Ali Lee to Film New Drama in August

Things seem to be finally looking better for Ali Lee (李佳芯) with the recent broadcast of her drama Death by Zero <殺手>, which is earning positive reviews. The actress’ pro-democracy stand landed her in trouble earlier, when she was dropped from four TVB dramas and did not have work for almost a year. Resuming work again, Ali shared that she will begin filming a new drama in August.
Because it has been more than a year since filming for Death by Zero concluded, Ali has forgotten about many of the finer details of the drama. “Sometimes, it is only after I’ve watched the episode a little longer before I remember how the plot turns out. I get a surprise out of it too!”
Ali’s money-driven, single-mother character is also receiving a lot praises. Fans are particularly fond of her frizzy hair. Ali laughed and said, “Even Moses Chan (陳豪) says it looks good and told me to keep this style permanently! I’ve decided to give up. Even if I just roll out of bed and don’t put myself together, I’m still beautiful, apparently.”
Though the producer of upcoming drama Children’s Hospital <兒科醫生> had expressed interest in casting Ali, TVB finally decided against it because they did not want the actress’ controversial political views to be associated with the drama, which will be co-produced by a Chinese studio. Asked if Bowie Cheung (張寶兒) will step in for her role, Ali responded, “I actually found out that there is such a drama planned when I read the news. No one has ever approached me about filming for it, so I don’t know about being replaced.”
After a long window of lessened work, Ali will resume filming a drama in August and said details will be disclosed later. Meanwhile, she is busy with promoting her published book, Where The Heart Is <心之所往>, which is a collection of essays detailing her innermost thoughts. Despite the current pandemic, Ali expressed that she will not cancel or postpone the book signing at the upcoming Hong Kong Book Fair from July 15 to July 21. When reporters teased that she should send pre-signed copies of the book with a kiss mark on one of the pages, Ali laughed and said, “I don’t have that type of confidence!”
Source: Sing Tao
This article is written by Huynh for
FINALLY! Her comeback drama better have a decent budget and co-stars. The media is ridiculous to ask if Bowie is replacing her. I think the whole Ali cast in Childrens hospital is a rumour after all.
@bubbles23 TVB better not change their mind!
Yes finally! Ali has a new drama to film, she’s TVB’s best actress
@hbc1 so true and when we say the best, she beats so many of the old timers hands down!
Yaaaasssssssssss! Our TV Queen is back – so happy.
TVB better not pull this nonsense again she deserves better.
So happy!!!
Yay, finally TVB come to their senses
Ali forever
Does this mean Jacqueline Wong coming back soon?
@jingxi2943 Kenneth is too loved by HKers and it’ll not be easy for anyone to forget the taxi incident.. Then again, if the Sponsors in China likes Jacq, I’m sure TVB will find a way to make it work