Aimee Chan Was Pregnant While Filming “Outbound Love”

Since Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) and Moses Chan (陳豪) became parents shortly after they got married, they did not have a chance to go on a honeymoon. But the birth of Aiden Joshua in January gave Aimee extreme joy and made her feel as if she is on a honeymoon every day.
Although Aimee is still in the midst of doing her post-pregnancy confinement, she stepped out several times to promote for Outbound Love <單戀雙城>. When Aimee was filming Outbound Love, she was already pregnant with Aiden. She said, “This was the first series the baby accompanied me on. I will keep the DVD as a memento. He was in my belly when I was in Malaysia every day and we savored the Malaysian delicacies together. He also accompanied me while I was working.”
In Outbound Love, Aimee was wooed by Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Tony Hung (洪永城) and Matt Yeung (楊明). Eventually she chose Ruco. Aimee said that the love story in the series is very realistic, “You may think he is the one, but he may not turn out to be your soulmate. I never expected to marry Moses. I never expected to meet my soulmate so soon. I feel very blessed now!”
Since Moses calls her endearingly, “My Queen”, Aimee naturally acknowledges Moses as her King and their son the little prince.
Like many mothers before her, Aimee feels motherhood in itself is extremely rewarding even though it may be hard work. “Sometimes, when I look at him, it is as though he wants to talk. Once I was so tired while breastfeeding him that I yawned. Baby immediately gave me a reaction. Actually when I smile, baby will smile. It’s a very good feeling.” While Aimee hopes to be able to get back to work soon once the baby is older, she also hopes to savor his babyhood. Aimee has taken herself to be Aiden’s personal photographer and will take photos of him every day to keep track of his growing stage.
Although it has only been a month since Aimee gave birth, she has already regained back her figure. Aimee credits her usual diet of light food and looking after the baby as her weight-loss secrets.
This article is written by Karen for
I had the feeling that Aimee Chan was pregnant when she was filming “Outbound Love”. It was her last series before she got married, and she married in a hurry due to her unpredicted pregnancy.
Anyway, happy for Aimee that she has found a good husband and a happy family.
I just noticed that her figure was rounder and she had a belly
but their love story is quite cute..
Wish thee best to their new family, especially for the new year!
I thought people already realized that. Isnt that why they have a shotgun wedding?
exactly. If they dated a longer period, they probably end their relationship.
True that. Everyone speculated she was pregnant when rumour had it that they were getting married.
The irony is…she behave like she is a virgin in the movie…but the fact was she was pregnant before she got married. Quite disgusted at that thought. Just saying…
Pardon me…I meant drama…not movie.
But they are really milking this, raking in all the $$$ with their deep love with each other, he is my king, she is my Queen etc, it is so pretentious to he extent it is so annoying and I am sure some are getting turn off, anyways, I do like Moses’ acting and I think Aimee is kind of cute but her so called acting still needs lots of work,
Yeah, That Beatrice must be puking blood right about now huh? haha LOL…
I find Aimee and Moses’ love story inspiring. They are just passionate in showing their love towards each other. Aimee seems to prefer to declare her feelings openly rather than hide herself before the press. Find that refreshing and positive over the usual negative reports.
I get where you’re coming from because I’m starting to think there’s too much attention too on their lovey lovey feelings and all the baby, fatherhood and motherhood thing. It is a happy thing that should be shared, but at times I think they shared too much that it comes off as a form of flaunting.
Perhaps Aimee Chan is a typical Canadian born Chinese …….. more westernized than other actresses!
Perhaps it is actually just Aimee being in a good mood after becoming a mother?
why does it disgust you? That’s a role that she is portraying in the drama.. not even relevant to her real life. Yes it’s ironic, but who said you have to act in roles similar to themselves in real life?
I agree with the last part about acting in roles that are similar to themselves in real life.
you dun need to agree with me. at least i am not seeking for people to agree with what i say. its a place for comment and i think i can say what i want. the real reason for not liking her is because she is lousy in acting…her accent…yucks!
Agree with star here, nothing to be disgusted of.
rennie, you agree with almost anything…saw your comment on other post. and i didn’t ask you to be disgusted or your permission for me to be disgusted.
