Bowie Lam Has a New Boyfriend?

After leaving TVB in 2011 and shifting his focus to to Mainland China, Bowie Lam’s (林保怡) career has been smooth-sailing. In the industry for 28 years, he has always kept his love life low-profile. Bowie has never revealed his sexual orientation, but he has openly supported gay rights. He was recently spotted spending quality time with a 25-year old man, who is speculated to be Bowie’s new boyfriend.
Bowie was romantically linked to two other men in the past. In 2000, Bowie’s assistant, Daniel, was caught frequently spending the night at the actor’s house. In 2007, when Mr. Hong Kong contestant Byron Kung (彭冠期) was mourning at Bowie’s mother’s funeral, rumors questioning Bowie’s sexual orientation arose once more.
Secret Dates in Hong Kong
Last month, Bowie was seen visiting the parents of his male friend in secret. When they spotted the paparazzi, Bowie immediately grew angry and glared at reporters. Bowie then shouted, “Where are you guys from? Can you stop taking pictures?”
Bowie was also seen with his male friend when they were casually shopping in a shoe store in Sham Sui Po. Although Bowie and his friend were happily enjoying their time, Bowie had a keen eye and spotted the followers right away. Ending the shopping trip early, Bowie and his friend quickly left the store.
An insider revealed that 49-year-old Bowie and his friend met last year and became very close over time. The source stated, “At Bowie’s age, he doesn’t like going to pubs and getting drunk anymore. If he doesn’t have work, he would rather come back to Hong Kong and sleep early and wake up early. In the morning, he would meet with friends to hike or go to the gym. Last year, he met the male friend through a mutual buddy. The male friend also hikes and since they have something in common, they grew close quickly. Bowie and him hit it off immediately.”
This article is written by Su for
Whaaaaaaat?! His gay?!?! Awwwww! I use to love watching the chemistry with him and maggie in The Gem of Life!!!
i had no idea he was gay…but thinking about it, he does have women lips
‘women lips’? That’s… offensive.
Lmao that was what I thought too. I never knew he was gay that took me by surprise
oh haha, yes, I’ve forgotten about this guy. Yup, long rumored to be gay.
i thought he was crazy over this female actress…his role in Healing Hands was good.
He has the Tom Hanks look now doesn’t he? Gay or straight doesn’t matter as long as he is happy.
I agree that as long as he is happy then that is what counts. His sexual preference should not matter at all as long as he is talented and is not a bad person.
“His sexual preference should not matter at all as long as he is talented and is not a bad person”.
sorry, i don’t get yr logic. If he’s talented and not a bad person , then it’s ok if he’s gay?
totally agreed
I love Bowie! Hopefully he comes back to tvb soon
Was Wong hei his first bf
My mom told me that Wong Hei and Bowie are enemies and once have disputes over filming issues.
I never really liked bowie. He was a fine actor but one of those people i never really notice much. Even when he was leading, i never swooned over him. I thought it was strange. But i never figured he’d be gay. I thought he mightve even liked Gigi Lai with the way he reacted to her news with leaving showbiz. But if he is gay, that would explain quite a bit…
But i cant say i have an inborn gaydar cus once upon a time, i thought wong hei was so charismatic and swoon-worthy. He has what hispanics would call machismo – he projected an alpha confidence and he had really good chemistry with his onscreen ladies so i didnt think he’d be gay. Maybe he’s bi, which would also explain a lot?
“never really notice much”
…cos Bowie has the rough (not just referring to his complexion haha) kind of face that’s not swoonworthy. Didn’t think he was gay either till those rumors started swirling. Wong Hei too. Never liked either of them so no loss haha.
I also thought he had a thing for Gigi Lai, lol They were very close on and off.
“Maybe he’s bi, which would also explain a lot?”
Maybe your gaydar just isn’t that accurate.
As for you not finding Bowie swoon-worthy. It has nothing to do with him being gay. He’s just not your type.
