Bobby Au Yeung Stars in “House of Spirits” Spinoff Travel Show

Due to the success of the TVB drama, House of Spirits <一屋老友記>, a spinoff travel show was produced. Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華), Joyce Tang (滕麗名), Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Bob Cheung (張彥博), Helena Law (羅蘭), and Lau Kong (劉江) star in the new show, Spirits on Vacation <一屋老友去旅行>.

Bobby joked that although he has been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years, he has never experienced a drama so popular that it led to a spinoff show. Humor aside, Bobby is very thankful for the outcome, as it is difficult to assemble a strong cast with a good storyline that appeals to the audience.

With the elderly Helena Law and Lau Kong along for the trip, Bobby expressed that it did not make the trip more difficult. Bobby shared, “Even though Lau Kong is older too, he is actually very active and doesn’t really need anyone to take care of him! He even frolicked in the water along with Joyce. Actually, he looks very refined outwardly, but internally, he’s quite open!”

Since TVB is approaching its 50th anniversary, the company will be producing a 50-episode epic drama, My Ages Apart <誇世代>. The drama will star Bobby and Moses Chan (陳豪) as co-leads, with a theme that revolves around the changes in an era. The drama will also incorporate fantasy themes, where Bobby will exchange souls with James Ng (吳業坤). He joked that James’ natural blank look will be a challenge to imitate.

Source: Oriental Daily

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  1. the cast was really good but the show was silly. don’t know what’s with all the hype about it unless it is for the cast to make the show more bearble.

  2. House of Spirits was so much better than Fists, and deserved more awards.

    The spinoff travel show seemed like a lot fun!

  3. Sounds fun and since they already have chemistry together, will be a great show! Where they going?

  4. House of Spirits deliver a good message on family values, and the casts were brilliant in their performance. It was a pity that this drama did not even get a single award…the same goes to Dead Wrong.

    Perhaps the Spinoff Travel Show is another way for TVB to recognize and reward the casts for their dedication and hardwork to produce this well-received drama…hehe

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