Aaron Yan Tears Up at Fans’ Support

During his 34th birthday event, Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) shared to his fans that at this moment in time, he has not cried so far. However, at the mention of the support he received while experiencing his recent hardships, he couldn’t help but shed tears. Struggling with cheating accusations and the passing of his grandmother, Aaron is immensely thankful of support from his fans, friends and manager.
Some expected that Aaron’s birthday fan meet would be cancelled, since his grandmother had just passed away last week. But Aaron believes that no matter what happens in life, it still goes on. To honor his grandmother, he sung “Tears in Heaven”, and emotionally expressed that tomorrow would be the seventh day since her passing. Why he still chose to stand on stage is because he believes he shouldn’t cower from life and should face it with smiles and hard work. In the past, he would freeze up while talking about life and death, but he now realized that time will pass, and the pain will heal. “Time will not wait for us. It will not stop because of us. The earth will not stop even for a second because of us.”
Moving onto his cheating accusations, Aaron grew teary-eyed and thanked his manager for her support. “I didn’t have any appetite for these past two days. I didn’t cry at all. But I cried when I saw her cry.” He then revealed how his guitar instructor didn’t say or question anything during their lesson, but Aaron appreciated his quiet support. Hearing this, fans cried, “We’re here for you as well!”
While Aaron cried and thanked his fans, the host and his good friend, Lulu Huang (黃路梓茵) went and gave him a supportive hug. Tears fell again after watching a video of his fans from all over the world expressing their love and support for him
Source: Ettoday
This article is written by Minna for JayneStars.com.