Carina Lau Has Forgiven Her Abductors

In an interview with Luisa Maria Leitão (黎芷珊) on Telling Maria <最佳女主角>, Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) will appear as a guest and chat openly about her personal experiences, including her abduction by triads in 1990. She has forgiven her four abductors, who were only taking orders. Carina said that she would even like to meet her abductors face-to-face again.
Maria’s three-hour interview with Carina will be aired in four episodes of Telling Maria. After talking at length with Carina, Maria has only utmost admiration for the 48-year-old actress. Maria shared, “She may be beautiful on the outside, but she is definitely not a weak beauty. She is a very strong and heroic woman. Her courage in talking about her past will give a positive message to everyone.” Maria remarked that Carina’s poignant experience should be published in a book.
Thanked Abductors
In April 1990, Carina was abducted for several hours and nude photos of her were taken. The abduction was ordered by a triad boss after Carina refused a film project. The publication of the nude photos 12 years later by East Week only added insult to the injury. Twenty-three years later, Carina has not only already forgiven her four abductors, she also magnanimously thanked them for not violating her.
While attending the charity event organized for the prevention of gynecologic cancer yesterday afternoon, Carina shared some tidbits of her interview. Like fighting cancer, Carina felt that the biggest obstacle to overcome painful experiences is oneself. “ Now when I am interviewed, I don’t have a taboo topic. It’s most important that I can live past my own criticisms.”
Fortunately for Carina, the support she got from then-boyfriend, Tony Leung Chiu Wai (梁朝偉) and close friends helped her through the ordeal. In spite of her toughness when talking about the abduction, there was a moment when Carina could not keep tears from streaming down her face. She regretted that she caused her parents worry, “When I went home, my parents did not ask a single question. My mother continued with her chores. They did not wanted to give me added pressure but seeing them like this, I felt really miserable!” Like all parents, Carina’s parents only wish for her is to be healthy and happy. Although Carina’s father passed away, her mother still remained in Shanghai, living a simple life and not interested in the material comforts offered by her daughter.
Regarding the recent Chinese report that Carina is one of the richest women in China, Carina laughed and said, “The report was trying to be sensational. Don’t believe it. I belong in the working class!”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Karen for
Wow, I remember her nude picture was on the front page of the popular magazine (my dad kept the magazine, lol…). I still faintly remember my relatives talking about this case. Omg I wasn’t even one year old when she was abducted. Anyway, I don’t get why she’s thankful that her abductors didn’t violate her. Isn’t taking her nude pictures considered violating …?
I never got a chance to see Carina’s nude photos. What a shame!! She should look pretty in those photos.
Ummm… Those photos taken under force and immoral act should never be seen. No one should feel that it is a shame for not seeing it, in my opinion.
Most people say Carina Lau has a nice figure. Who does not want to see it?! If it was already published, why can’t I see it too?! He he …….
It was not some nude pictorial. She was in distress and crying. Not something proud to be seen, and it’s a criminal act.
No human should find pleasure in viewing those pics.
Okay. I will take your advice!
wtf @sandcherry??! You are so disgusting.
So you’re implying that it’d still be okay for everyone to see nude photos if the photos were taking while someone was being raped and then splatted all over the media? Just because it was published, it doesn’t mean it is okay for ppl to view the photos out of their own pleasure and leasure. Where is your respect and dignity as a human-being?
You are rather mean to me. I just made one statement saying that I missed the chance of seeing Carina’s nude photos. If so many people had seen them, there is nothing wrong for me to have that kind of curiosity to want to see them.
First, I did not know that she was raped. I just thought she was forced to take some nude photos. Secondly, it was such a long time ago and I forgot all the details. I just casually mentioned that I missed seeing those photos, and you don’t have to give me big “lessons”. I am sure that there are a lot readers here who want to see those photos, and I am not the only one.
Moreover, I stated in a later post that “I will take your advice”, and I don’t think there is a need for you to elaborate it any further.
