As TVB’s # 1 Earner, Kevin Cheng Kicks Michael Tse Aside to Reign as TV King

The 2011 TVB Anniversary Awards will be held on December 5, 2011. Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and Michael Tse (謝天華) were the hot favorites in the TV King race this year. Portraying an uncouth lawyer in Ghetto Justice <怒火街頭>, Kevin Cheng’s acting was praised to have improved immensely. In addition, critically acclaimed mainland drama, Bu Bu Jing Xin <步步驚心>, received wide popularity, boosting Kevin’s recognition through the stratosphere! This year, “Poisonous Kevin’s” luck turned around, allowing him the chance to return to mainland each week to earn money. It was expected that Kevin will even replace Moses Chan (陳豪) as TVB’s top earning artist!
In order to retain a new “Golden Egg,” TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲) pulled out all stops to convince TVB management to give Kevin Cheng the TV King title. “Laughing Gor” Michael Tse could only accompany the Best Actor race and be happy for someone else!
Kevin Cheng’s Chances of Winning Are High
On November 10th, TVB revealed the nomination list for the upcoming Anniversary Awards. The race for TV King and TV Queen were the most popular awards categories. The list of the 15 Best Actor nominees included Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), who won the TV King title the last consecutive years. Unfortunately, Wayne’s Forensic Heroes 3 <法證先鋒III> was not a big hit and his chances of winning the TV King title for the third time was defeated. In addition, Yes Sir, Sorry Sir’s <點解阿Sir係阿Sir> Moses Chan and Men With No Shadows’ <不速之約> Raymond Lam (林峯) admitted that they were only accompanying the Best Actor race.
Early Favoritism for Michael Tse Slipped Away
TVB secured Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) to costar with Michael Tse in film, Laughing Gor, Potential Criminals <Laughing Gor之潛罪犯>. TVB’s favoritism towards Michael was obvious and his apparent domination as the TV King was almost guaranteed initially. However, Kevin’s mainland drama, Bu Bu Jing Xin, became a popular hit last month, resurrecting “Poisonous Kevin’s” career. Over the last few months, Kevin had the opportunity to travel to China each week to earn real money. Last week, Kevin appeared in functions in Hongzhou, Beijing, and Wuhan, earning nearly $300,000 Yuan per event in appearance fees. In one week alone, Kevin earned $1 million Yuan! Kevin’s luck turned around completely and was estimated to overturn Moses Chan as the top money-making actor at TVB!
Aside from bringing in additional income from promotional events, Kevin’s filming fees increased tenfold, jumping from past fees of $10,000 Yuan to current fees of $160,000 Yuan per episode. After filming mainland drama Palace Spy Video <深宮諜影> in Shanghai in October, additional mainland companies invited Kevin to partake in new series. Committed to filming Ghetto Justice 2, Kevin will be unable to film dramas in China until December. Placing TVB’s priority first under all circumstances, Kevin gave face to the company.
Kevin Loved By Virginia Lok
Becoming the new “Golden Egg,” Kevin was one of Virginia Lok’s beloved artists. Due to his astonishing ability to generate money, Kevin once again became highly favored. Ms. Lok put in her best efforts to back Kevin’s chances of winning the TV King award. Michael Tse was fortunate to receive the support of TVB executive, Tommy Leung (梁家樹), who believed that this will increase promotion and box office draw for the release of Laughing Gor, Potential Criminal’s theatrical release in December 2011.
TVB executive support for the TV King winner was important; however, the company valued popular opinion as well. In the past, the winner was largely determined via TVB executives’ votes, while this year, audience’s votes were the last determining factor. This placed the favor in Kevin’s hands, who possessed a large number of fans in China. After one week of voting on, Michael Tse’s top position was edged out by Kevin Cheng, who surged to number one in both the Best Actor and My Favorite Male Actor awards categories. In the Best Actor poll at, Kevin received 38% of votes, Michael Tse received 25% of votes, and Wayne Lai received 8% of votes.
Fala Chen Pulls Her Magic
The TV Queen race was a sole battle between Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Fala Chen (陳法拉). Virginia Lok highly favored Fala and to overturn Myolie, adjusted the nomination list. This year’s Anniversary Awards set up a new rule to restrict only one nominated series for each artist. Instead of being nominated for her role in Ghetto Justice, Myolie was nominated for her performance as the evil empress in Curse of the Royal Harem <萬凰之王>, weakening her votes in the Best Actress Award race. However, the finale of Curse of the Royal Harem will be aired two days before the TVB Anniversary Awards take place.
