Cecilia Cheung Dates C AllStar’s Andy Leung

Many can hardly believe that it has been two years since the notorious divorce between Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) and Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝). It was rumored that both parties attempted to reconcile, but ultimately failed when Nicholas stated the divorce was final. Thus, the single Cecilia found herself a new boyfriend, Hong Kong band C AllStar’s vocalist, Andy Leung (梁釗峰).
Cecilia is Smitten by New Boyfriend
The members of C AllStar were brought together by their passion for music and song writing. Their rise in the music industry initially was slow but steady. However, this all changed when their song “Staircase to Heaven” <天梯> reaped awards and received a high praises from the public.
Cecilia and Andy met in early May during a function and since the members of C AllStar were Cecilia’s devoted fans, they all took pictures with their idol. Andy then requested individual shots with Cecilia and took the opportunity to introduce himself. During the exchange, Andy gave Cecilia a copy of their CD and free concert tickets while Cecilia commented that Andy was rather cute.
Looks-wise, Andy does not possess the same handsomeness as Nicholas but at the age of 27, he is considerably younger and has a fresher face. He has only been in one previous relationship and with his innocence, he successfully stole the heart of Cecilia. Despite the seven-year age gap, the two were inseparable.
On June 26, Cecilia even picked Andy up after one of his music events. She drove Andy back to her complex and he stayed the night – presumably to have him bond with her two children, Lucas and Quintus.
Just days before her birthday in May, Cecilia attended one of C AllStar’s music performances and was in high spirits during the entire time. An insider revealed that Cecilia’s love life has been empty since her divorce with Nicholas and that she even attempted to look extra youthful for Andy.
Considers Lucas and Quintus’ Feelings
Cecilia had once stated that she will be careful in choosing a new boyfriend. “I won’t bring another guy into my personal life with my sons before our relationship is actually stable. I have to consider the feelings of my children first.”
However, it was revealed that Lucas has been waiting for Nicholas and Cecilia’s reconciliation since their divorce. Each time Nicholas visits his sons, Lucas would request that his father spend the night. As soon as Lucas found out about the relationship between Cecilia and Andy, it was said that he called his father immediately to voice his displeasure about the new man in his mom’s life.
Source: Oriental Sunday #812 via ihktv.com
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
Bloke looks ugly…
Cecilia allegedly dated Jordan Chan, so she likely doesn’t prioritize looks in a man if she is attracted to his personality.
Not allegedly. They did, got pictures and that time she was at her thinnest so I also think they took drugs together. Remember Jordan was also very thin looking then. Marriage did him good.
didn’t she got PS too?
Dating Sar-Silly-Ah should bring instant fame to Andiot, Lucus might be smellin’ a new farter as dada.
“…stayed the night – presumably to have him bond with her two children, Lucas and Quintus…”
Lol must b a typo…he must b bonding for sure, but not with her children! Lmao
Eh, probably just a fling. Her kids are at the age where dating will definitely be a hellish experience for her.
Maybe Lucas and Quintus were taught to spy (and whatever)? LOL
as long as both sons & Cecilia happy with nice bf, go forward.
Good for CC!
So this ugly bloke is Nicholas ‘s kam brother
Doesn’t sound like a long term match as he is 7 years younger than her and she has two kids already. But I am glad for her as this shows she is still attractive, even to younger blokes.
he looks like the twin brother from “the voice” – Adrian
I just feel bad for the 2 kids especially Lucas, he seems to be the one having the hardest time in this divorce and not his parents…I’m wondering why Nic won’t just take the kids with him especially Lucas because Lucas seem to be closer to him than Cecilia…
He does seem to have a nice guy look.. Course, Nick is way hotter but it wasnt meant to be. Nick needs to find a nice lady too.
dont b a hater yuaida. as long as thy r consenting adults I say go for it. :p I always thought jordan was cute
total bs
He looks like the ‘see mun’ type guy. You know, guy that is very polite. I have never heard about him before, though.
dont think he is her type and he is a devoted chritian or catholic i think and not cecilia cup of tea as characters too different.
Let’s put it this way: if this guy is willing to date (and perhaps even marry) a single mother who has two kids and has a really bad reputation for putting on the waterworks full blast when “that” happened,
then consider him a saint.
she just opened the doors for nicholas to date and consider marriage again
I thought those doors would have been opened to moment their finalized their divorce no?
not really. you forgot her interview with icable? she pushes everything to edison as if she’s totally innocent when she should’ve remember that everythinng was consentual between them before. also doesn’t help that her acting sucks when she come back and her movies are all bad or box office flops
above comment is for below comment actually. wring space
I feel sorry for CC… it’s a shame what the scandal and media/people did to her. She really did nothing wrong and was a victim of the whole affair (as was EC). She didn’t do anything many millions have done before her when in a relationship really, and yet she was victimized, lost her marriage, and still carries a stigma.
I wish her strength and hope she can find happiness.