Bowie Lam: “I Do Not Get Along With Wong Hei!”

Over the course of his 20-year career, Bowie Lam (林保怡) collaborated with numerous fadans and siu sangs. Although the entertainment circle was rife with negative rumors, Bowie was able to maintain good relationships with both cast and crew. It was not until Bowie worked with Wong Hei (王喜) in 2006 that Bowie broke this tendency to get along well with everyone.
Bowie noted, “My motto in life has always been keeping the peace with other people. However, there will always be people who do not like you. Perhaps we can regard this as a test for how you handle situations and your emotional quotient (EQ) level. In 2006, Wong Hei and I hosted travel program, Homeland Beauty <江山美人> and discovered that we were incompatible in many matters. At the time, we had to film a segment to discuss crayfish. Wong Hei considered the harming of the crayfish to violate [the Buddhist belief which was against] killing animals. OKay! I accept it! I agree–I fully agree, but you can not control the rest of us. After this incident, I knew that I cannot work with him again. Later, I declined to continue hosting Homeland Beauty and finally, TVB asked Ha Yu (夏雨) to host the program.
Some time after the incident, a reporter asked me to take a photo with Ah Hei. I sensed that both of us got over the incident and there was nothing between us anymore. It was only taking a photo and not working together. When I see Ah Hei today, I will say, “Hello.”
No Rumors With Male Colleagues
“I am not here to generate gossip. I want to make the audience pay attention to the role. I just want to live in harmony. When I filmed until dawn with Michael Tao (陶大宇) and Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華), we raced our cars with each other. The slowest racer had to treat breakfast. Lawrence Ng (吳啟華) even gave me a set of golf clubs in the past. I do not have negative rumors when I work with men.
“While filming War and Beauty <金枝慾孽> and Dance of Passion <火舞黃沙> and being surrounded by a female cast, I considered myself to be a supporting cast member. As a supporting actor, I will consider whether my acting will steal the scene from the lead cast? In fact, I take good care of each of my co-stars, such as Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯), Moses Chan (陳豪), and Kenny Wong (黃德斌); we maintain contact with each other after filming. Recently, I asked Maggie Shiu whether I can submit our group photo to be published in a newspaper. She said, ‘Of course, since it’s you asking!”
Received “Most Attentive Award” From Jonathan Chik
“I think it’s important to treat people with sincerity. You cannot find friends if you possess fake intentions. While filming War and Beauty one night, the artists went for a midnight snack together while the production crew had to set up the artificial snow for the upcoming scenes. Although I was busy memorizing my dialogue and could not help in setting up the artificial snow for the set, I treated the crew to a midnight snack. Afterwards, Producer Jonathan Chik (戚其義)represented the entire cast and crew in awarding me the ‘Super Attentive Award.’
“Of course, I have tried to treat people sincerely and was hurt as a result. Afterwards, saying ‘Hello’ is sufficient. At least you know who is sincere and who is insincere!”
Jayne: I like both Wong Hei and Bowie Lam. Since Bowie possesses such high EQ, I am somewhat surprised that he truly did not get along with Wong Hei. Perhaps Wong Hei comes across as too passionate about his own beliefs, to the point where he tries to convert people to adopt his ideas, which may come across as offensive and invasive.
Haha. The photo that they chose for this article cracked me up
maybe they we ex lovers. wasn’t there some rumours that bowie was gay? … jus sayin.
He is gay and I doubt WOng Hei is his sort of man.
i’m not sure how buddhist and gays go along.. but assuming that Wong Hei is really into the religion, i dunno how he would be so into the religion and takes it as being gay =).. jus sayin 2
on another note, wong hei mentioned before he will never get married. so maybe he is really into the religion and NOT gay? he just likes to become a monk or follow a monks life?
Buddhism is about tolerance and compassion, the Dalai Lama himself is tolerant towards homosexuality. So there is no conflict.
Bowie gives me an impression he gets along well with everyone, smart, and learned as well as with tact. Whatever rift there was with Wong Hei, it was purely work. Difference between Bowie and Wong Hei is Bowie treats work as work, whilst Wong Hei treats it like a personal mission.
“Wong Hei considered the procedure to violate [the Buddhist practice which prohibited] killing animals.”
Sentence doesn’t make sense. Maybe
Wong Hei considered killing crayfish as violating his Buddhist belief (prohibiting killing of another)
or something like that
Thanks for your suggestion; I’ll make the modification when I get the chance to do so. When I was writing the sentence, it did feel odd to me, but as it was getting late and my brain was tired, I left it as it was.
I like both Bowie Lam and Wong Hei too, regardless of their rumoured sexual orientations. I must admit to liking Bowie more because:
– he seems wise, knowing that it’s better to step out of an awkward position to avoid potential trouble than to pursue confrontation with a person and his stubborn views (declined further hosting in Homeland Beauty). To me, this is a act of high EQ behaviour – the article doesn’t state it, but I’m assuming that Bowie did try to reason with Wong Hei on the Homealnd set, but thought it more prudent to cut off rather than continue a working relationship with Wong Hei.