@Whatever, I like the way you answer Rennie! It is so witty! I am sure I am going to be hate too. Hahahaha
PS: I dun like Aimee too. Flaunting too much about her happiness! Normally people who flaunt ends up badly. Oophs! I am going to be hate even more! Die…
Hai~~ almost everyday can see Aimee Chan news.
so true, seems like she’s in the news often lately.
Wither not a lot happening or her spike in popularity due to having a baby.
Seriously, does anyone really cares when or where or how she got pregnant??? She already gave birth. I couldn’t stand her acting in Outbound Love. watched 2 episodes only.
I care as it is gossip. I have nothing against her personally. But I do think we all know how she got pregnant.
Maybe Aimee’s tired pregnant state affected her performance in “Outbound Love”.
Although most viewers were aware that she was pregnant, the exact time frame (down to the weeks) were not that clear. I find it interesting to understand her state of mind during filming. As she was pregnant, she may have felt tired and unwell while in Malaysia, or exuberant that a new chapter in her life is about to begin.
She is still a miscast, tired or energetic. Her pregnancy has nothing to do with the state of her performance.
Totally agree with you, Jayne. A lot of women feel uneasy and tired easily during the first few weeks of pregnancy, especially with nausea and vomiting.
Jayne, you seem to be a very considerate and understanding woman. Glad to be a reader on your website.
Moses did mention that Aimee had nausea and vomited a lot during her stay in Toronto (early stage of her pregnancy). She returned to Hong Kong only after she felt better.
“Her pregnancy has nothing to do with the state of her performance”
^ I disagree with you, Funn.
This was Aimee’s first pregnancy, hence she will be extra careful. Also, she wouldn’t be herself 100% since she can be tired, nauseous and uneasy easily. Perhaps, you will see it as an excuse.. Not to mention, she is in another country, a new surrounding. She also needs to take care of what she eats, what she does as well as overseas health insurance can be expensive. Most women can’t even do some of their hobbies when they are pregnant. For example, itsjudytime (a famous youtuber) is pregnant right now and she talks about how she feels lack of energy and couldn’t be that active during this pregnancy..
It’s similar to how when some students are sick, their academic performance isn’t as good as when they are 100% healthy.
Good points. Totally agree. Perhaps Funn is still single and does not realize the problems and symptoms of pregnancy. 90% of pregnant women do feel tired easily at the early stage of pregnancy.
I never said she was not energetic or she did not fall into the ground hard enough. I just said her poor performance has nothing to do with her pregnancy, She was a miscast, pure and simple. I never even said she looked pale, unwell, slow, tired. She was pretty fiery when in angry scenes. So her pregnancy has nothing to do with her performance but now thanks to considerate fans she can always justify poor acting with “I was pregnant”.
” now thanks to considerate fans she can always justify poor acting with “I was pregnant”.”
^ No, that reasoning will not always work for Aimee. As for her being pregnant while filming, she probably wasn’t at HER physical best, hence she won’t be at her full potential to bring out that character.. But even when I am sick or feeling unwell, my academic performance on my midterms/finals aren’t as good as it could be. As for her being miscast, I won’t go there since I haven’t seen the episodes and would be unfair to judge her on her acting when I haven’t seen it.
Do watch and then you tell me has pregnancy got to do with her performance. That’s what I am saying. It has nothing to do with it.
I think you misunderstood.
I personally believe that her pregnancy has affected her performance, but whether or not she is a miscast, that’s another matter, which I won’t debate about. And I will watch this drama once I finish watching some of the other dramas first (eg. Inbound Trouble, Always and Ever, TITS 2, Coffee Cat Mama, Slow Boat Home, Brother’s Keeper).
Better skip Slow Boat Home. Very similar to Outbound Love unless you’re huge fans of the star in it.