If you read more posts here, you will find that there are quite a few readers talking and viewing those photos and videos. Why don’t you give them all BIG LECTURES?
If there isn’t an article on this website, I wouldn’t even think about Carina’s nude photos. If she did not want to remember those sad incidents, she shouldn’t have talked about them.
For those with sick minds, nothing is more important than to smile and look pretty while being stripped and raped.
“I just thought she was forced to take some nude photos.”
Ewww. I just lost all respect for you.
The thing is, the abductors did more than just take some nude pics of her……..during the many hours in the back of the van, they had their ways with her…….you know, a full-size-gang-bang orgy…….that’s the highlight of the whole abduction.
So basically you are calling her out for lying about not having been violated by her abductors.
How did you know that?
A woman was abducted and was possible raped. Celebrity or now, it’s not something to be taken lightly. She lived with it for more than 20 years and continues to live with it now.
@yuaida, you wanna consider using your brain for once in your life and think before you write? Or do you just have absolutely no capacity for sympathy, compassion, and humanity? You are a sick sick person.
yuaida is putting it very crudely, but I think it’s true. I remember receiving an email with the purported video clip. Watched it out of curiousity and really regretted cos it was too painful to watch. Stopped watching halfway but damage was already done i.e. couldn’t get the image out of my mind. It looks like she was being violated while pinned down/held (can’t remember) and was crying throughout.
So I really do not understand why she had to declare in a show that she’s thanking those abductors and wants to see them face-to-face. She should just say it’s a painful experience she does not wish anyone to go through (even her worst enemy) and thank Tony and her family/friends who helped her through the rough period.
Saying the gang members are just following orders is a lame excuse and they do not deserve forgiveness for their cruel act. Real men do not need to force themselves on a weak, defenseless woman.
Maybe she means she thanks her abductors did not ‘rape’ her.
I personally believe it was more than just simply as ‘taken front nude pictures’ only.
But since she said it just simple like that, then we have to believe her.
Well, wish her happiness.
yeah, she’s lucky it didn’t happen during the age when internet was prominent or else the pictures would be scattered all over the internet (like the Edison scandal). I’m sure she’s living happily now.
I see no difference .. that magazine cover is all over the internet.
Where can I find it? I heard about it in the past, but never saw it.
MG! Dis is unbelievable n such a nightmare feel sad for her.
well, if u all search around the internet, there is actually a video of her being sexually was the same incident arising from the abduction. the video clearly shows her face.
I guess if I were in that moment, I too would be thanking them sincerely for not raping me but I just caught up on Master’s Sun where the lead actress cried so badly and I felt so bad for all the Comfort Women who WEPT and ASKED the Japanese gangrapist to please stop hurting them and to leave them alone and the Japanese didn’t do it. They didn’t leave her alone even though she asked them not to. All the girls asked the Japanese to please not hurt them and they didn’t respect the horribleness of a girl crying like that in Master’s Sun and as an audience member, that is infuriating.
So seeing it from Carina Lau’s position, I get why she would say that to her tormentors BUT if we had seen how scared she was and she looked scared in that masked photograph and they saw that for themselves and they still abducted her and they must be INSANE if they think that it was just an impersonal situation – that it was just as impersonal as the weather forecast when in fact, they were the culprits, they were responsible. If we can’t understand what she went through, then we can watch Master’s Sun and we can see a girl being tormented by evil spirits and we can see that she is suffering and they should STOP bothering her.
Jayne, I would like to request you to ban that magazine cover and the supposed rape video link from appearing here. Those are criminal materials and if someone want to have a kick watching a woman violated and threatened against her will, I believe there are tonnes of legal adult sites out there.
I second that.
Great request!
I agree 100%, Jayne please do not permit the link to be shown here. Those if you who want to see it are sick. Would you want people to search for it if it was a video of YOU being raped?
Get a life and some morals, people.
I second this request. Only heartless people without compassion would want to watch this harrowing rape video and nude photos taken by force, to satisfy their own sick curiosity. How insensitive to even say that Carina would look good in the photos. Good grief!
