenneth is MOST DESERVING!
Kevin only shines in ONE HK drama Ghetto Justice but other dramas?!! NOPE!
I don’t necessarily disagree that Kenneth is deserving of best actor but I don’t agree with evaluating an actor on all their performances in the year. They are nominated for one role and as long as they shine in that one role, they are deserving.
I believe the series/actors nominated for Astro is different from the TVB awards. HAL and TC may not have been included as they are not aired in Malaysia. There is also a similar award in Singapore called the Starhub TVB Award.
they are aired in malaysia. AOD subscribers get the privilege to watch tvb series the same time as HK
Malaysian viewers are as updated as their counterparts in HK if they subscribe to Astro on Demand as it is simultaneous with the HK airing of every series.
It was by voting by fans.
Congrats to Kenneth and Tavia
Congrats to all the winners. It’s always nice to be recognized, no matter what award it is.
Well said.
Ya, i totally agree no matter what award it is.
Congratulations to all winners, I am sure it still means a lot to them especially when they are recognized from foreign countries, not just TVB…
Really surprised The Hippocratic Crush win big.
Haha. Kenneth come in late, because he couldn’t catch the flight,
Funny, he said, he hope the part 2, Yu Jai won’t leave him for Him Law character or something like that
KM already stole the limelight for coming late, he enters the hall like he’s very famoussss
Veejay, he had to enter somehow. And by the shock and the shouts, yes he is very famous. People were in shock. I would say his entrance was dreamlike. I think he himself never expected people even cared he was there.
Was Kenneth’s flight actually so late, that he can only make it half way through the show, or they planned for him to make a special appearance like that?
Actually I like how KM enters the hall since he’s my fav now and i was WOW, he came!!! I was starring at his eyes and outfit.. a little sparkling but it matches the whole environment.. and did you see? he almost slip when he was announced the most best actor? I like his speech too.
Haha, would we be able to see you in the show? I wasn’t watching closely, only watched the parts of my favourites, but maybe we can see u if we watch closely.
According to KM himself, he explained he had to catch a later flight as the earlier ones are all full plus he had to some scenes to do for TITS in Taiwan early in the morning. He said he already try to rush it to Msia for the event but still late. Atleast he came, it was really a touching moment for him.
Oh okok, maybe I’d go watch that part, because I skip that section. LOL
You was there last nite???
Yeah I was there. I already posted the ticket at my blog like a week ago, since I was shocked I got the seat which says VVIP. Believe me, when I got there, I couldn’t believe how close I was.
Nicole, Veejay, what he said was this.
He was still filming in Taiwan that morning booked for a later flight. But then TVB decided to arrange for an earlier flight, same as Myolie but couldn’t since it was fully booked. So he had to take the later flight. He came anyway. Must be tiring. When he won most favourite actor, he looked absolutely dazed and shocked as he was hugged.
I’m so jealous of you now haha..btw, how much did you pay for the ticket? I tot of going too but I have something on that night so didn’t make it.
I think Wayne was happy for KM too cuz he also voted KM to be the best actor in his list..
Veejay, I am not aware any of the tickets can be purchased. I got the tickets from someone who knows someone from ASTRO. I was 4th row from the stage.
How much are they selling the tickets by the way?
The tickets were not for sale! I would have went if they were.
Congrats to all the winners! The result seems reasonable.
YAY Congrats Kenneth and Tavia! Wish they were a real couple… lol
lol Him just made their relationship official.
Jealous with Tavia xD
Wow!! She really turn a beast into good guy c
All the best to them
I supposed that’s why there was rumours of Kenneth taking the same flight as myolie from Taiwan as reported by some.. But poor raymond lol, he probably thought the award was in his bag.
