Ali Lee No Longer Acknowledges Her Boyfriend

With her career on the rise, it appears that Ali Lee (李佳芯) isn’t quite ready to acknowledge her boyfriend, Viu TV presenter Danny Chan (陳炳銓).
A few days ago, Ali and her Law dis-Order <律政強人> costars, including Mandy Wong (黃智雯) and Kelly Cheung (張曦雯), attended a promotional event for their series. Lead actors Alex Fong (方中信) and Liu Kai-chi (廖啟智) were both absent, but Ali said the two veteran actors will make an appearance when the production crew holds a dinner banquet later this week.
Earlier this year, Ali admitted to dating Danny Chan, a presenter for Viu TV. The two were seen out on dates on multiple occasions. Some paparazzi even managed to snap photos of them kissing. A few days ago, Ali was spotted leaving Danny’s home early in the morning, leading to cohabiting rumors.
Ali denied living with Danny. She explained, “My flight landed at 5 in the morning. I left some of my sponsored clothes at his house, so I went to pick them up.”
The 33-year-old was shocked when she saw her paparazzi photos on gossip magazines. She said, “It’s frightening. I was never filmed like that before. Although it is normal to date and hold hands, I am not used to people taking photos of me like that.”
While Ali did admit to dating Danny when reporters questioned her a few months ago, she suddenly changed her answer this time, describing Danny as just a friend she is currently “observing.”
“We need more time to understand each other,” she said. “I also need to work, so there really isn’t enough time for us to develop further. I feel helpless.” (So he’s not quite your boyfriend yet?) “Not yet. Getting our privacy breached like that has affected our relationship. We need to find another way to communicate. We are dating, but it’s not stable!”
Kelly Cheung’s Acting Gets Positive Reception
2012 Miss Chinese International winner Kelly Cheung, who made her drama debut through Law dis-Order, said she was pleasantly surprised at the positive responses she got on her acting.
The 26-year-old, who chose to host television programs for TVB after winning the pageant, said, “I’m surprised. Originally I was only hoping that the audience would at least tolerate me. I didn’t expect to actually get good reviews.” (Why the lack of confidence?) “It was my first time filming a television drama. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get into character. Besides, most people are used to seeing me as a television host!”
Law dis-Order, a legal drama about two money-minded and power-hungry lawyers, premiered on September 19 to 25 points, drawing an average of 1.63 million viewers. It finished its premiere week with 23.3 points. Ratings dropped to 21.8 points on its second week of broadcast.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
No need to talk so much about her bf or future bf. Just focus on her work is enough. Quite like her character and acting in LADO. She seems much more tolerable than Grace.
@dramadrama lol everything compare with newbie grace. Lady grace is just 25 and Ali lee woman 33 already. Of course more life experience than grace and act better..
With all respect. Miss Chan gets lots of oppurtunties and drama in the past 3 years. Still she haven’t improve anything!!!
Even Sisley Choi and Jaqueline Wong is getting better.
Iam waiting for 2018… Then her contract will end and hope NOT to see her in Drama’s
Unfortunately TVB will sign another contract with her. If they dont want to they can give her small roles or put her in freezer. They keep promoting her so that means they want to keep her. As for Grace she have no choice but to sign with TVB bcoz she is not good enough to jump ship.
@siro112233 stop being a biased fag and said she never improved anything. And stop butthurting tht she got lead roles. Thats is her good life you dont butthurt. She is pretty and won miss Hk thats why her path is easier and got lead roles in early lady life and got a wealthy and handsome bf. Dont everything also butthurt la. You cant compare apple to apple on human because every human has different fate in life.
You thknks she is pretty.
I’ll respect your
You thinks she earned it.
I’ll respect that
I think her acting is bad and her voice is anoying.
Please respect my opinion.
Thank you
@siro112233 OK since you mentioned its just your mere opinion then its ok. Because nobody cares on your ignorance opinion. Unless you are the directors or anyone in the entertainment industry then only matters.
Btw not i think she is pretty, she got the miss hk champion awards as proof. If next time u got any awards in the entertainment industry you can feel free to judge her and i wont say a thing.
I may not be a director. I have nothing to do with the entertainment industry. I’m just a person who like to watch HK Asian TW drama’s and have opinions about the drama’s i have been watching and have watched. If you really dont care about my opinion, then don’t reply it
Thank you
@lam86 Wah. She is 33 already??? What happened to her before this lead role?? See, tvb always promotes the wrong person. Like seriously, where is Ali Lee all these years?
@dramadrama She was ke le fes for her early years, graduating to supporting roles. This is ideal unless you are so naturally gifted you jump the queue or errr.. Miss HKs…
@funnlim oooo. Haha. Anyway, hope to see her in more drama. Hmm mm…. don’t know how will it be is she is partnered with Ruco. Hehe. New partnership for sure.
She was a host at i-cable. She join TVB in 2012 when she was 30 or approaching 30. Got recognition within 2 years. And started leading within another 2 years.
I guess its hard to join TVB now. Path is through miss HK or connection or ur already popular from other means. Not like back then.
@dramadrama almost 34 in coming year. So her life experience of course better than grace. Just like wayne lai towards 40 only got recognised and acting superb because accumulated better life experience. Wayne lai last time more usless a fat piggy in monkey king and not handsome keh leh feh but now he looks matured and good acting. Everything needs time. Cant rush..
Law of disorder is pretty good. Surprised to see such low rating. Not much higher than BK2.
