Celebrities Pray for Safety of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 early on March 8 remains a mystery. On its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpar, the airplane suddenly vanished from radar screens somewhere over the seas in between Malaysia and Vietnam. Several Asian artists from Malaysia, China, and Taiwan continue to pray for the flight’s safety, hoping there would be a miracle.
Malaysian artists including Michelle Yeoh (楊紫瓊), Vivien Yeo (楊秀惠), Angelica Lee (李心潔), Fish Leung (梁靜茹), Victor Wong (品冠) and Shila Amzah (茜拉) were hit with grief after learning of the missing aircraft. Currently working abroad, Michelle expressed her condolences to the flight’s passengers and crew members. Vivien admitted feeling extremely sorrowful about the incident. With her career based in Hong Kong, she had visited her home country during Lunar New Year to wish family and friends safety. Angelica hopes for a miracle, while Fish and Victor spread words of prayer on their Weibo accounts. Shila felt extremely uncomfortable about the incident and shared how she constantly took flight MH370 in the past.
Other Chinese artists also expressed their concerns for those affected and told everyone to not give up their hopes. Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明) wrote on his Weibo blog, “This news has caused much worry, and I really hope everyone is safe and sound. I hope everyone can take good care of their emotions and never give up on hope! Praying for everyone’s peace!”
Zhang Ziyi (章子怡) uploaded a photograph of two lit candles and commented, “A day of sorrow!” Hong Kong actress, Ada Choi (蔡少芬), also posted on her Weibo blog, “Why hasn’t the missing airplane been found…Lord have mercy, wishing there is a miracle and also have peace and strength for the families [waiting] on the ground. So sad, so heartbroken, so much sorrow.”
Taiwanese artists including Rainie Yang (楊丞琳), Leehom Wang (王力宏), Yoga Lin (林宥嘉), Valen Hsu (許茹蕓), and Barbie Hsu (徐熙媛) left similar messages of prayer on their blogs. Rainie wrote, “My god…praying that there is peace.” Likewise, Yoga expressed, “Hoping the missing airplane can make it home safely. Give their family members some space. We don’t need to be onlookers toward their grief.”
Leehom, who just flew to Kuala Lumpar from Beijing last week, felt extremely sympathetic. He admitted, “I find it so hard to believe the news I’m hearing. I constantly take that flight, and just did so last week. Praying for all the passengers and crew members!” Barbie wrote, “Please do not make up rumors. Everyone is worried, and please consider the feelings of their family members. Wishing for the passengers’ safety.” Valen also expressed, “Praying for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight’s family members and friends. Hope a miracle can happen! Showing support together!”
Source: Sina.com
This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.
pray for the people too. this is soooo sad :'(
Just to add on, Linda Chung, Priscilla, Jacqueline have all asked people to pray for the flight.
this plane missing is really mysterious… until today also yet to know the whereabouts… God have mercy
May we pray everyday for their safety & pray that they can find the airplane. It is very sad & shock to hear such a news.Waiting for miracles to happen!Yes God have mercy ………
Pray for everyone and hope they can make it home safely.
Really really sad mostly the passengers are from Beijing…pray hard for them.
I find that the rescue team is too slow, they should have search this flight in first few hours when it lost contact today is the 3rd day the fuel in the sea could have elaborated.
Hi Yee, Just wanna to share out the history records of 2009 :- The search and rescue operation, involving air, naval and underwater operations, had covered an estimated 17,000 square km of uncharted sea waters to depths of 4,700m, demonstrating the challenges of search and rescue operations – this is one of the 2009 history records missing Airbus A330-203in France.
The wreckage of the plane was so remote when the airliner went down, it reached the equatorial waters between Brazil and Africa while it took five days before the first body of the victims were recovered by authorities.
We pray for a miracle!!
“I find that the rescue team is too slow, they should have search this flight in first few hours when it lost contact”
That is ridiculous. You can only declare a plane lost when it doesn’t reach the destination and it didn’t reach its destination. Unless you can see for sure on the radar collision or in the view before your eyes. I find it utterly crazy to expect that of the rescue team. The question now is where is the plane? Mid air explosion? That would explain why we can’t find it.
If you mentioned that is ridiculous for the rescue team to arrive what is your control tower is doing when there’s no more signal or contact from this MH370 plane at 2:00am and there’s no immediate action has been taken until the next morning. Anything could have happened within 2:am to 6:00am.
Agreed with you any things could have happened within this hours.
How do you know no actions was taken? How do you know the tower wasn’t contacting other countries or towers where the plane might be?
Well it was mentioned clearly in the news used yr brain to figure out calculate the time and actions when these ppl really sending the team out to search and for your information Singapore is the first one to volunteer.
I find that the rescue team is too slow, they should have search this flight in first few hours when it lost contact”
Even if they lost contact doesn’t mean the plane won’t reach it destination. Usually they start to be alarm is when they are aware that the plane only got 1 hr left of fuel.
Searching for a plane can be very expensive, plus some bad weather can make a plane lost contact does not mean they are in danger. If they react too fast, the media will leak the info out. The family will have a panic attack. What if is false alarm ,they need to rules out alot of things because they start the search.
kc, a airplane fly with a average speed of 700km/hr and on 2:00 midnight it disappeared from the radar,how long do you think that a recue boat need to reach the destination where the plane disappeared?(i mean how fast can a rescue boat be)? and if you said they arrived on the morning i dont think its late.also because they didnt know where exactly the plane had crashed in th open sea.
If mid air explosion, sure there will be debris drop in the sea or etc..but nothing can be found by the marines..which is really weird.
Maybe because the area is vast. Maybe we have been looking at the wrong place. I have people telling me abduction by aliens. I wonder what is so funny about a plane full with people missing without any good reason. Very insensitive bunch.
I do believe mid air explosion and debris scattered wide. Don’t forget time has passed and waves/current may have carried the debris away to a wider point. Sea is also deep so that may explain why till now no blackbox. Surely the signal can’t be that weak?
Pray for them too, just awful!
The agony is in the waiting, this is terrible! My heart goes out to the next of kin :'(
Very sad. So many people are lost in mystery. Hope they are still alive and safe.
My deepest sympathies to all of the victims,their family and friends. Let’s hope that they will all be found safe and sound.
jayne,,maybe we should update any latest info available as part of news articles …this is all we can now contribute here to pay tribute or update any latest news on this missing plane incidents
We’ll keep an eye on further developments. But CNN may be a better source for the latest breaking news.
Praying for a miracle. My heart goes out to the next of kins of the passengers and crew onboard.
This is terribly sad news.
Hope the plane will be recovered soon, and that there are people still alive.
Oh no, just read on CNN.com that two potentially stolen passports(from Austrian, and Italian citizens) may have been used to board the flight. The two plane tickets were bought @ the same time and place. Gosh, I really hope this unfortunate incident did not occur due to the act of terrorism.
Two days is way too long if they found survivors. It’s pretty much search and recovery operations. No hope at all. hope the investigators can find the cause as soon as possible if they able to locate the missing plane. Condolences to their family and friends of MH370 crew and passengers.
Malaysia has set up a rescue co-ordination centre and dozens of ships and aircraft were looking for the missing aircraft MH370.
China, the Philippines, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam have also sent resources to join the search. Many thanks for their support!
According to Breaking News (twitter account), they tweeted out “Vietnam sending helicopters to investigate floating ‘yellow object,’ possible life raft of missing Malaysian plane, official says – @Reuters”
Let’s be realistic; the plane has crashed. Now I hope the black box can be found so as to establish what happened. All I know if terrorism or not our airport security has screwed up big time.
China is blaming Malaysia but if it is hijacking and terrorism linked back to China shouldn’t china bear some blame too? So far I don’t think it is terrorism until concrete evidence and no evidence until plane is found. As for pilot error I doubt it. It could be plane problems since pilot tried to turn back. Mas has excellent record so is the plane itself. Anyway all are
speculation. China should stop pressing for explanation when they too are participating in searching for the plane so they know as much as we do. Just saw some breaking news that hijacking is not ruled yo tang five passports are suspect, some from china. Our security is lax no doubt but how does one red flag something if no suspicion? USA said we shoul red flag but hey remember 911?
ya. I wrote something in my weibo just like pray for mh370 and i realise my followers were decreasing… This is not the time for blaming each other right
They blaming Vietnam and Malaysia because they keep on reporting false info and the last location is between the two country
Malaysian and any other Southern Asian countries that includes COMMUNIST CHINA ticketing company need to beef up there security procedures. This is not looking too good.
All countries should toughen its policies and interpol should make it mandatory to check passports to see if they are stolen or not.
