Benjamin Yuen and Nancy Wu Go Wakeboarding
After a long and hard summer of work, these TVB artists are spending some days off to cool down.
A Fist Within Four Wall <城寨英雄> stars and real-life buddies Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣) took some time off their schedules to hit the waters with some of their close friends. Benjamin shared a video of him wakeboarding as he tried to down a bottle of drinking water, but fell into the water before he could finish the bottle.
“Is this considered freestyle performance?” wrote Benjamin on Instagram. “Establishing my hobbies and establishing my life. P.S. I’m actually a rookie, but I’ve managed to save the bottle!”
Benjamin was shirtless in the video, wearing only his swim trunks. He’s still as fit as ever!
Meanwhile, Nancy shared a picture of herself wakeboarding as well, writing, “Today I’ve finally worked up the courage to try something new…”
Benjamin will be starring in the upcoming crime drama Line Walker: The Prelude <使徒行者2> while Nancy will be starring in Deep in the Realm of Conscience <宮心計2深宮計>.
This article is written by Addy for
You go Nancy and Benjamin…enjoy yourselves! Good on-screen partners and real life buddies – way to go! Despite you having a gf now, you are so ‘dai fong’ and still have a life so unlike some guy who doesnt admit to dating but acts and behaves stiff and awkward with his one time good on screen partner and friend as though she was a stranger to him when in fact there was so much chemistry between them before this.
Dont get me wrong, I am not a Nancy fan but just commenting as an observer. What kind of a guy is that!!! Not asking you to kiss Nancy to show you have chemistry but at least be gracious and be a gentleman and not make her feel awkward too! Come on- having a gf doesnt mean you have to behave this way!
@myozzie your observations are spot on. Ruco cares too much about what others think of him. I think it’s the way he behaves towards her (in order to avoid rumours) that makes her feel awkward and not those questions the reporters asked them. I don’t care if he admits to dating or not but i dont get why he can’t treat Nancy in a less awkward manner even if he was in a relationship. Not gentlemanly at all.
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