ATV Actress, Erica Choi, Claims She Was Cursed by Voodoo Spell

Twelve years ago, ATV actress Erica Choi (蔡曉儀) suddenly disappeared from the entertainment scene after returning to Hong Kong from a promotional tour in Thailand. Erica was one of ATV’s leading actresses in the 1990s, and her last project was a guest appearance for the ATV drama Law 2002 <法內情2002>, which also starred Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) and Felix Wong (黃日華).
Erica’s mysterious disappearance led to many conspiracy theories. Rumors said that Erica was mentally unstable and was struggling with a mood disorder.
“Yes, something crazy did happen that year,” Erica confirmed in her interview. “When I was still with ATV, I traveled to Thailand to do some promotion. I met a Thai-Chinese, who pursued me, but I rejected him. Afterwards, someone cursed me with black magic. I lost control of my emotions, and I felt like dying. I was always feeling down, and I also attempted to commit suicide several times.”
In her first suicide attempt, Erica tried to swallow pills, but her family members saved her just in time. In her second attempt, she tried to slit her wrists with a knife, but fortunately, the knife was too dull. Erica spent some time recovering in the hospital and under the care of her family.
“My elder sister was there to support me in my darkest times. She cried a lot because of me. She was also my economic support in the last few years.”
Asked why Erica chose to disclose such a private matter in her life to the public, she said, “I want to share my experiences. I want to say that even if you’re faced with difficulties, you must clench your teeth and work through it. Circumstances will change with the passage of time, and you will eventually see your sky. We should not give up when we are troubled. After suffering comes happiness.
“I am ready to make a comeback,” the 42-year-old said in a recent interview. “I will face my life positively.”
This article is written by Addy for
I don’t really get it.. how does black magic actually makes you emotional issues? I mean like she rejected the thai-chinese dude so how does that affect her. This is really odd to me..
It does cause you to have suicide tendencies. It affects your spirit like being possessed. So he placed a charm on her. Thailand is famous for that.
You must read on black magic then. It’s weird but dangerous and scary because it’s true.
Hmm, so she felt down and committed suicide a couple of times. Let’s apply Ockham’s razor. She felt down and committed suicide because she suffered from (undiagnosed) depression, or she was cursed by black magic. Which hypothesis is more economical? Which one makes fewer assumptions? I would say the former.
There is no such thing as magic. However, there are people out there who are extremely good at manipulating others’ thoughts and behaviour and she may have met someone who manipulated her into thinking she’s been cursed by black magic. Believing in black magic is like believing in love charms. It’s silly.
Well you can say it is silly but honestly,we do not know for sure. But regardless of what it was, she is past it now and hopefully she can make a comeback.
not sure who she is indeed but she got the hot look to survive in this entertainment industry… why the right pic of her face look abit unnatural? is it after make up or plastic?
have you seen atv’s “i have a date with spring?” She played Lulu (Kam Lo Lo))
Yeah I recognize her now from that drama. I didn’t think she was pretty in the drama, but she looks hella pretty in real life pictures. She looks like Michelle Reis.
My mom say if you’re pretty you should not go to Thailand lol (or if someone hate you a lot). If someone with magic power find you attractive there, they would put a curse on you and make you obey them forever or something like that.
I know. She looked SO PRETTY before. She was almost the prettiest actress. Kinda looked like Michele Reis. Yeah what happened to her on the right photo. She does not look older just looked so not pretty. Probably PS went wrong. Too bad :-(.
wouldn’t you find some difference in appearance if you compare a recent picture of yourself with one from 12 years ago?
No, I think she just aged just like we all do. I am not sure if she had any PS but I do not think she did. It has been 12 years so of course she would age.
Agree! And yes, there is some resemblance between her and Michele Reis.
I guess you did not see ATV series in the 90s. She was in many series back then. The first series I saw of hers was the Noble Conflict with Kent Tong and Strawberry Yeung. I also did not know her back then but noticed she looked a bit like Michelle Reis.
I was wondering what happened to her. I thought she retired and did something else or got happily married and retired. Sad to hear this happened but glad she got through it. Hope to see her in series again. She is lucky to be able to get out of this curse if she was cursed and have family support.