Hoping for a miracle……
i think the plane was hijacked by terrorist,they originally want to let the plane crash in beijing airport but due to a fight between the hijackers and airmarshal or passengers,the hijackers let the plane explode in the air.
Explode with what? Why no mayday calls? Doesn’t make sense.
I dunno is it the way you write, but you sound so condescending each time someone raises their opinions. Like as if everyone else is stupid.
Experts cannot even make sense of the whole thing so what makes you think you are narrowing down to the most possible scenario then?
its just my guess,an other option is that due to a mechanical defect of the plane. the fact that they didnt send mayday calls has probably something to deal with a defect of the electronical system i think,i read they have found a huge oil trace in the ocean,that could point at a leak or the pilot knew that the plane couldnt be saved due to the defect,so he did empty the oil tank so it wouldnt come to an explosion. but the question is if it really had crashed in sea why didnt they found some wreckage so far?
“John Goglia, a former board member of the National Transportation Safety Board, the U.S. agency that investigates plane crashes, said the lack of a distress call suggested that the plane either experienced an explosive decompression or was destroyed by an explosive device.”
source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/08/us-malaysiaairlines-flight-idUSBREA2701720140308
You dont even need a mayday call to execute the event. But we still don’t know.
it doesnt make sense to any1 so far.
How could a plane just vanish? Very shocking news. Very depressed. Hope. Hope. Hope everyone in the plane is safe. Hope the god will look after them and bring them safely to the ground. It has been 40hours!!
Can the organisation tells us what is taking into action, into rescue as there are so many different newsof ppossibilities? So worrying.
This is called Malaysia Boleh mah… ! One Malaysia.
Could even vanished a plane ! My heart is sad my tears is for the innocent crews and passengers.
And this is Malaysia’s fault? How is that so?
i think if this is due to a mechanical problem of the airplane,then its the fault of the malaysian airline company.but if it is terrorist action then i think this could happen to any country in the world.
If it is mechanical problem then it is NOT the airline’s problem but boeing.
“The revelation follows confirmation that at least two passengers boarded missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 in Kuala Lumpur with stolen passports, while another passenger held a fake passport. Four passengers in total are under suspicion and an investigation is underway into how such a major security breach could occur.”
I think one of the main concerns is that Malaysian Airlines did not check the database for stolen passports. And at least two people on the airplane allegedly used the stolen passports to board the plane..
This alone is suspicious. And if Malaysian Airlines did have previous records of ” for boarding a passenger against the wishes of a foreign government by falsifying passport identity record”, then it makes people question the integrity of Malaysian Airlines.
And even if it is a mechanical issue (eg. Brtish Airways Flight 38), they would still have time to call for a mayday distress! But this never happened.
i assume that this plane has made many flight hours before,so why did it happen now if it is a construction fault? and i think there are many of this type boeing plane’s flying around in the world,if this is a construction fault from boeing then im afraid for the worst,lets hope it isnt.
“I think one of the main concerns is that Malaysian Airlines did not check the database for stolen passports”
@Bubblez…..I agreed with Malaysia Airline on that issue….it is not practical to check database of everyone holding an air ticket cos it is too time consuming, too much of a hassle & will drive away potential customers who prefer seamless, hassle-free air travel.
“it is not practical to check database of everyone holding an air ticket cos it is too time consuming, too much of a hassle & will drive away potential customers who prefer seamless, hassle-free air travel.”
How is it a hassle when it is a safety measure, a preventative measure? And usually air tickets are purchased in advance, so prior to maybe 2-3 weeks, do a check? And I rather have airlines/countries to do that check than ignoring the database…
Checking of passport, whether against the facial features of the person holding it or with the FBI database of stolen passports, is done by the Immigration officer NOT the airlines. Airline staff typically check that the ticket and boarding pass match the name on the passport.
Which is why I said our immigration/security are screwed.
Mmm what I am talking about is the checking in process (as in the very first place you go to before entering in the customs), which is done by airline officials. I’m well aware that the customs are done by the immigrant officials.
I talked with my mom who works at a travel agency and asking her opinion on the whole “checking passports” and asking “would she mind it, although it is time consuming”. She said that because you have 3+ hours to check in in person, 24+ hours online, whoever is in charge of checking the passports at the Interpol has more than enough time to do so.
And my mom said that even for cruises, all cruise lines are expected to submit their information to a central place at least three days before the boarding date.
The database of stolen passports is only accessible by immigration officers, not by airline ground staff at the check-in.
Also, customs is not done by immigration officials. Customs and immigration are two different things. Immigration officials are in charge of ensuring one has the valid and authentic documents (e.g passport, visas etc) to enter or leave a country. Customs officials checks for substances and banned goods that are brought into the country. E.g, in Australia, travelers are not allowed to bring foodstuff into the country. Just sharing to clear up a common misconception
Also, customs is not done by immigration officials. Customs and immigration are two different things. Immigration officials are in charge of ensuring one has the valid and authentic documents (e.g passport, visas etc) to enter or leave a country. Customs officials checks for substances and banned goods that are brought into the country
^ Thanks and I am aware of that. But I don’t think it matters who did what, since people would be questioning both the Airline officials and the immigration officials. And according to Nicole’s article, it said that the airline itself was convicted two years ago for boarding a passenger against the wishes of a foreign government by falsifying passport identity records, it has emerged, and was also prosecuted for a similar incident in 2007.
Okie then. I am just pointing out because you wrote “I am well aware that the customs are done by immigrant officials”. That is incorrect.
Besides this incident, I am occupied with some other worldwide news, but generally speaking, I am aware of it though. I just had that sudden moment where I forgot..
yes our msia security is screwed, last time i went taiwan, forgot i have put a scissor in my hand carry but the msian’s security just let me in without question.
But during my return from taiwan, the taiwanese officer stops me for carrying a small scissor in my hand carry and ask me to throw it away too..only then I’m allowed to check-in -_-“
We all want to hope… but it’s been quite some time now… Please let there be a miracle.
The only miracle if they can find the plane and the black box.
Really strange that it can just disappear like that with no sign of anything and it’s been 3 days now. I really hope there’s a miracle!!!! At least find the plane so there’s closure for the family members.
Can’t believe this tragic incident happening to one of our planes! Even sadder & depressing to learn that my cousin sister-in-law’s relative was in that plane too ….not as a passenger but a crew member.
My thoughts & prayers be with their next of kins…
sorry to hear about your sister-in-law’s relative. hopefully, the plane can be found. have strength and hope!
To be more precise, it’s my cousin brother’s wife’s sister……very sad though I do not know her personally. The world is not that big after all ….
lets pray and hope for the best things…. but prepare for the worst … may God bless them all …
so sad and scary that the flight just dissappeared. pray pray pray
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i think u have 2 spelling mistakes. it should be Kuala Lumpur, not Kuala Lumpar
I don’t understand why my previous posted need a moderation ? And no one approved it yet? -_-
Thats even not my comment but a news in many international media.
Warning of ‘possible terrorist attack on China’ received by Taiwan days before Malaysia Airlines jet vanished
China Airlines says it learened about attacks on capital’s airport and metro system.
PUBLISHED : Monday, 10 March, 2014, 4:49pm
UPDATED : Tuesday, 11 March, 2014, 12:12am
Taiwan’s spy chief revealed yesterday that the island’s security officials had last week received a warning about possible terrorist attacks on the mainland.
National Security Bureau chief Tsai De-sheng told a legislative committee that the agency had passed on a warning of planned attacks on Beijing airport and the city’s subway system to mainland authorities after receiving it on March 4.
Tsai did not specify how the warning, which came three days after a knife attack at Kunming railway station left 29 civilians dead, had been relayed to the bureau.
However, security chiefs were believed to have received the alert from Taiwan-based China Airlines, following a phone call to the airline earlier in the day from a man who said he wanted to warn of possible terrorist activity.
Claiming to work for an anti-terrorism organisation in France, the caller spoke in French at first but switched to Putonghua with a Cantonese accent when the airline’s switchboard operator could not understand him.
[The airline] received calls claiming to provide intelligence
[The airline] received calls claiming to provide intelligence
China Airlines yesterday confirmed that a call was received on March 4. It said the information it received was passed to Taiwan’s civil aviation authority and aviation police.
In a statement, the airline said: “China Airlines on March 4 received a call claiming to provide intelligence on terrorist organisations and which referred to mainland China, saying Beijing airport would see terrorist attacks.”
There is no indication the warning was connected to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which vanished from radar screens in the early hours of Saturday.
Separately, on March 3 China Airlines circulated an unrelated “aviation security notice” to all staff, warning of a “significant risk of terrorist attacks and military actions against aviation”, a spokeswoman said yesterday.
The spokeswoman said the notice was issued in the wake of the March 1 Kunming railway station attacks. The notice urged all of its staff on the mainland to “be aware of individual security”.