In addition, OTO massage chair was this year’s TVB Anniversary Awards online voting sponsor. As OTO’s spokesperson and appearing in the OTO ad placed before the voting page, Fala possessed the advantage of having the exposure. OTO sponsored over $1 million HKD in advertising fees and requested that Fala maintain a high number of votes. The timing favored Fala, who possessed a high chance to win the Best Actress Award.
Artists Speak Out for Their Favorites
The battles for TV King and TV Queen were getting heated, with different supporters emerging for Kevin Cheng and Michael Tse. The ever popular Wayne Lai and dark horse candidate, Raymond Lam, also had their share of supporters, making the battle become increasingly fierce!
Chapman To (杜汶澤): “There were so many episodes to the Laughing saga, which made the character very well known among the audience, increasing Michael Tse’s chance in winning.”
Raymond Lam (林峯): “Forensic Heroes 3 received good ratings and word-of-mouth. I have always felt confident in Wayne Lai, so I pick him!”
Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣): “Earlier, I collaborated with Myolie Wu and felt that her acting was very good. She portrayed her roles in Ghetto Justice and Curse of the Royal Harem very well this year.”
Tavia Yeung (楊怡): “I think Fala Chen has a good chance, since she improved a lot and matured very quickly.”
Jayne: The article makes a convincing argument that Kevin Cheng now possesses the highest chance in winning the Best Actor award this year. Giving him the Best Actor award will only add to Kevin’s market value and increase his advertisement fees.
hey! how do you manage to see the results of the voting? 🙂
The results can only be seen on the TVB Fun app, but those votes are app votes only.
Haha I also voted on TVB’s app to see the result so far. I did notice the Fala ad and feel like that could possibly help her in fans voting for her…what a scheme.
wow, Kevin is differently getting more popular and richer by the minute. I am happy for him and can honestly say.. he has improved so much in his acting. Really love him in GT andBu Bu Jing Xin.
I saw the Fala ad and thought it was maybe just my phone. It might give her a little advantage but even with that, she’s not leading in votes right at this moment. Myolie is currently beating her for Best Actress, and Myolie and Linda are both in front of her for Favorite Character. I’m hoping that Myolie and Linda both win.
As it gets closer to the awards, the more I think Kevin has the bigger advantage of Michael.
Michael only get advantage because TVB was milking Laughing and his competition was only his costar but when Kevin gain more fans after BBJX, his fans went up tenfold and all voted for him. His fees and values also went up tenfold so bye2 Michael.
Fala won’t win yet. No actress deserve to win this year but from what TVB hinted Myolie will win.
I think this year is weak compared to the past years race for TV Queen. But given this years performances then I do think Myolie deserves it “more” than Fala.
I watched Myolie in the Curse of the Royal Harem and wonder what is so good about her acting? All I see her mouth and eyes trying to be evil but no convincing to me.
One thing I don’t like TVB is favortism. Who do the most bootlick to the manage will guarantee for the win instead of their true acting. Same thing apply for Kevin Cheng too. He is good in Ghetto Justice but he is not best to get the title Best Actor.
But I guess since all the Fadans and Siu Sang left TVB, they are limited in talents so of course they have to pick out someone…
These awards don’t really mean much anymore as we have seen in the past… I don’t think that just because an artist wins that their market value will rise since many times the one that wins is the one that many don’t think deserve to win. Therefore, we all believe that the awards are rigged so I don’t think it is the biggest deal to win or not.
@JN, I wouldn’t consider Myolie’s character evil though most of her actions are out of jealousy and insecurity and because she wants to be filial to her parents.
To me Myolie’s character reminds me abit like Gigi’s character in WAB where most of her action was because of her mother and attaining a higher position in the palace would secure her security? Well that’s how I see it. So in my opinion Myolie is doing a great job in CORH.
Have to say the series is picking up pace and is getting abit more interesting. Honestly though this year there hasn’t been one series that left me speechless alot of them were just average or good but not great.
TVB needs to up their game!
Well talent is in the eye of the beholder… You can dislike her acting while there are others that really love it.