I thought I wasn’t going to look at the photo but my mother said that she looked terrified in the photo – I think her eyes were blacked out – I never saw the video – yes, she looked very very unhappy – that FACIAL expression was enough to make them back off – they didn’t – they knew what they were doing – they would never want to feel what she was OBVIOUSLY feeling nor would they want that to happen to one of THEIR family members so that’s GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY and no matter WHAT Carina Lau says for whatever reason – maybe she wants to start a family and hopes they will never release those photos … I mean I wouldn’t have babies if those photos were out there.
I’ll make sure such links will not be posted here. I’ll take Carina’s word for the incident, if she said she was not violated, then she was not. I have never seen the video link and not really interested in such footage.
Thank you for your assurance Jayne.
Me neither. I have a chance to watch the video last time, but I refused out of respect for the victim.
It might be a futile effort that won’t have any impact on anyone. But, one less person saw it is still better.
I’m not sure this article translation is accurate, I read another article on another site about this interview and Carina did admit she was gang rape but she was thankful that the 4 guys did not chop her arms or legs off. Anyway it’s very brave of her to be so candid about her past.
I cant believe she’s thankful to them for anything! How can she be grateful and give them aan excuse for the atrocities just because she’s physically in one piece? Im in disbelief.
Maybe this is her way of getting over the ordeal, but by god, the message this sends to triad members.
Well why not, imagine if they did something worse like chop off her arm or disfigure her face. The point they could have done a lot worse not to said what they did was ok or very terrible.
Oops I mean not terrible.
Littlegalpal, if what you mentioned is true, then I’d agree with Carina that she should feel thankful (but NOT to the abductors, I hope!) she wasn’t disfigured or had her hands/legs chopped off.
However, the rumours then was the triad was trying to teach her a lesson or forcing her to do what they want. They may have taken pics or video to blackmail her. So, it would make sense that they will not pour acid to mar her beauty or disfigure her in any way. Therefore, she should never feel thankful to those vermins!
She’s a very strong person to be able to overcome this sad episode in her life. I hope those perpetrators rot in hell for what they did to her.
REALLY??? UGH CRAP!. Yes, if they chopped her arms and legs off during the gangrape, that would have been what the Japanese did to their Chinese rape victims and To Kei Fung would have to write a sequel to Running on Karma – I guess that is why Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi is cast as the Japanese soldier reincarnated because she is the daughter of a gangster!
CRAP. It would make sense to gangrape her to discourage reconciliation with Julian Hui who was earmarked for Pansy Ho – the photos would not be enough to stop a reunion – but that is the storyline.
Maybe Leung Chiu Wai was ALWAYS her guy and she and Julian Hui only dated for publicity and NONE of this is true. Let’s hope so because she gave that interview to the niece of Stanley Ho’s first wife.
Carina has been consistent in stating that she was never violated during the abduction. She never admitted rape.
She is a very strong woman. I am glad that she is happy now. Feel bad for her.
Quite surprising I read several insensitive comments in this article about what she went through. The women went through a horrid experience that I believe going to haunt her for the rest of her life.
For those who want to see the video of Carina being raped… I am not trying to be offensive.. imagine the one being raped was your loved one(sister,wife etc) .. would you not feel pain seeing that…
Have some compassion,empathy that woman went thru…
if everyone knows who is really responsible, there should be a long strategy in place to destroy them – I think that is very likely.
totally agree with havesomecompassion.
It is not her.
If she wants to have a baby. It’s going to be okay for the baby. I know the baby will scream and be permanently hurt when some evil person makes sure that they see the video but you know, we are Chinese and we Asian just like the rest of the people not just Asian who were violated by the Japanese and the violations were filmed and shipped back to Hirohito on his orders. There are too many accounts of people seeing the cameras being brought out and how the PRINCES made sure all the loot was carefully shipped back to Tokyo including the film reels. Carina Lau is just a part of our history and our shared pain. Japan is ALREADY threatening Korea – HINTING that if Korea continues to refuse to remain silent about the Comfort Women that Korea will only be causing more pain for themselves, that the women will feel worse and the men will feel ashamed that they were unable to protect their women – what is Japan threatening? They have film reels of the games they played on the Comfort Women gangrape victims just like the Germans shot recreational videos of how they passed the years working at the concentration camps – it’s worse than that infamous photo of toying with a victim’s payot.
