Aaron Yan Cooperates With Police Investigation

Former Fahrenheit member, Aaron Yan (炎亞綸), is currently under investigation for coercing sex with a minor. Tik Tok star, Yao Le (耀樂), claimed that he had started dating Aaron when he was 16 years old and was forced into having sexual relations.
Filmed secretly, the sex tapes were later leaked and Yao Le felt pressured to drop out of school and lived with a lot of shame and trauma. When Yao Le held a press conference to attempt to share more details, Aaron unexpectedly arrived. Despite Aaron’s outward apology, Yao Le appeared scared and avoided eye contact.
Nevertheless, the public was shocked by Aaron’s controversial behavior. Legal experts pointed out that Aaron had violated Taiwan’s Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, and if found guilty, may face prison time.
Fully cooperating with the investigation, Aaron allowed the police to search his home and office. The police confiscated his cell phone and other items of evidence. Aaron was taken to the Shilin District Prosecutor’s Office for questioning, with the interrogation lasting about 90 minutes. Finally, he was allowed to post bail of 500,000 Taiwan dollars.
Source: [1]
This article is written by Kiki for JayneStars.com.
Aaron Yan belongs in jail.
Yes – 100%.
Of course he will cooperate…. he does not have a choice. I bet he has deleted and clean up everything that can cause him harm. I really dont think he will land in jail, he may pay his way out. And he would not be the first, or second or third or ……etc
Remember I told you guys a bit back that the police was investigating the Aaron Yan matter? Well, my friend who told me that said that others just might forward. He said the Aaron Yan private life activities are a toxic mess just waiting to unravel. Because Aaron is under investigation, I cannot say the things I heard from 100% reliable sources.
I do hope he does get prosecuted for his crimes. It is interesting to see how China is moving away from using Popular Taiwaneses artistes who may have any bad scandals. They have such strict Guidelines now. They cannot affect failed investments. Show Lo was blacklisted due to his ex-girlfriend scandals…I met there are more if more digging is done.
Yes agreed, he had already deleted everything before that to get rid of evidence
He said that Aaron’s private life is a cesspool of toxic behavior. Not because he is gay, but because he is a horrible , selfish person.
He should be banned and cancelled. Such a garbage douchebag.
When Aaron had the multiple boyfriends scandal, he survived it. In fact, his career even went through the roof. I guess because these boyfriends were grown up men.
Everyone knows that gay and straight people cheat, and some have multiple partners.
However, this relationship with an impressionable 16 year old really bothered me. I don’t care if they say 16 is the age of consent in Taiwan. That would be easier to accept if one was 16 and the other is 19. Why would a 32 year old man wa t a relationship with a 16 year old boy, a celebrity man who can get any man he wants.
The answe is, Aaron has a fetish for young boys, according to my source. I used to like Aaron, and I thought that the members of Faranheit were too hard on him when they excluded him from hanging out with them and being homophobic and insulting towards him. I felt bad for him then.
I will be a wicked person to defend him now. This has clearly upset me, and he shouldn’t get away because he is a celebrity.
“I used to like Aaron, and I thought that the members of Faranheit were too hard on him when they excluded him from hanging out with them and being homophobic and insulting towards him. I felt bad for him then.” I felt exactly the same 15yrs ago.. I never understood by he was not able to go on with his bandmates. I think Wu Chun was the only that spoke to him.
Knowing the truth now, really disappoint me. Him being gay does not bother me, it is his choice, I never judge that of anyone. But underage se* , non consent se*ual act and filming/photography without consent bothers me alot. He really should be jailed for abusing his status.
I noticed many Countries age of consent in still too low…some as young as 12-13yrs. Really sad.
Very, very well said. I know exactly how you felt 15 years ago. I felt like they were bullying him. You would think he would become a more caring man after all he went through with his band mates. Instead, he became selfish and entitled, which is sad.
I am not going to sit here and defend him, not this time.
While we are on the subject of exposing and justice, I cringed when one particular member was so hard on Aaron, as it is understood he loves everything that has an entrance, male and female, LOL.
Let us sit back and enjoy the tea before all of it gets spilled,LOL.
Oh…I know who that member….Aaron had a crush on that member and hit on him many times…but failed.
It is funny how that member treated Aaron like the plague, but it is alleged he himself is a pitcher who stays them all.
And it makes me sad when some countries give se*ual consent as young as 12 years old to babies, as that is what these children basically are. We are living in a sad and deteriorating world. And to Pentwater the boy while he slept and tape the moments is so disgusting that I cringe to even think of it. It was so wrong on so many different levels. He took a young boy’s trust and also his body and violated them both. That is in very bad taste. He needs to be brought to justice.
Running to Mainland to rebuild his career is not for grabs as he will not be welcome to work there. There is more shocking news to come from Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong too. This is just the beginning.
The Taiwanese seem to be more forgiving to their artists, unlike Mainland. TV host arrested on drugs was given another chance on TV and couple of days ago, there was speculations that Huang Zijiao may be back on TV. So i really don’t know if AY’s career is over even if he is found guilty.
Though I may not agree to every artist cancelled in Mainland, I do appreciate that there is serious consequence to their careers in some artists.
I agree…Taiwanese are too forgiving to me too. I too find China new guidelines quite strict on some matters like BL dramas etc but I welcome how their deal with those that sets bad role models with swift action, regardless how popular they are.
The Hongkonger person I really want to see jailed is Eric Tsang. He is one that got away too often due to connections.
Don’t even get me started about one or two actors from Mainland China whose careers were wrongfully taken from them. Yes, there are those who deserved what was coming to them, but a small few do not deserve what they are going through.
Taiwan is very liberal and forgiving, no wonder idols, non idols and their managers can get away with so much disgusting habits and behaviors. Old managers forcing their clients to ditch friends, family, beating them, controlling them and sleeping with them, introducing them to drugs and weed and keeping over 70 percent of their earnings. Idols and mediocre singersand actors doing drugs, sleeping with minors, blackmailing other artists, doing all kinds of undercover activities to destroy or discredit each other, visiting brothels, gay bars and taking home their flavor of the night and doing all kinds of horrible things to them and threatening them if they say anything. I could go on all night about the horrors of these people. Lots more had women abort babies. Lots more broke up marriages. Recently, a gay one whose fans worship him ruthlessly set about to break up a man and his wife. He succeeded, but does not want the man, cause it was a power trip for him. He is also using another man for his money, his food and his body is also another hobby of the *precious baby* Imagine, he makes more money than the man but he saves his and uses the poor man. He has a few victims. Yet he knows Taiwanese people are very laxed that he can get away with it. I think there is some kind of comeuppance being cast down on the Taiwanese celebrities and their management team. Enjoy the tea as it will be spilled slowly, but surely.
@Hohliu oh yes, that one but sad to say, I don’t think we will ever get the chance to see him getting what he deserves.
@Renren i wonder if we ever see the light of even half of those cases to light. The injustice of all these who can still have a comfortable life, more so than regular people.