I think Myolie is doing remarkable in CORTH. I have problem with Jessica whose character is ok but shes reciting her lines. Her speech is unnatural and modern
I didn’t realise profit margin is the new standard for winning best actor award.
But virginia Lok loves Kevin is a fact.
Some of the things that they come up with is just whacked!!!
As I have said, winning best actor or any award that is doesn’t really mean much anymore.
Actually, she kind of abandoned KC in the past two years after Burning Flame. After that KC wasn’t placed in grand productions or series that was promoted.
I guess KC have to thank TVB, due to their growing disinterest in him, he was able to film BBJX and Mystery in Palace without much schedule ‘complications’ from TVB.
Ghetto Justice was an unexpected gem for TVB. Kevin should be acknowledged for what he achieved in GJ and BBJX in 2011. Whether TVB is going to promote him again due to his cash cow status shouldn’t discount this fact.
I guess TVB neglecting Kevin was a blessing in disguise. I hope he can film more series in China.
Kevin is not even the first choice for Law Ba. The original choice for Law Ba was Bowie Lam.
So, yeah, Kevin was not that promoted after BF3. He was often casted in small budget series with not much promotion. It’s his luck that GJ was an unexpected success. His recent success was not due to TVB promotion. GJ was not a highly promoted series. BBJX is a mainland series that TVB has no hand in producing.
I can only imagine how awesome and sexy Bowie will make Law Ba. What a pity. Why wasn;t Bowie? Contract dispute time?
Maybe she was trying to “mo lim” Kevin to make him a harder sort of man, more decisive. I think she really loves him.
I think bowie was brash and sexy in gem of life. But I’m not sure he would still be as attractive as law ba b/c Kevin’s good looks can make up for the sloppy appearance.
As for ms. Lok, I have no doubt she loves KC too. But after seeing him basically play a male vase in BTROC, it’s obvious she did shift her attention to LF for a while now. It’s like Leo Ku’s old song “2nd most loved”.
Definitely a blessing in disguise. His following roles weren’t “tailored” to him but I thought he improved much more in these roles. I’ve haven’t even watched GJ yet, and that’s his most praised role this year of TVB shows. However, I did just finish BBJX and Kevin was tremendously good. I think the time out of the spotlight has been good to him and allowed him to develop his acting naturally.
Although his acting in GJ wasn’t Best Actor material, no other candidate seem close either. It’s a joke that Michael is his fiercest competitor since I thought Michael was terrible in LoO!
Clarification – regarding whether or not Kevin’s acting in GJ is Best Actor material is not my personal opinion since I haven’t seen the show yet.
ROFL before BBJX success and while LOO airing Michael is pegged to win but look at Michael now after Kevin’s popularity and value increased after BBJX. Kevin’s fees are low before but after he got famous with BBJX his fees hit more than 160,000 per episode. I told you that Laughing Milk will get stale 😛
Let’s watch Laughing pushed aside by Francis Ng again in Laughing Movie 2 ROFL
Has Micheal even filmed in CHina yet?? I think if Micheal does and acts in a popular series just like Kevin then he would definately get popular as well…I wonder why Micheal has not been to CHina to film yet?? Has he not had any offers???
HeTieShou, sometimes an actor does not film in mainland China doesn’t mean they don’t have offers. There’s this one actor who has 10 offers in just a few months span, but has to reject it all because of a full pre-arranged schedule. Sometimes you can’t have it all.
Perhaps Michael is occupied with his duties for TVB(duties as Laughing Gor..haha) and has to reject dozens of mainland dramas – who knows? Michael’s fans might know more about this. Once he has free time, that time can be accommodated to dig-for-gold in mainland.
Oh yea, that is true.. Thanks for reminding me about that. I hope that Micheal does go to China soon since there are many great productions that I would love to see him in. He is really out a lot if he doesn’t go to China to film. I think when his duties in TVB aren’t as heavy, he will go to China to participate in the productions there.
HeTieShou, err be reminded again that not all mainland productions can be a “nationwide hit” the Bu Bu Jing Xin way hehe. Like any other nation’s productions, some dramas might suffer in quality and might be “boring” for some. However yeah, filming outside of TVB will give an actor a fresh breath of air and a full back account 😛
Of course I know that since I think I am way more familiar with China productions and other productions than you may be. There are many series from many different countries and there are good and bad from every country. Therefore, of course not all of them can be good. That goes for TVB, China or anywhere…Besides BBJX, there are many many other great productions in the past as well…You just have to give them a chance.