I probably won’t skip it. I had started watching it, but like TITS 2, A Change of Heart, I stopped watching it. I will most likely return in watching these dramas before watching Slow Boat Home, Sniper Standoff and some of the older dramas before watching this one. I like to take my time watching dramas and balancing it with some Korean ones (:
OL and SBH are not similar, only some members of the cast are the same. Storyline is different. The only similarity is that both have Aimee giving a cringe-worthy performance.
i agree with Funn … pregnancy has nothing to do with her performance in Outbound Love … she acts the same way in every tvb drama … Last Steep Ascent, The Other Truth, Slow Boat Home etc, it is all almost the same expression … her performance in Outbound Love is just her same style acting in every show, so pregnancy actually did not affect her performance.
actually aimee looks pretty and lovely when she smiles =D … i quite like her when she is acts a sunny and bright character =)
however, her characters in tvb dramas are always tragic … she seems to get raped or harassed in almost every drama, and she terribly cannot portray these characters well … her characters are suppose to be pitiful and should gain the love of the audience, but conversely her acting make it ended up as an irritating and hateable character that a viewer would feel angry … maybe because she is still rather amateur … usually she slurs alot when she speaks, especially during crying breakdown scenes and the viewer will be totally unable to hear or understand what she is saying unless the subtitle is on.
maybe tvb should have just gave her happy characters like eliza sam’s character in divas in distress or priscilla wong’s character in karma rider (although aimee may not protray it well either) … it is torturing for viewers to watch aimee act in tragic and dramatic roles, please give viewers happinness with aimee acting in happy, cheery and light hearted characters which would be much better for her.
usually she slurs alot when she speaks, especially during crying breakdown scenes and the viewer will be totally unable to hear or understand what she is saying unless the subtitle is on.
I totally agree with the above comments. First, it is Aimee’s habit to speak fast even in English. I think she likes to slur quite a bit in her conversations. However, when she acts a character and her Cantonese is just okay (still with some minor accents), she needs to speak slower and clearer to let her audience understand her. That is Aimee’s biggest flaw in acting. She needs to work on it if she wants to improve her acting skills. Speaking clear dialogues is the primary requirement of an artiste.
Agree with anneyen here, she does have a very pretty smile (: Maybe her son will inherit this from her.
I couldn’t stand her in the other series too along w/Ruco and Raymond Wong. She is below average actress period. Cute but acting wise, no no…
What I found fascinating is Aimee’s commercial factor rises sharply after she get pregnant, gets married and become a mother. Other female celebs value normally drop down after all these stages, but it’s the opposite for Aimee.
bbfanny, interesting indeed.
very true, Aimee is pretty no doubt abt it, but her acting for years did not improved. In Outbound Love, her acting was a little over acted to bring the character in but still it didn’t turn out brilliantly. Her crying scene was too fake with lots of eyes drops.
Outbound Love may have been bad, but people care about what happens to celebrities.
Same! I can’t stand her acting in Outbound Love! Although I like Ruco’s acting, I have to stop watching because of Aimee!
I may not like Aimee’s acting that much, but I like her happy, pleasant, outgoing and outspoken personality. I think it is good as long as she does not hurt other people’s feelings. There is nothing wrong if she wants to express her happy feelings/emotions.
Found the following post from TVB forum. The article was written by a Hong Kong film director, Yip Lim Sum. Want to share it with the readers here whether you agree or disagree.