I think Raymond knew he would lose. Saw somewhere that he told his fans he is there just to ‘sit’.
yah read that he hinted he wont win big award
Raymond Lam, get dragged to the acceptance speech, which himself is clueless, for clueless reason. Lol.
yeah, I just don’t know why some one has to drag him up there, when he doesn’t have anything to do with her.. LOL
You guys get to watch AOD award presentation too yesterday? I tot is only available in msia and prolly be aired later in other countries.
It’s uploaded online.
That was really fast hehe.. the event ended so late at around 11pm hehe.. Everyone was pretty yesterday and esp kate is super skinny even TY has a little meat on her..Myo’s dressing is the most conservative one.
@nicole where did u watch it online?
were you at the event yesterday? Hehe
haha Nope nicole, I watched it on TV, it was showed Live.
Is there link to watch online?
I watched it yesterday late night on sina which was linked on Myolie’s tieba, but I think it was removed already. when I tried to search for it when you ask, I can’t find it.
LF won 2 awards in AOD 2012.. better than Ron, Onn Jai and Wayne..
Mate, quality not quantity. It’s like rewarding an artist with Best Actor/Actress, although it’s one award, dare I say it’s better than winning two awards like “Most favourite” and “Most Improved”. That’s my 2cent.
must be quality for quantity
He explained it was fully booked, he took a later flight. It wasn’t some stunt. I doubt ASTRO does that. Raymond looked pleased. I mean he looked like he doesn’t quite care.
Oh good!!! Koo Ming Wah got the ‘My Favorite Popularity King’, so can Power Chan or Ram tseung get the ‘Best Supporting Actor. They both also deserve to have an award for their performance!
Congrats to the winners! Kenneth, Tavia, and Nancy in particular though
Does anybody know where I can watch the acceptance speeches online? Specifically Tavia’s and Kenneth’s
One of the best award shows ever! Congrats to all the winners! Really happy that Him Him, Oscar, Koo Ming Wah, Nancy, and THC crew for getting awards :3
omg so happy for all the winners they all deserve it!!!! hope the tvb awards will b like that too!!! luv kenneth and tavia forever fans!!!!him law i luv him too!!!
congrats to them eventhough i don’t really like tavia but whatever…. Congrats!
Congratulations Tavia and Kenneth. I m so happy for both of you.. I thought they just got consolation prize cause TVB aware result leak last week said that Kate and Raymond will be the TV king and queen. I was wondering how can they decide who will win the awards before the award ceremony if is so … It is not fair. I mean they can win the awards but you can have the result beforehand. Yesterday result show the truth and fair result. Never know until yesterday cause is vote by audience….
Really, are you sure the result are the truth and fair. If Raymond and Kate won, will you be singing the same tune. Will you?
If their favourites win, it’s the fair and true results, if not, it’s unfair. Simple. That’s the mentality of some fans.
@June-you said it best!
You mean that’s subconsciously the mentality of all fans.
This seem to be a great event for many actors and actresses that are coming out of their shell! It was nice to see the change! Great Job, the tvb dramas is year were very nice!
I like Him Law acceptance speech. So cute
and so SWEET.
The funny part was when Myolie gets her award and say nobody did that to her.. Well, she did last year and this year break up.. Uh oh–
congrats to all although i dun agree with a few winners.
Congratulations to all n especially to Linda n Nancy!
Well, Linda did get recognition for her my fav character Hailey after all n thx to all who voted for her, Aod as well n especially to TVB of coz n muah!
Anyone know where can I watch the show on line?
that’s what i’ve been wanting to ask too! Hopefully people will have the show uploaded online !
Thanks pop! Will definitely keep an eye out
it is list under HK Show but i am not sure whether will they upload or not as tey uploaded last year’s awards hopefully they do the same with this year.
aww congrats for both of them. Love them both and all the others stars well done
I wonder y Charmaine sheh isn’t getting the most fav character award.
Congrats to all the winners, they all well deserved for the awards. Great job everyone!!!
I am really happy with this year’s winners. Definitely the right choice and you can obviously see there isn’t any biased votes. Congrats to all the winners especially Tavia, Kenneth, Oscar, Mandy and Nancy!