The spokeswoman said security alerts were circulated from time to time but that they were not automatically issued during high-profile events such as the ongoing National People’s Congress meetings in Beijing.
Meanwhile, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday ordered the defence ministry and coastguard to join the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1445314/warning-possible-terrorist-attack-china-received-taiwan-days-malaysia
I’m dissapounted with how Malaysia handle the situation..like how they tend to gave falsety news.
Ex. About the identity of 2 illegal passengers used stolen passport. Malaysia’s Home Minister said they were of Asian appearance >> the next day another officer denied the statement and said they were Black men >> then today it change to Iranian.
Sigh what the..
were of Asian appearance, said Malaysia’s Home Minister …
Not to be sad and seriously if u are a Malaysian, like ME, you won’t even be surprised or shocked!
If any of you have time, just look at news on how our country-Malaysia, SABAH, got terrorized by a bunch of militarilies, and yup, they all came with maçhine guns and bombs and stuffs and WEIRD enough, they GET THROUGH!!! Our marine patrols like @@ sleeping!! How could these “Sakai” with guns n bombs n stuffs got thru????
And yes, our govt and media said it’s NOTHING!!!
DONT WORRY till polices got KILLED!!! and that’s when yeah, the govt told us it’s SERIOUS!!!
And funny enough, after all these investigations and bla bla bla, at first we are told, yeah, WE KNOW THE LEADER but YEAHHH, it’s another year, all goes SILENT!!!!
Though many will say I’m bad but I’m glad that this case involved other countries and yes!!! Our govt MUST ANSWER TO THEM!!!
if it’s only Malaysian, trust me, till FOREVER, NO ANSWERS GIVEN!!!
I’m dissapointed with how Malaysia handle the situation..like how they tend to gave falsety news
Ex. About the identity of 2 illegal passengers used stolen passport. Malaysia’s Home Minister said they were of “Asian appearance” >> the next day another officer denied the statement and said they were “Black men” >> then today it change to “Iranian”.
Sigh what the..
And you forgotten about aiyo one minute is FOUR passengers then the next minute is TWO passengers and then FIVE passengers DIDNT GO ON-BOARD, the next minute, another minister in another PC, said that’s NOT TRUE!!
Malaysian ministers are GREAT in giving DIFFERENT NEWS!!!
I’m just glad that this time the WORLD LOOK AT THEIR STATEMENTS!!!!
Dont worry, American media do it all… Captain Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk!
Those statements didn’t come from the American Media, it’s from the MALAYSIAN MINISTERS!
and If u r a Malaysian, you won’t be surprised with this scenario. We are user to their many DIFF STATEMENTS regarding the SAME ISSUE
Did you see the way the IGP talks? I wanna slap him. What was so funny?
Sounds confusing. But, I wouldn’t trust American media because back in 1987, Ronald Reagan abolished the “fairness doctrine” for American media…
And this is what someone in US said about the change: “They no longer have an obligation to serve the public interest. Their only obligation is to their shareholders. They serve that obligation not by informing us, telling us the things we need to understand to make rational decisions in a democracy, but rather by entertaining us… “
everyone is watching as Malaysia airlines/military/government continue making a fool of themselves.
Vietnam is even freezing their search efforts due to withheld information. everyone is led on a wild goose chase in the wrong area!
You talk as if we have something to hide. We don’t. We are as clueless as everybody else. There is no conspiracy, just confusion and speculations with more lurid details and dirty linens thrown into the arena. We are doing our best although we can do with better PR teaching us how to speak publicly. I agree there is no dept to dept coordination but everyone is desperate for answers, to find some clues because everyone has someone on the phone, not just Chinese or other nationals. Everyone loves a good conspiracy but what we have here is complete mystery and nothing more. The vietnamese is scaling down due to cost since it has been 5 days since? The operation must stop and Malaysia will have to carry on alone to find the black boxes. It is a simple act of withdrawing, no conspiracy.
And I hate it when I have people go hee hee hee alien abduction hee hee hee. I wonder what is so funny? But then since our IGP thinks it is funny, what more can I say?
and you answer like you are part of the Malaysian Government/airlines/military, since my opinions are about them. So are you?
This is ridiculous.
““Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying. China keeps sending things on the way. Journalists keep waiting at the Lido hotel [where relatives are holed up]. Family members keep being in pain. . . . But where is the plane?””
I believe Vietnam is scaling back on the search after “Malaysia has criticized Vietnam for releasing — prematurely, Malaysia insists — photos of possible debris amid the search.”, not due to the cost.
Sometimes, authorities have good reason to withhold information (like if they’re investigating/tracking down criminals/terrorists). Let’s please let them do their jobs.
I read the news everyday and am part of this as with every malaysia and I am personally offended by all these silly idiotic theories of conspiracy on the part of our government as much as some americans were with the bush conspiracy of 911. Admittedly there is a serious lack of coordination and release of information but I don’t think Vietnam will stop assisting because of some hissy fit. I give them more credit. Nicole you are an intelligent person, surely you don’t believe such nonsense?
““Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying.”
Because one of them shoots before thinking giving false hope when it turns out exactly that; false hope.
“China keeps sending things on the way.”
Good for China then.
” Journalists keep waiting at the Lido hotel [where relatives are holed up]. Family members keep being in pain.”
We Malaysians and other nations have suffered too, not China alone and we have aged old mothers waiting for return of their children and grandchildren as well. They’re waiting too, kept in pain. But what has happened can’t be purely pointed at Malaysian government. The Air France incident – families waited 2 years for answer. Some others, forever.
“But where is the plane?”
Great question. No one knows, not even the ones in the conspiracy I presume. Which is why the search parametre is widening to include land.
I understand the pain of all families, this is that sort of situation none of us ever ever want to be. But throwing accusations, so unfairly when every nation is doing all they can to help isn’t helping. You can blame MAlaysia for not coordinating information, you can blame us for being lax in security (So is everywhere else except maybe America), you can blame us for giving confusing information.. but you can’t blame us for conspiracy and lying when you don;t have any proof we are doing exactly that. We are as curious as everyone else. This is not the time for MAlaysia to have such crisis when we already have haze, drought, water crisis and what nots. MAS incident is not what we have in mind to divert attention away. I am not some military/government personnel but I am a fellow Malaysian, as disgusted as anyone else at the way some officials share information or answer questions but I will not at this point blame anyone, not even the pilot until the plane or debris or bodies or black boxes or all of them is found.
Nicole, your opinion is unfair, unjust, unreasonable and biased in the time of tragedy but to your credit not as insane and stupid as those who thinks 911 is CIA’s work.
I rather have false hope than no hope at all..
And if authorities are withholding information from the countries that are participating in this investigation, I don’t think that is wise.
““Vietnam keeps discovering. Malaysia keeps denying.”
False. Both the Vietnamese government and the Malaysian government is denying. It was the Vietnam media that kept, I quote Funn, ‘shooting false hope’. Plus the social media now which is filled with people spreading rumors. It must be heartwrenching for the family and friends of the victim.
I must add that the media is pretty insensitive, trying to get an interview from relatives and friends of victims even after such a tragedy… Then again, they’re just finding a living…
You can aid in the search for Malaysian airlines flight MH370 by looking through satellite images of the surrounding area from Sunday’s capture to see if images of a plane can be spotted.
This is the latest crowdsourcing tool to see if any clues come up. It’s a tedious process, as you look through images and tag a photo if you see anything resembling a plane.
As reported on CNN:
The direct link to the satellite image tool:
And the site crashed!
I tried different browsers, and Firefox seems to be the only one that works for me. It may depend on the version you have.
Jayne this is truly “Seeking a needle in the big ocean”.
What if… WHAT IF we are looking at the wrong place?
china are also searching the inland of malaysia now,plus the straits of malacca.
Just read one second ago; they’re concentrating on sea, not land. Now everyone is confused!
Tried to look at it. Don’t think it is even possible to look at. Like finding needle in the sea. Latest I read they were asking bomo?. As what I read in the news here, now they even don’t know which direction the plane heading to..so all of this searching probably wrong direction?. They said you can playback the flight in http://www.flightradar24.com
“Tried to look at it. Don’t think it is even possible to look at.”
For many concerned, this is one way to help. Although hubby and I looked at images together and we only saw clouds in the photos. Also, the satellite images were taken from Sunday, so they may not be helpful. Also there is the expanded search area since the plane is now known to have headed in a different direction. It’s baffling.
But we can spare a few minutes each day to assist in any crowdsourcing methods they ask for the public’s assistance.
yesterday the media reported that some family members of the passengers who have tried to call to their relatives mobile phones still got contact,but no one took it up. how could that? does this mean that the plane didnt crashed in sea? this is very weird.