I totally agree that filming outside of TVB is a great experience in terms of growing and learning as well as help them make more dough…
HeTieShou, yeah you might be more familiar with mainland dramas than I might be.
TVB provided good basic experience for young raw actors and actresses, and prepares them with the “challenges” inside the industry including hectic inhumane schedulings, social skills, political understanding, media relations and you name it. However yeah, when certain stars have reached their “time” to “graduate” from TVB and fly to a higher ground, I wish for them to break away and expand themselves for their own future potentials 😉
Things to note: what I said above does not mean I like TBB. You wish..TBB 😛
Totally agree with you what you are saying. What is TBB??? It is good for any artist in HK to start at TVB. However, once they reach their height and all, they should leave TVB to expand their horizons. But it is great that some still maintain a good relationship with TVB since if it weren’t for TVB, they would not be where they are now.
Fala DOES NOT deserve to win Best Actress!! Especially not based on the Madam Jo or whatever role she played in LOO! Bloody Virginia Lok…. >.<
I agree… IF she did win, then the awards are rigged for sure.
I agree. But doesn’t sound like anyone else does either since it was a crappy year all around. I don’t get why TVB nominated Myolie for Curse instead of her popular role in GJ but I still think Myolie will win.
I think Fala does not deserve to win the Best Actress award. Her acting and her character wasn’t impressive. Kate and Bosco’s characters overshadow her character already. It would be nice if Myolie and Kevin win together in the same series. I don’t think Myolie’s acting in Curse of the Royal Harem is bad. From episode 14-15, Myolie has shown her improvement. Since her character will have a dramatic change from bad to good, I hope this can help her garn more votes.
By the way, who is leading the votes in the Best Actress category? Fala?
At the moment, Myolie is leading with 28%, Fala 24%, and Linda 14%.
I agree with you. Fala got overshadowed by Kate in Lives of Omission, but I feel people only pity her character because of her ending (which I thought was stupid but that’s a different topic.. lol)
I wanted Myolie to be nominated for Ghetto Justice too so that her and Kevin can win together, but I think her acting is good in Curse too- especially episode 13.
LOL, no Kate did definitely NOT overshadow her in LoO. Kate too was horrendous. Bosco did a good job but can’t be entered into the Best Actress race 😉
Nothing against Fala, but I seriously don’t think she’s ready for TVB Queen.
Although Tavia’s performance this year is nothing special she along with Myolie are my top two candidates to win it. After Charmaine leaving TVB I only see those two as “big sister” material.
Linda, Fala and Kate still have alot to improve.
However based on performances alone this year, I really think it’s Myolie’s turn to win it. Yeah some people may not like her or her performance but I actually thought she did great. She handled her role as a lawyer in Ghetto Justice convincingly and I don’t mind her insecure – leading to turn evil role in CORH. CORH seem much more difficult to play as her character goes from one extreme to the next.
Fala’s Role as Madam Jo could have had more character development that’s why I felt that this year if based on that role alone Fala should not win.
As for best actor, my votes on Kevin. Did very well in GJ and made the character extremely likeable. Michael was also great but there’s no breakthrough as he’s played this character 1000000000 times (sarcasm intended).
This is just my opinion some people may disagree but I have my votes on the GJ couple Myolie and Kevin!!!
i want myolie to win. it is her year and so far this year, hands down she was the best actress. everyone else was kinda iffy and all their characters were the same. i think linda will win favorite female character or whatever it is called. as for kevin, i actually like him in ghetto justice. i usually hate how his characters are all the same little superman roles so it was nice to see this very down to earth lawyer. loved his chemistry with myolie too.
as for guys…i am stuck. i love wayne lai and forensic heroes is by far my favorite drama this year. i also like ruco and i want him to win something because all these years playing evil and hateful, he finally landed a lead role. what a pity, i wish he was nominated for most improved actor as well. as for michael, laughing gor was good but the story was super slow now that i think back and the story was written so poorly. seriously, you cant have 3 falas in the world, thats just not fair for her to take all the beauty.
Wayne Lai is bland and empty in FH3 and not giving a professional image. He shouldnt be the top contender.
I agree about Myolie. Its hands down her award to win.