@kidd – eh, never said my gaydar was accurate :). and you could be right but really, i’ve liked rougher (faced) characters than bowie and i dont think that’s quite it. but who knows.
:p both Wong hei and him wore the earring that indicate they are gay? I can’t say I sense it, but it’s not surprising… No idea why lol. Like I totally buy Bowie’s chemistry with Gigi when they pair together, but I’m not shocked hahaha xD
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say?
You don’t find Bowie attractive because you somehow sensed him to be gay? So gay men can’t inherently be attractive to you?
And that gay men can’t be macho?
Wow. Just. Wow.
I find it quite offensive that you imply that gay men can’t inherently be attractive or that they are not ‘macho’.
That’s a broad and stupid generalization. Just like ‘all asian women are submissive’ or some bs like that.
@kingu –
you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder about this kinda thing. are you gay? you seem to magnify each and every statement someone makes and turn it into something that warps the original intent.
is there something wrong with me saying I don’t find tall people attractive? well, maybe to tall people, but who are you to question my preference? sure they can be attractive to others, just not to me. and if a guy is gay, obv i will not be attracted to him. and neither would he to me, so i really don’t know what’s your problem. that’s not to say someone gay can’t be attractive. i just don’t find them attractive. and point blank, that’s my prerogative. and if you have an issue with that, that’s your problem.
He has a great acting talent. You are either gay or lesbian, your life still the same as others. The survival of mankind is hard, give this guy a break!
No their sex lives are definitely different from heterosexual people. You don’t need me to elaborate do you?
woahhhh had no idea he was gay!
I’ve always assumed that he was gay ever since. I always thought he wasn’t very compatible with tvb actresses.
Happy for him!
I like him a lot in Healing Hands.
You guys jump to conclusions like a 八婆. This article is nothing but pure speculations. Lol
I admired him as a great actor. His series are all very very good. Who cares if he like men or women. Doesn’t change my life, just hoping he would come to do TVB. Mainland drama do not have very good script.
He’s in John Woo’s The Crossing
really surprise to know that he is gay, i find him manly anyhow, seems to be a very mature and could give 安全感 to women
You cannot tell if someone is gay or whatever from just looking at them. Many gay men are manly while many girly like guys are not gay. But it does not matter because it is not a big deal.
Not earth shattering news. Though he belongs to one of those down to earth gays (the guy next door type) = so hard to tell.
Like Wong Hei, Bowie’s been pro-gay for a long while now, and was supportive of Stephan Chan when he was going through his crisis.
It’s funny that some people treat gay people like they’re another kind of species or something. ‘He belongs to those down to earth gays’? What’s that suppose to imply about other ‘gays’?
Maybe it’s an unfortunate choice of words but I sincerely hope that you understand sexual preference is not a personality trait.
@ kingu,
obv there are diff factions of gay people. some that are more low key, like bowie. and some that are extremely flamboyant. unfortunately for the masses, flamboyant gay men get all the attention, and that’s exactly why they’re flamboyant.
she’s not trying to separate gay men into another subspecies, but rather categorizing them into low key and flamboyant, just like there are feminazis and there are regular women.
seriously, get off your high horse.
So what? Gay or not, if he’s happy then good for him. I hope people can leave him alone and let him live his life.
And like how captivating Leslie Cheung was as both singer and actor, Bowie is a very decent actor who convinces in every role.
It is not what they seem, but what they MANAGE to portray when they act. for eg: A Korean actor who had NO lines at all (he was a ghost – an ex bf) but he managed to emote so much with his silent presence and his eyes/expressions, he actually stole the thunder from the male lead WITH the speaking lines!
Unless of course, a gay actor is playing a role and all I can feel is – maybe I should be sharing your mascara and lipstick with this dude.
Currently my feel with a weekend Korean drama, and one of the male leads.
The differences really boils down to a reflection on acting prowess and lack of ability to convince. Skills and NOT the actor/his-her sexual orientation and preferences.
