Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng are Still Good Friends

Past rumored couple, Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), appeared at TVB City in Tseung Kwan O to shoot promotional photographs today. Although the two did not have pictures taken together, they were seen laughing and chatting happily in the dressing room, unafraid of sparking rumors once again.

Charmaine has publicly announced she will be focusing her career towards the mainland Chinese market. After recently signing a contract with TVBC, she put in her best efforts to promote for the company. Furthermore, Charmaine promised she will film one TVB drama each year, and that her next drama will start shooting in January 2014.

TVB has recently been recruiting popular veterans such as Anthony Wong (黃秋生) and Tony Leung Ka Fai (梁家輝) to star in future dramas. Charmaine exclaimed her wish to be able to collaborate with the stars. “Of course I want to work together with them and learn from them. But the company gets to pick the script.”

Like Charmaine, Kevin has also been filming in mainland China. Learning of Charmaine’s plan to film one drama for TVB per year, he expressed his wish to collaborate with her once again. “If there is a chance, I’ll be looking forward to it! Charmaine is a very professional actress. When I return [to TVB], there has to be an opportunity sometime. I’m coming back next year.” He further stated there is no awkwardness between them.

While filming of Forensic Heroes 2 <法證先鋒II>, Kevin allegedly secretly dated Charmaine and broke up with Niki Chow (周麗淇). One time, Kevin drove Charmaine home to Nam Wai Village, where there happened to be a fire caused by a flood. The villagers reportedly came out to help, and spotted Charmaine awkwardly hiding in a corner. Thus, Kevin and Charmaine’s secret relationship was exposed. According to tabloids, they broke up within two years. However, the rumored ex-couple still remain friends and do not appear to be awkward at all around each other.

Source: Apple Daily

This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. so now that charmaine’s career in mainland slowing, not only she comes back to tvb to help her regain her momentum in hk and mainland, but she also suddenly be desperate and throwing herself to kevin when he’s a popular figure in mainland now?

    1. Boy, you sound even more creative then the reporters do. You should write some articles and publish them.

    2. Are we reading the same article? If so, please point out where it says she’s desperate to make a comeback and at Kevin. She didn’t even mentioned him in the article, Kevin suggested he wouldn’t mind working with Charmaine no one is throwing themselves at anyone. If anything, she’s doing tvb a favor not the other way around given how the current leading actresses is not doing any justice to their previous successors.

      1. I am very hater too – I could not stand this lady’s acting and smiling (well I did feel she kind of cute but it was like 10+ year ago). Oh, come back to where we dicuss, she is fine without TVB and the man called Kevin (I hate this guy too)

    3. Many TVB artists do not cut ties with TVB because of that. Not everyone will be successful. It rook Hawick Lau years of hard work. Kevin is not that much better. He may just be a one hit wonder with BBJX.

      1. kevin is still receiving many grand productions from mainland after bbjx. while charmaine on the other hand, heard that her mongolia based series wasn’t doing well in mainland and isn’t popular when aired in mainland tv stations.

      2. Legend of Kublai Khan haven’t been officially aired in Mainland China yet. The version aired was a trial on a local station (not regional) and you know what? It was the top 3 ratings among its competition.

        p.s. You should worry abt Myolie instead, since her Mainland series got less reception and she’s getting paid much lower, and only being considered as back-up when Charmaine rejected their offer instead.

      3. If Charmaine’s “Legend of Kublai Khan” becomes very popular in Mainland China, Charmaine will become another Kevin Cheng. I just wish her good luck. Her drama series seems to be a grand production and I hope it will have very high viewership ratings.

      4. Seriously – people act like Charmaine is living off of filming series salary only. Come on’ she’s got plenty of PR events and endorsements to keep her well off.

        Who cares if not all of her series are number 1 and she’s not in newspaper EVERY SINGLE DAY?

        People are so ridiculous … Charmaine is doing fine. She does not need TVB. If anything TVB would want her to join back and help out a few series.

        Ugh – plenty of people are doing fine in Mainland China but not as famous as TVB artist.

    4. Wow, the level of reaching in this comment! You’re such a delusional stan.

  2. Glad to learn that Charmaine Sheh will be filming for TVB in January 2014. Hope she will have a good character and a good script.

    If Kevin is going to collaborate with Charmaine again, I would prefer to watch their modern drama series, not ancient ones. Kevin seems to look good in Ching Dynasty costumes only, not in others.

