Cecilia Cheung Was “The Other Woman”; Hid in Closet to Avoid Love Rival

Divorced for two years from Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒), Cecilia Cheung (張柏芝) has grown accustomed to raising sons, Lucas and Quintus, on her own. Despite her failed marriage, Cecilia remains hopeful that she will find love again and is ready for another relationship.
Cecilia revealed that she is now looking for a more stable and older man who has already matured in his thinking. Cecilia said,“That’s why I want to find a man who is 40 to 43 years old! Although I’m used to being single, I do feel lonely at times.”
Although known as a former wild child and linked with various men, including Edison Chen (陳冠希), Jordan Chan (陳小春) and Ronald Cheng (鄭中基) in her early career, Cecilia revealed that she was naive in her first relationship and suffered great hurt.
Cecilia found out in the worst way that she had unwittingly become a third party in the relationship. She did not know that her boyfriend at that time already had a girlfriend. “When the girl came to visit him, he shoved me into the closet.” Although Cecilia could have confronted the girlfriend at that time, she chose to continue hiding in the closet for half an hour to avoid hurting the other girl.
Cecilia believes that a woman’s perspective of love will change as she ages and experiences different life stages. Cecilia pointed out that a woman who has reached her late twenties will want to find a stable home and become a mother.
“Men like young and beautiful women with soft skin. But they only know how to spend money and ask the guys to buy things for them. But women in their thirties are more lasting. Look at Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) or Cherie Chung (鐘楚紅) with their womanly charms. They are so much more beautiful than women much younger than them!”
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
“Divorced for two years from Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒), Cecilia Cheung (張柏芝) has grown accustomed to raising sons, Lucas and Quintus, on her own.”
I am sure Nic will disagree with this statement.
She is really desperate for attention but I do agree with her on one thing……Nic is not mature and not really a man yet. Women need to find men that are at least 5 to 10 years older than them.
Disagree…..She is the childish & selfish one. She’s still full of ‘selfies’.
I bet that was Nicholas who shoved her in the closet when Faye came home.
Why is daniel chan always missed out of her pass relationships lol. They were together for a substantial time in a public courtship.
She has mature a lot and she is definitely a good mum
So is something wrong if she gets physically intimate with a black guy?. Your comment borders on ignorance and racism.
Correction: mun hon’s comment IS ignorant and racist.
haha you are so funny.
wow, these comments are so hurtful towards Cecilia. She is just stating on her opinion and her experiences…
Don’t think she know what pain is.
Her mouth is only good for one thing.
she is sending out message to older man,,,,
Again she’s sending out messages that she’s dumb and dumber.
She wants a sugar daddy
Sorry, I think she is trying to get someone to foot her bill so she can once again live extravagantly once again. Bringing up two young kids correctly to societal norms but trying to sustain a a semblance of an occupation while trying to date is problematic. Since many of you including me do not know how she is managing her daily home routine, whether she is a good or bad mother is purely conjecture now.
I dont think so…she has plenty of money from her past movies and ofcourse alimony from nic.
Just google cecilia cheung nude under image and you will see all her pornographic images. in fact google anyone of those girls who edision had an encounter and you will see all their nude photos free. She is done and thank god nick dumped her arse. She is so used and damaged, she is only good for one thing and one thing only. Wait until her two sons grow up and see their mama getting laid and doing porn.
Feel bad for her sons when they will come across her internet pictures in the future
The scandal of Cecilia and Edison happened years ago. I don’t think she needs to be reminded of her past mistakes when she is trying to become a better person. It is clear that she is not only trying to fix herself up for the public but for her children too. She is simply telling people about an old experience. I don’t think that makes her a person with ill intentions to get a man.
The moral of the story is that if anyone plans to take perverted nude photos with any guys, just make sure the photos don’t come back and haunt you one day. All of the women who participated with Edison in doing porn should not be surprised that it got leaked out. Sh.t happens and life goes on but the women’s images are forever ruin. Just hope most of these women don’t have kids. Imagine one day classmates of Cecilia’s two sons telling them I saw your mama’s nude photos online. She looks so used and high but doable. Hate to be her kids.
Yes, none of the women involved in the scandal should be surprised of what comes to them. However, you can’t blame them for trying to improve their image to the public after what happened. I think of Cecilia as a human being who makes wrong decisions, but I wouldn’t claim her to be “used” just because she slept with a man and took photos. And yes, I do feel sorry for her children for also being reminded of their mother’s mistake. And although I agree that it’s her fault that her kids have become victimized, do you not think the public is partially at fault for not letting go of the scandal? I’m sure the children wants to love their mother and see Cecilia in the best light.
“do you not think the public is partially at fault for not letting go of the scandal?”
What a Joke! She is used and damaged to society. Again take a good look at her family background. She is a user and an abuser. Her children are her salvation and if she can’t she that she’s a fool.
You brought up the scandal. What was in her mouth? Brain juice. Have you seen her harry lips? Her mouth is only good for one thing. LOL!
hi there
1. just wait for her next breaking news.
2. what will she disclose?
3. what, a has-been!!!
As much as I can’t stand Cecilia Cheung, I don’t think it’s your business to wonder who she has sex with next. Your idiotic and racist comments in poor English makes it obvious you’re looking for people to support your prejudiced comments.
Cecilia has been around the block that’s for sure