Everybody is going to cry when they see that video. It’s going to be okay for Carina Lau and her family. If she wants a baby, she should have a baby. Knowing that there may be a gangrape and video of it, the general public wants her to have her baby and to be happy. I think the happiness of the family is something that she deserves. The video is not preventable but it is going to be okay and it is going to be worth it. It’s not the same thing as not wanting to bring a child into the world because Fukushima radiation promises horrific mutations.
We want you to have your baby. Don’t worry and be very happy. She already has loads of money and true love and Leung Chiu Wai will make sure they get kung fu lessons. LOL
After watching Gong Hyo Jin totally the Korean identity this week on dramafever, I finally realized that we are less than 20 years into the KPop phenomenon – and the South Korean FEMALE president is ready to speak openly against Japan. That is a decade of HEARTFELT Korean expression and self-identification against what must be THOUSANDS of film reels of Comfort Women torture.
Does Japan really think they can win by harming individual rape victims and a smaller country it continues to bully? Do you think Malaysian fans will choose the Islamic tradition of blaming victims over their beloved boy bands? Who is Japan’s ally in this?
Carina Lau is fighting against individual perpetrators possibly backed by a dying gangster with daughters in trouble. Korea is fighting against Japan. But Japan has no reach and Justin Timberlake not coincidentally made a point of declaring that Korean women are beautiful.
Does Japan really think they are going against Carina Lau? Carina Lau has a lot of Mainland and Taiwan friends.
the reason I ask for proof is because I dont believe there are such video. I dont like ppl just making things up from no where.
Jayne, please delete the link in Tony Leung’s comment. Thanks
I think this Tony Leung may be the same person who calls himself jacky chan or other famous stars (his idols prolly) and like to post crude comments or irrelevant stuff just to get his high. Just take his comments or whatever links he post with a pinch of salt.
The offensive link has been removed and this article post will be closed to prevent links to be added once again.
First it is obviously not her. Probably some actress looking like her capitilising on the whole scandal.
Second, if you really want to see it just google it. Therefore Jayne, please remove this link. More so if it is real Jaynestars would not want to be associated with a criminal activity or a porn clip based on the criminal activity.
And I bet it is a Japanese porn film. Sighhh.. look also one will know. remove it pls.
I’m so happy for Carina that she can successfully get over this incident. The self is the hardest obstacle to pass. To be able to forgive her abductor and even willing to meet them again shows that she has truly healed.
Happy for her.
Forgive is one thing but to meet is another. I hope they’re arrested. Not point in forgiveness if none repent.
You want to see her nude? Watch her movies. I googled a bit, not too hard to find the cover or the supposed video. I can say 2 things for sure; she looked in distress in the cover and if anyone feels it is wrong to publish Princess Diana’s dying moments, more so a girl who was kidnapped and stripped naked. Anything to sell magazines? Of course not. Even paps should have integrity.So called video? Didn’t see any but saw some screencaptures and I am sure it isn’t her.
I take Carina’s word for it. I admire the fact that she didn’t let this get her down. But she also kept silent which shouldn’t be the case. If they could this to her they could do it to a number of not so famous stars. Luckily I believe HK less triad involvement now?
Hong Kong appears to be quite a dangerous place to work for actresses. Even more so than in China, where, at the worst, they had to attend promotional events/dinners against their wills. But nothing like this and the scary part is that she still in fear of saying anything bad against her perpetrators in fear of reprisal.
Entertainment industry is like that. Most behind-the-scenes stuff are not known to us until they were made public.
Did you read about the actress who committed suicide in Korea