頭條日報P22 | 港聞 影迷情琛 葉念琛觀眾緣 看《單戀雙城》不禁有份時光飛逝的感覺,劇中的陳茵媺還是活潑可人的少女,但劇集播出之日,她本人已為人妻又當了幸福媽媽!由此可知,《單》劇確實拍竣已久,現在才推出的原因有二,從來在農曆新年推出的劇集,總是不被人看好,「挨年近晚」絕對不是一個收視唱好的檔期,《單》劇在卡士和劇種上都較為蝕底,播映日期多番押後無疑情有可原;等了又等,劇集終於等到陳茵媺產後復出的日子才播映,一來多了點話題性,二來女主角終於能亮相配合宣傳,對劇集收視都是百利而無一害。 事實上,《單》劇是陳首次擔正「女一」的劇集(之前《情越海岸線》遇有年資和知名度稍高一級的李詩韻平分秋色),劇集中她的角色戲份吃重,對手又是愈來愈有觀眾緣的陳展鵬,TVB力捧陳之心是路人皆見。看過幾集《單》劇,劇情是一貫TVB愛情劇的老老套套,兜兜轉轉,但馬來西亞的異國風情確為劇集帶來多一點視覺上的新鮮感,幾個主角除了陳茵媺外,陳展鵬、洪永城和林夏薇這個組合勝在不再見慣見熟,而且四人在劇中都狀態甚佳,精神奕奕,沒有了從前看TVB劇的一班主角總是捱到金睛火眼,好像未瞓醒便要埋位念對白。 《單》劇這幾位演員,你會看出他們對演戲還是處於一個「餓」的階段,所以出盡九牛二虎之力去發揮演技。當然這四位演員另一個優點,都是極具觀眾緣,像陳茵媺,她的爽朗、純真和感性,在氣質和身體語言上都極易讓人投入,這不關乎演技高低之分別,完全是發自演員身上的一份獨特魅力!陳一向有演戲天份,如果婚後放棄演戲則非常可惜,又如一向做主持的洪永城,《單》劇裏他的演技當然不屬超班,但他的戇直老實又帶點孩子氣的幽默,從主持節目的個人風格帶到演戲,則又比一些死做爛做的小生,多了一份從容和生活化的火花! 葉念琛
Can you briefly translate this? Thanks in advance ^.^
or summarize it? D;
You are testing my English proficiency! I will try to get it from Google Translate for you.
My Chinese is limited, up to high school level one proficiency! actually, a rough idea of what it said would be fine too
I know you are a CBC. If you have high school level of Chinese, you are already super great. Many CBCs cannot even read a single word or just a few words in Chinese.
Mhm probably not as great as my sister but knowing basic Chinese and being able to communicate what you want to order for Chinese food is important (:
I thank my parents though. They insisted us to speak Chinese at home. D;
Cannot agree or disagree since can’t understand. What’s the gist of it?
@ Bubblez
Here is my translation using some of the words from Google Translate. Cannot use the one translated by Google Translate as it is not exactly what Patrick Kong said.
“Headline Newspaper P22 | Local News Yip Lim Sum (Patrick Kong)
After watching “Outbound Love” I cannot help but feel that time has passed quickly. In the drama series, Aimee Chan was still a lively and pleasant girl, but when the drama is airing, she is already a wife and a happy mother. It shows that this drama series has been filmed for a while. It is now launched for two reasons. Drama series aired around Chinese New Year have never been very successful in viewership ratings. Moreover, the cast of “Outbound Love” is rather weak. The launching has been postponed is understandable. After waiting and waiting, eventually it is now aired when Aimee Chan is back after her postpartum days . First, there is more news about Aimee’s comeback; secondly, Aimee can participate in the promotion of “Outbound Love”. The above two factors are obviously good and do no harm to the airing of “Outbound Love”.
In fact, the “Outbound Love ” is Aimee Chan’s very first drama as a 1st lead actress. The other drama series “Slow Boat Home” was co-led by Aimee Chan and Selina Li who enjoyed seniority and higher level of visibility . Aimee’s role in “Outbound Love” is quite heavy, partnered with the popular actor, Ruco Chan. As everyone knows, Ruco Chan is one of the most highly promoted actors in TVB now. “Outbound Love” is a typical TVB’s love drama series, but the filming in Malaysia really brings us some fresh and exotic feelings. The cast combination is rather fresh: Ruco Chan, Aimee Chan, Tony Hung and Lin Xiawei. All these artistes are in perfect and energetic shape. We don’t have to watch those sleepy and tired artistes anymore, who seem to just wake up and say their dialogues.
We can all see that these four artists are very enthusiastic (described as “hungry” in the Chinese source) in their acting. They all try to showcase their best acting skills in the drama series. All the artistes seem to be well-liked by the audience. For example: Aimee’s simple, naive, and sensual personality makes people appreciate her character, Law Sik Sik, more. This does not have anything to do with acting skills; it entirely reflects on Aimee’s unique charm. Aimee always has acting talents. It will be a shame if she gives up acting after marriage. Tony Hung has always been a host in different (travel) shows. His acting is not considered super-class, but his “Gangshi” honest and a little childish humour from hosting shows has brought his personal style to acting his character, Chin Jun. We won’t get this from the typical siu sangs in TVB. It surely gives us “more of a clam and life of the spark”!