I’m so glad for Kenneth and Tavia, congratulations for a fine win. They really looked so happy on stage and I think Kenneth was too happy for words and spoke little. Whatever it is, the ASTRO awards committee has given all the awards and all those who attended received at least one.The ceremony was well organized, cheers to Malaysia who treated the HK stars so well and I think they really enjoy coming to Malaysia for we are known for our super hospitality we show to our visitors. I notice that the stars found no time limit for their speeches unlike in HK where they are always hurried to finish off their piece. Well done everybody, the organizers, the audience and the stars and the emcees. The latter were a little long-winded but I think they performed well.Also the stars looked gorgeous in their attire and I particularly pick out Myolie’s. She looked elegant as usual. I wonder if she and Kevin talked over what they were going to wear. It could not have been a coincidence, the colour, I mean, both white.
Congratulation to all winners. Specially Tavia and Kenneth.
Yes. “On call 36 hrs” got a lot of awards. It was a great tvb drama this year.
Myolie and Kevin won 3 times of TV King and Queen
Astro in Malaysia, TVB, Starhub in Singapore
Hope Kenneth and Tavia also win TVB king and queen awards
I’d like to see now who will win these awards best actor and actress in TVB, HK.. since AOD already gave them to TY and KM.. maybe TY will continue to win the Actress but KM? I highly doubt it.. I was hoping Wayne will get the best actor in AOD.. but I guess msians prefer romantic scene such as the one with KM and TY.
oh really?
wow i agree! hopefully kenneth and tavia can carry the trend! =D
tvb doesn’t love ma ming as mch as raymond. don’t think ma ming will win tv king again at tvb alhough ma ming more deserving.
Well, congrats to them. Let’s home Tavia doesn’t “do a Myolie” in the awards
Omg congrats!! All the winners are very deserving.!!
Now I’m curious about the tvb awards! Hopefully whoever won these awards are able to win an award at the tvb awards as well!
Ahh so happy for the winners! Especially Kenneth and tavia!
Strange. It wasn’t as dramatic when I was watching life. Yes some were genuinely in tears but Mandy wasn’t breathless, Kenneth didn’t sound so cocky. In fact no one expected him to be there, Tavia was genuinely shocked, fans were shocked as well and he actually sounded shy and with a bit sore throat. Raymond was repeatedly pulled onto the stage. Oscar looks ok.
Anyway Nancy Wu was very pretty in person. She looks far younger and pettier in person than in TV. But Kevin, darn handsome.
Anyway I dispute only 2 results, but overall Malaysians do have good taste. They’re by fans voting by the way. And let the record show we Malaysia gave Kenneth his 1st most fave leading actor award, not HK. Poor guy was dazed, shocked, almost in tears. BUT it was Him Law who actually cried. Surprising.
Sigh, awaiting moderation because of 1 word. Repost.
Strange. It wasn’t as dramatic when I was watching life. Yes some were genuinely in tears but Mandy wasn’t breathless, Kenneth didn’t sound so coc-ky. In fact no one expected him to be there, Tavia was genuinely shocked, fans were shocked as well and he actually sounded shy and with a bit sore throat. Raymond was repeatedly pulled onto the stage. Oscar looks ok.
Anyway Nancy Wu was very pretty in person. She looks far younger and pettier in person than in TV. But Kevin, darn handsome.
Anyway I dispute only 2 results, but overall Malaysians do have good taste. They’re by fans voting by the way. And let the record show we Malaysia gave Kenneth his 1st most fave leading actor award, not HK. Poor guy was dazed, shocked, almost in tears. BUT it was Him Law who actually cried. Surprising.
Funn, so do you change your impression of nancy? Since you always said she had a look you don’t like. Hehe
Changed big time in terms of her looks. Not much on personality since she is the supporting type even at this award show. But she looked very very pretty, more pretty in real life than screen. Smiled sweetly also and quite articulate as opposed to Myolie who wasn’t articulate. But Myolie was the star.