I don’t get what is the big deal with this aspect. Many times we have switched off our handphones and still get a ringtone until diverted to call centre or voice message. I think this is grasping for straws. If truly the phone could connect then someone should be answering the calls. I am however wondering about Ipad and their tracking abilities.
What are they calling is to the computer receiver phone not the actual person is there trying to get the phone. Sad truth.
Would you people just STOP blaming Malaysia on the dissapearance of the airplane? Yes, the Malaysian government was slow at responding to this situation, but Malaysia itself is facing a many internal problems as well! Plus, Malaysia rarely has these type of happenings. The whole situation is unexpected. Who would expect the Boeing 777 which is famous for its safety to be missing when it was in one of its safest phase while accidents usually happen during take off or landing? Plus the fact that this is Malaysian Airlines (MAS) we’re talking about. MAS has a clean record which is free from any major aviation accidents, and the last major one was in 1997! It is one of the most reliable and trusted airlines for a comfortable and safe flight compared to the cheaper Air Asia and Firefly.
As for the immigration security… Well, thousands of people all over the world use fake or stolen passports to illegally enter another country in hopes of finding a living in the country. They’re just illegal immigrants who have a poor family who they have to support. Plus, the government has revealed that they were both Iranians who were heading for Europe. One of them was just a 19 year old who wanted to go to Germany to seek asylum, and he was just in that plane by unfortunate coincidence!
Humans are just humans, they aren’t perfect and they make mistakes. Now is not the time to find someone to blame, but rather to focus searching for the missing airplane. Pray for a miracle to happen… And even if it did not, at least the airplane should be found so that the relatives and friends of the victims are given an answer.
Correction, the last major aviation accident of Malaysian Airlines was on the year of 1977.
Correction, @IX, the last aviation disaster in 1977 was caused by a terrorist attack & WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. Malaysia Airline holds an impeccable record in air safety.
However, this unfortunate incident exposed the stupidity of our Malaysian officials who seemed confused & continuously making contradicting statements…..truly a bunch of clowns & idiots who are running the show.
@Ross Yup, thanks for the correction. Its the last major disaster which had over one hundred fatalities, and it’s counted as the only and worst avaition disaster from MAS.
Well, yes, what else do you expect from Malaysian officers? Before this they were busy with how to throw Datuk A in jail, you see… They didn’t see something so big coming, and now Datuk A is practically forgotten after days of being on the headlines.
Malaysians will understand who Datuk A is.
“Malaysians will understand who Datuk A is.”
Ahh you can’t keep a good man away from his stained mattress.
This crisis exposes the incompetency and poor coordination between the Malaysian military, Civil Aviation authority and Malaysia Airlines. They can’t even get their statements straight. First, the IGP told Bernama on Satursay that five passengers failed to board MH370 and had their luggages removed but then he retracted his statement on Tuesday. Then the head of Civil Aviation said that the people who used the stolen passports were not ‘asian looking’, and asked journalists if they know Mario Batolleli (an Italian footbsller of african descent), very tasteless remarks. And the government approval of getting bomohs to help search for the aircraft at KLIA really takes the cake. PURE COMEDY!
Now the rest of the world knows that Malaysia is truly a third world country, led by mollycoddled complacent leaders who always got their own way and are never held accountable for their actions. Malaysia Boleh!
Some interesting articles/blogs observing the ongoing saga:
Correction – the name is Mario Balotelli. Not Batoli, like the Malaysian official first said.
Also, if the Malaysian military had noticed an unidentified plane turning westward and flying across Peninsula Malaysia to an island near Penang on the Straits of Malacca on Saturday, why withhold information until Tuesday? So much time and resources wasted for 3 days when they send everyone on a wild goose chase.
And people thought Triumph In The Skies was so dramatic. TITS has NOTHING on this. Lol. Nothing compares to the worldwide fascination and speculation over the mystery of the missing MH370. The scale of the search by over a dozen countrie’s warships and military aircraft, conspiracy theories and drama is truly unprecedented. Some say this is like the real live version of LOST. Really, the truth is often stranger than fiction.
And now the whole matter is apparently conected to Datuk A.
I don’t think so much of blaming. It’s the inconsistency and conflicting information given out so far.
The government should have control the situation more fluently but these past couple of days is so unorganized
IX “It is one of the most reliable and trusted airlines”
What so trusted and reliable even the co pilot could entertained women in the cabin, smoked cigarettes, breach of airline protocols and possibly create danger. How violated and incredibly irresponsible?
One of the women said “Throughout the entire flight they were talking to us and they were actually smoking throughout the flight which I don’t think they’re allowed to do,” said Jonti Roos, who was on the flight with her friend, Jaan Maree. “At one stage they were pretty much turned around the whole time in their seats talking to us.”
And he is the same missing MH370 co pilot
@Oi. Be fair ok, things sometimes may not be what it seems….you cannot make a judgment solely on her side of the story…..hear from the other side as well….there may some truths & untruths for all I know ….
There is also a report that the co pilot was a “good boy who kept a low profile”. People can form opinions based on what they read. But like I have mentioned, please respect the crew and passengers whose fate is still not known. Do not speculate, do not lay blame in the absence of credible concrete evidence.
Yes, it is not to ask why now. Too late to ask, unfortunate incident had occur. Think until brain explode also no answers, even experts can’t figure out. Answer will only reveal when the plane is found, or when the black/orange box is found. Now all energy should channel to find the plane and everyone on board. We just sincerely hope that Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia Immigration or other countries airlines and immigrations will cultivate the habit to search the passengers passports against the Interpol database for all illegal/stolen passport, to ensure the highest level safety of flight journeys. Malaysia sighed that one has to go through over 40millions names of stolen passports. They said that their current flights check-in/check-out are in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Meaning that they won’t change their current practice. We just hope that all future flights will be a safe and smooth journey. God bless.
This incident is utter disaster, especially the Malaysian government! Completely unorganized joke that they handle the situation. They really need the Western countries for all the help.
The 2 so called illegal immigrants from Iran to Europe (Frankfurt, Germany). 19-year-old Iranian Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad used Austria passport, Iranian Delavar Seyed Mohammad Erza, 29, used Italy passport, confirmed are not terrorist suspects, due to no past record. However, they may be new recruits of terrorists. To ensure they will smoothly clear customs and not get caught, hence have to get those with no past record, clean record, to perform “important” mission. This may be their first and final mission. Since 19-year-old Iranian declared that he won’t be returning to Iran for sure.
We have to comb all possibilities. What is sure is that both men are from Iran, Iran being a Muslim country and given their names, can safely conclude that they are Muslims. Both arrived Malaysia using their own original Iranian passports on Feb 28. Why the need to first league of travel involved into Malaysia first then to elsewhere? These illegal activities operators know Malaysia customs poor security loopholes. March 4, 19-year-old Iranian Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad posted in his Facebook that he is feeling excited but did not elaborate. Muslim extremists are also excited in killing innocent lives.
Perhaps China should review their visa free 72 hours for Europe passport holders. China should re-introduce visa application to force Europe stolen passport holders enter China with valid visa. At least there is one more country to rely on to tighten customs loopholes in countries such as Malaysia and Thailand. Malaysia and Thailand did not make it to China list of visa free 72 hours.
The Iranian “Mr Ali” who is the mastermind behind the air tickets purchase in Pattaya, Thailand should be caught. Believed he frequently smuggle people to countries for whatever mission with stolen passports. As frequent customer for 3 years, he sure knows how to speak very carefully to avoid being suspected. He knows fairly well when he instructed the travel agent for the cheapest ticket to Europe, he knows what route that will be. When the travel agent told him that she booked Qatar Airways and Etihad on March 1, he did not pay for the tickets. March 6, he told her to re-booked, when she re-booked tickets with transit at Beijing on MH370 on March 6, with travel date on March 8. This time he paid for the tickets in cash via a friend. It is sure a last minute act. This will cut down thorough search on the identities of the 2 stolen passports. Mr Ali sure is a very careful man and knows what he wants. This is just another cover-up by the mysterious Mr Ali.
