Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng Mobbed While Filming “Blind Detective”

Box office golden couple, Andy Lau (劉德華) and Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文) collaborate again in Johnnie To’s (杜琪峯) new crime thriller, Blind Detective <盲探>. Recently, Andy and Sammi headed to Mongkok, Hong Kong for filming and were mobbed by thousands of onlookers, wanting to catch a glimpse of the two superstars.
The production crew had difficulty managing the crowd as there were too many spectators crowding the filming scene. The onlookers kept flashing their cameras during the filming and it interrupted the filming process. Director Johnny To reportedly was annoyed and complained to the production crew.
When Andy and Sammi appeared at Mongkok two days ago, the street was overfilled with people. Many people also cheered upon seeing the two superstars. Some stores even closed for business for fear that there may be accidents. After filming for a scene, Sammi quickly got into a tent. However, many curious residents even attempted to peep inside her tent!
When Andy appeared, the crowd was extremely excited. In an online poll, many netizens interestingly voted for Andy to run for the seat of Chief Executive of Hong Kong. Like a politician, Andy immediately waived and greeted the crowd. Andy also got into his blind detective role quickly although there were many curious pedestrians watching him.
Andy and Sammi were spotted discussing their roles with Director To. Whenever they stepped out from the tent, the crowd would cheer and applaud. The crowd also refused to disperse until the filming wrapped up by midnight.
Sammi looks good for old lady
andy doesn’t look good anymore, only aaron kept his good looks over time
Andy just need to add a bit more weight. He is currently too skinny
Andy looks is more to mainland china man look now.
I think if without the botox jabs , he even look worst than now.
we love you andy!!!!
i think Andy still ss hot for his age. His changing looks add some reality to his roles. Not all roles are perfect gorgeous dropdead men.
Will always love Andy for his dedication to his profession! Hope he enjoys diaper changing! =)