She was in The secret Battle of the Majesties with Kong Wah back then. That was a very popular series back then so I am a bit shocked that some do not know her. But then again, if you did not watch ATV series back then then you would not know her. I have been rewatching some old ATV series lately and have noticed there were many good looking and talented actors and actresses back then that just disappeared. It is sad that ATV was not as popular as TVB before.
Wow scary! I heard a lot real life story that people go to Thailand n come back with something cursing them. Anyway glad that she is fine now!
It is not only Thailand but I heard that even in Vietnam, many got cursed. They were people that my mom knows personally too so the stories are all true. It is sad that people have to use all of these evil spells and voodoo stuff to make others suffer.
urghh scary stuff!
Yes, HTS, black magic is real, not a myth…..I am not sure about other countries but Thailand is where black magic thrives. If I hv the time, there are many stories to tell…true events that took place in the 80’s…of cos in Msia, we do hv our homegrown world renowned black magic practitioners ….armed with bamboos, coconuts & flying carpets…..their credibility thus far, for everyone to see….zero.
All said…black magic is REAL in Thailand & it would be wise to be extra careful there.
Thailand, Vietnam, India and Myanmar.
Wow, she has an uncanny resemblance to Michelle reis
Oh Gosh! So that’s what happened to Erica! Hope she gets back to her old self soon!
Hey,this is good timing to come back since ATV will be making series again soon. I wonder if she will act for ATV again?
I am guessing this is her way of saying that she was depressed. Welp, at least she feels better. Heads up, Erica!
Yea, you really wonder if she was truly cursed or just depressed?
I have a feeling she feels ashamed of her past actions, so she made up this black magic business in an attempt to feel less embarrassed before her family, the public and the mirror she has at home. I seriously hope she got and gets the help she needs, considering, I apologize for saying this bluntly, but if you not only think about suicide, but attempt it, you must be really having an unsound mind and a disturbed psyche.
@ Maria
“I want to share my experiences”“I am ready to make a comeback
Twice committed suicide. She had no regard for life. Exactly, what was so painful about her experiences? She’s ready to make a comeback, but is the audience ready for her comeback? LOL!
I don’t believe in Voodoo. It is all psychological.
People get depress, and have suicide thoughts when there are big lost or chances in their life. Some are strong enough to survive, some break down like Erica.
I seen many people who lost family, lost career, lost business, etc. all get depressed.
Look at Carman Lee, she have big chances in her life, and she also admit having suicidal thoughts, and she didn’t went to Thailand, LOL!
I agree, its all Suggestive psychology. Like the placebo effect. Someone says they’re going to voodoo you and you believe it enough.
All those things is obviously mental instability and emotional breakdowns. SHE swallowed the pills, SHE slit her wrists. Obviously it is easier to blame voodoo magic than to face the reality of your own weakness.
Yes, I believe Erica have an emotional break down, nothing related to Voodoo.
Just imagine if you are a famous actress one day, and next day you are nobody. You lost your house, your popularity, boyfriend left you, etc. All these can lead to depression and sucidal thoughts.
Like in real life, I see tons of people who lost their business, went bankrupt, wife left them, etc. I’m sure it a big hit to anyone, you can’t be the same like before.
I put myself as an example, if one day my house got wash up by the hurricane or tornado, and my husband and son died. I am sure with big changes like that, I would think of kill myself too. I cetainly won’t blame it on Voodoo.
But, there are people out there who see all their loves one died, and they are still brave enough to survive. Those are the true heroes. Comitted sucide is an easy way out. The one that facing the pain and continue living is the hero one.
And if it was a truely Voodoo curse.
Erica 1-2 unsucessful attempt of sucidal won’t simply end there. The Voodoo curse will continue to haunt her until it grab her life. She won’t be able to move on like how she is right now.
Same here! I don’t think it’s voodoo. But a better way of making believe that she was cursed. With her mindset like that ( Depression due to being cursed), I really question if she is “OK” now.
I did wonder where she disappeared to. She was quite pretty and sexy back then, but acting was not memorable. I though t she got married and retired from showbiz.