For personality, maybe need some time to cultivate, after all she has never been a lead, give her some chance… May lack some confidence…
Yes, Myolie is not good at speaking. haha, but she’s the earnest type.
I don’t feel of her as the earnest type. She was friendly, smiled not sweetly but very shyly. However I don’t get the impression she was shy. It was like a performance to tell you the truth. Anyway still reeling from seeing handsome Kevin. My friends and I were in agreement; darn handsome.
From where I was sitting, a little girl say opposite him, he constantly winked and smiled at the little girl.
When I saw Ma Ming in person in HK earlier this year, he was very very dark and skinny, but he wasn’t in suit, so he wasn’t as “bulked up”, maybe my impression of him wasn’t as good as yours. hahah
I didn’t get to see KC in person before, since he’s hardly in HK! so jealous.. maybe I’ll take note of his schedule and go to Hengdian when he’s there. hehe
How was TY last nite? was she also prettier than on screen? and Kate?
“How was TY last nite? was she also prettier than on screen? and Kate?”
Interestingly Tavia looks exactly like she does on screen. She was very skinny in person, very very petite. I sat where I could see her side profile everytime she talks to Raymond, which is a lot. And yes, the nose was a nuisance.
lol at the nose..
I guess Nancy was the prettiest one there last nite? I saw Mandy on TV, she looks skinny too but not anything like TY and Kate super skinny.
Oh forgot about Kate. She was very very slender, also even more petite but she does have the body, small waist, etc. Heavy make up so she looks different in person. I always said she looks like she changed physically. Anyway rather pretty but also very quiet. Tavia seems more participating with the shouts and screams than Kate who didn’t look like she was in festive mood. Not rude but just rather quiet.
Yes Nancy looked very pretty, very young. So now I don’t get why she is always cast in mature roles or opposite older guys. Like I said she looks better in person than on screen. Mandy looks like Mandy on screen, but prettier and yes she looks slim, not skinny. One of the few who looks sorta normal.
thanks Funn for confirm that aod is voted by FANS. i met one raymond fan at another forum who try to spread false rumour that rhe rrsult is rigged. she’s sour grape because raymond lost to ma ming and try to make aod look bad!
It was voted by fans. There was no issue about that. I believe it was 100% by fans by the way. Fans were happy. Nobody booed.
I also think AOD’s result is fair, why would AOD give those big awards to “their” desire artist? AOD is just a local channel with the official License which aired TVB series.. Artists won’t get Promoted in AOD, so I don’t see how the awards are rigged too in AOD.
Yesterday when they showed the nomination we can hear screams for MM is more than Raymond. I was so happy when MM name was announce and when you see his reaction… So shocked!
Funn, do the stars look evenbetter in person, especially the ladies? Coz on screen they all look so gorgeous! Kate looked stunning and while I am a Mandy fan I always thought she was pretty average looking. But last night she looked very pretty.
They somewhat look better in person, though some like Myolie, Tavia look like they do onscreen, except shorter, much slender or skinnier. Yes they were skinny, and Mandy looked the most normal but slender, not skinny. Rather pretty in person even if like her on screen persona, she is a bit too controlled. But they all dressed nice, most looked like they’re in wedding gowns but Mandy stood out in black.
I was worried for them having to walk around with min 5 inch heel. I think Mandy wore the lowest heel, probably 5 or 4 and a half. But the rest, 6 inch. They’re very petite in real life, even Myolie. They look tall on screen but when I stood up, and if they took off their shoes, I believe they’re shorter than me. But well proportioned.
The shocking one was Kenneth Ma. He was so slender but sorta tall. 5 feet 9 inches perhaps? But he was very very very slender, I expected bigger bulk. But handsome in his shy awkward way. I definitely want to marry him after seeing him in person. There is something very real about him.