– he seems humble, knowing that deferring to others is better than pushing himself to the forefront (during filming of War and Beauty)
– he seems very thoughtful and caring (care he showed towards War and Beauty crew; the love and respect that he has for his parents – read this in another translation of the same long interview)
Wong Hei seems to have a more headstrong, outspoken, explosive personality which goes against general Chinese culture (don’t speak your mind, keep face, etc) and therefore Chinese society less accepting of him, whilst Bowie seems a lot more reflective, quieter, grounded, and self-controlled in his behaviour.
It’s been great watching him in River of Wine, and which low viewership ratings in HK do not do this series justice!
Is Bowie really good in ROW? How’s his character like? I didn’t plan on watching this one b/c I don’t like the era (Qing/pre-modern, haha, not even sure), but if there were a reason I’ll watch it, it would be b/c of Bowie.
Honestly speaking, not that good. He seems unfocused, that is because there isn’t much for his character to do per se. His character is subdued, very little action sort of person, and for me Bowie seems… rather not there at all. But it is worth watching, have patience and be prepared to be disappointed with the anti climax.
I really love Bowie. He’s great in everything but I love him the most in the light hearted series.
I think he’s freakin hot too! Love the eyes, hmm … i wonder if Bowie was on Jayne’s list of sexy men…
ROW – episode 12, pretty good. He’s not OTT like Pork chop kid or boring like Sunny Chan. Bowie and his co-star is quite cute, very convincing so far ..
Well, if what you said about Wong Hei is true, then his personality can be either really likeable for some and really unacceptable for others. There are people that like people who are straight forward and outspoken instead of those people that act all fake but keep all of these feelings bottled up. I think it just depends on each person and who they get along with and who they don’t.
There are also shy people that are still truthful and real, but find it hard to be outspoken and confident.
I know that but when you are talking about the Chinese/asian culture, I actually find a lot of times people are just being fake or they just keep all of their feelings bottled up. I used to have a friend who was really really traditional and lived by those rules so she always made a good impression. However, with time, everyone could not stand her because she was just being too fake and tried to be the ideal person that the traditional asian culture liked. I really could not stand it so I stopped being friends with her.
“I used to have a friend who was really really traditional and lived by those rules so she always made a good impression. However, with time, everyone could not stand her because she was just being too fake and tried to be the ideal person that the traditional asian culture liked.”
I find it funny how your friend was trying to play up the traditional rules to leave a good impression on people, but those very actions of hers are what destroyed her friendships with the people around her. Contradictory much?
I see people as acting fake b/c they want to be accepted and well-liked by others. So if it isn’t working for the other people around her, why is she doing it?
@ Chriselle
“I see people as acting fake b/c they want to be accepted and well-liked by others. So if it isn’t working for the other people around her, why is she doing it?’
Because she didn’t know how to do it any other way. It’s not easy to break a habit that has been drill into you from young.
It’s especially hard to break if the person do it because she wanted to be accepted. There is a great fear that if she speaks her mind, she would not be liked.
I wonder if there is any friend of hers who is able or willing to convince her that she won’t be rejected if she speaks her mind.
Speaking one’s mind is a double edge sword. Some people may like you for being frank and real, but, some people may dislike you for hurting their feelings or for your views that contradict theirs.
People are strange. They claim to like people that is frank, truthful and be themselves. But, at the same time, they also like people to be nice, polite, easy-going, sweet-natured. They want others to be frank and truthful. But, when that person speak truthful words that are not exactly nice, they get upset and don’t like that person anymore.
So true!!! like earlier I posted that Viann might create a nickname for Tavia if Ron ever “follow” her again on WEibo..then ppl thought I was being rude, but I just speak with my mind and I think ppl shouldn’t fake their attitude/behaviour just to accomodate others EXCEPT if your behaviour/attitude really need to be corrected or else, just be yourself.
Viji (thats ur new nickname from me to u yea..)
i think you are totally misunderstanding Kidd, the act you did up there –speaking the truth, etc and pple not liking it –> that person being me think its rude and etc what-so-ever
has TOTALLY nothing to do with what kidd described up there.
likewise, my comment back to u, regarding -i wonder what nickname pple would give u- was meant as speaking from my mind…
now I don’t get why you had to get so frustrated/agitated/start generalizing pple based on that comment.
this is funny, foremost, I never feel agigated or frustrated over your question to me in your earlier post because I just lol’ed it and move on..and my comment on Kidd’s message there was just giving an example of what I experienced and somehow sound similar to what Kidd’s explanation. Ok, let’s just admit this that we both have our own flawless, I admit that by calling Tavia’s nose as pinochio is “immature” but I still didn’t find that insulting because not only me,, there are hk citizens, maybe worldwide who has been calling her that eversicne she had those injections.. and what do you think you need to admit here? maybe oversensitive? I bet you’ve never come across to harsh ppl online that can really make your life upside down… therefore you think my comment towards Tavia’s nose is too harsh for u to accept.
Additional :-
LIke ppl here who called SM was dramatic/stiff/etc etc in Sentinel, I didnt go after them and tell them hey you’re a waste of space right?
and also ppl called Linda big size and big nose, i didnt go after them and tell them to knock it off right?
