Another Smooth “Breakup”, Nancy Wu Is a Fighter

It was a dramatic end for the “NanCo” relationship when Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) confirmed his interests in asking out former Miss HK contestant Phoebe Sin (單文柔). For months, Ruco was linked with Nancy Wu (胡定欣), who he was rumored to be dating after A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄> defined the summer season last year.
Whether or not the “NanCo” relationship was legit—or just for PR—Nancy is coming out as the loser in love once again. Her love life has always been as difficult and complicated as her road to stardom: in the first few years of her debut, Nancy dated Deep Ng (吳浩康), who later broke up with her for Jacqueline Ch’ng (莊思敏). Nancy then dated Kenneth Ma (馬國明), which also ended with a split. Her relationships with Patt Shum (沈柏淳) and Terry Chan ((陳明道) ended after a few years.
When Ruco finally showed up, shippers got excited. Hearing the fans’ call, Ruco and Nancy went for ambiguous responses about their rumored relationship, which left room for the imagination. Fans got so deep into their pseudo-relationship that not many of them were able to accept Ruco’s new possible romance with Phoebe. Things got really ugly between the two fandoms, both sides suffering attacks. Ruco became “the cheater” and the subject of a death hoax. Nancy was accused of using Ruco for attention.
But is Nancy really the loser in all of this? Nancy’s been through breakups before. She has been called a problematic, attention-seeker Kong girl (港女) since as early as her days with Deep. Getting negative remarks about her love life is nothing new for her. She’s suffered through ten long years as a B-list before she made it big with Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT> in 2015. None of her breakups had sloppy ends, all handled with class.
35-year-old Nancy is a fighter. An experienced survivor. A little make-believe breakup is not going to put her down—in fact, she might even come out stronger than before.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
This is a really weird article.
@dandan i think they just wanted to title her as a fighter. Just a gimmick to make others read. We’re caught lol
Huh? They dated?
If they really dated…another breakup is nothing new to Nancy. By all means she already immune to it..So her fans must feel relieved and support her instead. Really puzzle…What coz the breakup third party…the female or male !
Since Nancy and Ruco both denied the dating rumour, their relationship remains as colleagues. Therefore, no such thing as “breakup” which should only apply to Nancy’s previous partners-Deep, Kenneth, Patt and Terry.
So no more imaginations, all fans.
It’s news?
Nancy looks like she will find someone in the business field like her group of friends (Myolie and them).
I have not read any article saying they dated. Anyone ?
The inner-circle knows that Nanco was a PR stunt to keep up with FWFW (and its sequel) so that’s nothing new. Nancy shouldn’t have done it, knowing Ruco wouldn’t be able to continue on the PR stint for that long. Personally, I feel that Nancy and Benjamin would be able use this valuable time to reconnect. The two had one of those “timing wasn’t right” as they were in respective relations (prior Ruco times) and when the show started, it felt like another push back into their potential relationship (ugh!). Their love life is like Kanye and Kim timing. Hopefully, Benjamin and Nancy can finally enter this relationship since they are both single. Rooting for you two!
Didn’t think they’re each other’s type in real life anyway. They shouldn’t have abused the rumor in the first. It’s now hurting their new drama sigh
It is unfair to accuse them of abusing the rumour. They have denied but it is the media and public that has insisted that they are a couple. They may also be under instructions to be vague to create publucity for their drama. This is not unique to their situstion. Currently it is happening to Kenneth and Jacqueline.
They never admitted dating, especially Ruco who denied the rumour every time when asked. But they have to be vague for certain events in order to cope with TBB’s publicity stunt to promote award ceremonies and commercial functions.
Don’t think their split will hurt the new drama. When AFWFW aired, the couple’s rumour wasn’t started but the drama was still so hot. All depends on the quality of the series.
As a fan of both, (but more sided with Nancy) I never thought either of them were the loser or winner. There was no competition. If no one admitted anything, I wouldn’t assume anything lol
Don’t jump to conclusions. People are probably too into the drama. I love it as well, but there is a difference between creations and reality. xD
perhaps it was AFWFW which made many think they are together.