I usually don’t reply here, but I have to agree for Kevin win this year. I didn’t really watch his TVB’s series this year except for GJ with Myolie. But I did watch BBJX many times. I have to say that I wouldn’t be suprise if his rates goes up because his acting in there was awesome! (actually, all the cast did!)! And for the girls, boy, in my opinion, I believe Fala, Linda, and Kate still need alot of improvements…There’s not yet a breakthrough character they’ve played in my eyes yet especially this year. I think Tavia and Myolie are the top two contenders for the award, but I think it’s definitely Myolie’s chance to win. I hope that she can take it home with Kevin! Hopefully, they’ll walk the carpet together! XD and accept the award together toO!
I am glad that many TVB fans are watching series from China. ONe of my friends is doing so only because actors and actresses from HK are in it which I don’t find the best thing to do, but at least she is watching other series besides just TVB.
Well, i was initially very into TVB series, but in the recent years, I find it sooo boring and there’s nothing new anymore…So I branch out more watch Chinese ancient dramas, Korean, Thai, Taiwan, etc…and I actually love it! And I definitely don’t watch the drama because HK stars are in it…LOL…I usually randomly come across something that I see interesting then I’ll watch it…But i HAVE to say that Kevin definitely pick the correct project this time! BBJX was excellent in many aspects to me! And best of all, I think he made alot of great friends after the drama too!
@Miss unknown,
Glad that you are watching other series besides just TVB. Back in the days, I watched mostly TVB, some ATV, Taiwan and some series from China since China did not make many series back then. However, ever since after the mid 90s and after, I started to watch less and less of TVB. I then started to watch China, Taiwan, Korean and even Thai series. There are good and bad from every country so it is good to watch a range of them to see which series are good.
I totally agree with you that Kevin choose the right series which is BBJX. I am glad that he made a lot of great friends from the drama too. I hope that they will act together again in the future as well.
Im glad Kevin choose BBjX and I picked BBJX to watch. It was his career breakthrough and one of the most affecting China series Ive watched
I am glad as well but I have always liked watching China series and don’t watch for the cast only. Therefore, to me it doesn’t matter if any TVB artists are in it or not. I am glad that Kevin was in BBJX as well… I love the rest of the cast as well and have seen most of them act before already so it was great to see them all again…Was BBJX the only China series you have seen?? Have you seen others??
My Predictions
Best Actor: Kevin
Best Actress: Myolie
Favorite Male Character: Kevin
Favorite Female Character: Linda
Best Drama: LOO
I don’t think TVB will let Kevin win both major awards. Probably one will be given to Michael.
Kevin and Myolie are leading TVBs poll now. Hooray. The audience has chosen their winner
My prrdiction:
Best Actor : Kevin
Best Actress: Myolie
Fav Male Role: Laughing
Fav Female Role: Fala or Miss Koo
Best Supporting: Ben Wong and Sharon/Nancy award: Kevin
I vote for Kevin. He will get 2 wards: Best actor and Favorite Male Character. Kevin is no.1
TVB will give Michael a pork award although I myself dont think Michael.deserves it. In LOO even Bosco act better than him. Dont even mwntion Ben and Damian who are great
Another reason besides Kevins lifetime changing great year is TVB must be desperate to keep now that hes earning more than Moses and Raymond. Obviously more thab Laughing too. There must be tons of companies want to snatch Kevin after this successful year
Not yet. Kevin’s fee is still lower than both of Moses and LF. To happen that Mingpao when counting the LF’s income forgot his Chinese series which is 84 eps with more than 200k/eps as well as the concert tour he had in the beginning of the years. If counted all, he has about 24 mil this year. As for Moses, the Mingpao also forgot the upcoming Heaven Burn which can give him at least 800k. For Laughing dude, it’s said by reporter that he earned 800k for the Laughing movie, new one. Then Kevin, with 160k/eps is still lower.
I think it is because they didn’t count outside TVB jobs or upcoming jobs;mainland series,music,movies and advertisements
I think it’s depended on how ppl count it. The real number only the artists and TVB know the best.
Kevin ! Kevin ! Kevin! – He should be rewarded for his hard work and improvement. I like “Laughing Gor” too – but i think Kevin deserve this award more then him as his improvement in “Ghetto Justice” is quite Obvious.
Is Bu Bu Jing Xin in Cantonese?