By the way did anyone seen on screen how Ron sorta rolled his eyes or looked glum or perhaps bored when Kenneth was making his dreamlike entrance? I saw his face on TV when I was watching the recorded version at home. Thank you Ron for the rare REAL moment in the event!
So what’s your impression of Ron IRL? Fat? LOL
Thanks Funn for your reply. Really, must go each the replay on 934 about Ron!
Watch, I mean.
Nicole, Ron wasn’t fat at all. Short yes, bulky yes, but not fat. Looks normal, not too skinny type.
what about LF? LOL..My friend saw him in person, he said LF isn’t so tall, pretty short in person.
How to say? Normal looking. Not skinny, not fat. Body is just right. Yes not tall. But Wayne was shockingly short but well proportioned so you won’t notice. Same goes for Raymond. He is of course handsome BUT seriously he looks better on screen. I find him boyish, normal. Kevin is the best looking.
By the way Oscar was so skinny and small!! His legs are like pencil thin!!
Funn, how tall u think Ron is ?
Kenneth Ma is very tall in person, 5’11.5″ to 6 ft. Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Ron Ng, Ruco Chan are more or less the same height. They are about 5′ 9″. Vincent Wong is slightly taller than Kenneth Ma, and I think Joe Ma should be the tallest male, 6′ 1″ or 6’2″. Perhaps the stage of ADO was huge and, as a result, they looked short to you. Myolie Wu and Linda Chung are very tall 5’7″ or 5’8″. Nancy Wu is 5’5.5″, Tavia Yeung and Mandy Wong should be about 5’4″ or so.
Perhaps you are a very tall person!
“Kenneth Ma is very tall in person, 5’11.5″ to 6 ft. Raymond Lam, Bosco Wong, Ron Ng, Ruco Chan are more or less the same height. They are about 5′ 9″. Vincent Wong is slightly taller than Kenneth Ma, and I think Joe Ma should be the tallest male, 6′ 1″ or 6’2″. Perhaps the stage of ADO was huge and, as a result, they looked short to you. Myolie Wu and Linda Chung are very tall 5’7″ or 5’8″. Nancy Wu is 5’5.5″, Tavia Yeung and Mandy Wong should be about 5’4″ or so.
Perhaps you are a very tall person!”
I am not tall. Kenneth ma is at best 5’9″ . He wasn’t 6 feet. Raymond, Ron can’t be 5’11.5″. Probably 5’6″ to 5’7″ Ron looked shorter, probably because bigger size.
Myolie Wu is not 5’7″. Take off her 6 inch heels, probably 5’4″
Nancy is definitely NOT 5’5″ and Tavia is definiteky not 5’4″
I think you can safely deduct about 2 to 3 inches from official height.
thanks for your confirmation, I rmb the argument I had with someone here
on LF’s height. I trust my friend that he really saw LF in person and mentioned LF is only 5’6 or 5’8.. cannot be 5’10 but ppl said I heard wrongly etc :P.
I am not sure if he was 5’6 or 5’8 but definitely not 5’10
Funny stuff. At the red carpet filled with schoolgirls and young men standing at the front, and level by the way, I can’t even see the faces of the stars, most were just the head and they were wearing heels. And these people can’t all be 6 foot tall.
Really?! Those were the official heights reported on their personal TVB Blogs. In that case, everyone is cheating on his/her heights. I wish to meet them in person because I can tell a person’s height within an inch. Ha ha …….
Thanks, Funn, anyway for your information and photos.
But Kenneth and Moses look tall and by any standard is tall.
My friend was complaining she couldn’t even see Him Law. But then she is very short. I saw him, but barely.
5’6″ is short for a man’s height; 5’8″ is just decent, but not all. A guy has to be at least 5’9″ to be considered tall for me. 5’10” is a good height for guys. Andy Lau said he is 5’8.5″ or 5’9″.
I think Aaron Kwok should be around 5’5″ to 5’6″, and he is pretty short.
