“Brother’s Keeper 2” Spoilers: Rachel Dies?

The following article contains spoilers for Brother’s Keeper II, currently airing.
As the first week of Brother’s Keeper II <巨輪II> is about to come to an end, so does Sam and Rachel’s tumultuous love story.
Brother’s Keeper II, sequel to the original 2013 drama, brings back original cast members Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), and Louis Yuen (阮兆祥) as they continue to race against the changes of time in present-day Hong Kong and Macau. The first week of episodes, however, focuses on the love story between Sam and Rachel, respectively portrayed by Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), which had an open ending in the original series.
In episode four which aired on Thursday, Sam learned from Rachel’s sister Emily (Leanne Li 李亞男) that Rachel had moved on with her life with a new family. Just as Sam was about to give up and move back to the United States, his brother Son (Edwin Siu) discovers that Rachel has been living in Okinawa. Son urges Sam to find Rachel so he would be able to move on with his life with no regrets.
In episode five, which airs today, Sam and Son fly to Okinawa to search for Rachel. There, they discover through a street notice that Rachel had died in a car crash three months ago. The news report that covered her fatal accident also reported that Rachel’s cremated remains were flown back to Canada. Unable to see Rachel in her final moments, Sam cries.
But Sam’s story does not end with Rachel’s supposed death. A major turn of events is looming upon him, waiting to be discovered. But will it end tragically like in the original series?
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Hope it’s happy ending for Sam and Rachel. They have lost too many years being apart :'(
I still can’t accept that they give Ruco as a guest star. And push so hard for Edwin. Puh-lease!!! After Ruco gone I will not continue with the boring plot.
@dramadrama i’m glad ruco is only a guest star cos the story sucks. Plus i dont think i can sit through 39 episodes with Grace and kristal in the same drama. Omg kristal is just loud loud loud! As for Hugo he’s just playing his usual baddie role. He’s loud and bellowing all the time with big angry eyes, typical baddie. Add Lau Kong to the equation and there’s simply too much noise pollution in one drama! Thank God Grace has yet to make an appearance otherwise i think i will need ear plugs!
Agree wirh you totally . The leads are all so loud and uncouth. Grace isnt uncouth but she is very irritating. For once I am happy that Ruco has only a cameo appearance in this drama.
@isay Haha. True too. But I find Kristal is OK. No one can beat Grace in volume and irritating department. I will just watch Ruco part. Then wait for the last episode. Will not watch the rest for sure.
@dramadrama Gosh you can say that again! She made an appearance in ep 5 and even without her uttering a word, she was just totally irritating trying to act like a free spirit, dancing in the streets and skinny dipping at midnight, ew! As far as I’m concerned BK 2 has only 5 episodes and last night’s ep 5 was the finale.
@isay Oooo. Thanks for sharing. Haha. Nice time too. Cos really can’t stand the plot and casts already. Especially now that Grace is on. OK. Farewell BK2. See you only in the last episode.
BK2 is hella boring…. typical story line with rich bad guy trying to fight down the protagonists… add in Grace Chan and…. you got no more viewers lol
Gosh I still remember Ruco carrying Captain of Destiny lol.
@lileric I daresay that without Ruco, COD would never have the success that it enjoyed. Most who supported the drama did so because of Ruco.
Yes COD appeared to have2 separate camps. The bandit camp led by Tony Hung was a total disaster . Great acting came from the other camp led by Prince Ruco. Without Ruco the whole series will be one big flop.
Wouldn’t mind if the whole time travel thing never happened either.
TBB never learns from mistakes. Expect the big flop will take place from ep 6 when viewers treated ep 5 as the finale.
OK. Finally watched episode 5. Lol. It really looked like it’s grand finale. Loose end tied. Nothing else to watch actually. Wow.
Bk 1 ended good enough for sam who broke away from his obsession with i wanna puke rachel and bk 2 destroyed all that with him back into that obsession. Anyway bk 2 is just utter rubbish. Unnecessary and just so amped up over nothing.