    1. I would not say so and think Kevin looks great in ancient clothing.

  3. “One time, Kevin drove Charmaine home to Nam Wai Village, where there happened to be a fire caused by a flood. The villagers reportedly came out to help, and spotted Charmaine awkwardly hiding in a corner. ”

    I didn’t know that. Maybe she was just standing in the corner to get away from the fire, flood and getting in the way of rescue whatever?

    1. Hongkong tabloids would take advantage of every single opportunity to make big news of every single artiste.

    2. The story version keep changing everytime. Now there’s even fire. It will evolved perhaps with supernatural element added and eventually become an urban legend. LOL.

      1. As a matter of fact, I have never read that article. This is my first time learning about their “secret” relationship.

      2. I meant that I never knew that was the way how their relationship was discovered by the media.

      3. I never heard this story before! I thought they publicly confirmed it or something because I remember seeing pictures of them on the newspapers and they posed as a couple.

    3. That means that’s how their relationship got exposed?

  4. I’m glad Charmaine will be filming a series for tvb since i haven’t seen her in a while (I don’t watch any mainland series). I wonder what series Kevin will be filming.

    1. Same with me, and I want to watch Charmaine Sheh’s drama series in Cantonese.

  5. Anyone seen that Ip Man series produced in PRC with Kevin as its main star? It’s very boring. Same old storyline. I feel sorry for the production company who was rumored to have paid Kevin $$$, his acting is laughable and facial expressions were so limited.

    1. Haven’t watched Ip Man acted by Kevin Cheng. Personally, I never think too highly of Kevin Cheng’s acting. He did badly in 宮心計 (“Beyond the Realm of Conscience”).

      His best drama series was “BBJX”.

      1. “BBJX” might not be Kevin Cheng’s best drama series, but it was definitely the one which generated his popularity in Mainland China.

    2. and i’ve watched it. Gave up midway though. Even though the quality of its productions are heaps better than TVB’s, the plot was too long and draggy. And yes, Kevin’s acting was pretty bad and one-noted

  6. Kevin is one of my favourite actors.I liked his role in last one standing and the boxing one.Charmanie is good as well.

    1. I used to like Kevin Cheng more in the past drama series though I never think highly of his acting. However, I hate his acting as Law Bah in “Ghetto Justice” and “Ghetto Justice II”. He over-exaggerated in his character. A lawyer should never behave like that in trials and court proceedings.

      1. Well its what LA Law was about and it was a very entertaining character and series

      2. The character wasnt over-exagerrative at all. He just had a wacky personality. I dont see everyone dissing Captain Jack sparrows character just because he is different. No Johnny Depp created a memorable character as well as catapaulting his star status for it.

    2. i think he is best in BBJX – maybe it is the director, able to direct him to his highest potential

  7. Current comments about PRC produced dramas are always good while TVB ones are lousy etc. Well I have acess to 80 PRC channels and can watch their dramas 24/7. Frankly only a few are interesting but they do have a large pool of actors to rotate unlike HK. BBJX is ok despite the lousy back to the future storyline because it has a fine cast and Kevin only played a supporting role next to Nick Wu. Few HK tv actors have good roles in PRC productions not even C Sheh. Too much exaggeration on their pay package!!

    1. I never thought of her as so? hahaha…LOL…She is just another Ms. HK IMO of course. They even compare her to Carina Lau at some poin which I don’t think they look anything alike. They are both just ok looking.

  8. Kevin is completely overrated, his acting is just bad. Charmaine has no where to go but come back to TVB

  9. well, to each his own, I still enjoy watching Charmaine and Kevin’s shows and I’d rather watch them in Cantonese dramas because then it’s more fun listening to their own voices as to me it makes a lot of difference than listening to the dubbed ones. Now that they are older and more matured in their outlook and having gone through their ‘trials of life’ they should be more relaxed in each other’s company and that should show in their acting together. That would be just so wonderful.

  10. That’s nice of Kevin to say that he wish that he and Charmaine would be in TVB drama together without awkwardness and any other relationship

    1. They will come back next year but Charmaine is going to be in Tony Leung’s series while Kevin is going to be in Amy Wong’s Drama, but it will determine on the cast.

  11. Kevin Cheng is fine but I hate Charmaine very much. She acts not naturally and always tries to be younger than her real age by smiling the same smile, which makes me feel boring @@

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