Moses Chan should be 5’11” (as per his personal information). He is slightly shorter than Kenneth Ma, but not a lot.
Aaron? Probably shorter.
But they all look well proportioned.
Wayne was to me shockingly short. I expected slightly taller but Oscar looks like he needs food. He was tiny. I think not even Kate could fit into his clothes.
Anyway it is just perception and from my POV. Do remember the girls were all wearing min 5 inch heels. The guys were not and even then the girls were slightly shorter than the guys. I just remember how petite they all were, even Myolie.
Moses shorter than Kenneth? Not about the same? Definitely not 5.11. He was skinny though. Kenneth was not skinny, he was slender.
Anyway shave off 3 inches at best. Fans can see what they want though. Like to me Wayne was so short but to me he is standing tall.
@funn: which artist had the most screams? lmao just curious
What about Kevin? I always had an impression that he is quite short, especially when he stands next to Myolie.
@funn: which artist had the most screams? lmao just curious
TV was kinda muted. At the live show, depends on who arrives. There was a loud group screaming SO GEIIIIIIIIIIIII
Raymond of course got the most screams generally BUT the loudest was when Kenneth arrived and also when he won most favourite actor. Everyone was screaming happily. In part probably from shock perhaps.
nemesis says:
December 3, 2012 at 3:36 am
What about Kevin? I always had an impression that he is quite short, especially when he stands next to Myolie.
Kevin looks amazing. I expected him to be skinny and small but he was slender, ordinarily built but the face is worth a million. It helps that he never stops smiling, he turns to look back when someone shouted his name. I think height wise, I can’t compare since Myolie was wearing heels but even then she was slightly taller than he was. But Kevin has bad posture, like Moses so it is hard to tell. But he is not very tall. About Raymond’s height I suppose.
I love your description of Kevin as if he was Helen of Troy- the face that launched a 1000 ships!
I was really shocked( in a good way) with Kenneth’s win. I seriously could not beleoive that he got a best actor award. Altho its from astro, but its still a big award for his career.
i’m shocked too! i thougt raymond will get it but it shows that malaysia fans are mostly fair!
Sooo happy for Tavia and Kenneth as well as everyone else that won!!!! One down two more to go!
Hope tavia swoops the tvb award and star hub:) and pull a Myolie last year:)))
Truly deserving!!! <3
Star Hub?? That’s already past lol.
By the way the ASTRO guy said this year 16 celebrities came and the biggest turnout. Hence the importance of AOD awards.
this award is beautiful! big win for ma ming and on call! if only tvb can be this FAIR! everyone except favourite actress and supporting actor are deserving!
sadly ma ming and on call won’t win like this anymore at tvb actual awards where tvb will most likely award their favourite son raymond lam. i think raymond and kate and confidant will win tvb awards since on call and ma ming and tavia won aod.
Somehow I feel there’s a rivalry between Kate and Tavia.
Kate first invited Raymond to come onto the stage when she received her award (Top 15 My Favorite Characters).
Tavia did the same thing after she was announced the best leading actress as if like giving it back to Kate. I feel there’s a sense of relieve and satisfaction from Tavia defeating Kate for that important award.
Here are my photos at the event last night: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151167438525835.445841.526770834&type=1
I think you’re just over analysing the situation..lmao.
I didn’t feel that way. She wanted to shift attention away from Him Law and she did what she did because Raymond was in the same class as her.
Agree with Funn Lim. Tavia has always felt pretty strong about her Training Class. She did it in respect to her classmates, not becomes of some rivalry between her and Kate..
I also think TY has this strong ties/bond with her ex-classmates, rmb before the car shaking incident? she was dining with her ex-classmate, she seems to treasure the bond even she’s the 1st lead actress while her ex-classmates are still pretty much in 2nd lead.. or kelefe.