Malaysia customs made conflicting remark. Said the 2 men with stolen passports are of Asian features, next day they said it’s similar to Mario Balotelli who is of black African origin, next day they said are Iranians. Didn’t they see the images from CCTV? At first said 2 people used stolen passport, then said 4, then said 2 again. Said plane lost contact at 2:40am, but Sweden based live tracking radar company said plane actually lost contact 50 minutes (1:30am) at Kota Bahru (still under Malaysia territory) after flight departed KL at 12:41am, not 2 hours as claimed by Malaysia. Then Malaysia corrected it at 1:30am. Said 5 people check-in but didn’t board plane, next moment said no such statement then next day said the 5 vacant seats sold to those on waiting list, then said 4 actually check-in but did not board. Said plane lost near border close to Vietnam, but now said plane lost close to Malacca Straits, then said no, then said at Andaman Island. There are too many inconsistent reports, some not even listed here. Frustrated, even Vietnam decided to stop air search operation on Wednesday onwards but continues with sea search, but reduced the number of ships. Vietnam is one of the most enthusiastic search operators from day one. They do not have a single citizen on this flight, the flight was not lost on Vietnam territory, yet they send so many ships and search planes and search round the clock with the ships search.
The 5 people or now 4 people decided last minute not to board the plane, were they grilled interviewed? Did these people tell the truth? Did they receive reliable warning not to board the plane, and that the plane will be ill-fated like now “missing mysteriously”? Were their luggage correctly removed? Did the airline left any suspicious luggage on the plane due to the very last minute decision? Terrorists used non-conventional method to produce bomb, such as pressure cookers in the case of Boston Marathon bombers. The 4 people reasons not travelling on this flight did not make known.
On the 19-year-old Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad mother. We are unsure if the mother is his real mother or someone claimed to be his mother to act as a cover-up. Mother will never admit her son as a criminal even if they are one.
If there are no illegal passports used in this trip, there won’t make room for us to create any suspicion.
The Boston Marathon brothers age 20 and 27, is very close age bracket in comparison to the 2 Iranian men with stolen passport. The 2 bombers mother is a strong supporter of her sons’ action.
Malaysia customs do not ask passengers to take off shoes and socks like Japan customs or take off belt like Japan or Saudi Arabia. Bomb experts say bombs inserted into shoes are sufficient to bring down a plane. Nowadays, the think-out-of-the-box terrorists no longer use traditional method of making bomb. Perhaps new bombs are no longer able to be detected by customs.
Malaysia government should invest in smart intelligent superfast computers that are able to make use of the Interpol database to check lost passports. They let passengers passed through customs based on customs staff experience, visual checks, tip-off and six-sense. What if custom staff has poor eyesight or poor sense of judgment? They are putting passenger lives to unnecessary risk.
“Malaysia customs do not ask passengers to take off shoes and socks like Japan customs or take off belt like Japan or Saudi Arabia. ”
While Canadian custom officials do not require us to take off our socks, we do however are required to take off our shoes and belts and any metal stuff.
This is very disturbing to know that the Malaysian customs do not require their passengers to take off shoes, at the very least.
I think Canadian Customs do not require people to take off shoes if they wear rubber running shoes, but only those who wear dress shoes (with metal inside). However, we have to remove belts, mobile phones, watches, and anything made of metal.
U.S. Customs are super strict ……. people have to go through X-rays, metal detectors with the removal of shoes, belts, watches, cell phones, and anything made of metal.
“I think Canadian Customs do not require people to take off shoes if they wear rubber running shoes, but only those who wear dress shoes (with metal inside)”
^ No, we usually wear running shoes and are required to take it off. I am not sure of flats, sandals since we hardly wear these.
But according to a source I found online, it writes:
“Airport security in most international airports requires that you pass through a check point that includes x-ray machines and a metal detector through which you must pass. One of the more recent changes to the airport security procedures has been the requirement that all passengers remove their shoes when passing through security. The shoes are placed in a bin and passed through the x-ray machine, to allow security personnel to check them for any hidden items that might not be caught by a metal detector. This is done to prevent the smuggling of dangerous items through security. More recently, this rule as been amended to exclude young children and seniors who may have difficulty removing their shoes.”
http://www.torontopearson.com/Departing_to_usa.aspx# also writes to avoid steel-toed shoes and that shoes are required to be taken off if asked.
Strange. We flew back from New York via Montreal in late October 2013 wearing running shoes, and we did not have to take shoes off at Montreal airport security.
Also my husband flew to Vancouver and back end of January 2014, he said he did not have to take off his dress shoes. As long as you didn’t have metal in your shoes, you were not required to take off your shoes at Canadian airport security. However, due to this missing flight incident, Canadian security may have to tighten their procedures now.
That’s interesting, but I think it may be due to the assumption that all shoes needs to be taken off. Just a safety measure, I guess.
“This is very disturbing to know that the Malaysian customs do not require their passengers to take off shoes, at the very least.”
Not disturbing at all. Depends on what shoes, ladies usually need not but if heavy boots, perhaps. Men have to take off metal stuff though. It isn’t terrorism then all these arguments are pointless.
China’s railway was way stricter but I remember for plane because I was wearing ugg I had to take it off but not my family who were wearing normal shoes.
“Not disturbing at all.”
Maybe to you, it’s not disturbing, But for most Western countries and Northern American countries, it is very surprising and disturbing.
And for us, it doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, we are required to take off shoes if they asked for it. But most people (like my family) will assume that it is required to take off shoes.
“. It isn’t terrorism then all these arguments are pointless.”
^ No, it is not pointless even if it’s not terrorism because it is a friendly reminder to the rest of the world.
In the States, it is very very strict. Everything has to be taken off, except the first layer of clothese besides underwear. It includes outerwear, sweaters, vests, belts, keys, watches, chains, bracelets (rings, watches and light-weight chains and bracelets are exempted for ladies), mobile phones, any kinds of shoes, boots, etc. Also people are required to go through X-rays. I used to hate all these procedures, but I cannot really say much now. It is better to be safe than anything else.
To add to sandcherry’s comments electronic devices also sees to be shown . And any sharp edges (eg. nails scissors, etc.) are also dumped at that point too. I remember that my sister had a nail scissors, and she was told to get rid of it.
Don;t forget America became hyper careful because they were victims of perhaps the worst terrorist attack in aviation history. Were they that strict prior to 911? If yes, something didn’t work. If no, well, so is the rest of the world. Which is why I said not disturbing at all.
And if MH370 isn’t downed by terrorism, yes none of those arguments about terrorism is relevant since the plane didn’t go down due to that reason. A reminder? Do we need any after 911 which is a direct act of terrorism? But we do need to update our security system but then routinely not just in MAlaysia but everywhere people do travel with stolen or fake passports.
My question is with all the technology these days, why is it still so difficult to trace a plane? Answer is not in the technology out of the plane but the plane itself. It seems the plane itself never caught up with the technology, I am surprised transponder can be turned off manually.
“A reminder? Do we need any after 911 which is a direct act of terrorism? But we do need to update our security system but then routinely not just in MAlaysia but everywhere people do travel with stolen or fake passports.”
^ What I meant by “it is a friendly reminder to the rest of the world.” is that from this, airlines and airport authority would continue to be careful. Some countries may enforce even more stricter rules or modify their customs a bit. More countries’ immigrant officials may begin to use more of the Interpol system. So technically speaking, it is definitely a “friendly reminder” to make sure all the appropriate safety measures are enforced or taken care of by the people who work in the airport indirectly or directly, from airline officials to immigrant officials to customs officials, etc.
Hence, regardless of whether or not this accident is an act of terrorism, it is a friendly reminder to make sure all safety precautions/procedures are enforced. And I said that this isn’t pointless because from other accidents/incidents that have occurred in the past, the airlines and Boeing would have to respond/address some of the concerns raised from the experts who are in the field.
Correction: Similar to other airplane accidents/incidents, the airlines and Boeing would have to respond/address some of the concerns raised from the experts who are in the field.
And Funn, for a Westerner to know that shoes and belts are not required to be taken off during the screening, it is disturbing and a bit surprised. Maybe it’s common to you, but it is not to most Westerners. And even another commenter on this site wrote “forgot i have put a scissor in my hand carry but the msian’s security just let me in without question” is also weird because in Canada, we would be told to get rid of it or be questioned about it.
Ya, what make the teenager super sure he not returning to Iran. Why he so sure of what’ll happen to him in future ? If he ever found out by German authority he’s illegal immigrant, that boy’d deport back to Iran. Gotta strong feeling, two illegal passport fella are terrorists trained & instructed to bring down plane.Strong linkage to Xinjiang extremists, just 1week after Yunnan train station slashing.Can’t be timing so nicely coordinate.
Breaking news. China satellite images suspect plane down in South China Sea on 9March. South Chinese Sea oil rig worker witness saw 1plane burning in 1piece in the air. US Navy deploy 2vessel to the location to pick up 3item. Wait for DNA verify on 3item. If the 3item still floating at the same sea location by time US vessel arrive there.
Agree. If his mother already in Germany and he really want to seek asyllum why he need to used stolen passport? Why not use his own passport? Who want to give asyllum to illegal and suspicious person?