Again, I m not angry at ya, i just dont get what the hype of getting all worked up over an Idol…only..Like i dont understand why fans have to hold banners and attend all their favourite idol’s concerts when they can just watch it on tv. Nothing serious.. i just dont get the hype of liking an idol when they’re just same like us.. nothing special
Besides Kevin and Bowie, there were also Danny Lee and the director of ‘Doomed to Oblivion’.
@ HeTieShou
Just curious… care to provide some examples of what your friend did to show that she was traditional that was actually a turn off to you and your friends?
@hello: I’m standing in Veejay’s side this time.
For both of the time you have comment on “rude”, I blv that you think too much and make everything bigger than it used to be.
@fox, where is the {For both of the time you have comment on “rude”}
give me the examples. cut and paste
You forget so fast? Last time with Ah K and this time with Veejay. Dun tell me to cut and paste because I know that after I do this, you will be like a Tavia fan to jump on me and say that I rmb too details.
Then sorry,hello, you have to find back yourself.
“Wong Hei considered the procedure to violate [the Buddhist practice which prohibited] killing animals.”
Is he a vegetarian then since he doesn’t believe in killing animals?
I think it all goes back the when we were talking about how Wong Hei and Kevin did not get along. You can be the nicest person in the world, but there will be people that you will not get along with and will not like you. That’s just how it is. It is not to say that Wong Hei is a bad person since I have a good feeling he isn’t(based on what I have heard anyways).
Wong Hei is not a bad person, just difficult person.
But it is true that a few artiste mentioned that it’s ‘hard’ to work with Wong Hei.
@sehseh: Curious. Besides Bowie and KC and VL, who else mentioned that it’s “hard” to work with WH?
I remember he had discord rumor with Danny Lee in [A Matter of Custom].
I didn’t say he was a bad person, just that he is a difficult person (defensive, confrontational, imposing on others) that will find it hard to survive in entertainment business.
Maybe Bowie was wrong to admit to reporters that he doesn’t agree with Wong Hei. But Wong Hei could show that he is a better man by just a simple comment but instead he continuously went on a sarcastic/defensive rant in his weibo(compared to Steven Ma, would would be more humble and concise). He is proving exactly the negative personality Bowie said in the interview. No wonder his career is suffering and hardly any TVB (or ex) colleagues express their concern when he is leaving TVB.
To me, Wong Hei behaviour is just like a 泼妇骂街 ‘put fu ma gai’.
sehseh:I’m sorry to have to agree with you that WH’s “sarcastic/defensive rant in his weibo” is not doing him any favor. All the pity!
What about female costars?
If Wong Hei is truly that bad then I wonder why others have not complained?? So far I have only heard about Kevin and now Bowie. Also, what is the point of Bowie bringing this up now? Even though Wong Hei may be difficult to work with and all, the fact that he bought this old issue up doesn’t do him any good either. It sort of implies that he just cannot forget the past and continues to hold grudges which is a not a good thing at all.
@ HeTieShou,
Simple as ABC, it is because WH don’t have strong pilar ( Gou San ) anymore.
I like Bowie’s attitude while film WAB. He just do his job and didn’t try to outshine the ladies. I like his subtle performance in WAB very much.
Bowie is never attention grabber. He is however charismatic so even if he didn;t do much he is still very noticeable.
@ Funn
In my opinion… all men shd age like him…
My cutie uncle…
So true – totally agree with you Funn regarding Bowie. I like all of his movie and think he doesn’t film enough.
I like him in River of Wine and love the theme song.
Didnt they film a TVB series together as well? CIB file where they were brothers?
Yes they actually filmed that together and it may have been one of those warehouse series, not sure when it was filmed but i would think it was before this variety show.
Is SC a vegetarian?
Yes, Stephen Chan is a vegetarian.
They have similar topics to talk about then.
Wong Hei has apologise to Bowie in his weibo.
Translation by llwy12 in asianfanatics
Just saw Bowie’s interview, thank you for his lesson. In the future, I will pay more attention and have already made it very clear to my manager to keep the following in mind when discussing job opportunities for me: “I absolutely do not want to be involved in any scenes or actions that involve hurting or killing animals or sea life, as I do not want to cause dissatisfaction or trouble to others because of my beliefs.” Finally, I hope that Bowie will accept my sincere apology.
See! Wong Hei has matured!
No, he was sarcastic. Go read his subsequent replies to other ppl comments.
With Wong Hei replies full of sarcasm surely some reporters will take this as news later
The ‘apology’ already become news. This is Bowie’s response for it:
Wong Hei’s response in his weibo is “…….”
They don’t seem like they get along well to me.
I am disappointed. I thought he showed a level of maturity by taking the high road and so he was sarcastic. And he may wonder why he was kicked out and no one pleaded for him. I think Bowie was stating facts, Wong Hei has went to a new low.
so all these years Wong Hei never realized about this? Bowie also never tell.him upfront?
Maybe bowie was worried that their relationship would become even worse if he told him?
According to WH, Bowie never mentioned it to him during that time or when they collaborated in the Gem of Life, why now when WH is surrounded with negativity.
What’s with people not be upfront with each other but go behind their backs with their tales to reporters or airing their grievances on weibo? Have we as society did away with face to face interactions and opted for a one sided different kind of communication?