Wish her all the best. She’s lucky to have her sister.
I am shocked that HeTieShou actually believes in this stuff!
After all, she has been the one who keeps telling people to think for themselves and not let these religious/superstitious stuff control their lives.
I do still we believe that we think for ourselves. I do not believe in most religion and superstition stuff because most of it is theory. However,some I do believe in it because there was proof of it and it happened in my immediate family. I do not believe in something unless I saw it with my eyes and I did which is why some I do believe in. However,just like with anything,you must have a limit to what you believe in and do not allow it to control you and that goes for anything!
By the way religion and curses to me are two different things so do not group them together.
Ahh! At last we come to an agreement.
Yes they are two different things.
Religion (not cults and fanaticism) involves some serious thoughts on the part of the practitioners on an ongoing basis. It does not and should not “control” your thoughts as you put it.
Superstition on the other hand is grounded on mindless ignorance that does control one’s life if it goes serious unchallenged.
Logically, when one believes in the force of good, then one should accept there is also the force of evil. Interestingly, you only believe (albeit selectively) in the force of evil (curses, superstition).
True that religion should not control out thoughts but the religion fanatics that I have ran into have evolved their lives around religion and do allow it to control them.
No,I do not believe in only evil forces. You may believe it but I do not and do NOT put words into my mouth ans accuse me of this and that. I only believe in some forms of curses or whatever you call it only because I have seen it happen before. I will not share it here because it too private. But believe in what you want to believe in or whatever….
The difference between depression and charm is one that is caused by one’s emotional state. The other is caused by an evil spirit disrupting one’s daily activities. I seriously advise people to seek a pastor’s help in cases where charms are involved.
Personally I can see those spirits walking in broad daylight, I don’t think there are many people that can. I had a charm (a different sort of charm) placed on me once and actually saw the evil spirit appearing before me and talking. I shouted out god’s name and the charm was broken in 3-4 minutes. Anyway, those affected, keep praying for god’s protection and u will be fine.
For a moment I thought Michelle Reis.
Haven’t noticed she was missing for so long. I won’t dismiss her claims. People believe what they want to believe and stranger things have happened so it could be true, according to her. Myself? I do not believe in black magic. Don’t call it voodoo please. Voodoo can be good as well, it is just like witch doctor or traditional medicine. Call it black magic. I don’t really believe it but I know many who do and they believe in it so much they are convinced and sound convincing. It could be all in the mind or it could be real. It is for the believer to believe and the disbeliever to disbelief. It is the same thing as depression. Some may dismiss the existence of depression as just spoilt people having temper tantrums. True! Some do think that way. Some believe there is an illness called depression. Whatever it may be, at least she is well now.
The original reference is 降頭 which generally does seem to indicate (Thai) Voodoo. Translations can be Curse, or Witchcraft as well. 巫都 is also used for the African form of Voodoo.
My guess is that she is using voodoo, black magic or whatever to cover up something else which caused her to “commit” suicide. Bad relationships, money problems, blackmail…
She was so popular back then starring in many ATV grand productions.
No idea whether true or not. Seems black magic spells unable to cross the ocean/seas….! Flying back .. over the South China Sea or over an ocean , it loses black magic power so I heard. Had to be there…for it to manifest/work. True or not, your guess is as good as mine!.{ Telling it as hearsay! Again NO idea…! ]
LOL at black magic..voodoo or anything without scientific prove are not true.
True that we do not know for sure if it all exists or did happen to her. I only believe in some cases because I have seen it happen to relatives and family friends to the point where I did not think it was just psychological problems.
I thought she was one of the prettiest actress back in the days. She look different now, but everyone do aged. I’m glad she is okay now. It will be hard for her to make a comeback with so many young new actress nowadays. However, I wish her the best of luck.
This news of Erica is such a shock to me, she has been my #1 idol since the very beginning and it saddens me to know what she is going through. And to say no matter what anyone says or think of her, she is still a very unique and talented actress and she will always remain that way. I support her through everything she’s going through, good and bad and will continue to be her greatest fan!
Sounds like she had depression, should’ve gone to a psychiatrist and gotten help. She sounds all right now so that’s good.