“All is Well” Explores Problematic Chinese Family Ties

With good acting, relatable characters and a well-paced plot, the drama has proven to be a hit with viewers.
Starring Yao Chen (姚晨) and Tony Yang (楊祐寧), All is Well <都挺好> is a surprise breakout hit this season since airing in March. Exploring relevant issues in contemporary China through the lens of an ordinary family, the 46-episode Mainland drama has resonated surprisingly well with viewers.
Relevant Theme and Characters Close to Real Life
With two elder brothers who are favored over her, the female protagonist grew up in a psychologically imbalanced environment.This thematic focus on dysfunctional family relations and patriarchal mindset – relevant issues in contemporary Chinese society – explains the popularity of the series.
Many of the cast, including lead actress Yao Chen, her father in the drama Ni Dahong (倪大紅) and acclaimed actor Morni Chang (張晨光), also lend their strength to the production with their vivid and realistic portrayals.
Well-paced Storyline
Female protagonist Su Mingyu (portrayed by Yao Chen), the daughter in the family, had wanted to cut off all financial ties with her family since she was 18. Despite her rebellious nature and wanting to have nothing to do with her family, blood proves itself to be thicker than water, and Mingyu is ultimately unable to sever herself from her family members.
Mingyu’s father (played by Ni Dahong) in the drama is a controversial figure who only thinks for himself and avoids getting involved in any family conflicts. Favoring boys over girls, he unfairly takes his own unhappiness out on his children.
Mingyu’s eldest brother is based on a common stereotype in modern China – a man who sacrifices his wife and daughter’s quality of life for his own benefits.
Among all the characters, the most detestable is Su Mingcheng, the second brother who is overly indulged by his mother and unfairly receives most of the family’s resources, thus depriving Mingyu of her share, yet is still greedy for more. As the youngest son, Mingcheng is his mother’s favorite child, which results in his irresponsible behavior and pampered personality, earning much of the viewers’ ire.
Tony Yang, the Heartwarming Chef
Those looking for romance will not be disappointed, thanks to Tony Yang’s handsome chef character. He plays Shi Tiandong, the owner and chef of a cafe, who comes from a wealthy family but yearns for freedom more than riches. With his gentle and composed disposition, he is the best confidante for Mingyu’s family issues, melting her aloof temperament with his warm, caring demeanor.
Tony’s character has been so well-received that the actor’s name can be found on daily rankings of the most popular online search terms. Instead of portraying the tried-and-tested “domineering boss” type male protagonist, the “therapeutic lover” played by Tony has proven itself to conquer female viewers’ hearts with the drama’s good ratings.
“All is Well” Trailer
Source: Beauty 321
This article is written by JoyceK for JayneStars.com.