@Vvvisitor:Maybe bowie was worried that their relationship would become even worse if he told him?
So telling tales behind WH’s back is better than telling it to his face? To me, clearing the air upfront with the person is always better than letting that person hear of your grievances from another source.
Oh no this is becoming Wong Hei vs Bowie part 2 after so many years
“So telling tales behind WH’s back is better than telling it to his face? To me, clearing the air upfront with the person is always better than letting that person hear of your grievances from another source.”
I am very surprised to hear of this inability to get along between Bowie and Wong Hei. Interpreting Bowie’s words about the crayfish incident with Wong Hei, Bowie perceives Wong Hei as imposing his own personal beliefs (against killing living animals) on other people. Bowie may respect other individuals’ beliefs, but he was likely offended by Wong Hei imposing his principles upon other people.
Perhaps Bowie did not try to tell Wong Hei because he would get defensive (as indicated by Wong Hei’s current response). Also, when we tell other people about our feelings to them, there is a measure of unspoken expectation that the people either listen to our feelings respectfully or perhaps think about the issue subjectively. Perhaps Bowie did not feel that Wong Hei would respond positively and he was correct.
@Jayne: What was the purpose or intent of Bowie in exposing his conflict with Wong Hei with the implication that WH is a ‘difficult’ person to work with? If it serves no purpose except causing hurt to the other party why mention it?
I can’t understand this kind of action. What good does it serve Bowie to reveal his conflict with WH now?
“Jayne: What was the purpose or intent of Bowie in exposing his conflict with Wong Hei with the implication that WH is a ‘difficult’ person to work with? If it serves no purpose except causing hurt to the other party why mention it?
I can’t understand this kind of action. What good does it serve Bowie to reveal his conflict with WH now?”
I agree it serves no good, especially not for Wong Hei, who has been regarded as a “pariah” by many TVB managers and former co-workers already.
I can only speculate that Bowie chose to elaborate on the nature of his incompatibility with Wong Hei because he was prompted by the Oriental Daily paper to do so, perhaps to clarify rumors from years ago that they did not get along on the set of “Homeland Beauty” in 2006.
Also, now that Wong Hei and Bowie’s TVB management contracts have officially terminated, perhaps Bowie felt it was not as sensitive to elaborate on the incident. Bowie has stated very explicitly that he will not collaborate with Wong Hei again. Thus Bowie did not feel the room to “dress up” the situation more positively and describe his perception of the situation: that Wong Hei was not a team player and tried to impose his personal principles and beliefs upon others, even to the point of likely trying to change the crayfish scene to avoiding killing of sea life.
I like both Wong Hei and Bowie, so I am trying to seeing both their sides. Perhaps it is true that we will come across people where there is mutual incompatibility and ill-feeling. It is okay, as long as we deal with it tactfully.
Jayne: It is okay, as long as we deal with it tactfully.
Do you think Bowie has dealt with it tactfully? His disclosure was an unexpected slap to Wong Hei.
“Do you think Bowie has dealt with it tactfully? His disclosure was an unexpected slap to Wong Hei.”
I don’t think either Bowie or Wong Hei dealt with the situation tactfully. Although Bowie’s words did not carry true animosity, Bowie’s high EQ personality leads me to believe that he must have been able to predict the public perception towards Wong Hei through the revealing of the crayfish incident. Also Wong Hei likely behaved defensively according to Bowie’s expectation. Bowie is a careful, attentive man and likely a good planner, which is why it is puzzling why he chose to air the “dirty laundry.”
This leads me to believe that Bowie truly does not like Wong Hei at all, in order to discuss his inability to get along with him so publicly.
Wong Hei did not deal with the situation tactfully either through his Weibo reply. Given his personality and need to “champion” his personal beliefs, his defensive response is understandable, but nevertheless not very tactful.
I think Jayne is quite right about the timing. Both of them are out of TVB now so the issue between them is no longer attached to TVB. If they’re still TVB colleagues I think someone with Bowie’s EQ won’t answer whatever being asked by reporter as frank and untactful as this.
@Jayne: Actually, I have a high opinion of Bowie as a person so his public airing of “dirty laundry” truly surprised and yeah disappointed me, because he knew how his words would hurt another person but he did it anyway. As for WH, though respectful of his loyalty, I thought his social skills leave much to desire. He is a bit too dogmatic imo.
“Actually, I have a high opinion of Bowie as a person so his public airing of “dirty laundry” truly surprised and yeah disappointed me, because he knew how his words would hurt another person but he did it anyway. As for WH, though respectful of his loyalty, I thought his social skills leave much to desire. He is a bit too dogmatic imo.”
Agree with you wholeheartedly. I think many TVB fans who like Bowie will also like Wong Hei, given their detailed onscreen performances and ability to make their characters come alive. Both are dedicated to their craft and excellent actors.
I hope this recent exchange of words between Bowie and Wong Hei will not make fans who like both of them feel that they should choose between the two. Not necessary lah.
Timing is not an issue here, to me the issue is that words hurt, so why said things that hurt another person when these words are not necessary to say out loud? Repeat what good did it do to Bowie to mention that incident unless like Jayne said because Bowie truly dislikes Wong Hei.