Also don’t forget the other 2 stolen passport holder, one of them was report used Chinese passport. And 5 persons who check-in but didn’t made it on board.
This was just one week after Kunming incident, and Taiwan have information about terror warning on Beijing just couple of days before.
With all due respect to the two Iranians whose fate is still not known, and with no concrete evidence that they are terrorists, people should stop speculating and laying blame.
If a Iranian uses a Iranian passport for travel to Europe, he may be required to apply for a visa, which may be declined, hence he is unable to enter the country. With a stolen European passport, it makes it easier to enter any EU states because of less stringent visa requirements placed on EU citizens. To obtain refugee status, one needs to be already in the country. If you are turn away at a Immigration, you can’t. Which is why there are many people in poorer, war-torn countries who travel on stolen passports just to get out of their own country to seek a better life elsewhere.
“To obtain refugee status, one needs to be already in the country. ”
^ is that how it goes in countries that are part of EU? I know that for Canada, there are different application processes for people who are in Canada and requires refugee status while those who are outside of Canada.
Obviously jump ship/plane.
@ Bubblez
There are provisions granted under the European Convention on Human Rights and Protection of Refugees.
Thanks, I will check that out later.
@ Primrose
Ok I get your idea about EU visa.. However I think with the strict security and procedure high probability he could not pass Europe immigration or even China immigration with stolen passport/illegal documents.
Don’t get wrong I just see the open probabilities. Day by day we don’t have any answer but more and more questions, too many strange things..
Now I hope at least they can find the airplane soon for the sake of family, and I believe even we all feel very sad. Keep #PrayForMH370 _/|\_
When dust settle down.Malaysia government will be sued by the Chinese and whoever interested party for millions of RMB,USD. Example how Asiana Airline sued for 2013 July San Francisco crash.
As usual as in everything ….Malaysian tax payers will pick up the tab…..sigh!
If terrorism, yes. If plane problem, Boeing. If pilot error, MAS. If MAS got sued, effectively govt ala us will be paying,
Terrorism is really terrible and disgusting. Some many innocent people were killed or injured. Every country has to take extra measures at airport security. As a result, everyone suffers ……… airlines cannot increase their airfares due to a major portion has already been allocated to pay for airport taxes. Travellers have to spend so much more money in air travel and using airports. Airport taxes at London (UK), New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, and many other major cities can be as high as 60+% of the fare of an air ticket. In other words, we have to spend 60% more money when we travel by air. Sigh ~
Air travel used to be a luxurious and expensive travel for people in 70s, 80s and 90s. People were served with good meals (6 to 7 meals for a 19 hour-flight from Toronto to Hong Kong) and enjoyed excellent service. Unfortunately, after 911 Attacks in 2001, this kind of luxurious and enjoyable service is no longer available. Airlines have to cut costs on their services by placing fewer flight attendants on flights, serving no meals or just light snacks on domestic flights (including some 5-hour flights in North America) and basic meals on long-haul flights.
Agreed, generally except MH370 may not be terrorism. All the while telling us plane is safe and suddenly reports today said apparently same model plane have cracks. What?!
I think mechanical problems will be more acceptable to people, but not terrorism.
if plane it doesnt necessary be boeing it could also be the fault of the mechanical engineer of the plane who did check the plane’s well being,and that is MAS. i begin to suspect that the malaysian government have something to hide,they dont want use to know the true of the accident,because they are afraid to be sued if it is their fault?
Hope we will find out the truth soon and locate the missing plane even the survival rate is almost zero now.
I’ll be shock if they can’t find the doom plane in 30 days, thats where the black box locator signal goes dead.
Im sure Communist China will hold Malaysia accountable and it could be damage control, left to right.
MIchelle Yeo?…. ahh just give her more money & she will shut up.
Came across this
talks about radar and why it might be hard to track a plane.
the latest news is coming from boeing itself,they say that they had received signals from the engines of the plane untill 4 hours after the plane had disappeared from the radar,that means that the plane had flew on 4 hours when it disappeared from the radar,so this means the area they have to search is becoming bigger and bigger.
Yup, this means the plane could have flown to as far as Pakistan or even North Korea. It could have sunk in the Indian Ocean or East China Sea. More fodder for the conspiracy theorists.
Might it be hijacking to a private island or a remote uninhabited island. Yesterday evening I was hoping the Chinese satellite images is true, then finally today they found out the plane. But
I dunno what to say with all the denying and conflicting information! Seriously T__T really confusing and frustating @__@
God please let the airplane find out _/|\_
there is also a oil-platform worker( michael jerome mcKay) who claim that he saw a burning plane came down from the sky in the chinese sea that match with the timing and place where the plane disappeared from the radar. i think there are too many information now that are in conflict with each other,hope they will solve this mystery soon.
Not sure if the link to this ny times news article has been posted here or not, anyway, a very scathing report on the Malaysian government. My heart goes out to the families and friends of the missing plane passengers and crew.
“It is also an ethnically polarized society where talent often does not rise to the top of government because of patronage politics within the ruling party and a system of ethnic preferences that discourages or blocks the country’s minorities, mainly ethnic Chinese and Indians, from government service.”
To be fair to the Malaysian government, I agree with this statement.
“Yet amid the criticism of the rescue efforts there was also an acknowledgment that the plane’s disappearance was so unusual that perhaps no government would be fully prepared for it.”
I don’t see the connection of a missing plane and our government elite group of politician and cronyism sort of thing as much as I don’t see any connection between 2001 terror plot before 911 and this missing plane.
All these criticisms are baseless simply because everyone is out there looking. If anyone comes attacking Malaysia, we are doomed because all the ships are out there with the helicopters and what nots. We are earnestly looking, every Chinese, Indian, Malay and every religion and it is not like we are sitting down going “nothing happened, just send 2 sampans out will do”. I find these criticisms are just typical in times of tragedy, most are valid but no connection with the loss of the plane.
I doubt the Americans can do any better. Nor anyone. Because right now, not just Malaysia, but US, Vietnam, Thai, China, even coming soon is Japan, etc like a global effort looking for the plane. The failure is shared, the success is shared as well.
““But now international eyes are on them, and they have nowhere to hide.””
I thought that particular minister handled the questions well for someone who knows nothing. The same man with the Keris I was quite impressed he could handle pressure. But then he did hold the keris and the intense scrutiny never bothered him.
I was most impressed with our PM’s wife. At every tragedy, she would ditch her make up, her bouffant styled hair, even nice dress and looked sweaty, tired and yet somewhat the part of a compassionate woman, crying hard, hugging everyone. Notwithstanding rumours of explosive etc thanks to her and rival love, I will say she looked the part.
All these criticisms are just due to the plane not found. And the plane not found isn’t sole their fault. There were just too many information; the sea is very very big, even land is very very big and I was surprised how today’s technology is still not quite there yet. Even if the opposition is in power, nothing different could have been done except maybe we get more statistics rather than speculations.
Bomohs with coconuts and fishing baskets?! WTF? What next??!??
Is this some cultural show?
Even though I understand where they’re coming from (being SE Asian culture myself despite living in NAmerican) … seriously, couldn’t they do this in private?
Even while desperate for answers, putting bomohs out there with public with coconuts is asking for ?!???? By all means hold seances, do whatever you can but NOT in world media eyes.
Gawd … the parodies were funny, and these were parodies from M’sians.
It’s hardly adding credibility or confidence in the MAS or country/the capable judgement of its leaders …. in a climate of already greatly waning confidence.
It will be seen as kampong mentality, 3rd world methods. It’s like a mother calling a temple medium for help with a high fever, instead of a hospital with technology.
Even Obama & his aides watched the antics of the bomoh/shaman on TV…..what an embarrassment indeed! We are truly a laughing stock in the eyes of the world & the international community…!
Obama had part of his upbringing in
Indonesia, so this kind of practice is probably not that unfamiliar to him either.
BUT there is a time and place for everything.
At a time when competency and capability is already highly questionable, and with the world watching = which idiot allowed the bomohs to put on their coconut ‘performance’ for the world media to broadcast?!?
It just adds more doubt to the credibility and intelligence of the decision-makers in charge.
The photo whereby Obama was seen watching live feed on tv was doctored …..some ppl had nothing to do or perhaps acting with malice….
Something is not right!
It’s smelled fishy from the get go and it’s only getting worse.
I’m starting to believe the conspiracy theorists.
So it flew for HOURS under the radar? a bloody 777 ? The fact it didn’t land at any airport makes it sound more like a hijacking.
I think someones goverment knows about this maybe its being hide somewhere..
Of course something is not right. A seemingly well maintained plane flown by captain with decades of experience for an airline famed for their safety record with a plane full of people just suddenly disappear with no debris, no parts, no distress calls, nothing… how can anything be right.