Not sure since I saw it in Mandarin, but if not then the Cantonese version should come out soon.
I read that TVB did indeed purchase BBJX so it’s coming out in Canto too.
Wow, that will be great. I hear that the drama is good.
How did Moylie grow prettier and prettier by the days?
It could be the styling, it could be losing weight or having better hairstyle… but I can’t place it.
I only know that she is looking damn good and better everyday!
Thought I was the only one! But apparently not, my auntie who is an anti Myolie fan recently decided to jump boats due to her role in GJ! And she also praises that Myolie seems to get more looking with age.
I thought about Kelvin recently.
You know, I think Kelvin has a natural roguish look because of his fish eye wrinkles and naughty glint in his eyes when he smiles.
So when TVB casts him in scruffy, good-for-nothing, or overly serious characters, it plays up his rogue looks to the extreme or does his rogue looks no good.
I think he succeed so well as Eighth Prince in BBJX because he was acting a gentlemanly character, but there was just something about Eighth Prince that one wonders whether he was a cunning rogue or an unfortunate gentleman. That lends the captivating element of thrill to Kelvin playing that role.
Law Ba is very different from Kevins past gentlemen roles and Kevun got applauded by netixens for all his rough behaviours in the series especiallt the butt crack. If Moses play this role the breakthrough effect wont be as giod as Kevin because weve seen rough Moses before and Kevins acting better than Moses. Moses wont be be as handsome and charming as 8th prince
I hate Fala Chen so much! She is horrible! Honestly people only like her because of her looks, I asked my guy friends if she deserved to win and they said yes. I then asked them if she still deserved to win if she was ugly, they said no. I hope Myolie and Linda win. If Fala win’s I am so going to start a petition saying that she should’ve lost everything. Then I would probably right a strongly worded letter to Virginia Lok and Fala Chen. Telling her how much I hate her. Uggghh I was also very shocked to see that Fala has over 2 million listeners, uggh! I really don’t like Fala! Myolie and Linda FTW!
I don’t like Fala either… I don’t think she is that pretty either. Her looks are only the type that can be pretty in the short term but she ages quickly… I highly doubt she will win anyways…
I’m a Myo fan. I don’t hate Fala, but I agree that without her looks and rich boyfriend, she is quite plain. Her acting is nowhere near Best Actress standard. She can’t even say her lines naturally in her dramas cuz she still has a bit of an accent. If she wins, I’ll join your petition! Myo all the way!!
It is not just Fala but any actress without all of the make up, money and other expensive packaging, they are just like any normal looking citizen if not worse in some cases. We all saw Fala with little or no make up and she looked not inferior to even some average looking citizen. Anyways, with looks aside, her acting is still not good enough to win any award in my opinion.
Fala is prettier than Myolie, both actress did nothing great this year, but Fala is fake in LOO. Myolie did better than her in GJ and TRB.
Well this is not a beauty contest. It is for the better actress and I think in terms of acting, Myolie is better than Fala….
Count me in, Yeah! 🙂
The official votes result from TVB so far. Good results. Will Kevin and Myolie both won double.awards? The voters think so
I don’t think so. TVB must divide the pork.
BTW, this one isn’t the official vote result.
Even though Fala’s acting has been improved but she is not even deserved to be nominated in the Best Actress category.
For the fadans, I would pick Myolie, Tavia, or Linda for the Best Actress Award.
Do you guys really think there are only 4 actresses (Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Linda Chung and Tavia Yeung)competiting for Best Actress Award this year? There are some other excellent actresses in this year’s drama series, such as Maggie Cheung (Forensic Heroes 3) and Jessica Hsuan (Curse of the Royal Harem). Both of them are excellent in their acting, much better than those 4 mentioned on this forum. Unfortunately, they are not on the “TVB’s Promotion List”. We are voting for Best Actress Award (the actress with best acting), not the most popular actress promoted by TVB.
Don’t think Maggie’s role is that impressive though? As for Jessica I like her in CORH however there are times when she seems some what unnatural with her speech. She suits more with modern series.
And unless these two have tremendous public support they will not win because they are not TVB’s “biological” daughters LOL
Jess role in COTRH not bad but her speech sounds modern and shes reciting her lines.
Well. They are definitely far superior actresses but their acting isn’t good in the shows you’re mentioned which is why nobody talks about them.