Actually when I read the news I was wondering why Bowie brought up that incident after all these years, what’s the point of mentioning it, and even more so, it mention brought unnecessary negativity to Wong Hei.
I wonder when Bowie did this interview?
It seems new and today Bowie also having a radio interview so tomorrow he’s on news again. This is his response for Wong Hei’s sarcastic apology
Wong Hei is implying in his weibo that Bowie is doing this as publicity for himself. This is getting worse!
“Actually when I read the news I was wondering why Bowie brought up that incident after all these years, what’s the point of mentioning it, and even more so, it mention brought unnecessary negativity to Wong Hei.”
Actually, I felt the same way when I read the news article. I was very surprised that Bowie explained why he didn’t get along with Wong Hei. Surely, a person with such high EQ as Bowie would know how his words would be interpreted by the public, that the incident would add to the “difficult attitude” that Wong Hei exudes.
Wong Hei’s sarcastic reply of course will fan the flames. When Kidd reposted Wong Hei’s Weibo “apology to Bowie,” I was very surprised to read it. As the message carried a humbleness that was not very characteristic of Wong Hei.
From Wong Hei’s perspective, I understand why he felt the necessity to defend himself, as allegedly Bowie never confronted Wong Hei about the crayfish incident and their other conflicts while filming “Homeland Beauty.” I’m sure there were other conflicts, otherwise Bowie and Wong Hei would not carry on this anti-feeling for each other after so many years.
When I see Ah Hei today, I will say, “Hello.”
“Of course, I have tried to treat people sincerely and was hurt as a result. Afterwards, saying ‘Hello’ is sufficient. At least you know who is sincere and who is insincere!”
Bowie is sarcastic too??
I think Bowie may have made a wrong move in revealing what he revealed but he did it to explain why he did what he did. I don’t see why Wong Hei can’t just shut up about it. Now I see the difficult to work with point of view. I feel the way Bowie put it was diplomatic; we all know Wong He is a pain in the a** to work with. I hope someone will translate the replies and all so can read for myself. Right now, I am severely disappointed with Wong hei’s immature way of dealing with this situation. There is a fine line between passionate and being an idiot. Now one wonders why his career is down the drain and he is a pariah. A word of advice to Wong Hei; until and unless you Stephen Chow, don’t dream of being a perfectionist or even sarcastic.
Funn, if only I have three thumbs (up)!
After reading all, I think WH is the type of ppl that think too much.
Don’t think Wong Hei is a easy person to get along with…….think he has problems getting along with Kevin Cheng during production of “burning flame” too.
“I do not have negative rumors when I work with men.”
He rarely has negative rumours when working with women, either. He seems to have a very high EQ and just genuinely easy to get along with. I remember reading articles before about how attentive he is. I think he’s like Evergreen Mak in that when they win awards, there are loud cheers from their colleagues who seem genuinely happy for them.
I don’t think Wong Hei intends to be difficult and sometimes he may not even realise it; I think if someone rationally points out his missteps (as Bowie has done) he is willing to accept and apologise. He strikes me as a pedant and an exacting person. It must be frustrating for him that others are not perfectionists and at the same time it can be frustrating for others if he starts to be pedantic.
Between Bowie and WH, I’d take WH’s side anytime. At least you can trust what WH says. The recent contract issues that Bowie is having with TVB just made me feel that he’s not as sincere and genuine as he makes himself out to be. Virginia Lok even hinted that he was the one who tipped off reporters when he met her to discuss about the filming of War and Beauty 2. Also, he often flatters himself as one of those who do not curry favor or use renewal of contract in exchange for awards. Well, didn’t he himself signed a management contract with TVB the year he won the Best Actor Award?
Bowie in his interview that he did not sign management contract until long after the award.
Lol, of course he would claim that. Would any actor ever admit to the fact? I’m not his fan but even I remember that before the awards, there were already rife rumours that he and Gigi would be signing management contracts with tvb and true enough, shortly after, they both won awards and both became TVB artistes.
After reading Wong Hei’s weibo, looks like Wong Hei vs Bowie part 2 is on
^I like both of them as actors, Bowie more so than Wong Hei until he tattle taled on his colleague. Now I’m bummed out too by the publicized discord.
I constantly remind myself, words can save people but they can also insidiously harm people!
Thanks for the interview! I find Bowie to be gracious and professional, and pretty much gets along with everyone due to his high EQ. Not that Wong Hei is bad, but I do sense he is a perfectionist and extremely stubborn, which can sometimes rub people the wrong way. Classic ‘I have high expectations of myself and therefore expect the same of others’ type.
“Not that Wong Hei is bad, but I do sense he is a perfectionist and extremely stubborn, which can sometimes rub people the wrong way. Classic ‘I have high expectations of myself and therefore expect the same of others’ type.”
I agree that Wong Hei has very strong principles and is not afraid to speak up. Perhaps he even lacks a bit tactfulness or doesn’t care to show it towards people he does not respect. Wong Hei comes across as being very passionate about his beliefs and if someone should strongly challenge those beliefs, he will become very defensive. If Wong Hei believes his actions for for the greater good, such as against the killing of animal life, he may even use all methods to try to change the situation.