But conspiracy? What conspiracy? It can’t be hijacking because it will need to refuel somewhere or land somewhere or having demands for ransom somewhere.. the fact that it didn’t land at any airport means it either crashed into sea or to land, somewhere where no radar can pick up.
That is as much of conspiracy as there is.
Or some military torpedo accidentally blasted it. Has happened before, could have happened.
If any govt knows about this it ain’t Malaysia.
its probably hijacking.
I wonder if people would still fly to Malaysia after hearimg about this incident
@ tammy:
It’s not so much that the airline disaster itself, but really how it’s being handled in the wake of such a sudden emergency.
Doesn’t inspire confidence.
It could hurt the Malaysia and Southern Asian countries pretty bad if the situation continues to get bad information.
I think that people who lack confidence in traveling to politically unstable areas such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, etc. will less likely travel to Malaysia after this. And for those who already have a bad impression on Malaysia before the disappearance, it probably makes it even more stronger now.
@Tammy,.that will depend on the findings from voice & flight data recorder (if the authorities succeeded in locating & retrieving the orange coloured box, of cos’)
I am flying to Penang next month. On MAS no less via Singapore. Life goes on. Just like I have continued to fly SIA after the crash in Taipei due to pilot taking off on the wrong runway.
Sure life still goes on, but some families are already threatening to sue the Malaysian officials… (according to http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/13/missing-malaysian-airlines-jet-search-for-flight-mh370-spreads-to-indian-ocean-4565122/)
If we were to generalize the mainland Chinese, they are famous for ‘suing’ for ridiculous amount of money. There has been many cases as mentioned from Chinasmack that many mainland Chinese extorting ridiculous amount of money for simple accidents and sometimes from people who helped them. It’s logical to think that the mainland families will sue the airlines an astronomical amount of money for something this huge, accident or not. I heard the airline so far has paid 31000 yuan for each passenger’s family as a ‘waiting’ fee.
Silk Air and Singapore Airlines has had crashes too before in 1997 and 2000, but that was before the growth of social network and almost real time online media.
I would say that Malaysia Airlines and Malaysia are unlucky. To have a huge accident at the time where social network is wild at spreading rampant unconfirmed rumours as news and their government are inexperienced and are confused themselves at handling this kind of disaster especially when there is no precedence of the case even from the world histories. I’ve only seen that their press conferences are improving in these recent two days compared to the beginning where there are lots of confusion and chaos. If only they were all well managed in the beginning. I think the Malaysians should’ve created a disaster management team including well versed PR team.
From some news on Yahoo, i heard the mainland families were already throwing bottles and harsh languages to the airline representatives that met them and alledgely pushed two female representatives to tears.
Life goes on, but if the mainland families are to sue(not so much the Malaysian families because from my malaysian friend’s account, the Malaysian families are a calmer bunch ..as I was told) the MAS airline the astronomical compensation, possible that the airline might be brought down, affecting the tourism to Malaysia and affecting the local economy and the Malaysian citizens. Besides my friend in Malaysia who is an ethnic Chinese too also keep bashing the government in facebook for unable to find the aircraft until now. I’m sorry Funn Lim, but you have to prepare for the worst that can happen. Best of luck to you and all our friends out there. This is a sad consequencesz
“I heard the airline so far has paid 31000 yuan for each passenger’s family as a ‘waiting’ fee.”
^ It doesn’t state if these families are only Chinese-descent…
There has been mixed reports of that fee such as (and a majority of the media who reported this fee was Asian media, and then you have the majority of Western media such as CTV, CBC, Washington Post, etc. did not report this):
I. “Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Regional Senior Vice President for China Joshua Law Kok Hwa said MAS will provide a total of 31,000 Yuan (RM16,577) in initial financial assistance to all families over and above their basic needs.
He said the airline would bear all the expenses for at least one week for the families who decide to stay in Beijing or leave for Kuala Lumpur, Chinese state-run newspaper People’s Daily reported.” (source: http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2014/03/11/Missing-MH370-Financial-assistence/)
II. “In Beijing, MAS has promised to give out a “special condolence payment” of 31,000 yuan (RM16,600) to relatives of each passenger, reported Asia TV Hong Kong.
However, there was no mention of such compensation in Kuala Lumpur.”
Source: http://www.fz.com/content/mas-gives-31000-yuan-condolence-payment-each-passenger-says-hk-radio
III.” Families were informed Monday night that immediate relatives of MH370 passengers would receive 31,000 yuan, roughly $5000, in aid that’s intended to help them with day-to-day expenses and not as bereavement compensation” source: http://stream.wsj.com/story/malaysia-airlines-flight-370/SS-2-475558/SS-2-478617/
On the other hand, my collegemate here has a friend in Malaysia who is either non ethnically chinese or has native malaysian or mixed foreign blood that has a family member in the flight, but this girl as I was told was instead sympathized with the airline representatives in her Facebook post despite the confusing statements, lack of information and the length of waiting to find the plane.
The article didn’t state the nationality of the families who were threatening to sue.
And that part of suing only came from one media source so far.
Bubblez: I thought WSJ is a NY based media, that makes it western. Just yesterday WSJ reported that Rolls Royce engine of the flight send out the last data to RR team 4 hours after the reported missing time, but the Malaysian minister said RR and Boeing denied and said last data transmitted at 1.07am, and today US admin said satellites detected pings from the an aircraft transmitter that will send automatic pings. I’m getting confused at what to believe now.
I’ve also read on some news that a mainland China reporter was sacked from his job for reporting that China has taken the lead of the search. Oh my.
That’s only ONE western media. I did say a MAJORITY of the WESTERN media did not report it. Washington Post, BBC, NBC, ABC, Global, CBC, CTV did not report any of that.
Hehe about the suing part, that’s why I mention ‘if we generalize’, because from the past articles I’ve read on Chinasmack for these few years, there is a looming occurrence in mainland China about families extorting astronomical amount of money after incidents. The worst one was the story of someone sued after helping an elderly, which alledgely has contributed to the paranoia among mainland citizens now to help others in need. Of course these are as reported by Chinasmack and mainland media and social network.
Worse come to worse everyone will sue the airline and no insurance will cover the incident due to no wreckage found, that’s why I feel worried for Funn and other innocent Malaysians who might be impacted by the incident due to the airline and the inexperienced handling of the issue by the authorities.
I think people are considering in suing because the Malaysian officials, specifically the minister keeps on denying some of the findings found (eg. the report where the plane flew for 4 hours after disappearing)..
If the countries who are participating in this investigation finds out that if anyone is hiding information from each other, that will not be a good sign.
Our govt has been bailing out a lot of companies, one company more is no big deal to us poor tax payers. Right now I am more concerned with the haze; everything is choking us to death. Probably Malaysia has “fan tai sui” or something like that.
Of course people will sue but if and only if due to malaysia’s negligence. We won’t know until plane is found.
“Of course people will sue but if and only if due to malaysia’s negligence. We won’t know until plane is found.”
I don’t think so. If countries who are investigating finds out that someone is withholding information, then that could also lead to a lawsuit because you are wasting several other countries’ time and efforts who are not obligated to investigate this but is doing everything they can to help out. . So it really depends on how bad this is.
And I was reading the article on Asiana AIrline’s crash and it mentions how the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) fined Asiana Airlines US$500,000 for failing to keep victims and family of victims updated on the crash…
Being fined as it is against protocol and being sued for negligence is totally different. And since it will be in MAlaysian court, you can say there will be limits to who can sue and for what. This is not America where everyone sues for everything. If MAS is proven to have not conducted itself to give rise to negligence, if Malaysian govt is not at fault with the plane crashing (or whatever it is about), then how can there be any cause of action?
” March 14, 2014 at 12:05 am
I think people are considering in suing because the Malaysian officials, specifically the minister keeps on denying some of the findings found (eg. the report where the plane flew for 4 hours after disappearing).. ”
If ministers who routinely give press conference to affirm or deny findings, I will say the law is useless. He is just doing his job at affirming and denying. What is there to sue about? What is the cause of action? Where is the breach? What is the damage/loss? If there is nothing found, of course he will keep denying. Unless there is a conspiracy and congrats to the person with the burden of proving that said conspiracy. The officials know nothing hence he is telling every side of the story. If there is a lawsuit against stupidity, perhaps. But right now I fail to see any cause of action at all.
“If ministers who routinely give press conference to affirm or deny findings, I will say the law is useless. He is just doing his job at affirming and denying. What is there to sue about? What is the cause of action? Where is the breach? What is the damage/loss? If there is nothing found, of course he will keep denying. Unless there is a conspiracy and congrats to the person with the burden of proving that said conspiracy. The officials know nothing hence he is telling every side of the story. If there is a lawsuit against stupidity, perhaps. But right now I fail to see any cause of action at all.”