This is speculated to be Laughing or Francis ng ending new Laughing movie. Will TVB rest Laughing for good or hes immortal? I doubt TVB will stop milking Laughing so fast
They want to milk as much milk out the cow while they can…They need to milk it dry…
If dry also they will revive and remilk.
R.I.P Laughing and hope it’s the end.
Not too sure about this. He can always be revived
laughing will be introduced as immortal aka “highlander”
the only force that can killed off laughing the is force of the money markets…
If he lost to Kevin this time will it make Laughing slow down? I think Kevin will win based on all the news now and Michael tse get consolation prize the Fav Character ROFL
Watching Walking dead new season at the moment.
well he still has a solid fan base, however i suspect the pie will shrink since it’s getting kinda lame.
– laughing returns
– laughing escapes death
– laughing the immortal etc.
here are a few titles tvb can use in the future to milk the already dead cow…
How many times can he keep revived and milked all over again. Even immortal also will be dry like a desert
haha, they can just clone him and make him operate in different countries….
rofl Laughing Turning point in Shanghai, Laughing turning Point in Singapore, Laughing Turning point in Australia…:P
…Laughing never dies 😛
im counting on the king boxer kevin to finish him off.
another bet is the poison of the black widow kate, LOL
Kevin in that boxing series will top off Laughing next year because there’s no Laughing series next year Lmao unless TVB want another Laughing endless turning movie. I heard Kate is in the movie and will have makeout scenes with Francis Ng. Black widow is promoted too much lets hope Francis don’t get poisoned
I thought that 2011 Anniversary Awards was on tomorrow 19th November. Has it been changed to 5th December? Can someone please put me in the light.
Tomorrow will be the Anniversary Gala, not the awards ceremony.
From 2009, the Gala is on 19 Nov (real bday of TVB) and the Award is on 5 Dec each year.
hahaa yes!!!! kick michael off!!! wooo~!! go kevin
Kevin and Michael Tse both are 40 something guys but Kevin look more smashing than Michael ROFL
Because Michael is a married guy and Kevin still has to maintain his look to find a girl :P.
the same applies to women 😛
problem is that when the girl don’t maintain her looks the guy will find another model…
I hope you are not talking about Linda :P.
im talking about 2R 😛
jk, nothing to do with linda whatsoever…
Since when they change their genre? You are saying that girls dont maintain look will be dumped 😛
hehe, you know it works the other way around as well…
yeah i was thinking about you with regards to 2R
Too bad for you I’m still confident with my look a lot :P. When I read your sentence, I think of Linda and the lawyer bf immediately :P.
And somehow, I’m pity for your gf (if you have one).
You misunderstood me once again. I was referring to you “dumping” your idols if they lose their looks especially wooden Ron since he is not talented in acting maybe just dance…
I like LF at first not because of his look but his eyes acting, then until when he still has such eyes acting, I still like him. As for Ron, I like him as 2R then his look isn’t a matter for me. I’m not like you in this matter, too bad. Uhm and again, I’m a fan but I dun have idol :P. I like them as artist, but I dun idolize them and think they are the best in everything, hehe. This thing might be different to your view, too.
well then they should do a “brokeback” serial in the mountains.
i don’t have any idols either at least no one in the entertainment industry.
I always hope for one.
So you are the same to me, no idol.
haha that’s because Kevin is actually good looking but Michael aka Laughing has never been conventionally good looking even when he was younger..actually Michael looks better as he ages 🙂
I hope Laughing Gor wins this year.
I hope he only wins a pork or don’t win anything
Uhm his chance to win the biggest this one is quite high. Period.
Actually, I rather that he did not win anything cos I find his “acting” is a bit annoying (but then maybe it’s just how I feel abt it).
I think this is a sign to come; even my sis has jumped ship. She is reading BBJX and she said his performance is really like 8th in the books. In her own words “so good, I keep seeing his face as I read the book”.
I’m not a fan of Kevin but have to admit that his performance in BBJX is quite good. Before watching the series, I was a bit concerned of his acting but as the series came out, after a few episodes, he did it for me.
Didn’t see Ghetto Justice yet and didn’t plan to, but hope Kevin will win the Best Actor.
Glad that many are seeing Kevin’s skills in BBJX. Kevin actually sort of looks like the actor that played Ba Ah Ge in the old series about the Qing Dynasty… I guess he was a good fit for the role.