Wong Hei is not the type to quietly sit on the sideline and witness something he finds is “wrong” or against his personal sense of justice. Such as how Stephen Chan’s former supporters turned against Mr. Chan amidst his temporary job suspension amidst the corruption scandal. I admire Wong Hei in this sense and overall agree with his values of friendship, loyalty, kindness to all living forms of life, etc.
Overall, his guiding principles stem from good causes, however his approach may come as across too acidic, confrontational, imposing, and possibly intruding on many people’s comfort zones. In this sense, Wong Hei may be too ready to “enter a battle” to champion his personal beliefs and doesn’t seem to want to back down easily. It’s great if you see eye-to-eye with him, but possibly he can also make you feel agitated should you run into conflicts with him.
“Wong Hei comes across as being very passionate about his beliefs and if someone should strongly challenge those beliefs, he will become very defensive. If Wong Hei believes his actions for for the greater good, such as against the killing of animal life, he may even use all methods to try to change the situation.”
“Wong Hei is not the type to quietly sit on the sideline and witness something he finds is “wrong” or against his personal sense of justice.”
In your opinion, when is it okay to speak about one’s beliefs and when is it not?
I also sense that Wong Hei is too defensive and believes in his beliefs too strongly. Collaborating with someone like him is indeed difficult although his principles stem from good causes, but not everyone around him may be as passionate about it as him. He needs to see outside of the box sometimes.
According to Wong Hei’s weibo. At that time, he didn’t want to be present during the killing of a crayfish. He said the director was understand and allow him to be absent. He also said Bowie volunteered to do that segment for him. But, turned out in truth, Bowie was not happy about it.
Wong Hei’s problem with Bowie is why he didn’t sound out at that time and didn’t sound out during their subsequent collaboration (GOL and GOL promotion), but, now sound out at an interview.
Kidd, whilst Wong Hei has a point, he has to understand again Bowie was being diplomatic. He doesn’t sound like a confrontational guy. Many things are revealed in interviews, must Bowie justify everything? Again I am disappointed with Wong Hei.
This might be biased since I like Bowie, but while Bowie is quite disgraceful for bringing up old dirty laundry, he frankly pointed at the said person, without only giving hints – that would implicate N numbers of individuals due to nosy public’s guessing games.
Is Wong hei’s memory really bad or is he still oblivious to how others feel?
How could he NOT know that bowie couldn’t stand him? I mean, it was a big story back then and we still remember it now.
Did he think that bowie just quit for no reason and that ha Yu just desperately wanted to work w/ him so he hijacked the hosting job? C’Mon, he knew what was going on but didn’t care.
Oh no! I like both Bowie and Wong Hei!!!
What shall I do?!!!
heh heh
“In your opinion, when is it okay to speak about one’s beliefs and when is it not?”
I was a bit busy last night and didn’t get a chance to reply to your question. Anyhow, good communication is about knowing the intent of the message that you want to get across and the audience you are speaking to, such as anticipating how your audience will react by knowing a bit about their backgrounds and personalities. This way, you can structure your communication smartly to ensure your message is received more positively. If the cause you are championing for is of utmost importance to you, then be prepared to know what protests your audience may raise and be able to counter the resistance in a persuasive, non-offensive manner. Tactfulness and skill in conversations often help us achieve better results.
When people are unable to counter differences in opinion through persuasive and logical methods, they often turn emotional. However, unwilling to compromise their beliefs, they become angry and instead of debating the issues involved, the argument instead turns personal and covers other tangent bases.
There are certainly topics such as religion, right to life/ abortion, politics, that are extremely difficult for people to persuade others. It really depends on how important you feel the necessity is in championing your cause. If your audience consists of the majority who are against your personal beliefs, you may not have to necessarily speak defensively, but at least be persuasive and have a good logical development in ideas prepared to defend your view.
Different situations warrant different responses in when it is appropriate to speak up and drop the issue, perhaps for the time being, but not necessarily forever depending upon who you are trying to convince and the issue at hand.
Personal beliefs serve as our guide in life, but that doesn’t mean we should be so self-centered that we have to absolutely convince others or cannot live with the differences in opinion. We cannot change the world, but neither can you go to battle with everyone you come across who possesses a difference in viewpoints.
If conflicts in personal beliefs develop between people whom you interact with on an ongoing basis, such as family, friends, and co-workers, then a gracious exit may be necessary. Sometimes persuasive argument is best done in stages and you cannot change people’s minds in one day, but slowly and with patience, perhaps your influence upon their thinking will still have a measurable effect.
Communication and exchange in different perspectives help us see things beyond our own tendencies, which are shaped by our past. Since those beliefs will evolve over time anyway, perhaps everyone should be more tolerant to listen to other opinions instead of being so certain of themselves.
My initial thoughts are, why is Bowie just bringing this up now after so many years????
What good would that do to anybody? If he didnt mention it then, why mention it now when WH is at a low point?
Why? He was asked a question, he can’t lie, so he told the truth.
That is just my initial thought when reading this. I think WH is difficult to work with, but if he choose not speak about it years before because he feels it might do more harm than good. Then why is talking about it now? I guess I just dont understand the, why now part?