Yeah she does (by classmates I also meant her ex-classmates sorry) It’s great to see her still maintaining her strong friendship with all her fellow classmates even though some have left the industry or hasn’t reached the success potential as she has. Shows fame doesn’t get to her head and remains a down-to-earth person…respect.
Imo, I think TY has more of the tomboyish character than Kate does.. I dont understand when alot said Kate has more tomboyish personality than others..
TY was very loud and pretty much “TY” herself last nite, saw her gently slapping on michael Tse’s body when he finished singing the new series’ themesong.
I didn’t believe Kate was tomboyish either until I saw her for the first time last night. She may looks sexy but she’s not the feminine/gentle type. Or maybe it’s her sporty body… I think…
Just an opinion because I saw how awkward Raymond was last night before he went onto the stage.
And I’ve forgotten to mention one thing… Tavia has strong admiration towards Kenneth. Can see it in her eyes and the way she looked at him when they took the On Screen Couple award
No offense to Ray’s fans, he looked pretentiously awkward. Didn’t feel genuine in awkwardness. And he is a veteran in this. He knows how to put on a show.
I’d feel awkward, wouldn’t you? Even though you get on stage in favour for your colleague, it’s still slightly awkward and embarassing to be standing there while the recepient of an award speaks lol. But I understand where your thinking is coming from, so I respect that. But in my opinion, I dont think there is any tension between her and Kate based on those situations mentioned
Didnt really pay much attention to Ron since he isn’t my favourite..but I do notice that he seems ackward when he received his award on stage.. like a phobia to be on screen LOL..
didnt watch it yet but lmao i find raymond to be an awkward person ?? – if you know wat i mean
*sense of relief
I think everyone deserves their award. About Him, I’m not sure. I think he could have done better, but he still deserves.
i don’t think him deserves it but him is a sweet boyfriend. tavia should treasure him! he’s a good catch.
I’m gonna have to disagree with some people who thought Him Him’s award was undeserving.
1. Like Funn Lim already confirmed, the award show is voted by the fans/audience, unlike TVB where it’s most likely rigged.
2. I agree that Him Him’s acting is not the greatest compared to his competitors. However, the award isn’t for the “Best” but “FAVORITE” Actor in a Supporting Role.
He portrayed the character “Onion” very well IMO without being too bland or OTT and many viewers praised him for that also.
I am very happy with the results and glad that everyone who attended got an award at least
CONGRATULATIONS to both Ken & Tavia..astro viewers got taste.. ^.^
Congratulations to all the winners, especially Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu. They are my favourite artistes and have worked really hard in the last few years. They could handle different types of roles and did very well in them.
Happy for Koo Ming Wah, too. He was another overdue star. Eventually his good work got recognized.
Congrats to all the winners!!
In my opinion, all the winners very deserve his/her award except Him even though, I like Him’s character in On Call.
I hope Kenneth and Tavia will receive the same awards in TVB Anniversary Award Ceremony.
Congrats. They deserve it!!
Anyway some self taken photos with my camera phone, hence the quality. I could see clearly but alas pictures not that clear. The clearest were Kevin and Kenneth, Kenneth since he was walking past me.
Group photo
Program guide
Got pen also. But not for autograph!
My seat’s POV
A lot more stage pictures, some rather clear but since there are others who posted better ones with better cameras, I think I can leave those out.
Those are wonderfully close seats you got, ehehe you could stare at Raymond’s head all night. Sounds like you were mesmerized by Kevin the most. How does Him Law look in person?
Why didn’t you bring a better camera, like a digital SLR? Phone camera is not adequate for red carpet event with so many stars!
Thanks for your anecdotes of the Astro Awards; it’s awesome to see so many stars there in one spot!
Although the Astro Awards winners are selected by fans, doesn’t TVB get advance notice of who will win? TVB only sent the stars who won awards, so they had an advance winners list. Perhaps poor Kenneth was not told which award he will win thus his shock?