With all these ‘surprise’ comments … Bowie has proven that he’s great at what he does (ie immersing and being convincing in his roles), hence the surprised reaction from many here that he’s gay in real life.
(“my”) mascara and lipstick
@nomad, maybe we’re all so surprised cus bowie really keeps it on the dl. cant say the same for wong hei. nevertheless, these are just rumors. so we cant really say for sure if bowie is gay or not. only time will tell.
The implication that all gay men are inherently ‘feminine’ or that gay actors have to ‘prove’ their masculinity to be considered for playing straight characters is just so offensive.
Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris, Sir Ian Mckellen (Gandalf from Lord of The Rings) and a lot more openly actors are all traditionally masculine if you ask me. At the same time there are a lot of gay people who are what you would call ‘feminine’ and you know what? It’s the same for straight people. We all have feminine and masculine traits and how much of it you have depends on where you fall in the spectrum- your sexuality has little to do with it.
Just because we are spoon-fed by stereotypes in the media and entertainment or know flamboyant gay people in real life doesn’t mean you should buy into this bias.
Well said and it is sad how people think just because anyone looks more masculine or feminine means they are gay or lesbian. But it does not matter since we are all people and as long as we do not do really bad things,then our sexual preference is not a big deal at all. However,sadly some make it out to be a big crime or something.
@ kinghu:
Tou·ché, guilty as charged.
While I THINK I don’t have issues with LGBT, have friends in the LGBT community, and have even helped advocate for my friends’ issues, I do cringe at deliberate flamboyant attention-getters.
I tend to stay away.
This is my general reaction when people in general (including heterosexual) have these personalities.
And yes I admit – it hails back to a stereotypical mindset nurtured by societal ‘norms’; but I still cannot help insitnctively NOT getting a heterosexual role character IF all I can see is his delicately plucked eyebrows, eyeliner, mascara and delicate lips, and posturing. Esp if he does nothing much in the acting department to sway me otherwise. All I end up doing is admiring his skin, makeup skills and features any girl would kill for.
still really love him! glad he is happy
Doesn’t matter if he’s gay. Love his acting!!! Hope he find happiness for sure!!!
Wait a min I thought he admitted into liking FLora Chan back in the days
This guy needs to stand up for his gay rights and show the world his true sexuality. What’s the point of hiding it from the public and being insecure about it? It’s not fair to his partner.
I totally agree! Every man or woman should embrace their sexuality and be proud of who they are. Bowie, please come out of the closet. We will not judge you. We will support you!
That is easier said then done,especially in the old traditional society where being gay or whatever is still always going to be heavily looked down on. It is even worse if you are the only son and are required to carry on the family name,which I think is how it is in Bowie’s case being the only child. I know my parents would not only freak out but would be deeply hurt if any of my siblings were gay or whatever. Therefore,although I dislike it when celebs lie,in these kinds of cases, it is very understandable.
I’m shocked. A big fan of his. Can never forget his performance in Gem of Life. Just shocked that he might be gay! But that’s his personal life. I don’t have any opinion.
What character did he play?
Shouldn’t the age gap be more of a concern?
Why is it a concern to you? They are both of legal age of consent, so where is the problem?
Bowie Lam is or was probably TVB’s most masculine sexiest actor and funny thing is in person he is so uncle and well, he’s gay. But hey, he just got himself a young one. What’s the male version of a cougar? Bowie, go for it!! But come back to TVB also!!
“most masculine sexiest actor”
i had to do a double-take on this. You serious?
What?!? I never thought he was gay. But hey, gay or not, all that matters is that he’s happy.
I love watching him act. I think his last film was some cop show? Hope he comes back to tvb in the near future.
Gay or not, he’s great ! Love watching his acting. Come back to TVB quick -you have been missed !!!
I don’t care if he’s gay or not. Just love watching his acting.
Bowie you have been missed terribly, come back to TVB quick
I read this here the other day. I wish people wouldn’t feel so pressured by society to conceal a part of who they really are. It’s sad this is still an issue in this day and age. If it’s all true, I hope he’s happy!