And just because someone ask about it doesnt mean he has to tell them everything. I can’t imagine celebrity spilling their guts about everything everytime someone ask a question. A mere ‘no comments” isnt a lie.
If a person suddenly bring something I did from 5 years ago now, then I would think he or she is holding a grudge, or just never got over it. If it was that important why didn’t he/she talk about it then when it happened??
I’m sure if I question this, WH might be wondering the same thing??….
But aside from my thoughts, I think to be successful in this business, WH needs to not be so outspoken. He is such a good actor too. I do hope he learns to hide his feelings better, or learn to ignore what people think of him. I like to see him more on screen, then him busy being bitter about everything.
Conversation between Bowie and 620 during last week dim sum meal.
620: Bowie, help me to revenge.
Bowie: huh!!! Who
620: Wong Hei
Bowie: what is my reward.
620: this year tvb best actor will be yours.
Bowie: ok.. you promise i will get it…
620: if not you get it who else…..
haha, i was thinking the same thing.
“once you are sinking there will be 100 kicks at you”
cmon ah hei you should be happy to have left “hell on earth” and now you can search for the heaven…
““once you are sinking there will be 100 kicks at you”
I don’t think Bowie is “kicking” at Wong Hei because he regards him as a sinking ship. Perhaps many Wong Hei fans will question the timing of Bowie’s remarks about Wong Hei right now. Just so it happens that Bowie may not like Wong Hei and disagree with his methods, while both of them are no longer affiliated with TVB.
im not of fan of WH, however i do respect his unyielding attitude for his beliefs.
can’t help to feel that bowie is throwing stones at a sinking ship, as i don’t see the point of bringing up this issue now.
They are both leaving “hell” and are unlikely ever to work together again so why just leave things as they were…
Maybe Bowie feel that since he and Wong Hei have both leave TVB, it’s the right time to let go what has bottled up inside him.
I find it strange though why the new Tv station hasn’t approach WH yet since to me he still has his value in the industry or maybe i was wrong about his value.
As for Bowie, it seems like Bowie is getting more jobs after he left tvb which surely prove he’s better PR skill and is well received artist.
@ Veejay
I read an earlier report that said that Wong Hei has been contacted by Now TV executive Ho Lai Chuen.
I do believe that WH is not an easy person to work with. Hmmm….he got no friends in TVB.
If he does, surely some of his friends will speak highly or defended for him but as till now, no one speak for him.
This guy sure a lonely man. Stephen can’t speak up for him cox his level is different and moreover WH has offended so many people.
I LOVE Wong Hei as an actor but judging the way he has been defensive and sarcastic towards Bowie, I really question how he’s been practicing Buddhism.
@Michelle: “Wong Hei as an actor but judging the way he has been defensive and sarcastic towards Bowie, I really question how he’s been practicing Buddhism.”
I understand WH’s sarcasm and defensiveness towards Bowie’s remark. IMO, Bowie’s comment is uncalled for because it brought unnecessary even damaging repercussions for a fellow ex-colleague. WH was totally blindsided by a 5 year old incident that he thought was over and done with and settled. He had no idea that Bowie still carried a grudge over that conflict. WH can’t understand why Bowie did not clear the air with him given the many opportunities of their collaborations in recent years, why did Bowie choose this method to let him as well as the whole world that he could not work with WH knowing very well the repercussion of his comment on WH.
I would be pretty mad too if I were in WH’s shoes. I don’t know how I would react if someone that I thought had a pretty ok relationship with would go behind my back and post on fb that I was a very ‘difficult’ person to work with.
But like I say because WH is a public figure he has to be more pc with his weibo posting, and not black his public image more with rants.
as a Buddhist, I still don’t see Wong Hei’s actions in response to Bowie’s comments as someone who’s been really practicing Buddhism. But I guess we as outsiders don’t know all the truth.
Anyway, I’m always on WH’s side no matter what. never that fond of Bowie. At least you can tell WH is a true person.
@ Michelle
There are many branch of Buddhism which emphasis on different aspect of the teachings.
Also, like Sammul said (when he was pointed out the Bible quote ‘let not the sun go down upon your wrath’), he’s not a saint. He couldn’t possibly be a person who totally won’t get angry.
i think wong hei have strong sense of insecurity that’s y he turns to his own believes… n wanna influence others, he should show more respects towards other ppl needs n beliefs too, he simply can’t blend into the entertainment role because in this industry u really must play it smart, sincere or not its not all it takes, wong hei is all into his self lor…. he is always so defensive abt killing animals… he might as well become a monk, i supposed he will find peace n more of the same kind of ppl there.
Totally agree!!!
well it depends. if you believe in not killing the animals,there’s no way you respect those who think kill them is okay. more people like WH are needed to protect this earth. hey i start sounding like WH lol…
Simply said, while I’m wondering why Bowie “brought” up past discords, Wong Hei himself doesn’t have a high EQ….
On a related news fresh from the oven, Bowie is developing to the Japanese market; which he regarded as giving him more values than the North(mainland). His target is not just mainland, but all over Asia.
Bowie will be starring in Japanese Fuji TV series “Six Strangers” as the male lead, collaborating with Japanese actor Karasawa Toshiaki.
