Bosco Wong Focuses on Bodybuilding

Remaining single after splitting with Vanessa Yeung (楊崢), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) is not eager to meet someone new and has decided to focus on bodybuilding instead.

Although he already maintains a great physique through his normal exercise regime, Bosco enlisted Otto Chan (陳志健) as his personal trainer and took his fitness training to the next level. In the last two months, Bosco trained for two hours every day and followed a very strict diet that consisted of only boiled vegetables and boiled chicken. He also chose to eliminate starch completely from his diet to ensure maximize results.

In a little less than three weeks of training, his six-pack abs, oblique, and back muscles became more prominent than before.

Devoting his time to training, Bosco is not dating despite the number of interested females. Mainland actress, Cindy Sun (孫驍驍), even asked Bosco’s mother to help push their relationship forward, but Bosco ignored her romantic advances and only saw her as little sister.

Besides training and filming, Bosco still has to oversee the operations of his oyster bar. Always in a good mood, he allows fans to take pictures with him and signs autographs

Otto Chan is a Popular Trainer

After placing in Mr. Hong Kong 2006, Otto has always maintained his side business as a personal trainer. With his buff body, he is a popular trainer at TVB. Johnson Lee (李思捷), Lisa Chong (莊思明), Toby Chan (陳庭欣), Eliza Sam (岑麗香) and Tracy Ip (葉翠翠) have trained under Otto to improve their physiques.

Happy to help out his fellow colleagues, Otto does not mind teaching the lessons. “When I was still just a personal trainer, I charged several thousand dollars [HKD] per hour. Since we’re all artistes, I give them a friendship price!”


This article is written by Su for

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  1. Is he building up for a new movie or drama? Looks like he needs tons of bacons.

  2. Yikes!!! He looks terrible!! Is that what “body building” did to him? The first pic looks badly photoshopped, his face is a different color and his neck looks much too long.

  3. Here we go again with the “only boiled vegetables and boiled chicken and eliminating all starch”. First off, you’d be so malnutritioned if that were true, second, no body who knows what they’re doing actually does that because it’s not sustainable and doesn’t yield jack in terms of results (this is why so many people think you have to spend truckloads of money on trainers and eat only boiled veggies and chicken to look ‘ripped’ which is just another term for looking old and malnutritioned), and I could go on but let’s leave it at that. These guys are charlatans.Look at Dwayne Johnson’s preparation for Hercules, that’s how it’s done and he’s honest about it.

    1. “Look at Dwayne Johnson’s preparation for Hercules, that’s how it’s done and he’s honest about it.”

      There’s one close to home, Nick Cheung. 😀 🙁 LOL!

  4. Bosco, I think you are an alright dude but please put a shirt on, you look disgusting. Many artist go on the vegetarian diet, or the steam veggies and chicken diet when they have a concert or certain roles coming up to look good with a six pack and muscles. However, the results is a bag of wrinkled emaciated bones, especially for those who loooove to take their shirt off.. In their vain and arrogant perception of themselves, they think they look good, haha.

    The best way for these slim men to muscle up is to put some flesh on their bones, and then build muscle tone. In doing that they look healthy as compared to starving themselves and then trying to build bare bones into muscle.

  5. I think he should put on some weight before going for the muscles- he looks really strange!

  6. Not attractive. Him having a six pack simply means that he has extremely low body-fat and doesn’t say “healthy” to me at all. A healthy, buff body would be one like Hugh Jackman’s… now *that* is hot. Bosco just looks emaciated.

    1. Agree! Too skinny he’s just setting a wrong example to young boys out there!

  7. Ulgh. That’s a sad looking ‘body building’ body. One nice example (IMO) would be Chris Evans (Captain America). That is one nice body. 🙂
    On another note, boiled veggie and chicken diet is for already big people trying to diet and tone up their bodies. I don’t think it will be effective for already skinny to the bones people to bulk up.

    1. LOL! I was just going to say he needs to add on a few pounds! Too skinny! Like a scare crow!

  8. >>> Otto does not mind teaching the lessons. “When I was still just a personal trainer, I charged several thousand dollars [HKD] per hour. Since we’re all artistes, I give them a friendship price!”<<<

    whattttt? several thousand bucks per hour.. hey better ditch your part-time TVB career and pay F/T attention to your main business.

  9. That body of Bosco is just skinny with low body fat not bodybuilding. All skinny people have abs because low body fat! He should learn from Hugh Jackman or Daniel Craig body! Both are older than him but muscular and ripped!

    Otoh that Otto Chan has a muscular body but ugly face. Since his personal training job pays better than his kelefe job in TVB he should just give up his acting job. No face and no outstanding acting won’t make him more than kelefe.

  10. Before everyone bash the above photos of Bosco, just think of those photos as his introduction to body building and conditioning. Give him 6 months to a year and then check out his photos then to see the before and after photos before making judgment. Hopefully Bosco does not take the short cut method to getting “ripped” by using supplements vs. dedicated intense workouts at the gym and track.

    1. Supplements are 1) legal, 2) ‘supplements’, they don’t replace a well-planned nutrition plan, 3) not anabolics, 4)they don’t build muscle, if they did there’d be no need for gyms, just down your ‘supplements’ and wait for it to work it’s magic

      1. If that supplement is steroid? What that makes? Although he surely isn’t using any steroid now since he’s too thin no fat and meat at all! Plain crazy!

    2. He’s not built in the above photos, he should have waited. They all take shortcuts, it just a matter of how much. 😀 🙁 LOL!

  11. Bosco’s lean and should add some weight but did anyone watch his new movie Golden Brother 男人唔可以窮? It’s a must watch! I just watched it yesterday. A rare meaningful and inspiring movie from HK and Bosco’s performance is great in it. The movie is somewhat low budget and low profile but Bosco, Uncle Liu Kai Chi, Stephy and the ending message is great. Bosco and Stephy surprises me with their improvement and they have great chemistry.

  12. Ekkkeee agree with everyone else comments he looks horrible yeah he’s got the six pack n all but it dont look right skinny build yuck…….

  13. Bosco probably the next one to leave tvb he will probably sign with Eric tsang to focus more on movies

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