Bosco Wong Takes a Break from Dating

Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Priscilla Wong (黃翠如) attended an event for a cosmetics brand in Tsuen Wan. Though they were soaked with sweat from the sweltering summer heat of Hong Kong, Bosco and Priscilla stayed professional and closely interacted with their fans in the audience, producing a festive atmosphere.
Priscilla Wong and her boyfriend Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) were spotted on a trip to Malaysia recently. Priscilla said she feels helpless and disappointed about getting photographed everywhere. “Since having the camera function enabled in our phones, it has become harder for us to have our own privacy,” she said.
“As artistes, we can’t stop these things from happening,” said Bosco. “When we are in public places, our privacy is compromised.”
Bosco was a victim a few months ago, when he was photographed kissing Vanessa Yeung (楊崢) inside a restaurant in Sai Kung. “Yes, that is why it’s normal!” Turning to Priscilla, Bosco said, “I completely understand!”
How is Bosco’s current love life? “Like this. Nothing much,” he said. Would there be another opportunity for Bosco to be photographed with someone else soon? “More photographs? Now that I finally have the time to quiet down, just let me be.”
Priscilla laughed at Bosco’s response, “Senior, I must learn your ways of answering questions!”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
Victim? I dislike the word victim. There is no victim in trigger happy paps and fans and stars openly doing things or not doing anything in public. Should I feel sorry for them? Should I cry and mourn for the death of privacy of stars? Yes some fans and paps are jerks. But you can’t blame them for taking pictures (and assuming no other physical disturbances) which is pretty harmless. You know you’re a public figure. You know you are in public area. If you intend to have some intimate moments or just walk around, and you want privacy, go buy an island and do it there. Moaning about it won’t do you favours.
““Since having the camera function enabled in our phones, it has become harder for us to have our own privacy,” she said.”
Certainly, even for ordinary folks and some sickos. And for us ordinary folks, some of us may not even like stars uploading selfies using that very same privacy busting camera function device and then moan about privacy affected rubbish thing.
Spare me your pain. I can never get it.
However! If it was like how it was for Bosco and nudity and open curtains and in privacy of his own home, now that is a different matter.
Next headline;
Bosco Wong Takes a Break from taking a break from Dating
I’m waiting for this headline: Bosco Wong and Raymond Lam leaves TVB. Power Chan and Raymond Cho promoted to replace them.
@Toby: Power Chan already announced his leave from TVB. He took part in the petition for HKTV which means he didnt have the intention to come back to TVB. And you dont have to wait because today headline is already LF leaves TVB.
@alluka LF really left TVB??? Thank god for small miracles! Now i dont need to watch him on Tv! Yeah! Yeah! YEAH!
@rolf: No, in few days’ time. If the articles are right, he does not sign the management contract with TVB anymore. However it does not mean he wont sign the contract per series.
Anyway, good for you, rolf. And perhaps it can prevent the bitterness as well.
P/S: If you watch Chinese series, you will still see him on your TV. Or you can see him on cinema :P.
Raymond leave TVB? Good to know. One less bad actor in TVB. His acting has been bad and unconvincing these few years. I only see Raymond Lam onscreen and not his role.
@alluka dude, why shld there be bitterness? It’s happiness all around at this great pc of news and no i don’t watch china dramas or waste money on cinema tixs these days so noooooo LF for me ever again! Yeah!
@rolf: I dont say to you particlarly. Any bitterness is applied. It is fine that you dont watch Chinese series or movies, I just wanna inform you other methods to see him, geez. Normally people see what they want to see, hence he is in or out of Txb is a big problem to you, I suspect. Whatever, it isnt matter to me as well because it is such a long time since I have finished a Txb series.
@rofl: I dont say to you particlarly. Any bitterness is applied. It is fine that you dont watch Chinese series or movies, I just wanna inform you other methods to see him, geez. Normally people see what they want to see, hence he is in or out of Txb is a big problem to you, I suspect. Whatever, it isnt matter to me as well because it is such a long time since I have finished a Txb series.
LF should just go back to the family business built by his father and stop bringing shame to his family.
Hey alluka, no hard feelings. No harm intended, just that for some reason i don’t like LF. Hard to explain. Chill friend.
@rofl: Do I look like I feel hard? I think you are hypersensitive something.
wow Alluka, some kind of touchy person you are!I was trying to be friendly but you took it in such a bad way! Anyway, chillax! No need to burst a blood vessel over my comments. Have a good day too!
Relax, rofl. You are over sensitive again.
Agree Raymond better focus dating with Karena and avoid getting his family into his scandal life
nahhh, alluka, this is good news to me . Why wld i be sensitive? Anyway appreciate yr concern. Guess one person’s loss is another’s gain, that’s all.
If I rmb right, Bosco and Vanessa was snapped in a private place of a restaurant, so they werent in public. Yet to say, he can be considered as a victim of sneaky snapshot.
The restaurant is public, sort of. The waiters did not stop the person from taking picture. Next time go to a more exclusive restaurant. Like his own.
Private areas of restaurant is abandoned from picture snapping. Whose restaurant, I dont rmb.
give him a break!
I love Priscilla’s acting from Swipe Tap Love and Bosco’s from The Ultimate Addiction. Why won’t they pair up together instead of Priscilla and Edwin/Raymond/Ruco all over again and again. TVB need to spice up their manpowers and create fresh vibes.
Edwin and Priscilla…the new Moses and Aimee. Gag so annoying
Omg Priscilla is an annoying overpromoted mediocre actress. Now we’ll keep hearing of her love life with Edwin just like MosesxAimee before.
We’ll Eliza is over promoted how come u guys don’t find it annoying
Eliza don’t have over publicitized couple like Aimee Moses and Priscilla Edwin.
The girl’s arm is horribly slender…
HK has extreme preference for ladies to be super skinny size 0
Priscilla never has a good body
Sigh … I guess only good looking guys like Bosco can take a break from dating. Some people can’t even find a date.
What is so good about Priscilla Wong? She looks hideous up there and too thin. Yup, her publicized relationship with Edwin is annoying!
Really? She looks very ok in the picture, less plain than ever. And she is in a relationship, why she has to hide? It is nothing wrong about the love.
I think it is funny. An artist hides relationship, some moral people call her/him liar. When an artist announces relationship, those people say that s/he is annoying. Life is too boring?
In my 2 cents I think public likes it when an artiste did not deliberately hide his/her relationship but did not flaunt it for extra news either. It’s somewhere in the middle.
ok….then that’s must be a kind of a weird thing that what Bosco wong said:to take a break from dating!!!!
well….before i thought that Priscilla Wong wouldn’t actually will be with Edwin Siu but now they’re together and had spotted in Malaysia….and the other news is about Bosco that he was kissing Vanessa Yeung-that has being spotted!!!!!
“Senior, I must learn your ways of answering questions!”
Bosco Wong/黃宗澤 and Priscilla Wong/黃翠如 are almost the same age.
Senior at work, that hard for you to understand, MW?
They both born on 1980?
No I think Priscilla is born on 1982 or 83.
Both look young in the photo above, not looking 30 ++
She says this because he entiers the entertainment industry before her
She looks good in this pic:)