^ http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/topvideos/2014/03/13/tsr-todd-dnt-malaysia-flight-confusion.cnn&video_referrer=#/video/topvideos/2014/03/13/tsr-todd-dnt-malaysia-flight-confusion.cnn .
I generally think that there will be consequences regardless of finding the plane or not.
The comments that are going on Facebook, Twitter is insane.
I heard their basis to sue the Malay govt are:
1. The Malay gov are slow in giving information about the crash and they always deny news from the media and don’t have much info. Now already a week and nothing was found. One western reporter has mocked that in the last few days the press con is only for the minister to deny all rumours.
2. The co pilot in 2011 has invited passengers into the pilot and breached airline law. The witness is the Australian girl.
3. 2 Iranian travel with fake passport which revealed that Malay immigration SOP not including checking passport with interpol database, unlike what US and Emirates and UK are doing.
Whether the plane is found or not they will still sue Funn. In CCTV news I heard my friends said they have already discussed the monetary and compensation matters.
Monetary compensation is not an admittance of negligence; it is merely compensatory for loss of life like insurance.
And they can sue of course but without the plane, they won’t win. There is no cause of action until plane is found.
Why awaiting moderation?? Curious… repost
Subject to a fine by the aviation governing body, maybe.
“1. The Malay govt are slow in giving information about the crash and they always deny news from the media and don’t have much info. Now already a week and nothing was found. One western reporter has mocked that in the last few days the press con is only for the minister to deny all rumours.”
No basis for suing anyone. It is not Malaysian govt’s fault the plane is not found. They had to deny because too many rumours going around and rumours were not from govt side.
“2. The co pilot in 2011 has invited passengers into the pilot and breached airline law. The witness is the Australian girl.”
Fined yes, sued? For what? Was this incident why the plane crashed (if it crashed)? No? Then the cause of action? And no one has proven that they were in mid flight when she was in the co-ckpit. All we have is the testimony of an attention seeker (if one need to argue on that). It is all circumstantial.
“3. 2 Iranian travel with fake passport which revealed that Malay immigration SOP not including checking passport with interpol database, unlike what US and Emirates and UK are doing.”
Only if the plane was brought down by these 2 iranians who by the way were proven (or at least one of them) to be “jumping plane” and not terrorists. So again, what is the cause of action? Again fined yes, but sued? For what? And they have no cause to check again interpol database if the name is the bearer meaning if Italian name BUT Chinese looking guy but not checked, yes, fined and sue if plane brought down by suspected terrorist of the same person.
There is no basis so sue anyone, lots of basis to fine, lots of basis to fine tune process but suing?
Now let me give you this scenario.
1. Plane crashed due to mechanical failure that is part of or not part of pilot’s error.
Yes, then can sue MAS AND MAS can sue boeing and we can all sue boeing as well and boeing will be fined as well
2. Plane was hijacked by terrorists and subsequently blown up by the same terrorist where passport not checked with interpol database
Sue MAS, sue MAlaysia yes.
3. Plane hijacked by terrorists but not the passport suspected to be so
How to sue then? If these terrorists were holding their own valid passports?
4. Terrorists from China
EVeryone sue China! Why sue Malaysia? But yes sue Malaysia AND China, Malaysia for lack of security, China for the terrorists
5. act of god
who to sue? God?
6. Govt conspiracy, covering up
Yes sue everyone
7. rouge military torpedo torpedoed the plane
Sue that country, and no one else.
I think you are a too naive in thinking that people won’t ponder to sue or think of a lawsuit due to lack of cause of action.
National Post wrote: ” The part of the 777’s Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System that transmits information about the status of the plane’s engines can’t be turned off by the pilot. interestingly, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that just this kind of information had been picked up for four hours after all other contact with MH370 had been lost. For what it’s worth, Malaysian authorities have declared that that report was erroneous—but on Thursday, the Washington Post quoted White House spokesman Jay Carney as saying “one possible piece of information or . . . pieces of information has led to the possibility that a new . . . search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean, but I don’t have any more details on that.”
Subject to a fine by the aviation governing body, maybe.
That will happen eventually, just depends on when the plane is found or not.
“1. “No basis for suing anyone. It is not Malaysian govt’s fault the plane is not found. They had to deny because too many rumours going around and rumours were not from govt side.”
Right, it was the US officials who told a particular news outlet the findings.
“2. Fined yes, sued? For what? Was this incident why the plane crashed (if it crashed)? No? Then the cause of action? And no one has proven that they were in mid flight when she was in the co-ckpit. All we have is the testimony of an attention seeker (if one need to argue on that). It is all circumstantial.
“3. 2 Iranian travel with fake passport which revealed that Malay immigration SOP not including checking passport with interpol database, unlike what US and Emirates and UK are doing.”
It is a surprise to know that countries do not check Interpol but it also raises the issue of checking passports more regularly.
And, those Iranians who used a fake passport, would most likely have that beside their name, making it difficult for them to get the “refugee” status now.
Yes, then can sue MAS AND MAS can sue boeing and we can all sue boeing as well and boeing will be fined as well
if it is a mechanical error, then Boeing would need to modify their procedures, which they have done in the past with incidents that occurred to Boeing’s procedures and be fined accordingly.
2. Sue MAS, sue MAlaysia yes.
Compared to other airports, Malaysian Airlines and the airport authority will be partly responsible for the lack of security imposed on the passengers. As for suing, not likely.
3. Plane hijacked by terrorists but not the passport suspected to be so
How to sue then? If these terrorists were holding their own valid passports?
You can have a valid passport and still be allowed on the plane. Or in some cases, bombing airplanes without the present of the owner of the bombs.
4. Terrorists from China
This is very illogical. Why would “chinese terrorists” bomb their own countrymen if they make up a majority of the passengers?
5. act of god
who to sue? God?
This is illogical, like #4. If that was the case, imagine how many times god would be sued due to airplane crashes.
6. Govt conspiracy, covering up
This sounds legit. If it is found to be true, fined or sued.
7. Sue that country, and no one else.
Maybe, if it was a military bullet that shot it down.
I can explain at length on the suing part but it is too long for me to explain. Simply put, even you can sue me but what do you sur on? In this case I can think of a few but can they win? I skipped a few explanations but without the plane there can be more winning in suing. There will be out of court settlement which is not the same as admission of guilt . No I am not naive but I thought some who knows the law will know when I say mow is premature. You don’t even know what hAppened yet. People will sue eventually and out of court settlement.
Here’s another article talking about the black box:
if the article “http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/14/malaysia-flight-mh370-hunt-sees-suspicion-and-cooperation-china-us” is saying some truth, then this investigation will take longer to solve than it should be.
And if the reports that are saying that two communication systems are turned off at different times is true, it means that this may be done intentionally by someone as an expert says “The only device on the plane that is relevant is the transponder. There are two of them, but they can easily be turned off with a simple rotary switch”.
And I was following http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/malaysian-airlines-flight-mh370-mystery-web-chat-with-our-expert-1.2572853 (a live chat with an aviation expert) and some of the answers was helpful:
someone asks “Could it be a gross negligence of safety issue by Malaysian authorities, for which they are trying to hide all the information and diver attention? ” and Williams wrote back ” I strongly doubt that the Malaysian authorities are any less interested than we are in bringing this search to a successful conclusion.”. And according to Jock Williams (a retired pilot), he says that right now, the authorities are not sure if the plane crashed or landed somewhere.
A Malaysian asked this question on the CBC chat: “What is your opinion on the competency of the Malaysian side handling the investigation? I’m Malaysian and I’ve been told to stay quiet if I cannot contribute; meanwhile the international media seems to paint a bleak picture. The local media is spinning that Hishammudin is doing an excellent job. ”
Jock Williams: I think there are people who are dismissing the Malaysian efforts as being typical of a third-world country, and I disagree strongly. This is an extremely complex investigation which is just in the opening phases – I’m sure that the authorities will use all the available help in finding answers.
I was also following some other CBC articles and reading some of the commenters made. A commenter writes “Canada [and other countries have] set up the SARSAT program, which tracks planes in distress by satellites. An ELT (Emergency Location Transmitter) is used to send signals that are picked up by a satellite and transmitted to a Mission Control Center.
26 countries are part of this program. Unfortunately, Malaysia is not one of these countries.”
The most recent news update of the airplane:
Stay tuned….the next press conference at 1:30pm Malaysian time ….
The Malaysian PM is expected to be chairing the press conference so it looks like it will be a major announcement.
PM Najib confirmed the plane turned back and action was deliberate. However, he did not confirm it was a hijack. The investigation is now re-focused on the crew and passengers.