@1nit because this is high intelligence drama and need to listen carefully what they debated. Kiddo or uneducated fellow wont like such drama. But i very like it to increase my wisdom and the lawyers’ acting are superb!
Seems like she downgraded her boyfriend or maybe relationship changed. If the latter, obvious reply. If the former, well, what people won’t do for fame? After suffering so many years in secondary roles? Why can’t they just admit a relationship since already in one before hitting it big anyway? It’s a simple question, it can be a simple answer. Why complicate life and then put yourself in a situation looking like a complete hypocrite when reporters running after you taking pics and then you need to cook up some lie? Or is this a directive from company who obviously fails in PR dept? Wouldn’t it be better to market a desirable woman in a long term relationship? Faithful, unattainable like stars should be instead of being seemingly available? Come on, she is no pop idol.
I think its her company’s directive. She admitted it in the past when she was given good opportunity already. So 4 her 2 change now must be other reasons
“Law dis-Order, a legal drama about two money-minded and power-hungry lawyers”
Money minded and power hungry? Either that or overly preachy good lawyers but I bet both still go to some expensive pub drinking wine.
Now I kinda appreciate Ghetto Justice.
@funnlim Yeah so its past the half way mark, and yet to see characters duke it out in the court room yet…lol
Not all lawyers goes to court room. I believe there are more lawyers who doesnt go to the court. The drama focuses on this side of work. I guess its less interesting to some.
@1nit Actually I do like it that they don’t go to court. They covers more on things before court, and not all things needed to settle in court. Quite interesting to me. And they really shows how shady lawyers can be. For good for bad.
@dramadrama Shady may not be the right word, more like criminal. Everything they do is conveniently done. Every fact fits. Shady is manipulate something to your way, this one no manipulating because the fact fits. Just a matter of going along.
@funnlim Actually, they do manipulates things to go their way. The so called proves or evidence are empty paper. So I will still stick to shady. Haha. The interesting part is they don’t go along with facts. Have you watch the drama? Like how they fabricated the pervert who asked the for the actress to be raped, and the lawyers actually fabricated that he was actually dating her??? There is no truth to it. Yeah. Shady shade shade.
@1nit some court cases can drag for years. This drama is nice. Eventhough they never went to the court yet but the story is breathtaking and the acting skills are superb from alex fong and uncle liu. If without these 2 fellow totally not nice to watch anymore.
It’s the usual. As soon as someone becomes popular they either pretend they are single or actually dump the other half to become single. Having a boyfriend that’s not equally famous ore more holds no advantages and will only be negative for the female’s image.
@jimmyszeto yup, if her bf is raymond lam, do you think she will say she is single? duh..
Yes. It’s a business after all. They will have advisors telling them what to do. When not famous yet they have the freedom to publicise boyfriend. When popular it would be a greater advantage to be portrayed as single.
@jimmyszeto She is still rising star. It’s understandable if she or her agency does not want any dating news now. Yeah, unless the bf is super hot or famous. But we never know what is in their relationship, if it’s really stable or not. It’s not nice to see break up after short time dating right? The female side are mostly the losing end.
Am watching Law-Disorder and am not noticing Ali Lee much. She looks different but I don’t think she has that star presence. She could just stand there and I just don’t notice her. Mandy looks very pretty but again.. feels like she is lecturing in a class about proper pronunciation. Alex Fong is hot, Liu Kai Chi is a great welcome to TVB but his performance is quite a caricature.
So far I like NONE of the characters and I am just at episode 4. I don;t think any of them is likeable, even Alex’s character isn’t noble at all. I feel whilst the series sounds smart, I feel it is exceedingly dumb if you just stop and think. The scenario should not be a firm but should be a large company because if I were KC and I bring in 40% of the clientele and I have established my name for 15 years, I will just leave and open my own firm and take my clients with me. These sort of struggle for control works better with large companies once controlled by a family and now because it is a corporate it will involve outsiders. Makes more gripping drama and more reasonable.
I feel like entire series is mocking my intelligence but yet the actors did a commendable job and because of Liu Kai Chi and adonis Alex I really don’t want to care that much. This is not a legal drama but a series about a bunch of people that I find it hard to like at all.
Will TVB ever make a decent Law And Order?
Or just bloody remake Hanzawa Naoki pls!
And the first case about husband divorcing wife who had surgery is 99% similar to Legal High except Legal High is a legal drama and it ended that part of the story well.
I was looking forward to Ali Lee being promoted in a big series. I have watched every episode so far and haven’t really noticed that Ali has any lead actress presence. If they developed Mandy’s character more then Mandy could have been the lead quite easily. Her acting is much more polished and her character is more interesting.
@jimmyszeto Agree with you. Wished to see more Ali Lee in other series too. And Mandy’s character was not really elaborated. But most probably because of Liu Kai Chi and Alex. This series focus much more on male leads rather than female. Even Raymond Cho have a lot of screen time.
@jimmyszeto its not easy to act like a professional lawyer. If tavia is there then nice. Alex fong acting like superb same like a professional lawyer working at central hong kong.
@funnlim wrong, Liu kai Chi can bring in 40% clientele still because of Donald and Co. No matter how smart are you, you cant handle everything yourself. You need a big teams to do the work. Dont forget its Cheuk sir who invited him to join the firm 8 years ago. Just like Alex Fong superb smart but without big firm with big resources like Donald and CO, how he able to handle multi billion IPO thingy. The company already in the industry for so many decades the recognition, brand name, and the assets of the company are priceless..