Woahhhh!! REALLY?? This is fantastic news! Never knew Japan knew Bowie at all.
Yeah Funn, it’s true :D.
I’m happy for Bowie. I also like how he brilliantly managing his relationship with all markets – his origin TVB(HK), mainland and other parts of Asia. It’s time for Bowie to fly
In my POV Bowie will be suitable for a “serious” J-drama(not idol manga-based dramas). Bowie has this subtle acting style that is rare to be found in TBB(which is why I like his acting).
I don’t think Bowie is a male lead in “6 Strangers” The male lead is a Korean Actor: Oh Ji Ho… And the drama is already done filming…
Also I really don’t understand why Bowie have to say all this about Wong Hei? helping TVB or Mrs. Lok to get revenge? I don’t think we should blame Wong Hei for being immature… he’s human being… he has the right to be upset. I really lost my respect for Bowie.
But his acting style is so different from Japanese style! I wish he is in a manga adaptation. The Japanese will make him cool, outwardly cool like we know he is!
Anya, he’s not? What I read from this news below is how the drama seems tailor made for his likings and the role is a male lead role. Hrmm maybe it because my mediocre chinese reading skills haha..
Funn, I think his acting is too cool for a melodramatic or animated Korean drama or a “cute” J-dorama, but might be suitable for the more subtle and serious Japanese drama.
WOW too for knowing Bowie will be in a japanese series. Yeah, me too am surprise that Bowie can break into the japan’s industry because from what I heard, breaking into Japan’s showbiz is like very hard and one must achieve a top recognition sort of. Hopefully, i will be able to buy the dvd hehe..
I dont care even Bowie wasn’t the lead there, it’s interesting to see him already in the series atleast.
I disagree. I lost my respect for Wong Hei. He acted like an impestous child. Bowie was merely stating facts. He has a right to disclose a fact. And it is a fact that Wong Hei had issues with killing crayfish, Bowie has issue with Wong Hei having issue, and so Bowie did the right thing by leaving the show. He stated facts, he stuck to facts and it is all nothing but facts. He in fact applauded Wong Hei for his principle but chastised him a bit for his stubborness that burdened the entire production. If he had issues, he shouldn’t be in that program.
And for Bowie to be in a Japanese drama, lead or no lead, is an achievement. Because for one, Japanese don’t care about HK entertainment, they care more for k drama and k pop so frankly I find this a great achievement. More so because his acting style is different. So we now have Chinese, Koreans and Japanese in one drama. 3 styles of acting. Very interesting,.
I hope there will be an article as to how he got cast in the drama in the first place.
Yeah it’s harder for a foreigner to break into Jap entertainment unless you’re a Takeshi Kaneshiro who’s blessed with multiple languages ability, mixed blood and attractive appearance. It’s easier to get appointed by Jap brands to be HK/China-region spokesperson for products(which some TVB stars have now) than to get invited into J-dramas.
Yes,you can read this news… also during the filming, most news and pictures were about Oh Ji Ho
Thanks Anya. I’ve also googled for the drama and I can hardly find Bowie’s name listed, but why is the article that I posted earlier mentioned that he’s a male lead?
Hrmm but male lead or not isn’t the most important for someone like Bowie, I guess it’s the character and opportunity itself that’s valuable
@ Masaharu: You’re welcome…
I don’t know why but I doubt his part would be big. At first it was some average Chinese actor for the part, then got replaced by Bowie
Anya, I’ve found more news after more googling and Bowie is listed as one of the leads, and is representing the China part of collaborations. Perhaps he “is” one of the leads after all
went to the strangers 6’s website and took a look, bowie’s name is behind Karasawa toshiaki and korean’s oh jiho and other news reports stated karasawa toshiaki is the very main one.
so bowie is not the main at all.
I guess this report exaggerate his role in the drama.
I love Bowie in anything. He’s great.
Wong Hei come across as someone who thinks that people who dont agree with him or his ways are wrong. If his EQ is higher, he might be able to get away with it. Unfortunately it’s causing him his career.
Wong Hei’s weibo nickname as the word ‘gelek’ in it. His weibo url also has ‘gelek’ in it. Anyone knows what does it mean?
Is it a Malay word, “gelek”? There is a Malay word that sounds like that, right, Funn?
Strange name, but then Tibetan in nature? Yes Canto in malay gelek I suppose is a slang, like strutting?
I found the answer liao. Gelek is his Buddhist name after he official converted to Buddhism.
His full Buddhist name is Gelek Chodhar
Found out that Gelek is his second Buddhist name. His first Buddhist name is Retna.
they are both gay so i guess that even adds more fuel to the fire
What does the fact that they are gay have anything to do with it?
Nothing, absolutely, if I may say so. The point is that this incident re the crayfish happened some time ago and Bowie himself said that he “accepted” it. Maybe he did not like the way how Wong Hei expressed himself because he continued to say, “I agree fully but you cannot control us.” He sounded as if he was fed-up with Wong Hei. However, whatever it was, the subject should not have been brought up for no rhyme or reason. Bowie whould just have let bygones be bygones and let the whole matter rest. In that respect I don’t think he was being fair to Wong Hei.