Patrick Kong”
Mr Kong must be watching another series.
Well, every person has different opinions towards different artistes and acting. As we all know, acting is a very subjective issue. You can like it or dislike it. Therefore, I don’t usually argue about acting and I don’t expect everyone shares my little opinions. I just state my personal opinions and feedback.
Mr Kong, I am struggling to complete my episodic thoughts. And vomiting blood at the same time. Your so called fresh cast combination is really quite stale not because of the individual cast but the combination of them. Chemistry wise lacking all round but since it is only episode 7 I shall not comment on this yet. Aimee’s unique charm is what is pulling this series down. She has acting talent but not first lead talent in a story that depends heavily on her character/performance. As for childish humour in Tony Hung, I don’t see it. I see a sulky man in love with his BFF but dare not say it. And I don’t think Aimee will ever give up acting. She has never even contemplated it. She is far too ambitious to do that and far too independent to want to depend on Moses even if many are saying she is depending on him career wise.
Now… how come no comment on Ruco himself except for “As everyone knows, Ruco Chan is one of the most highly promoted actors in TVB now.” I think we must be getting different memos but I suppose you’re right except with qualification; in smaller production.
” those sleepy and tired artistes”? Yes they’ll seem energetic don’t they? And angry and miserable and lost.
And you’re right about this series as typical TVB but with exotic location. I will argue on the word exotic to describe KL and Penang but I suppose exotic is the word apart from cosmopolitan and historical and full of personality. However since this is a typical TVB love story, it makes sense for me to say it has all the elements of being boring and failing if it does not have a cast that everyone feels as charismatic with chemistry and suitable for their respective roles. It is only episode 7 and I am tempted to switch to another channel. Hence the cast is just not good enough.
Thank you.
Patrick Kong stated 《單戀雙城》. I believe that it is “Outbound Love”!
“Well, every person has different opinions towards different artistes and acting. As we all know, acting is a very subjective issue. You can like it or dislike it. Therefore, I don’t usually argue about acting and I don’t expect everyone shares my little opinions. I just state my personal opinions and feedback.”
Patrick said so?
Thanks for translating (:
There are some parts which I agree! (:
No. Those comments were from me as a general audience.
Hmm, interesting. Perhaps Aimee can bloom into a good actress in the future still. Do agree with some parts, but do feel that this doesn’t have a ‘fresh cast combination’. When I first heard about this drama I did think of slow boat home.
I am not a fan of Aimee Chan in general, but I found her performance in outbound love quite exceptional. He is convincing as the character Lau Sik Sik. As for acting up the character, I feel that she has fulfilled the requirements. Every person has their own unique charm and they bring it to the characters that they play. That’s what brings the characters to life.
I feel that Aimee was convincing and her performance was natural. I don’t know about TV Queen, but who says that every single row must be preparation for TV Queen?
I like Aimee’s acting in general, but I still think she should slow down in speaking her dialogues. It makes it hard for her audience to understand her, especially her Cantonese is not perfect yet. She was okay in acting a weak character in “The Last Steep Ascent”, but once she is acting a lively character, she tends to speak very fast.
I’m very curious now, is Aimee a well-liked actress in HK?
I hope she is not!
Aw congrats to her again (:
To me, I still feel she is giving one expression for all the dramas & characters. If her pregnancy has affected her performance in this OL..wonder, why is she taking so much of commercial jobs & apperances during her pregnancy? Maybe should rest more at home and not “milking” the unborn. I like Sonjia Kwok & Ada Choi, they always prioritize their children.
I thought she was resting in Canada during her pregnancy wasn’t she?
Right after her marriage and during the early stage of her pregnancy, Aimee did rest in Toronto. Moses mentioned that Aimee did vomit quite badly during the first few months and she needed her parents to take good care of her.
When/how did Aimee meet Moses?
I believe they got close after the filming of “Master of Play”. Both of them were cast members in that drama series. They started dating thereafter.
Her figure does look very good, good for her!