Of course, there are more actresses in TVB or in the race for Best Actress Award, but would TVB give this award to their non-contract artist especially this year there are not a lot of “good” candidates?
Can anyone show me how to vote for any TVB award/category?
I went to but it’s all in Chinese and I don’t know Chinese.
Still hoping BBJX will arrive in DVD soon. I really like Kevin in Ghetto Justice. True, it may be due to the script which gave us an interesting character but Kevin’s willingness to go the extra mile with an ‘unhinged’ performance to bring Law Bar’s character to life is very refreshing from the usual Kevin Cheng we’ve seen. There are exceptional and naturally talented character actors who can bring to life any characters warranted of them but these are few and far between. Then there are the good actors who are waiting for the right script and character to propel them into recognition in the public’s eyes and I think Kevin falls into this category. They may be what we call mediocre but watchable in their portrayal of various roles but there is the combination of the right script and suitable character to bring out their charisma. I don’t know if this is what true blue viewers and film aficionados will call good actors but if they are watchable and can occasionally give us a brilliant performance or two, i don’t really mind.
BBJX has been out on DVD already. You can go to Yesasia and see that it is out already. But it is only out in Mandarin. Or are you referring to the Cantonese version?? I don’t think the Cantonese version is out yet but will be soon.
Today there’s news about who are getting the awards based on executive meeting. It’s disappointing to hear TVB still in favour of Michael Tse. The article said
Best Actor: Michael
Best Actress: Myolie
Most Favourite Male Character: Kevin
Most Favourite Female Character: Fala
Early favourite Linda and Dark horse Bosco fell out from TVB favour and is sacrificed.
Uhm, guess this result will really happen. Linda might have another award such as the or the best performance.
Yes, a “shake the city” award.
Or Best crier.
Best crier baby*.
is the article real? are thee results true?
If that article is true, then everyone else in those category is fine to win except Fala.
TVB should make everyone happy by “expanding” the pork and give an honourable award for everyone such as “most loyal”, “traitor” etc haha…
That’s why I made that lengthy TVBrazzie list in that other article ROFL
you should send that list to TVB, haha
sure they can’t afford losing more talents such as bowie, steven, joe etc
The lost fishes are the big fishes theory? Lol. In my opinion, nobody is irreplacable :P.
LOL, what’s with you and your theories?
you are right however in the short run a large turnover will cause alot to damage to the bottom line of an entity.
still even great artist needs good supporting cast in order to make the end product good and many of those veterans are jumping ship due to harsh treatment…
No, I don’t think so. The harsh treatment won’t be a matter when they are not famous.
well i like to treat all human beings with respect regardless of their social status or “net worth”.
even klfs in tvb and veterans are human beings with feelings and most need a minimum need for dignity, hehe.
besides alot of the veterans are good artist that might find another ship next year.
Nothing irrespective to them. I only say that when they are unfamous, they will sign everything despite how hard the contracts are, just need to be promoted.
that’s why the devil insist that the innocent souls to sign a 10 year +++ contracts.
first stage is to play klf roles for the first 3 years unless you have some connections like LF.
start to promote you a little more after that and if you become popular the devil will do whatever it takes to decrease your market value when the contract is about to expire just to lure the innocent souls to sign a new 10 year contract.
so happy Steven Ma is leaving…
But would anyone turn up for their “awards” anyway??
Ok, even LF with connections have to act KLF in more than 10 series, mostly no dialogue but Linda doesn’t have any KLF role, jumped directly to second lead. Then I can tell you exoidus who is more overpromoted :P.
SM went out, and came back. Who noe in the future he’ll come back or not. If he comes back to TVB, I’ll tell you exoidus.
I hope maggie cheung win best actress… myolie in harmen flower is not impressive… maggie acting is better…
It’s not about Maggie’s acting, but because she’s not an artiste TVB want to promote to replace Charmaine’s empty space and the real nominee is only the 5 current fadans and TVB will pick the most eligible of them 5; Myolie, Fala, Linda, Tavia, Kate
I am really disappointed that Myolie is a contender for Best Actress in Curse of the Royal Harem instead of Ghetto Justice. Her acting, I feel, was superb there together with Kevin. In fact, they should win the award for Most Favourite Couple On Screen for that series too.