I remember when he won the TVB Most Improved Award, his eyes sparkled and he was very gleeful, not knowing that he would win that year either. Maybe it’s Ms. Lok’s way of playing out on his humble side?
I didn’t think he was very gleeful when he won most improved. He looked very confused.
How does Him Law look in person?
Handsome. Immaculate. Less serious, very boyish. Small head.
Why didn’t you bring a better camera, like a digital SLR?
Because I didn’t expect such good seats. And don’t have such camera. I was just there for the show.
Yes I did stare at Ray and Kevin’s heads a lot!
“Although the Astro Awards winners are selected by fans, doesn’t TVB get advance notice of who will win?”
For fave characters probably but not for the main ones. Hence the shock and tears. But as Nancy said their names are etched on the awards.
did you get their autographs, any chances of photo tasking with them?
did you get their autographs, any chances of photo taking with them?
Really thanks for those photos
but shaky hand dear!! were you too excited last nite? heheheh.. Anyways those are really good close up!
And TY is reallyyyyy SKINNY.. so does Kate.. and agree with u that LF looked better onscreen than in person LOL..
Moses and KM are the tall ones and they too are slender. I guess that’s what they need to be slender in person so they won’t look fat onscreen.
These actresses are already skinny onscreen. I can’t imagine how bony they look in real life.
Not my hand shaking but they were walking too fast!
Congrats to all the winners! It really caught me off guard when Kenneth suddenly appeared below the stage! I was busy snapping shots of Tavia when out of the sudden ppl around me started screaming and looking at the other side…really didn’t expect Ma Ming to come since he wasn’t included in the attending list nevertheless he looks great real life. I mean everyone looks 10x better real life than on screen.
But I have issue with Ron though. At the end of the award ceremony when all the TVB artist were walking up the stairs towards the exit(I think). All fans were waiting at the side waving to their idols.Every artist that passed by waved and nod but Ron just walked pass by with a stuck up face like he couldn’t be bothered at all. Such an arrogant a**! I never liked Ron ever since he called his fans to keep quite during the red carpet in 2008 Astro Wah Lai Toi award! 4 years later and he is still as arrogant.
Mind showing us some TY’s photos you snapped last nite???? I’d like see them if you’re ok
Head over to my sis weibo. She uploaded a few pics of Tav and Ma Ming.
Thanks =D
lol sorry if it’s too small. I was sitting right at the third last row and I was depending on my zoom lens to get the shots so that’s the best I can get
lol, no worries, they are already very pretty
Oh on a side note Kevin and Myolie both looks so hot and elegant respectively. Myolie is so freaking TALL!
Myolie has a photogenic face. And she knows how to smile. Loves her positive aura
I love the photos you took of Myolie, especially the one of the back of her dress.
The last time I watched was Astro Wah Lai Toi 2006.
I agree with you on Ron’s attitude. From my view, Ron’s body posture (slouching) told me that he was impatient with the whole event where he was no longer among the popular siu sang. Even Bosco who didn’t come received more support from the crowd than Ron himself. He seemed to have a lot to talk about with Him who was sitting next to him last night.
Ron’s character isn’t exactly famous compared to Hui Sir, even if Bosco didn’t come, Hui Sir is still likeable and charming during the airing of WI a few months ago so it’s logical.
I think Ron Ng is not a classy person at all. A classy person would still act very politely even if he was not an award winner.
Congratulations to all the winners. I didn’t know Malaysians doesn’t like Power Chan
Thanks Fun for sharing the photos. What did Tavia say in her acceptance speech for Best Actress and My Favorite Actress Award?
Thank You!
She thanked everyone but Him. She also mentioned she graduated from 14th acting class, classmate with Raymond and she is very proud of the fact she came from acting class.
She mentioned she graduated from the 13th acting class (not 14th) with Raymond Lam
I thought I heard 14th. I could be mistaken. But same as Raymond and another one, Kate?
Best actress and My favorite actress award are the same.
Best actress for TVB award
My favorite actress award for Astro