Artistes Who Had DUI Offenses

Despite laws and negativity against driving under influence, many celebrities have been arrested for DUI’s – some with multiple charges. Mat Yeung‘s (楊明) DUI arrest last week surprised many people, but Taiwanese singer Shino Lin‘s (林曉培) offense was the most shocking as it cost a human life.

Below are celebrities who were arrested for DUI and had to pay gravely for their mistakes:

Timothy Zao (邵傳勇)

While some DUI’s result in injuring a pedestrian or simply running into a rail, actor Timothy Zao drove under the influence of alcohol and ended up hitting an old grandpa. Although the old man succumbed to his injuries and died, Timothy only received one month of jail-time, a one-year probation period, a year of license suspension, as well as a fine of $3,500 Hong Kong dollars.

Tony Leung (梁家輝)

Even legendary actors such as Tony Leung have broken laws. Arrested twice for DUI, Tony was first charged after he hit a van in 2002 and punched the driver. Receiving an 18-month license suspension, Tony did not learn from his mistake and accidentally hit a passenger coach bus in 2005. When his alcohol levels were found to be double the legal limit, he was sentenced to two months in jail and three years of probation. Tony was fined HK$10,000 and had his license suspended for three years.

Gallen Lo (羅嘉良)

After his car accident, it was revealed that Gallen’s alcohol levels were three times the legal limit. When Gallen admitted guilty, he pleaded that he only swerved and had a car accident because he was trying to avoid hitting a dog. Because Gallen had no prior offenses, he was fined HK$8,000 and had his license suspended for 15 months.

Shino Lin (林曉培)

Having been drinking and driving, Taiwanese singer Shino Lin hit and killed a female nurse in 2007. Shino was sentenced to six months in jail and served two years of probation. Additionally, she paid out roughly HK$2 million to the nurse’s family.

Angela Tong (湯盈盈)

After hitting a couple on a motorcycle in 2008, Angela suffered from insomnia after being racked with guilt. Liza Wang (汪明荃), Alan Tam (譚詠麟), and Eric Tsang (曾志偉) sent in character witness letters to help with Angela’s case. Sentenced to 160 hours of community service, Angela was let off with a HK$1,200 fine and a one-year license suspension for her DUI offense.

Michael Tse (謝天華) and Amigo Chui (崔建邦)

Unfortunately, while many actors and actress feel remorseful and never commit DUI’s after their first offense, Michael and Amigo have been caught multiple times drinking and driving and failed to show a change in behavior.

Mat Yeung (楊明)

Involved in a car accident in August, Mat was sent to the hospital after his car ran into some fences. When Mat was seen walking unsteadily while heading into the hospital, the police suspected the actor for drinking and driving. Clarifying that he was only dizzy after the car accident and he was not drinking at that time, Mat apologized for wrecking public property.

This was not the actor’s first offense–back in 2005, Mat was seen driving in the wrong lane and was caught falling asleep at the wheel. After his alcohol levels showed that he was drinking and driving, Mat was fined HK$7,000 and had his license suspended for a year. In 2006, Mat was put on a binding-over order after he attacked a security guard. Unfortunately, while he was still serving his binding-over order, Matt appeared drunk at a convenience store and broke many of the store’s property after his credit card was declined.

Other actors caught with DUI’s were lucky enough that they did not do any major damage to properties or hurt innocent pedestrians. Remus Choy (蔡一傑), Aarif Lee (李治廷), Ronald Law (羅鈞滿), Sam Lee (李璨琛), Edmond Leung (梁漢文), Arnold Kwok (郭子豪) were all arrested for DUI but were only sentenced to community hours, license suspensions, and monetary fines.

Source: Weekend Weekly

This article is written by Su for

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