4 Reasons to Watch “With You”

While 2020 has been a tough year for everyone due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most people are still able to seek refuge in the comfort of their homes. On the other hand, medical professionals don’t have this luxury as they are on the frontlines fighting against the nasty virus. Mainland Chinese medical drama With You <在一起>, which is based on real people and real stories, seeks to illustrate the heartbreaking reality that goes on behind hospital doors by presenting how patients and professionals alike are battling the pandemic.
According to With You‘s writer, the series scored 8.9 points on Douban because of the relatable plot. Although some may argue that the drama tends to romanticize the stories, here are four reasons why this COVID-19- based drama is worth a watch.
1. The Focus on Details
Every single frame narrates each character’s story in great detail with effective camera angles to illustrate their complicated emotions while facing the grim reality. For instance, the camera honed in on how the hospital dean drearily walked up the staircase alone step by step. There were also shots of a mother waiting at the hospital unwilling to leave by herself and a young delivery man wearing a swimming cap and goggles to protect himself. These detailed scenes showed viewers that people with the infection, their loved ones, and even strangers are suffering.
2. Showcases Inner Strengths
When faced with life and death, there will undoubtedly be changes in terms of one’s mentality. With You highlights this intricate process that’s happening within each character by showcasing them acting on their bravery and fearlessness even in times of great uncertainty. For example, a young food delivery man received a request to deliver food to the hospital. He struggled internally, wondering whether or not he should take such a huge risk and go to a hospital filled with coronavirus patients. In the end, he can only toughen up as he accepted the order.
3. Actors Brought to Life Complicated Emotions
Portraying real-life characters can be even more difficult than fictional ones, as actors would need to do them justice by accurately conveying their stories. Actor Zhang Jiayi (张嘉译), who played the hospital dean, had to remain calm and practice self-control while confronting those who lost their loved ones. Actors portraying real-life people, such as medics, had to balance the complicated emotions of having to act strong and wanting to break down and cry.
4. The Greatness of Humanity
Unsurprisingly, the meaning of humanity is greatly tested in the face of life and death. Being selfless and sacrificing for others is no easy task, but it is the greatest aspect of humanity. It does not have to be significant because even the simplest of actions like wearing a mask can be just as lifesaving. The stories in With You are a reminder of the importance of being responsible and staying strong even during the toughest challenges in life.
Source: Baidu
This article is written by Minna for JayneStars.com.
My partner is watching this and said it’s good. I’ll check it out for sure.
the type of sentiment they are trying to evoke could be done w/ any medical disease not just covid. why hone in on just this new disease while rest of the world and china themselves are still dealing with it. the feeling of life and death, fear or separation is not unique to covid. why focus an entire drama on just that while there are other scarier and deadlier diseases that could be covered instead? what a pretentious move by the CCP.
@m0m0 I get what u are saying but I think they chose this topic simply because it’s relevant to what’s happening right now and we are all living through it, thereby relating to it. Hospital staff will always deal with illnesses and life/death situations but that is not what their focus is on. Nor are people as interested in just another medical series or documentary. And if they are going to make a new series/documentary, why wouldn’t they focus on the pandemic? Since it is what we are all experiencing now. Not siding with CCP party or anything but from a production and marketing aspect, this just makes the most sense.
@gnomageddon It doesn’t make sense to me because the pandemic is still raging and I question if China ever will release true stats. It’s a vanity project in my opinion and ill timed and done in bad taste.
I’m curious if the they will tell the story of Dr. Li Wenliang, how he was imprisoned and censored for raising the alarm in the early days of the pandemic and ultimately died.
@seriously probably not. It most likely wouldn’t be allowed.
@seriously When a vaccine is found, perhaps in a documentary by western media and then a movie adaptation when there’s a book, if hollywood isn’t kow towing to China.
The world is still under this deadly pandemic, cases still climbing, people still dying, world still blaming china and covid 19 has cancelled 2020 and still very much ongoing everywhere. Documentaries are fine but a tv series seems self congratulatory over something still unsolved. I get the sentiment, to bring out the community spirit and tell the first responders’ story but if the world is still going thru 4th 5th 6th whatever reoccurence, China very well is too and probably covered up. This series is ill timed however well acted. Should have been released when all things have settled. Any earlier, it is a vanity project that doesn’t help with highlighting their first responders’ bravery and issues.